Action Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 01/08/2005
Updated: 06/29/2005
Words: 244,306
Chapters: 66
Hits: 89,703

The War of Shades


Story Summary:
Seventh year - The scar connection becomes wide open, giving both Harry and Voldemort ever more detailed views into each other's mind. Harry works on practicing the message he gained in Egypt (Harry Potter and the Goblin Rebellion), but Voldemort launches the Second War to fill Harry with hatred and anger and to strip him of all who are loyal to him. Ever more desperately Harry trains himself and others to fight, but something is making all of his friends fight each other. Harry must find a way to stop the internal warfare or Voldemort will be able to launch an attack on Hogwarts that will destroy all who are capable of resisting him, including Harry. Through all this, Harry must learn for himself how he will finally vanquish Voldemort.

The War of Shades Epilogue 4

Chapter Summary:
At Harry's breakfast with Dumbledore, he learns a lot more about preparing to be an instructor and the expectations of him as the one who defeated Voldemort. At the end of the meal a flurry of owls arrives with invitations for professional quidditch tryouts, a party at the Longbottoms and a promotional tour for the Harry Potter Famous Wizard cards.

Epilogue Chapter 4 Holiday Plans

The dinner with Snape and McGonagall went relatively briskly. Despite a large number of issues having been aired, neither Harry nor Snape exactly warmed to each other. Harry brought up the subject of releasing the souls from the petrified dementors and Snape indicated that he had been in touch with Hagrid and the centaurs about locating all of the dementors in the Forbidden Forest.

"That's good," said Harry. "Is the location of Voldemort's island something you knew from years gone by, or will you need me to lead you there?"

"I'm afraid we will be taking a long broom ride together, Potter."

"I believe the Headmaster said something about most of my time being scheduled this week, but I can check with him about next week."

"We should have finished with the dementors in the forest by then."


"Yes, Harry," said Professor McGonagall. "As you can imagine the killing curse requires a rather negative emotional focus, even when being performed for a healthy purpose. I am accompanying Severus so that he has a fond friend with him to help bring him out of that negative bent of mind."

"I see. That's excellent. I know I needed people near me when I healed to draw strength from and to get away from the lingering sense of pain."

"Oh, must you relate everything to your own experiences," sneered Snape.

"Now, Severus, that's what is known as empathy," said McGonagall gently. "Yes, he must. That's how he understands others' situations. It's very much a part of being Lily's boy."

Snape sighed. "Must you remind me?"

To move the conversation in a different direction, Harry said, "I take it then I should coordinate the trip to the island with you as well ... erm, Minerva."

She smiled. "See, Harry, it's not so hard to use my name. Yes, I believe I should go. Severus's focus might be shifted by gazing into your eyes and thinking of your mother, but I am afraid both of you would find that - how shall I say it? - disquieting."

Harry laughed in agreement as Snape scowled darkly over the jest.

Later that evening, Harry found Sirius waiting in the office.

"Well, what did you think?"

"Very interesting. She slipped him a potion, you know."

"Really, but she said she wasn't using one."

"No, she said she wasn't giving you one."


"No, he would have detected that in a flash. It was something much more subtle and hard to detect, just to ease his tightness, but I couldn't tell which one. I think she just wanted him to open up and let out some of the secrets he stores up."

"He seems to need it."

"He's right about Lily, though. She was everything he said. I hadn't known how much she had tried to help him. Of course, I ignored her as I did all muggleborns as much as I could until James's accident. It must have been particularly hard for Severus to accept attention from a muggleborn. I know I was pretty poor about it when Prongs first showed interest in her - not jealousy, but contempt."

"Some habits run deep, don't they?"

"Aye. You're lucky, Harry, to have been brought up as you were. You could see muggle as the norm and wizardry as something special. It was a gift and very precious to you, even though you were born with it. You value it for what you have and can accomplish, not as a substitute for accomplishment."

"I think I know what you mean. Having these powers doesn't define me. I'm a person separate from being a wizard."

"That's it. That's one of the things Lily helped James and me to see. Purebloods particularly tend to worship magic and in so doing to think of themselves as gods, or if you prefer, to see muggles as essentially animals. To see that we are people first, who happen to have this particular attribute, but not essentially any different from muggles, is hard."

