Albus Dumbledore Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 07/16/2002
Updated: 09/29/2002
Words: 19,802
Chapters: 4
Hits: 2,830

Dumbledore's Nephew

Qing-Jou Granger

Story Summary:
Dumbledore's got a nephew, and he's coming to Hogwarts. Jack Dumbledore's ``not your average kid, though. He never forgets a detail, and you better be careful what you say about him, because if you give him a scrap of information, he'll deduce about five times as much as you gave him. Cho Chang's triplet younger sisters come to Hogwarts, and break some family traditions. Not your regular OC fic. No. Definitely your average OC.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Dumbledore's got a nephew, and he's coming to Hogwarts. Jack Dumbledore's not your average kid, though. He never forgets a detail, and you better be careful what you say about him, because if you give him a scrap of information, he'll deduce about five times as much as you gave him. Cho Chang's triplet younger sisters come to Hogwarts, and break some family traditions. Not your regular OC fic. No. Definitely not your average OC.
Author's Note:
I'm sorry about the long wait, everybody. I've been suffering some MAJOR computer problems, but everything seems to be fixed, at the moment. Anyway, enjoy!

Harry and Hermione--In More Ways Than One

Chapter 2

Jack woke up at four o' clock in the morning, like he always did, and quietly tiptoed to the bathroom, so as not to wake his roommates--James Jordan, Kelley Long, Harvey Diggle, and Theodore Fudge (the nephew of the Minister of Magic)--and took a shower. He snuck back in ten minutes later, and quietly slipped into his robes, grabbed his books and stuffed them in his bag, grabbed something off of his dresser, and the only sound heard after he clicked the door shut, was the soft snoring of his roomies.

He decided to look into the other boys' dorms to see if anybody else was awake at this early hour. Second years? Nope. All asleep. Third years? Nope. All asleep. Fourth years? Nope. All asleep. Fifth years? Yup. Harry Potter. The Harry Potter, sat up, just as Jack peeked into the door, covered in a cold sweat. All of a sudden, the prefect's gaze shifted and he stared right at Jack. Jack's eyes went wide and he clicked the door shut, tearing down the stairs like a madman.

To his surprise, Hermione was sitting in the common room, reading Hogwarts, A History, and sipping butterbeer from a red mug with the Gryffindor crest.

"Morning, 'Mione," Jack said brightly as he bounced onto a couch next to her. "What're you doin' up so early?"

Hermione almost laughed out loud as she remembered the last time somebody asked her a question like that--which happened to be the day before. "Couldn't sleep. Too excited. You?"

Jack looked at her as if she was crazy. "Hermione, have you forgotten? I just...don't need that much sleep. About four or five hours is sleeping in for me. Any more and I get so groggy I can't stay awake," he frowned at the thought of not being able to stay awake on his first day of school. "Wanna get breakfast?" he asked.

"They don't serve it this early," Hermione stated matter-of-factly as she took another sip of her butterbeer.

"Wanna bet?" he asked grinning. "Come on, I'm friends with Dobby and Winky. They do everything I want 'cause of Uncle Albus, not that they wouldn't anyway," he winks at Hermione. He stood up and walked towards the portrait hole, but Hermione didn't move. "What?"

"Jack, I'm kind of worried about something...could you clear some things up for me real fast?"

"Sure. Anything for a Granger," he smiled and sat down next to her, again.

"Okay. What do you know about the Changs?"

"Why?" he asked, wondering what she needed to know about them.

"Just curious. You seem to be good friends with them."

"Well, the Changs...the eldest is Cho, she's a seventh year. She's the seeker for Ravenclaw, and dated the late Cedric Diggory last year. Right so far?" Hermione nodded, and urged him to continue. "Then there's the triplets. Amelia, she's kind of sarcastic, and seems to be the self-appointed leader. She's nice enough, though.

"Jesse, she's kind of bonkers, in my opinion. I mean, she's nice and all, but she's obsessed with muggle films, especially American ones. She likes to pretend she's characters from the movies she sees. This week, she's convinced herself she's a cowgirl from the old west.

"Then there's Qing-jao, she's really--"

(A/N: Qing-jao is pronounced Ching-jow)

"Qing-jao. What's that mean, Jack? Did she tell you?" Hermione asked, cocking her head to one side.

