Action Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 01/08/2005
Updated: 06/29/2005
Words: 244,306
Chapters: 66
Hits: 89,703

The War of Shades


Story Summary:
Seventh year - The scar connection becomes wide open, giving both Harry and Voldemort ever more detailed views into each other's mind. Harry works on practicing the message he gained in Egypt (Harry Potter and the Goblin Rebellion), but Voldemort launches the Second War to fill Harry with hatred and anger and to strip him of all who are loyal to him. Ever more desperately Harry trains himself and others to fight, but something is making all of his friends fight each other. Harry must find a way to stop the internal warfare or Voldemort will be able to launch an attack on Hogwarts that will destroy all who are capable of resisting him, including Harry. Through all this, Harry must learn for himself how he will finally vanquish Voldemort.

Chapter 28

Chapter Summary:
As the Hogwarts Express arrives at Hogsmeade Station, Harry, Luna and Neville describe the thestrals to Hermione so she won't be shocked, not that she has seen a death. At the station, the fighting aomng those who were at the training camp continues. Back at the castle, the Sorting hat sings its song and the sorting proceeds. The new Defense teacher is revealed.

Chapter 48 - Back at Hogwarts

After they had worked out and were eating foods they had gotten from the snack trolley for lunch, it occurred to Harry that Hermione had never mentioned seeing the thestrals at the station, even though she had seen Marietta die at the Battle of Gringotts. He asked her if she had.

"No, Harry. I ought to have, oughtn't I? I wonder why I didn't," she replied.

"I didn't see them right after Cedric Diggory was killed either. It seems to take a while for the realization that you've seen a person die to sink in. It's kind of unreal until the knowledge of the permanence hits you. Did any of the rest of you see Marietta die?" asked Harry.

They all shook their heads no, but for seeing the thestrals it really only mattered for Ron and Ginny, as Neville and Luna had seen the thestrals ever since arriving at Hogwarts.

"I assume you'll see them when we get to the station, Hermione. You've ridden one, but even so, they are pretty freaky to see. You should be prepared."

"You're absolutely right. Well, then, what do they look like?"

Luna nodded thoughtfully. "Rather like a very thin, lanky black snorkack, oh, but without the horns, of course."

"Uh-huh, of course," said Hermione. Harry didn't have to see her eyes to know how they were rolling. "Well, that would be useful, Luna, if I had ever SEEN a snorkack. Can anyone describe it by something I might have seen?"

"They're sort of dragonish," said Neville, "but of course, they're horse-sized."

"That's not bad, Neville, but the neck and tail are so different," said Harry, "Let's see, Hermione - you know plenty of non-magical creatures as well, so think of a horse-sized monitor lizard with long bony legs and large leathery dragon wings," said Harry.

"Eww," said Hermione, "that is freaky."

"Even with that description, you aren't truly prepared for the real thing. Just remember that you've petted them and ridden one, even though you couldn't see them, so they aren't as awful as they look."

"Okay, thanks for getting me ready."

"Well, we can't have the Head Girl freaking out at the station, can we?" said Neville.

"What about Ernie?" said Ron. "He wasn't seeing them before, but how much did he see of his mother getting the dementor's kiss?"

"Would that do it?" asked Hermione, "I guess if the soul is gone, what's left really? For that matter, he may have seen Marietta die, as well. We'd better talk to him when the prefects gather to get people off the train."

When the train started slowing, Hermione, Ginny, Ron and Luna went to meet with the other prefects to prepare to organize the first years. Neville and Harry waited for much of the mad press for the doors to clear before trying to make their way through. Harry waited at the door to the compartment and greeted everyone, looking each one in the eye as he did, and savoring this last bit of eye contact.

As they made their way with their gear, they noticed a commotion up ahead: Zacharias Smith and Seamus Finnegan were squabbling.

"Watch where you're going, you Mick ape!" shouted Zacharias.

"You're the one who doesn't know how to wait turns, you fat slob."

