Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 03/14/2007
Updated: 01/16/2009
Words: 9,249
Chapters: 8
Hits: 3,666

Who Needs a Reason


Story Summary:
A series of vignettes, set post HBP. Voldemort's gone, and one girl has the courage to stand up for what she believes, despite her family. A series of scenes.

Chapter 07 - Scene 7


The last time Ginny and I had gone to Hogsmead, I'd wound up friends with the twins. This time, I wondered what would happen. Apparently, Mrs. Weasley was meeting the girls at Gladrags, where I would escort them to, and then I was to make myself scarce, so I wouldn't get to see just what they chose. They would meet me for lunch at 2 at The Three Broomsticks, so I had a couple of hours to wander around the village, after I took the invitations to be owled. The invitations were simple, ivory parchment with a lovely dark blue calligraphy. The wording was simple as well, making the invitations just the right style of elegant and yet relaxed.

The honour of your presence is requested

At a ball celebrating the Christmas Victory

Of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


The Victory ball will be held on the first Saturday

After the end of the Hogwarts term

At Malfoy Manor.

Festivities will begin at 7:30 in the evening.

Lodgings will be provided after the event,

For those who need them.

R.S.V.P. to Molly Weasley at the Burrow.

Directions will be provided, as well as portkeys for those who need them.

I smiled as I thought of the shock on some of those faces when they read their owl post in the morning.

I spent the morning browsing in Quality Quidditch Supplies, as well as Flourish and Botts. When I saw Potter, I was reminded that Ginny had suggested I invite him and Ron to join the group of us for lunch. With a shake of my head at how I was acting like a Hufflepuff, I approached the Boy Who Lived.


"Malfoy." He nodded briefly, as I did the same.

"Look, I'm having lunch with the girls at two, at The Three Broomsticks. Ginny's Mum will be there, and Ginny thought you and Ron might like to join us."

"Mrs. Weasley's in Hogsmead? Ok, I think we'll probably see you then, Malfoy." He paused there for a moment, shooting a warning glance to Ron, who'd yet to open his mouth. If I'd looked closer, I might have noticed that was because Fred and George were in the doorway of their shop and one of the twins had his wand pointed right at the younger Weasley. I almost didn't hear Potter's thanks, but I nodded and turned, smiling when the twins waved me over.

I spent the remainder of my morning with them, just chatting about the ball and school. It was nearly two when I left, heading just down the street to meet the girls and Mrs. Weasley for lunch. I was the first one to arrive, and Madam Rosmerta quickly had a table prepared. I mentioned that there would be at least five of us, possibly seven or nine if the twins decided to show up, so she made sure that we had a room off the side to ourselves. I was hoping the girls would arrive before Potter and Weasley, just to keep the peace.

I was in luck, as I heard the giggles of Pansy, Hermione and Ginny coming, along with Mrs. Weasley's slightly doting voice. The four ladies had just been seated when Potter showed up, with Ron and the twins. Apparently, Fred and George hadn't felt Ron could be trusted, even with their mother present.

"Ladies, I hope you don't mind the extra company? I thought it only fair we invite the boys to join us for lunch, give them a chance to see some of the preparations you've all been working so hard on." I smiled as I spoke, one hand reaching for Ginny's over the table.

I almost didn't hear Granger speak, I was too busy staring into Ginevra's eyes, but really, we weren't necessary to the conversation anyway. The nine of us had a wonderful time, and before we knew it, it was time to return to school.

"Oh dears, you must be getting back. And I've got to get back to the Burrow and get dinner sorted out before Arthur gets home." Mrs. Weasley smiled and kissed each of her children on the cheeks before doing the same to Harry, Hermione, and surprisingly, myself.

Our group splintered off as we walked back towards the castle, Ginny by my side as Potter and Weasley walked off ahead. Pansy and Hermione stayed close to us, apparently having bonded quite well while the girls were trying on dresses.


The evening found us sitting in the living area of my rooms, watching the fire idly, with the planning books open before us. Ginny was wearing an old pair of shorts, I think they'd been Charlie's, and one of my button down shirts that she'd stolen weeks previously. I couldn't get over how beautiful she looked in the strangest of outfits.

"I think we've got everything about sorted out. The house elves are already hard at work, getting the Manor cleaned and making sure nothing of Father's remains. Once they finish, they'll start setting up the ballroom and making sure there are enough guest rooms ready."

Ginny nodded. "That could take ages. Mum said she's already had so many favorable replies. She also said a few folks have been surprised at the location, but it hasn't put anyone off, really."

"Good. I was a little concerned it might. But I'm more excited to have you there for part of the summer, Gin."

She just smiled the one she saves just for me, and laid her head on my shoulder. We sat like that for ages, leaning against an overstuffed chair. When I looked down, I noticed she was asleep.

And that is how the Gryffindor princess spent yet another night in my bed. Her hair really did look amazing on those dark green sheets.

I may leave things here, or I might continue. It really depends on if the muse strikes. As it stands, I've finished all the chapters I had started on my computer, and I'm rather at a loss as to how to continue without things sounding any more cliched.