Action Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 01/08/2005
Updated: 06/29/2005
Words: 244,306
Chapters: 66
Hits: 89,703

The War of Shades


Story Summary:
Seventh year - The scar connection becomes wide open, giving both Harry and Voldemort ever more detailed views into each other's mind. Harry works on practicing the message he gained in Egypt (Harry Potter and the Goblin Rebellion), but Voldemort launches the Second War to fill Harry with hatred and anger and to strip him of all who are loyal to him. Ever more desperately Harry trains himself and others to fight, but something is making all of his friends fight each other. Harry must find a way to stop the internal warfare or Voldemort will be able to launch an attack on Hogwarts that will destroy all who are capable of resisting him, including Harry. Through all this, Harry must learn for himself how he will finally vanquish Voldemort.

Chapter 30

Chapter Summary:
Harry and friends visit Hagrid and find Madame Maxime at the hut. They discuss the upcoming school year. After she leaves, they test Hagrid for his wizarding skills. Then Harry tells them all about the prophecy.

Chapter 30 Defense Against the Dark

The next day after lunch, Harry, Neville, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and Luna went to Hagrid's hut. Unusually, when they knocked on the door, Fang the boarhound did not bark. When Hagrid let them in they found out why: Fang had his head laid in Madame Maxime's lap and was luxuriating in a thorough petting and scratching she was giving him. He cocked his sad eyes, but he wasn't about to move away.

"It's good to see you lot," said Hagrid. "I think you all have met Madame Maxime."

She smiled and nodded at them, but kept petting Fang. "Or Professair, eef you prefair, cheeldren."

They all greeted her, then Hagrid made introductions. "Let's see, Olympe, Hermione Granger here's our Head Girl this year."

"Yas, I remembair her from ze Yule Ball and ze second Triwizaird task. I have also haird many good zings about you from ze headmastair, my dear."

"Very pleased to meet you, Professor," replied Hermione, beaming.

"And you know Harry, of course," continued Hagrid.

"Yes, he is quite unforgettable. Mr. Potter, you have grown quite a bit these past two and a half years."

"And these two are Ron and Ginny Weasley, and this is Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom."

"Pleased to meet you all. I believe I know someone from all of your families. I take eet you Weasleys are cheeldren - or grandcheeldren? - of the new Minister?"

"His youngest children," replied Ginny. "He has no grandchildren yet."

"So far as we know," added Ron with a devilish smirk.

Hermione hit him in the arm. "Ron - what a thing to say."

"Oh, it's just a joke," he said, laughing.

"Meess Lovegood, I know your fazzer and knew your muzzer. She and I had some interests in common in magical resairch. And Mr. Longbottom, I know your grandmuzzer and uncle. I regret I nevair met your parents, although I am aware of their story. Any improvement?"

"Not that I've even seen, Professor."

"It's a shame, sairtainly."

"Madame Maxime," said Harry. "I've just been wondering Professor Dumbledore said he couldn't get sunglasses to fit Hagrid, but yours must be just about large enough for him."

Madame Maxime smiled. "I think he was, how you say, having you on? Well, of course, if he had needed them, he could have conjured zem, as he did for me. It ees not so hard to make vairy large glasses - for a half-giant."

Harry smiled broadly. "Oh, you are - we never would have guessed."

Maxime laughed. "You might have been too polite to say so, but ze only one not saying it was me. But zose who know Hagreed know a half-giant can be kind and gentle. Zose who cannot recognize zat weell just have to deal wiss eet."

"Well, it certainly will be easier to not have to talk around it," said Hermione. "Have you had a chance to meet Hagrid's brother since you've come to Hogwarts."

"Yass, two days ago and zis morning. He iss part of my work here - studying giants and zair ways, and looking for ways to bring zem away from Voldemort."

"She's right good with 'im," said Hagrid. "He straightens up nice with female companionship."

"Is he becoming more cooperative, Hagrid?" asked Harry.

"Not too bad at all. I spent a bunch of nights this summer camping out with 'im at his cave. He's even gotten on speaking terms of a sort with the centaurs. That's more'n I can say. They're more forgivin' of differences they've had with full-blood giants, 'cause the giants are so much less humanlike. They're talkin' with Olympe, too, so maybe there's hope that way. They're contrary, but I liked 'em in their own way regardless."

Madame Maxime stood up, to Fang's visible disappointment. "Well, cheeldren, I know you have work to do wiss Hagreed, so I will take my leave. I hope you will enjoy Defense zis yair."