That was a cheap shot, thought Harry: Zacharias had trimmed and firmed a lot in the past two years, though he still had a bit of pudginess to him, like Neville. Harry wished he could see their eyes so he could figure out who had done what, but both had been at Longbottom Manor and so they had their sunglasses on. Harry was surprised, though, thinking that the squabbles at training would have been left behind. Perhaps there was some carry-over. They both half-fell through the door and Zacharias cursed at Seamus for knocking over his owl cage. They went to separate areas to get into carriages.

This wasn't all of the conflict either. The Patil sisters were arguing fiercely in Hindi until they saw Harry watching them. They immediately stopped and turned to him, gave smiles as sweet as treacle tarts, and said "Hi, Harry" simultaneously and in harmony. As soon as Harry said hi and moved on, he heard them return to their argument. Up and down the platform, Harry saw people who had been at training arguing amongst each other. At least the next day would be an 'off' day for them all - a day away from war preparations could be just the tonic they needed. It seemed the only ones who had been at training who weren't arguing, or worse, besides Harry, were the Head Girl and Boy and the prefects: they were busy distributing sunglasses to everyone and directing the first years to Hagrid for loading into the boats. As Harry, scanned the scene, he thought he saw Professor Snape through a cloud of steam near the locomotive, but when he looked back, there was no one there.

Harry saw Hagrid from half a platform away. It never was hard to find a ten foot tall half-giant. Harry whistled and waved. Hagrid grinned and pulled out his new wand and began enthusiastically waving it over his head. It suddenly spewed sparks all over, making the students scatter. Hagrid quickly and sheepishly tucked the wand away. Harry used his wand to write 'tomorrow afternoon' in the air over his head and Hagrid gave him a thumbs-up.

Neville and Harry claimed a carriage and held spaces for Ron and Hermione. Harry watched sadly as all the new students put their sunglasses on. It was as ominous as the thud of the door in the hearing room two summers before. Harry sat back down heavily as the last few put on their shades. Soon after, Ron and Hermione arrived.

"They are rather bizarre, aren't they?" observed Hermione.

"Hmm, yes, they seem so distant now," said Harry distractedly.

"What are you talking about, Harry? I meant the thestrals - it's good you warned me. I would have jumped at least. That wouldn't have done."

"Yeah - sorry, I thought you were talking about the students."

"No freakier than any assemblage of 1200 sorcerers anyplace would be, less than most," said Hermione.

"It's not the magic - it's the identical mirrored glasses."

"And yet it never bothered you that we all wear identical robes," laughed Hermione.

"That's different - all boarding schools have uniforms," said Harry.

"I think I'm with Harry on this one," said Ron, "robes are different since everyone wears clothes of some sort anyway, but covering the eyes is not common except at the beach or sports matches."

"Oh, I know," said Hermione. "I just wanted him to see it differently. Don't get too upset over it, Harry."

"I'm not upset!" Harry snapped. "Okay, maybe some, more like a bit frustrated, but I understand the need."

"You know, mate," said Ron, "You're not the only one annoyed by it. It gets old wearing these things all the time. And the castle is usually a bit on the dark side - with sunglasses it's going to be right gloomy."

"You're absolutely right, Ron," said Hermione, causing everyone's jaws to drop.

"Hermione!" said Neville, "you agreed with Ron!"

"Do you think I would be seeing a fool?" she replied.

"There have been times you're treated me that way," said Ron under his breath.

"Sometimes you've acted that way. Most of the time you make sense."

"Oh, thank you," said Ron, "but you must stop being so gushy about me - you'll make me blush."

"Hmph!" said Hermione, "Anyway, I'll say something to Professor McGonagall about brightening up the place."

"I'm going to need shades," said Harry, "to deal with the extra lighting."

"Maybe you should wear them, Harry," said Neville, "you'd probably feel a bit more normal if you weren't the only one without them."

"You know, that would help," said Harry, "And then I would also have the feeling of sharing the same burdens with all of you."

"Yes, Harry, that's what you need - to share more burdens," said Hermione, "but I'll see if they'll let you wear the glasses, too. They may want it to be easier for people to see that you're around, so that people who have taken off their glasses can put them back on."

