Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 03/14/2007
Updated: 01/16/2009
Words: 9,249
Chapters: 8
Hits: 3,666

Who Needs a Reason


Story Summary:
A series of vignettes, set post HBP. Voldemort's gone, and one girl has the courage to stand up for what she believes, despite her family. A series of scenes.

Chapter 08 - Chapter 8


The rest of term passed fairly quickly. Ginny had practically moved into my rooms, and despite the occasional strange glance from classmates or professors, most had accepted the arrangement gracefully. I was somewhat surprised by the staff's approach of ignoring events, but I suspect that may have been more to the trustworthiness of Ginny than myself. Of course, the wonder trio was still creating problems, or at least, two thirds of it were, but even a few of the Gryffindors had taken to rolling their eyes at them.

Before I knew it, we were on the train heading home. It was strange, sharing a compartment with non-Slytherins, but it was a refreshing change in some ways. And the trip to the Manor was infinitely better with company. Mrs. Weasley had hugged me and smiled at the sight of my hand locked with her daughter's, before greeting Scarhead and Weasel King. The house was ready when we arrived, each guest being shown to a room by a house elf.

The next few days were full of preparations for the ball, and the constant arrival of still more Weasleys, as well as our friends. It seemed strange to call them ours now, this curious mix of her friends and mine.

The day of the ball was a quiet one, full of frenzied preparations by the house elves, as well as the girls. Shortly after lunch, Pansy and Hermione stole Ginny and Luna away, leaving Blaise and I to our own devices, since we were not spending the afternoon with Potter and Weasley without the buffer of the girls to keep us out of trouble.


I wasn't unaware of the arrival of the guests below. I brushed an imaginary piece of lint off the sleeve of my forest green dress robes as I waited at the top of the stairs. Most of our guests had been shown to their seats, there were only a handful of us at the top of the stairs, waiting to be announced. When Ginny came into my sight, I smiled, resisting the urge to let my jaw hit the floor. Her mint green robes were the perfect compliment to her gorgeous hair, and to my own robes. We would be the last to descend the stairs, immediately after Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

I watched as Potter and Hermione descended, marveling slightly over how I had gone from calling her Granger, and other less polite names, to being on a first name basis with her. Blaise and Luna had already been seated, but the Wonder Trio had earned special entrances. As my dearest friend had already begun charming the unusual Ravenclaw, Weasley was forced to accept when Pansy decided he had to be her escort. It would do wonders for her reputation to be seen on the arm of one of the heros of the Wizarding World. And it was fun to watch the redhead's discomfort as they walked down the stairs.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were next, and it was apparent how much the training of her youth had stayed with the matriarch of the family. She had chosen a lovely set of amethyst dress robes and moved with a grace I'd rarely seen her use. I was quite charmed by the woman, though I'd probably never admit it.

And then I heard the crowd hush slightly as Ginny and I were announced. I ignored the few hostile stares, and smiled at the redhead on my arm.

"You look lovely tonight, Ginevra." My voice was a quiet whisper, but I was sure she heard me.

"You don't look so bad yourself, Draco." My vixen smiled as she leaned close to place a kiss on my cheek as we reached the bottom of the stairs. It wasn't the most appropriate place, but I wouldn't complain about anything my favorite redhead would do.

Once we were all seated, dinner was served, and conversation flowed through the room. I heard a few mutterings, but nothing too rude, at least not in my hearing.

After dinner, we moved easily into the next room. Smaller tables lined the room, around a large dance floor. The first part of the evening, one of my mother's favorite bands would play. Towards the end of the evening, the Wizarding World's equivalent to a muggle DJ would take over, allowing the younger generation to have some fun as well.

Tradition dictated that I open the dance with my hostess, but as I had two in this case, Ginny and I had discussed the situation, and it was with her blessing that I stepped up beside her mother and bowed.

"If I may have the pleasure?" I smiled as I held out my hand, smiling when Ginny appeared beside her father, looking up expectantly. I gracefully led Mrs. Weasley around the floor, as Ginny danced with her father and other couples joined us. I had to bite back a laugh at Potter trying not to step on Hermione's feet, and Pansy's subtle leading of Weasley around the room. Strange as it may be each of Ginny's other brothers were easy to refer to by their first names. But the youngest would always be Weasley to me.

The evening passed smoothly, most of the rest of my dances claimed by my delightful girlfriend. Her brothers all appeared to be having a wonderful time, even the Weasel King. Apparently, Pansy was starting to grow on him. Even those doubting members of the press appeared to be having fun.

I suppose then, that it really shouldn't have been a surprise to see the front page photo on the Daily Prophet the next morning. Ginny and I were dancing, and the love in my eyes as I looked at her was so clear, as was hers for me. The headline was a bit surprising however.

Disgraced Slytherin Finds Love And Redemption with Gryffindor Princess

So, maybe I slipped them a nickname or two, but she is a princess. At least in my eyes. And that is how I plan on spending the rest of my life making her feel.

Thank you to everyone who has stayed with my story, through my very long bursts of writer's block. This will probably be the final chapter, unless I get a burst of inspiration for an epilogue.