"Muggles do the same thing, you know. If a person is uniquely talented, by being strong, or fast, or smart, or in some other way talented, he can often come to think that he is special and superior to the 'common' run of mankind because he has that one talent superlatively. The talents are good, but we need to recognize that we are first and foremost human, all too human."

"I think Moony always understood that, because he had to deal with being a werewolf - a part of him, and yet separate."

"Perhaps our personal curses, not the magical kind necessarily, are often blessings. My harsh upbringing with the Dursleys made sure I never thought of myself as something special. Quite the contrary."

"To some extent, maybe, but people react differently. You can choose to deal with your burdens, or even your advantages, constructively, or you can just quit, failing to grow from what you are."

"Yeah. Plenty of people have started with everything and done nothing, and vice versa. Well, I think I'd better turn in. I've missed my morning run for several days now, so I'd better rest up so I can get back to good habits."

"Splendid idea. Good night, Harry."

"Good night, Sirius."

At breakfast the next morning, Professor Dumbledore presented Harry a fairly detailed schedule. He had numerous sessions scheduled with Madame Pomfrey and Madame Hooch to learn and practice all the unsplinching and spell reversing charms he had not already mastered. This would fill the four remaining weekdays in June, except for June 30, when he was scheduled at 9:00 a.m. to take the master exams at the Ministry to become a licensed Apparation instructor.

In the following week, there were long sessions scheduled with Dumbledore. After Harry's return from the Ministry on June 30th, the schedule called for two days of 'wandering -castle,' followed by a day of 'wandering - grounds + Hagrid.' Dumbledore explained that there were so many things to learn about the castle and the grounds that rather than trying to outline everything, it would be more productive and thorough to simply walk through all of Hogwarts and talk about everything of note, whether magical, legends, or history, as well as showing Harry how to perform any magic required by various charmed objects or structures. Thursday was already set aside for flying to Voldemort's headquarters with Snape and McGonagall; there was a notation for Dobby to come along as well and to bring a picnic lunch for them all. On Friday, Dumbledore and Harry were to spend the day in Dumbledore's office showing Harry about all the magical objects there.

Harry noticed that the schedule seemed rather crowded toward the early part of summer. In fact, there was nothing after the first week of July. When asked, Dumbledore just shrugged it off with a suggestion that Harry might need a holiday. Then he changed the subject to Harry's duties as a school instructor regarding discipline and security.

They had just finished eating and were about to discuss the uses of the pensieve when a flurry of owls started arriving. They presented themselves to Harry rather than Dumbledore. Dumbledore stood aside, beaming.

"You know anything about this, Albus?" Harry said with a bemused suspicion.

"Ah, well, I may have an inkling, although I only have a direct role in one of them. Why don't you have a look?"

Dumbledore gave each of the owls a treat and sent them up to the owlery for a rest before Harry replied to the letters they had carried. He assured Harry that each owl would know which message was intended for its owner when the time came.

"Well, let's see what we have here," said Harry. He opened letter after letter, saving out two in particular for last. All of those in the first group opened were from professional quidditch teams, asking Harry to try out. Harry noticed that they were all for the second week of July and were all in the same location, a small, uninhabitable island in the Irish Sea which, he was assured, had been charmed to keep muggles off of it and to make any wizard or witch on a broom appear to be a sea bird to any muggle who sailed by.

Harry smiled. "How thick do you think I'd have to be to not to see through this!?"

Dumbledore laughed. "Actually, Professor McGonagall takes care of informing the teams of quidditch-playing students of hers that are leaving the school. I'm not sure she is entirely altruistic in that - she loves getting complementary tickets for choice seats. I just made sure I had advance notice of the tryouts so that your sessions here would not cause you to miss tryouts or - anything else which might be coming up."

"So which team should I report to?"

"I should think you would do best replying to all of them. Then discuss the potential opportunities with all those who might be affected."

"Of course," said Harry. "Ron will probably be getting tryout invitations as well. And Ginny, Hermione and our other friends would want to attend at least some of the games we would play in."