"I thought people were supposed to have them on all the time," said Neville.

"Well, that's the rule, but we're only going to enforce it in places Harry's likely to be - the Great Hall, the library, around classrooms he might go to, that sort of thing. Of course, in the Gryffindor dorm, we'll have to have them on all the time. And you boys who room with him will either have to wear them at night or use some sort of a mask."

Ron laughed. "We ought to just tie a bag over his head and be done with it."

Hermione smiled. "That wouldn't be so bad, Ron, except that if Harry is not entirely in control of his actions..."

Harry interrupted. "You mean if Voldemort takes control!"

"Yes, Harry, but I don't like to say it, - then he'd just pull off the bag or mask and the point would be lost. So we have to take responsibility for our own thoughts."

"I'm not always so good on taking responsibility for my own actions, much less my own thoughts." Then he looked Hermione up and down. "I have a feeling, though, that what's-his-name's not really interested in what I'm usually thinking."

Hermione cocked her head at him and said, "You know what I mean, wise guy."

The carriages had arrived at the castle and they made their way into the Great Hall.

They all assembled at place settings for their various houses and waited for the professors to assemble before the first years would be led in.

"You know what I hadn't thought about is who will be the new Defense teacher," said Neville.

"Yeah," said Ginny, "since Harry went and LOST us our last one! I kind of liked him, too, as I vaguely recall: it's been so long."

"Yeah, well, I reckon he's more suited to bureaucracy than a classroom anyway," returned Harry.

They watched as the teachers filtered in. All the same professors they knew came in, until they saw Hagrid duck through the door in the back, holding it open for and happily chatting with Madame Maxime.

"Could it be?" asked Hermione.

"Well, she's certainly qualified," said Ginny.

"I'll say, but why would she go from being headmistress of Beauxbatons School of Sorcery to being a professor here?" said Ron.

"Looking at the way she and Hagrid are talking, she may be trying to steal our Magical Creatures professor," said Harry.

"Well, you wouldn't stand in his way if they fell in love, would you, Harry?" asked Hermione.

"It doesn't seem like it would truly be Hogwarts without Hagrid."

"Well, it was Hogwarts before Hagrid came and it will be Hogwarts after he leaves," said Hermione.

"Yes, but Harry has something there," said Ginny, "It wouldn't be the Hogwarts we've known. But then, I'll also have to get used to a Hogwarts without you four, just as we got used to a Hogwarts without Fred and George and all the others who have left."

"It's like a forest," said Neville, "trees die, others grow in the space made available, but it all remains the same forest - recognizable, yet different."

"That's brilliant, mate," said Ron.

"I understand living things."

Professor Dumbledore then arose and everyone quieted. He made a gesture toward the large doors and Professor McGonagall led the first year students in. Then she picked up the stool and the Sorting Hat, placing the Hat upon the stool after having placed the stool on the dais. At once a tear in the brim opened into a mouth and began to sing:

"We come together in these times of woe,

To see how much you can learn,

For you must all continue to grow

Amidst peril and grave concern.

Soon I will sort you into school teams,

Places that will nurture and promote,

With those who can help you reach for your dreams,

To help you be a person of note.

Into Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor,

We once said you'd be divided,

But of late these Hogwarts houses four,

Have seen the value of being united.

The path has been found, this coming together

To make it through the storm,

And though beset we are by tumultuous weather,

Keep holding on in good form.

Have faith, though the wind will blow,

Have faith, though strife you will know,

Hold fast, to that which has worth,

Hold fast, for the spirit's rebirth.

Troubles we'll see and tempers will boil,

Even the knight will show shades of grey,

Tempests will quicken and waters will roil,

Until light shines through in the new-breaking day.

Have faith, in the course you embraced,

Have faith, in the plan you have chased,

Hold fast, to what you hold true,

Hold fast, till a new light reveals a new you."

Then the hat returned to its appearance as just a tattered old hat.

"Well, there you go," said Ron, "We've been doing the right thing - all this preparation and interhouse unity."

"I'll have to admit it was encouraging," said Hermione, "wouldn't you say so, Ginny?"

