Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 03/14/2007
Updated: 01/16/2009
Words: 9,249
Chapters: 8
Hits: 3,666

Who Needs a Reason


Story Summary:
A series of vignettes, set post HBP. Voldemort's gone, and one girl has the courage to stand up for what she believes, despite her family. A series of scenes.

Chapter 06 - Scene 6


The end of term had approached rapidly, only a few more weeks until we'd have our end of term exams. Almost all of the Seventh Years had put their N.E.W.T.S. off, which wasn't a big surprise to anyone. Pansy and Ginny had become quite good friends, and the two were almost always seen with either one of Mum's planning books or a catalog, going over color schemes and such. I'd even seen Granger with the two, the three girls giggling together. It was a sight that actually made me smile, watching Ginny with our friends, wondering how many were rolling in their graves.

It was a bit of a surprise though, when Potter stepped up beside me in the library one day, where I'd been leaning against a bookshelf, watching the three girls look through catalogs.



He was silent for a moment, and then he looked up at me, actually making eye contact without glaring. "Look, I wanted to apologize. I know I've been a bit of a prat about your relationship with Ginny, but it would take an idiot not to see that you do care about her."

I nodded, my face expressionless.

"Obviously, we're not going to be best mates or anything, but truce?"

"Truce." I held out my hand as he took and shook it, glancing over at Ginny just in time to catch her wink and then nudge Granger, who grinned at Potter like he'd just saved the bloody world, again. I raised an eyebrow at Ginny, who just smiled and shrugged.

Later that afternoon, Ginny was talking to her mother over the floo, while I reviewed some of my notes from History of Magic. The girls had narrowed it down to about three color schemes and Mrs. Weasley was giving her opinions on the choices. I figured it might be an opportune time to ask Mrs. Weasley if the entire family might consider staying with us for the week after term ended and the ball began, and perhaps a bit of time after as well.

"Mrs. Weasley," I began before she interrupted.

"Yes, Draco, dear?"

"With all the last minute details to be handled for the ball, would you and the rest of your family consider staying at the Manor with me? I'm sure it would be so much easier if we were all in the same location, plus, I can't deny that I would love the extra time with Ginny."

Mrs. Weasley gave me a look worthy of a Ravenclaw and then she smiled. "Of course, dear, Ginny and I'd already discussed the idea. She said you were probably going to invite us to stay for a while, and Arthur and I would like the chance to get to know you a bit better, as would the boys."

The two redheads smiled, as I bowed my head slightly, a gesture of respect for out-maneuvering me. "So it's settled then? I'll arrange transportation from King's Cross to the Manor. I should check with my cousin Nymphadora as well, see if the Aurors have gotten all of Lucius' little toys."

"Draco," Ginny piped up, "Tonks owled yesterday, said she thought they'd gotten everything."

"Yes, Love, but I want to be sure there's nothing left that could hurt you, or anyone else." Mrs. Weasley was smiling in the floo as I leaned over and kissed Ginny on the forehead.

"Oh, Mom, there's a Hogsmeade weekend this week, and Pansy, Hermione and I were going to go shopping for robes. Do you think you could meet us there?"

"Oh, Ginny, I can probably get there. Do you need any money? The twins are doing quite well and have offered to take care of both our robes."

"Oh no, Mum, Draco already said he wanted to get both of ours, since we're hostessing for him."

"Draco, you don't have to do that, you dear boy."

"But you are doing me such a huge favor, Mrs. Weasley. It's the least I can do." The smile she gave me showed I must have looked almost Hufflepuff-esque.

"Very well dear, I shall see you both on Saturday then? You will be joining us for lunch, right Draco?"

"Of course, lunch with four of my favorite girls. What could be better?"

She smiled and ended the floo call, blowing a kiss to each of us as Ginny leaned over to kiss me herself.

"You do realize my mum's already half planning a wedding right?"

"Well, perhaps she's got the right idea, Red." I smirked, letting Ginny wonder just what I was up to, and got up to return to studying. "You'd best go find Pansy and Hermione, let them know what you two decided and about shopping with your Mum. Oh, and I think we should make sure Potter and Hermione sit next to each other."

She winked at that, kissed me again and headed out the door, ideas spinning in her mind about shopping, balls, weddings and playing matchmaker.

Well, I couldn't wonder anymore if the world would end if I became friends with a Muggleborn, it seemed that had happened and now here I was trying to fix her up with Potter, in a completely Slytherin way, of course.

While Ginny was out having some girl time with Granger and Pansy, I picked up the seating chart she'd started working out, mainly for the head tables, where the Order of the Phoenix would be sitting. With a simple switch, Granger and Potter were now together, beside Ginny and myself, with Blaise, Pansy, Ron and Luna Lovegood rounding out the group. It was with just a hint of malice that I switched things around so that Blaise sat next to Ginny, leaving Ron between Lovegood and Pansy. I'd caught Blaise glancing at the blonde Ravenclaw more than once, perhaps this would give him the chance he needed as well.

When Ginny finally returned to my rooms, it was nearly time for dinner. But my favorite redhead had chosen to surprise me, bringing a basket from the kitchens. It had been a while since we'd had any time to ourselves, what with homework, studying and the preparations.

"And what have you there, Love?"

She smiled, lighting up the room. "I didn't really feel like being the object of stares tonight, and they are still staring. So I went and talked to Dobby, who just handed over this big basket of food. It's far too much for just me, so I figured a quiet dinner would be just the thing for the two of us."

"Have I mentioned lately that you're brilliant? How did you not get into Ravenclaw?"

She smirked, almost a mirror copy of my favorite expression. "It's the red hair and freckles, sent me straight to Gryffindor." I grinned and took the basket from her, sitting it on the table while she picked up the seating chart I'd moved aside.

I shrugged at her raised eyebrow and used my wand to clear the rest of the table for our feast. She didn't make any changes though, in fact, she looked rather pleased.

"Playing matchmaker, Draco?"

"Zabini's got a crush on Lovegood, Granger's got one on Potter, rather left the Weasel King a bit stuck."

Ginny laughed, and helped me empty the basket, spreading the food out on the table and sitting down beside me. We ate quietly, snogging between bites, just enjoying the privacy.

"Stay tonight, Gin?" I asked this nearly every night, and she almost always refused, but this time, she looked up at my face, studying my eyes for a long moment. And then she nodded.

When I smiled and tugged her close again, resting my chin on her head, I heard her say quietly, "This doesn't mean we're shagging."

I pulled back to look into her eyes. "Gin, I am not worried about that, I just want you here when I wake up." When her eyes widened slightly in disbelief, I continued, "Yes, I want to. Merlin knows you drive me absolutely mad with wanting you, but I don't want to rush anything. We've got time, Gin-blossom, all the time in the world."

The kiss she gave me then, well, my toes curled and had I not been Slytherin's famous Ice Prince, I might have lost control. "My bright Gryffindor flame," I murmured against her hair, clutching her tight to me.

And that is how the "Slytherin Sex God" managed to fall asleep with an arm full of petite, red-headed Gryffindor.

Ok, I know it's been a while, but hey, DH threw me for a loop. I couldn't help hoping JKR might just toss a few surprises into the pairings. But oh well, I still have fandom!