"Well, yeah, she told me, it's Chinese, but she didn't want me to tell," he bit his lip. "Just ask her. If you're sincere and nice enough, she'll tell you. May I continue?" he asked, feeling that even if he'd known Hermione longer, trust was something that should never be broken. Hermione nodded, as if saying, "I understand, Jack. I shouldn't have asked."

"Qing, she's really nice, and I don't think she's like any of her sisters. Just before she was sorted she was telling me that everyone in her fellow had never been in anything but Ravenclaw, but she wanted to break the tradition. When Minerva," Hermione gave him a weird look when he said McGonagall's name, "called her name she whispered to me, 'See you in Gryffindor,' like she knew we'd both be in here. Frankly, it was kind of creepy. But I promise," Jack continued, looking at Hermione in horror, "she's absolutely nothing like Trelawney. Trelawney's a hoax, except for a couple predictions, and Qing-jao, I don't know, I don't think she really knew, maybe she just subconsciously knew, you know?"

Hermione sat there trying not to let her mouth drop open. He'd known them for less than a day, but he could already tell all that about them? She didn't know the Changs very well, but she knew that his assessment was dead on. She'd always known he was a smart kid, but yesterday and today were showing that he was--to put it bluntly--a complete genius. And he was kind of freaking her out.

"Um, can we eat now?" Hermione looked down at the small boy. Jack was completely skin and bone. I mean, that's an expression, but the boy was literally skin and bone, like he'd never had a decent meal.

"Can I ask you one more question first?" Jack nodded. "I know that at Sister Anne's you always got enough to eat, so how come you're so skinny?" Hermione gazed deep into his eyes, trying to see if he was going to tell the truth, but she'd never known him to lie before, so she decided that exercise was pointless.

Jack heard footsteps on the stairs. He took a deep breath. "Can I answer that while we walk?" To his surprise, Hermione nodded and stood up, tucking her book under her arm, and keeping her hand firmly wrapped around the handle of her mug, she followed him towards the portrait hole.

Lady Charlotte was drooling and snoring in her frame and she sprang awake as they came out. "Heavens, what are you doing up so early?" she stared down at them. "Ah, Mr. Dumbledore, can't sleep again?" Jack nodded, and continued on, Hermione following slightly behind.

"Jack, what'd she mean again?" Hermione asked curiously.

"I spent most of the past four years here, 'Mione. Uncle Albus lives here, you know. Of course, once he mentioned a mansion by the sea, but didn't seem to want to go there, something about Kathleen, and I like Hogwarts better than any old mansion. I think his late wife died there, Kathleen something-or-other, her name was, I think, or something anyway."

These seemingly simple statements shocked Hermione so, that she stopped dead in her tracks and stare at the rapidly growing boy.

"What?" Jack asked, slightly confused.

"Dumbledore was married?"

"I'm assuming you mean Uncle Albus, not me or any of my other relatives. Hm...aw yes, her name was Kathleen Wigworthy. Her brother wrote the book Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles. Quite a nice fellow, really. When you've got a name like Wilhelm Wigworthy you've got to be nice just to make up for it, right Hermione?" he asked laughing loudly, which caused him to cover his mouth, as he felt it wouldn't be wise to attract the attention of Mrs. Norris, Filch, or Peeves. Jack already knew the ropes at Hogwarts, so he already had home turf advantage over the other first years. Another shocking statement. "Can we continue on to the kitchen, now?"

Hermione nodded, and they continued to walk. "Okay," said Jack, "I ran away from Sister Anne's the year after you left," he said, shamefaced, and Hermione gawked at him.

"Why?" she asked, incredulously, as if he'd gone completely mad, and she thought if she kept asking questions then she could reverse it.

"I couldn't stand it any more. I just got this feeling that I needed to leave, so I wondered around Muggle London 'til I saw the Leaky Cauldron. I knew kids weren't supposed to sneak into pubs, but the people around me seemed to have their eyes slip write past it, as if it wasn't there. Then I saw this red-haired woman with all these red-haired kids stepping inside, and the other people didn't seem to notice, so I pretended I was one of her kids 'til we got inside. It was a while ago, but I think it was Mrs. Weasley and her family.

"At that point, I thanked Ginny--even though I didn't know it was Ginny--for the cover, and slipped off to take a look around. The pub was filled with funny-looking characters, and I couldn't imagine why everyone was dressed so strangely. I then realized I was attracting attention so I ran after the Weasleys, to find that they had gone through an arch, that was rapidly shrinking, so I ducked through and was in Diagon Alley. A member of the ministry--Michael Basil, I believe was his name, works on transportation for big sporting events and such, and keeps track of broom company operations--and took me to an office next to Gringotts', which--apparently--is a small ministry office.