"Absolutely. Mind you, there was a lot about storms and tumult, but how could there not be?

"Well, I'd rather hear what we heard than 'run for cover,' eh, Harry?" said Neville.

"Harry?" asked Ron, "Earth to Harry, come in please."

"Hmm," said Harry, shaking himself from a trancelike state. "Oh, yes, of course, it's the first time it's said we were doing something right. Only ... oh, never mind."

"No, what, Harry?" asked Hermione.

"I just had the impression, maybe it was the tone or something, but that it was talking particularly to me."

Everyone was silent a couple of second and glanced around at each other, then Ginny said, "Well, of course, Harry, that's how the Sorting Hat's song is. It's always like that."

"Oh, yes," said Hermione. "I've always felt it was talking just to me."

"Yeah, really," said Neville. "It's only after I talk about it with others that I see everyone feels that way."

"This seemed different, "said Harry, "or am I going crazy."

"We all are, Harry," said Ron, "Crazy with hunger - it seems the sorting gets longer and longer every year."

The others all laughed, but Harry watched the sorting ceremony without really listening. He was trying to remember all of what the Hat had sung. He cheered along with the rest every time a new Gryffindor was selected, but he knew he'd have to learn the names later, because he was not at all focused on those details.

Before long the sorting was over and Dumbledore rose again. "A new year begins, more somberly than most, as we are under the shadow of war. Some of us here have already paid a personal price in this war. To those, we offer our pledge of support, friendship and sympathy. We also can offer our commitment to be steadfast to the cause of putting an end to this war in a way that allows all beings to freely pursue their interests in ways that do not harm others. Others of us have already participated in fighting back and I am most proud of the performance of each of our comrades who have done so. Others will be invited to participate in such measures as well.

"That said, I have just a few comments before we dine. Please welcome Professor Maxime, who will be a visiting professor in defense as she takes a sabbatical from the Beauxbaton School of Sorcery, where she is Headmistress. The Forbidden Forest is forbidden, although sometimes I wonder why I say it. Mr. Filch has a long list of banned items for which detention will be imposed. And something very new this year- all students will be required to wear sunglasses at all times, except in circumstances which have been designated by your professors. We will be establishing some rooms which will not require sunglasses. Announcements will be made. The reasons have already been expressed (and at this point everyone's head turned to Harry) in the letter which was sent to each of you. Please be assured that the sunglasses rule will be enforced stringently. All the professors and staff have made long lists of their most unpleasant tasks in case detentions should be needed."

With that, Dumbledore clapped his hands and the feast appeared magically on the salvers. They all ate heartily and talked over each other. Harry found his mind wandering as he realized it was harder to follow conversations in a crowd when you couldn't see the speaker's eyes. He gazed around, seeing that the only people without sunglasses were Professors Dumbledore, Snape and Hagrid. He looked around for Cameron, but as usual, he was not there. He caught Hagrid's eyes and gave an arched eyebrow while tilting his head in Madame Maxime's direction. Hagrid gave an enormous smile that made Harry laugh.

"What's so funny?" asked Ginny.

"Hagrid's smile," said Harry.

"Oh, dear," said Hermione, "We may have already lost him."

"That's not just any happiness," said Ginny, "That's the same smile that Ron had the first time - OW - Hermione, why'd you kick me?"

"Oh, did I?" smiled Hermione, "My foot must have slipped. But I think I'd rather describe it as the look Harry had at training around Tonks these past few weeks."

"Hrmf," said Ginny.

"Was I that bad!? It's hard to believe that I just said good-bye to her this morning. Somehow, maybe it's the way she made me understand, or maybe it's just being in a wholly different environment, but I don't feel all hung up over it. She was right - it was nice while it lasted but now it has to be over."

Ginny visibly perked up over that as Harry indicated Hagrid and continued. "The last time I saw him that happy was when Buckbeak, erm, escaped."

"Well, if she can hold her own in his heart with 'innerestin' creatures' then she's got it made," said Neville.

"That's the truth," said Ron, laughing with the others.