"Are you planning on being on the same team?"

"We've discussed it. It's good to be with friends, but I'm sure the training for seekers is very different from that for the rest of the team."

"Perhaps. But you've never seen professional quidditch. At school and in the World Cup Tournament, the focus is entirely on winning, so the seeker is more focused on the snitch. Professional teams still want to win, but not too fast, so they don't rush catching the snitch. As Mr. Weasley showed you, the seeker can disrupt players in other parts of the game to affect scoring. Professionals do much more of that."

"Why would they do that?"

"Revenue, Harry. Tickets to the game don't really cover the expenses. To be profitable, a team has to sell food, programs and other concessions, so they don't want seekers catching the snitch too early. Also, it's good for seekers, because if the snitch were caught quickly much of the time, the audience would come to think that seeking was easy and seekers would cease to have the attention, and adulation they attract. From a professional standpoint, the biggest flaw in quidditch is that the game can be over so quickly, so the teams cooperate to make sure the games go on long enough."

"The games are fixed!?"

"Not actually. Certainly not the goal-scoring, but except for some put-on 'attempts' to catch the snitch, it's as if the snitch were not even released until an hour or two into the game."

"Well, I can see the purpose, and I guess as long as everybody's playing by those arrangements, it seems clean, although it is a little discomforting. But, well, it would be fun to be more directly involved in the quaffle play." Harry rubbed his chin as he thought how the game would be different.

Dumbledore smiled as Harry thought through some of the possibilities. "Well, whether you choose to be on the same team as Mr. Weasley or not, my recommendation, Harry, would be to seize the opportunities which will give you the most joy. You've earned it, and, I might add, you will in the future. As I discovered long ago, when a person has once overcome great challenges, he is repeatedly called upon to do so."

"And you think I would accept such challenges?"

"Wouldn't you?"

Harry shrugged. "Probably. Almost certainly. Although up until now, I haven't really had a chance to say no. Maybe I should more often be willing to let others take care of their own problems."

Dumbledore smiled. "That you should. It is easy to be overwhelmed. But I think there is a middle ground. I have long worked to anticipate and prevent crises. I have networks of friends and allies and I keep an eye on all sorts of developments. I will continue to do so for quite some time, but I would like to work with a protégé, a much younger person with the power and talent, and most especially the sense of right needed to take over gradually."

"You're asking me?"

"Can you think of anyone better?"

"Hermione is smarter, Ron is a better strategist, Luna sees a broader and unique perspective on all things, Ginny is very powerful and passionate, erm, ... about, you know, protection and erm, doing the right things."

Dumbledore laughed. "And I'm certain that's not the only way. What you say is true, and yet, you also know that all of these, and the rest of those you have trained are doggedly loyal to you and take direction from you. Even when they were deceiving you, they were being loyal to you and following a plan they knew you would embrace, if you had the opportunity. You will, as I have done, call on many people who have talents which in relevant regards exceed yours. Still, you inspire the loyalty and you have the courage and vision and tenacity."

"It's unnatural for me to acknowledge that, but I have to. I'm honored to be asked. I'd be a fool to refuse."

"And that is because ...?"

"Well, of course, there is the immense amount I can learn from you, and I had better, since to me, it's not really an option to turn my back on the rest of society, so I'd do best to be engaged in keeping little problems from becoming big ones, than by hiding away and dealing with things only after disaster is impending."

"Excellent, Harry. I was hoping you would see the big picture."

Harry then picked up the next envelope: it had a return address marked Longbottom Manor. It was written by Neville's grandmother and was an invitation to a party to be held at Longbottom Manor July 30. It was said to be for, "in no particular order, the return of peace to the wizarding world, the return of Frank and Alice Longbottom to health, the celebration of all those who contributed to both of these, and the 18th birthday of our dear Neville." There was a postscript directed to Harry as well "Put on your thickest skin, dear Harry - we couldn't hold such a celebration without embarrassing you with accolades."

"She sounds quite giddy," observed Harry.

"She certainly has good cause. She has had a most difficult situation for some 15 years. All the burdens have been lifted. They still have to reestablish the relationships and working of family life, but at least they are now able to do so. You will be going, won't you?"