"I think we're all looking forward to it," said Hermione, and the others agreed. "I know we'll be learning about legilemency and occlumency. What else will we be covering?"

"Well, it seems zat you more senior students have covered the more direct attacks, poisons and other dangers from the Dark Arts. We will be studying ploys, gambits, and other strategies zat ze Dark wizairds have used and might use."

"That's for me," said Ron brightly. "I'll be there early every class."

"I value such enthusiasm. Good day all."

And with that, Madame Maxime left.

"Well now," said Hagrid. "Before turning to other business, let me put on a kettle and get some tea going."

Ginny looked up at him and grinned. "Besides, we want to find out first exactly what's up with you and Madame."

"Hmm," said Hagrid, splashing some of the water onto the fire. "I don't know what you mean. We were just discussing Grawp."

"Hagrid!" said Hermione. "Just don't you try to fool us. We see your dreamy expression with her, the way you look at her."

Hagrid grinned. "I'm not very good at hiding stuff, am I? Alright, then, things have been quite nice between us since she got here. It's good to have someone around who's like you in many ways - and unlike you in the ways that are innerestin' as well."

"Well, you're both lovely people," said Hermione, "and we hope things just go swimmingly between you."

"Yes, except we don't want to lose our Magical Creatures teacher to Beauxbatons," said Ron.

"Well, you never know what could happen. But nothing would happen this year anyway, so only Luna and Ginny'd be facing any changes. Besides, you lot know that Professor Grubbly-Plank knows creatures as well as I do."

Neville shook his head. "She knows about them, but you know creatures like they're old friends. Besides, it's not about the teaching. It's about having a dependable friend around."

Hagrid smiled. "I 'preciate that, Neville. Thanks. Hogwarts will always be a big part of me. We'll cross the bridges that may come when they do. So, Harry, Dumbledore's said you're to train me up in the things I don't know to be a wizard."

"Right, Hagrid! It's about time you became fully qualified. I brought everyone to help me see what you can do already and where you need help. I was afraid I'd forget some important topic."

"Well, we can get a start on it then."

They spent the next several hours trying Hagrid out on all the different skills they could think of. They left out Divination, since none of them thought much of that anyway, and more esoteric skills like Arithmancy and Runes. They found Hagrid was already more adept than his training would have led one to expect at Transfiguration, Charms, and Potions, but would still need some minor work on those, along with more extensive work on Defense, Herbology, astronomy, and History of Magic. Neville offered to lend a hand with Herbology, Hermione with Potions, Luna with History, Ginny with Astronomy, and Ron with Defense. But mostly Harry was to see to the lessons, and let the others know when help was needed.

"This is really wunnerful of all of yez, to help an old groundskeeper like me get his full magical training," said Hagrid.

"It is truly our pleasure, Hagrid," said Harry. "I know there's nobody I would rather help. Just forgive me if I get a little freaky about looking into your eyes - these sunglasses are getting to me."

"Harry,..." started Hermione.

"It's okay, Hermione, I only mean it's annoying. I'm not about to lose control."

Just then Harry's scar began hurting again and he had to call Remus. Remus said he would call it in to the aurors and then use the Floo network to check the other common rooms for student auxiliaries who could help. Harry asked Remus to call when he got all the results, and Remus agreed, then as he was disappearing from the mirror he called a greeting to all the rest there.

"I suppose it's time now," said Harry, "for me to fill all of you in on some things. I wanted you five to hear it because you stood with me going to the Department of Mysteries and part of what you're about to hear is the reason I was lured there. I want Hagrid to hear it because, well, he's been there for me from the day my parents were killed."

Suddenly Harry disapparated from the hut. Fifteen seconds later, he was back.

"Sorry. I had to check all around the hut to be sure we aren't being spied on. I'm a little jumpy about this because I've carried it secretly for well over a year. Now that Voldemort knows it, you should too, but I don't know about everyone else knowing it."

The others all looked around. They could see Harry shaking as he talked himself toward being able to say what needed to be said.

Harry continued, speaking slowly. "You know that Voldemort lured me to the Department of Mysteries because he wanted to know the contents of a prophecy. The prophecy was made over 17 years ago at the height of the first war. Professor Trelawney was interviewing with Dumbledore for the Divination job when she went into a trance and made the prophecy. I've seen her make another such prophecy in a trance. There's no mistaking such a trance, and the one I saw came true. As she was reciting the prophecy, one of Voldemort's spies was recognized in the bar and removed, but he had heard the beginning. From that time on, Voldemort had wanted to hear the rest of it, and particularly so once he had conjured a new body and was unable to kill me."

