Cho Chang
Drama Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 12/19/2004
Updated: 12/24/2004
Words: 43,359
Chapters: 5
Hits: 5,444

Harry Potter's Christmas Angel

R.S. Lindsay

Story Summary:
On a Christmas visit to Hogsmeade, Harry Potter meets a young man named Clarence who claims to be an angel sent from Heaven. But it isn't what you think, folks! A chance encounter with a saddened old lady leads Harry to perform a few Christmas miracles, learn a few lessons about faith, life, and death, and find a long-lost family treasure in a place he never expected. Merry Christmas, FictionAlley!

Chapter 01

On a Christmas visit to Hogsmeade, Harry Potter meets a young man named Clarence who claims to be an angel sent from Heaven. But it isn't what you think, folks! A chance encounter with a saddened old lady leads Harry to perform a few Christmas miracles, learn a few lessons about faith, life, and death, and find a long-lost family treasure in a place he never expected. Merry Christmas, FictionAlley!

Words: 9,205
Hits: 1,406
Chapter 02

Could Harry really be “Stuck in Pottersville?” As he and the angel Clarence wander the streets of Hogsmeade at Christmastime, they encounter Draco Malfoy at the Three Broomsticks, a house-elf choir led by Dobby, and an old woman who has lost her red scarf…and may also have lost her will to live.

Words: 9,490
Hits: 1,247
Chapter 03

Harry faces his ultimate test of faith when he must save the lives of an old woman and a small child--WITHOUT HIS MAGIC WAND! Three lives hang in the balance. And one of those lives will end!

Words: 9,556
Hits: 660
Chapter 04

The true identity of the angel named Clarence is revealed. But is he the only angel in Hogsmeade this Christmas Eve? Or are there others? And could Harry himself be one of them?

Words: 7,328
Hits: 752
Chapter 05

The angel Clarence is gone. But he has one last miracle in store for Harry Potter. Could Harry’s long-dead mother really be waiting for him in an antique shop in Hogsmeade?

Words: 7,780
Hits: 1,379