"There's no graceful way to avoid it, is there?"

"No, Harry. You'll just have to accept that there are plenty of people who are still not tired of singing your praises. The Longbottoms in particular may never tire of it."

Harry nodded. "Well, one can never have too many loyal friends, can one?"

Dumbledore tilted his head and winked. "I know I have been very grateful when loyalty to me has been displayed."

Then Harry turned to the last envelope. It was held shut by what appeared to be a brown wax seal in the shape of a frog. When Harry tried to pull it open, it woke and pulled back on the flap.

"Allow me," said Dumbledore, taking the envelope and holding it up to Fawkes, who immediately pecked the frog off the envelope and swallowed it. "Fawkes loves those." He handed the envelope back with a self-pleased smile.

Harry pulled the letter out of the envelope and read it. "Well, this could be a lot of fun. 'Dear Mr. Potter, as part of your agreement with the company, we are making arrangements for a promotional tour at our expense to promote the new Harry Potter Famous Wizard cards. The kickoff will be at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes in Diagon Alley, London on July 11. After that, there are appearances scheduled in Europe and Africa for two and a half weeks, then a two-day break we are told you will need, resuming with Asia and Australia for two weeks, and finally North and South America for ten days. Please see the detailed itinerary enclosed. We have tried to coordinate this with your other commitments as they have been related to us. We are also asking Mr. Ronald Weasley and Miss Hermione Granger to participate in the promotional tour. If you would care to bring a guest, please feel free. We have also taken the liberty of scheduling some entertainments and diversions in the various locales. Expenses will be taken care of. Please respond promptly so that reservations can be made and promotional appearances advertised."

"You've been busy planning my life, Professor."

"Not all of it, just arranging a few things this summer. You aren't accustomed yet to living a reasonably normal life. As for going on a working holiday, I've already said the whole wizarding world owes you far more than you can be paid. And this is what the muggles call a win-win situation. You have earned and need a proper holiday and the Chocolate Frog company benefits by your appearances. I also like the idea of you putting a human face to the legends which are even now being shaped about you around the globe. Trust me: you do not want to be perceived as larger than life, particularly at such a young age."

"I've already been The Boy Who Lived - I know what a burden that can be."

"But don't forget, it is also an opportunity. You will meet with many people and will be the symbol of what a wizard should be."

"So I have to play the hero?"

"Not the way that Gilderoy Lockhart did. We don't need poseurs. And don't try to impress with your power. Show your genuine self - that will be enough. It is your character more than anything else which carried you this far. Stick with your strengths."

"Okay, Albus. So will I be seeing you during the tour."

"If you use your mirror. Otherwise, I am afraid I remain rather busy."

Later, as Harry walked through the corridors, studying the itinerary for the tour, both appearances and recreations, he ran into Firenze.

"Hello, Firenze, how are you?"

"It is an interesting time to look for signs - so much is undetermined."

"Do any of them show you being able to return to the forest?"

"Perhaps - the herd appreciated the way your army fought and the respect shown for its ways. Your healing of Bane could not but be valued. Hagrid has been tireless helping the wounded and displaced creatures of the Forest: certainly the herd admires that, so he is already accepted as a friend again. Several professors and the elves have worked on the re-planting, and I have helped in those chores. Members of the herd were watching. They hate to see me working with humans, but in a task like restoring the damaged portions of the forest, even my kind can understand a role for cooperation. They would not speak to me directly yet, but they did not run me off. It's a start."

"Wonderful. I hope that all intelligent creatures can now find a way to respect each other and find common ground."

Firenze smiled. "It does not take a soothsayer to know you mean that. I also believe the Ministry will be much better in that regard under its new leadership."

Harry smiled. "Well, time will tell."

"Spoken like a centaur," laughed Firenze, who in his years in the castle seemed to have acquired the very human trait of a sense of humour.

"So, Harry Potter: you have trained and led an army to destroy the Dark Forces; you have healed countless injured fighters, friend and foe alike; you have faced the Dark Lord and vanquished his wrath and power - What are you going to do now?"

Harry glanced down at his itinerary and began to laugh. "I'm going to Disneyland!"