Harry then stopped, obviously lost in the memories of the horrors of that night. No one spoke for over a minute, until Hermione touched his arm gently. "Harry? Are you alright?"

He nodded. "Yes. I was just ..." He trailed off.

"We understand, mate," said Ron. "Are you sure you're up to telling us?"

"I have to. It's time you understood why so many things have happened around me - and will yet."

"But, Harry, that Prophecy's gone," said Neville. "I dropped it, remember?"

"Yeah, Neville, but there are other ways to learn of some things. Okay, then, here is what the prophecy said: 'The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not...and either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives...the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...' "

There was a hush around the room as everyone thought about what they had heard.

"Harry, does that mean if you don't kill him, nobody can?" croaked Ron, gulping.

"I've been over this with Dumbledore. The word used is 'vanquished,' but I haven't a clue what that might mean other than to kill him. But it does seem it's got to be me."

"Harry," said Neville. "If that was made somewhat before you were born, then it could have applied to me - my parents fought him, too, and I was born at the end of July."

Harry nodded. "He intended to kill both of us, just to be sure. But when he tried to kill me and failed, he was unable to go for you. Whether I was always the one intended or if his getting to me first made me the one, I don't know. His followers knew that he planned on going for both of us, so when he disappeared and my parents were dead, they figured your parents had something to do with why and where he had gone - that's why they were tortured."

Neville put his shaking hand over his mouth.

Then Hermione asked, "So do you have any idea what the 'power the Dark Lord knows not' is?"

"Not really. Dumbledore thinks it has to do with the message in the Egyptian shrine we found. You know, 'To achieve peace, practice forgiveness and goodwill.' That's why I've spent so much time with Reverend MacBoon and dredged up old wrongs to apologize for."

"And I must say I've liked the change that's brought in you. So has it helped you find the power?" asked Hermione.

"No, not power. But at least when I keep on an even and positive emotional keel, I can maintain myself against Voldemort. When I get angry, like when I saw that witch posing as you, he was able to seize enough control to make me kill her. I don't think I totally lost control, though - I think he just nudged my decision of which spell to use, since I had to hit her with something. But my concern for you and Ron kept me essentially in control."

"Harry," said Ginny softly. "Is learning about this the reason you started to get those death visions last year?"

Harry nodded. "Knowing that I had to remain the target as long as he and I are both alive, I knew there would be death and destruction around me. I've been so worried about the people around me - about all of you. That's why I ran away from you, and pulled way from all of you. Luckily, so far only one of those visions has come true. I don't think I'm a seer, and that's a comfort."

"Maybe Firenze can help you understand those visions," said Hagrid. "Them centaurs're bull-headed, but they know omens."

"That's a good thought," said Harry. "I may try him, Hagrid, although I have to say I'm not sure I want to know the answer."

"Do you still have those visions?" asked Hagrid.

"A bit less often, but yeah. Usually just very brief, I get those every few minutes. Erm ... I get stronger visions less often."

"Harry, don't hold back now. Yeh sounded like yeh were goin' to say sumpthin' more."

Harry sighed. "I can never deny you, Hagrid. When you let Madame Maxime out this afternoon, I had a very strong vision of you sitting in a forest cradling two lifeless bodies - hers and mine."

"Harry, no!"

"Understand, these are visions, not prophecies."

"But Harry, you said one of them did come true," said Ginny. "I'm going to guess that was Marietta?"

Harry nodded and lowered his head.

"How do you know which will come true and which not?" she continued.

Harry shrugged. "I don't."

"One part of the prophecy makes no sense at all to me," said Luna. "That's where it said 'either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives.' But Harry, you're alive and Voldemort's alive, so what does that part mean."

"I only figured that out this summer. It became clear with the constant communication between his mind and mine. When he tried to kill me, making this scar, our beings became fused. We are linked, inescapably by any known method. If someone else were to kill either of us, the other's powers would be lost and he would almost certainly die. But if one of us kills the other, then he will retain all the power that both of us now share. I think of the way our lives are now like this: when I was growing up I knew a horrid boy who more than once used a piece of rope to tie two tomcats' tails together, and then he would sling them over a bar so they were hanging by their tails facing each other. They would fight viciously until one of them died. More often than not, they both did."