"Basil--at that point--took me to an office marked 'Underage Problems' and pushed me inside, snapping the door shut behind me. At the desk was sitting no other than Cornelius Fudge, who was talking to Uncle Albus. Of course, at the time, I didn't know who either of them were. When I came in they stopped talking and turned to me. Fudge looked confused, but Uncle was really just in awe. He came up to me and looked me in the eye--his are exactly the same color as mine--and he asked, 'Jack? Is that you? I haven't seen you in years!' then gave me a really big hug. Not many people had hugged me before, just you and your mum, so I was stiff as a board. Then he turns to Fudge and says, 'Minister, may I present my great-great-grand-nephew,' and my jaw dropped at the same moment as Fudge's.

"I suddenly realized these were very important people and bowed then turned to Uncle Albus and asked, 'What is this place? You're my uncle? Why is everybody wearing such funny clothes?' you know, like the little kid that I was.

"He explained everything then took me back to Hogwarts. I've been living in his private quarters for some time, and during the summer I occupied Gryffindor Tower, I always thought it was so homey, you know? I knew I'd been in there, 'cause the hat told Uncle that I would be. No one in our family's been anything but a Gryffindor, and it's the best house anyway, so why would you want to be in anything else?

"I know Hogwarts like I know the back of my hand, I've been here so long. All the teachers, they've been real helpful. Especially Minerva. She's so nice and kind. She always likes to help me with my little projects over the summer. This summer, I wrote a book on famous Hogwarts' professors. Actually, I talked about all there was information on, and it should be published before the year is through. But anyway, Minerva's just the sweetest person, don't you think? Aw, here we are," Jack said, tickling the pear in a large bowl of fruit, which turned into a handle.

"Wow," Hermione said. "You've been at Hogwarts longer than me."

Jack cocked his head to one side and said, "Yeah, I guess I have, if you count summers. I'm sorry I didn't tell you the whole truth, before," and turned the doorknob to the kitchen, and stepped inside.

In moment, house elves were swarming around them, and even though some of them still didn't like Hermione, they seemed overjoyed to see Jack.

"Master Jack," one of them, who was rather elderly and seemed to be in charge, said, offering a plate of bacon, "an honor it is to see you again. May we offer you some food?" Jack happily agreed, and pulled Hermione over to the table that was directly under the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall and sat down. They ate omelettes, bacon, sausage, pumpkin juice, and a fruit salad.

"Delicious," Jack said, smiling, after he finished.

"Dobby is glad, Mr. Dumbledore, sir, that you is liking your food, Mr. Dumbledore, sir," came the voice of Dobby from Hermione's left.

"Dobby! How are you?" Hermione said happily, as soon as she saw the house elf.

"I is doing very well, miss, I is happy with my job, Miss Granger. I is very happy. Winky is adjusting well, miss. Come over, Winky," the elf said, motioning to his friend.

A female house elf came to stand beside Dobby, and she looked a lot better than the last time Hermione had seen her. She'd obviously gotten over the Crouch episode, and was clean, neat, and tidy. She was wearing a navy blouse, and gray, plaid, skirt, not to mention matching socks, and a wide-brimmed, straw hat. There was something else different, but Hermione couldn't quiet place her finger on it.

"Hello, miss. I is doing well, Miss Granger. Thank you miss, I is understanding now what you mean by freedom being good, miss," Winky cried happily, jumping up to hug Hermione, who looked very pleased with herself.

"Dobby, Winky, why don't you tell Hermione the good news?" Jack said, with a mischievous glint in his eye that was quite reminiscent of the Weasley twins'.

"What good news?" Hermione asked suspiciously, her gaze going from Jack to Dobby to Winky and back to Jack.

"Well, miss," Dobby said, putting his small arm around Winky's small shoulders, "we is expecting a child, Miss Granger," he looked at Winky with love in his eyes, and she blushed happily.

Nodding, Winky continued, "The midwife, Biddy, is saying, miss, that it is twins! A boy and a girl! Miss, if it is alright, we is wanting to call them Harry and Hermione, miss. They will be the best of friends," she smiled blissfully up at Hermione.

Hermione's eyes filled with tears and she hugged the house elves, "Oh, that would be wonderful," the tears spilled down her cheeks, and she gave a sniffle, "I'm so happy for you!" she squealed.