They all gasped in revulsion at this image.

"That's my life: I'm tied to Voldemort, the other tomcat."

They all looked away or into their mugs of tea. Ron and Neville each put a reassuring hand on each of Harry's shoulders, and each of the girls gave him warm hugs in turn. Ginny was last. She pulled away and with her hands on his upper arms she looked up at him with moisture appearing beneath the glasses.

"Is there no escape?"

"I'll listen to any ideas you have. Dumbledore could offer me no solutions, though he hopes that learning to love unconditionally will give me the power needed to win. I just don't know how I could learn to love like that, and then go out to kill someone. And I have trouble with the idea of making myself love Voldemort."

"Love Voldemort!?" said Ron. "Even HIM, with all that he's done. And even though he's still trying to kill you!?"

"Dumbledore assures me that I must be filled with love for ALL beings."

"'At's askin' an awful lot o' yeh, isn't it, Harry?" asked Hagrid.

Ginny answered for him. "They save the hard stuff for the best. He's amazed us before and he'll pull through again."

"Thanks, Ginny," said Harry quietly, "But do you really think so?"

"I wish I could show you my eyes, so you could read how much I believe in you, Harry."

He hugged her again as the others all agreed.

"But Harry, if your death would destroy Voldemort, why did his people set that trap for you?" asked Neville.

"He hadn't explained it to them. For one thing he doesn't trust his people not to try to usurp his place as the biggest Dark Wizard around. Since then he's told them not to even take a chance around me, and made horrible threats on them if they should violate that. It was his anger about that attempt that filled in the picture for me about the connection between us. You may as well know this as well: I offered to allow myself to be ... destroyed so as to destroy his power."

"Harry, no!" shouted Hermione. "How could you think such a thing!?"

"Because I want you all to be safe, and that was a sure thing. You can handle the rest of them."

Then Ron said, "I'll bet Dumbledore rejected that in an instant."

Harry looked Ron in the eye - or rather where he would look to do so but for the glasses.

"I wasn't with Dumbledore the day of the rescue. It wasn't he who decided."

"Then who ...? Dad! You asked Dad to kill you!?"

"He's the Minister of Magic. He's got to make the tough decisions. He could have sealed the victory."

"I would never have forgiven him," said Ron, and the others nodded.

"You can say that, but I still think it would have been the wisest course."

"You sound disappointed to be alive, Harry," said Luna.

"Sometimes hard decisions have to be made, Luna. Maybe I just understand Voldemort's power more directly. I have only to search through his memories to see all the horrific things he's done - amazing magic, but repulsive beyond anything you can imagine. Knowing what I do, I think Mr. Weasley chose poorly."

"Well, not me!" said Ginny angrily. "I can't think of it as a victory if it comes at the price of slaughtering someone like you like a sacrificial lamb on an altar."

"The day may come when you regret that it wasn't done," insisted Harry.

"Never," they all said as one.

Harry smiled. "It's good to have friends like you. I really don't deserve you all."

"That's where yer wrong, Harry Potter," said Hagrid. "You most certainly do deserve the best of friends."

Harry gathered himself, and then changed the subject.

"I just remembered our pet project, Hagrid. How's the hatching coming along?"

"Well, I'm trying, Harry. Like most large continuous laying birds, even the rooster will occasionally lay an egg, but it's pretty rare. And then to make a basilisk, I've got to recognize it when it's happened, and get it quickly enough under a toad. I must say, Neville, that's one cooperative toad you've got there: you'd never be able to lose a smart hopper like that. But even when you think you've got the right egg, and you get the toad on it, most of them would never hatch. But I'll keep trying. With Hermione's nesting box, we're in good shape. And I've got your pet carrier right up there on the shelf, next to the depetrification potion, ready for when one of 'em hatches. I've already tried four of 'em, but no hatches yet."

"Great, Hagrid, we knew we could count on you to help us with an interesting creature."

"Y'know, we may as well make this a special project for the NEWT-level class. You four are the only seventh-years taking it anyway."

"Fine, Hagrid, then we've already got a head start on the school year."

"Well, you four already know most of the stuff 'at's gonna be on the test anyway, but we'll learn the rest of it, and spend the rest of the year with the most interestin' creatures I can get hold of."

Luna and Ginny giggled as the rest looked around at each other and reluctantly agreed what a great school year that would be.