"Well," Jack said, "we'd best be going," he looked down at the watch Uncle Albus had given him. "Merlin's beard! Hermione, we've got to go, it's nearly eight o' clock. People are going to wonder where we are!"

Hermione gave Winky and Dobby a last hug, the house elves tried to offer them more food--which Jack and Hermione politely refused--and they left the kitchen, Dobby and Winky waving as they closed the door.

"Oh, Jack, I'm so happy for them! Especially Winky. She seemed so destitute the last time I saw her."

"Oh, yes, she was quite a mess when she first got here. But I convinced her that what you were saying was true, and that Hermione Granger would never lie to anyone, especially as noble a creature as a house elf, and that did the trick. I'm glad they know best friends when they see them." Then Jack muttered to himself, "Or maybe more."

"What did you say, Jack?" Hermione looked down at Dumbledore's nephew, suspiciously, her gaze unwavering.

"Be honest, Hermione, this is Jack you're talking to. I just know these things. You can't hide stuff like this from me. I know every expression that's ever been on your face, 'Mione, and I know for a fact that you've fallen head over heels with none other than the Boy Who Lived, am I right?" he looked at her, knowing he was right, because he always was, but he also knew that she'd deny it, unconvincingly.

"Of course not!" the girl spluttered. "Harry and I have been friends for forever! I could never have a crush on Harry! I'm not shallow like some people, only caring about fame and glory," the last part she said with such a bitter look on her face that Jack laughed uproariously.

"So that's why you wanted to know about the Changs? Oh, well now I get it, Harry's past crush on Cho is causing resentment, and you don't think she really liked Harry for who he was? Look, Hermione," he said, turning serious all of a sudden, "Harry James Potter is a good guy, and he doesn't even have a crush on Cho any more. He has a crush on somebody else, by what I can tell."

"You even know his middle name?" Hermione asked incredulously.

"Please, 'Mione, I read even more than you do. Being cooped up almost entirely in a bedroom and under an invisibility cloak for four years makes making friends kind of out of the question. I learn a lot of things from books..."

"And?" Hermione asked.

"Spying," Jack replied, with a huge grin on his face.

"You spied on us?" she said, as if she couldn't believe it.

"Of course! You know, Hermione, you're very boring. Except when you're talking out loud in your sleep. Then you're almost as funny as Seamus!" he chuckled and Hermione's mouth dropped open, she tried to speak, but nothing came out, giving her the look of a fish blowing bubbles out of its mouth...just without the bubbles. "Oh, Harry! Really? We're going to Hawaii?!?" he cried in a mocking, high voice. "Sorry, that was terribly rude," he said, suddenly. "I hate to be rude," he chewed on his fingernail, as if being rude caused him pain. "Golly, I'm like a house elf, if I'm rude, I feel like hitting my bloody head against the wall!" he cried.

"But Hermione, there's--"at that moment, they entered the Great Hall, which was filling with students. He whispered in her ear, "I'll meet you later." And with that, he slipped into a seat next to Qing-jao, who handed him a schedule. "Merlin's Beard! You know what I just realized?" Jack cried, looking at Qing-jao as if an idea had just stabbed him in the back.

"No, what?" she asked calmly, taking a bit of her sausage.

"There isn't a DADA teacher!"

"Data? What's a data teacher?" Amelia asked, slightly confused.

"Sorry, short term. Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. We don't have one!" Hermione looked horrified as the realization dawned on her. She hadn't realized it the night before.

"Well," Harry said, pouring pumpkin juice into his goblet, "it's not like they ever last that long anyway."

"Harry!" Hermione cried. "How can you say that? You know that Defense Against the Dark Arts is a very important subject!"

"Yeah, Hermione," Ron said sarcastically, "if we ever got a teacher who could last an entire term it would help, don't you think?" He started scarfing down his bacon.

"Ron," Jack said, looking at the red-haired boy, "you do realize that if you eat your bacon so fast you'll probably end up chok--" but before he could finish Ron started spluttering and coughing, the bit of bacon lodged in his throat.

People started panicking, but Hermione kept a cool head. She muttered something, and they saw Ron swallow. "Nice shrinking charm, Hermione," Jack said, sneaking a sip from Qing-jao's goblet.

"Hey!" the Asian girl cried, grabbing it from him, and getting it all over her identical sister.

"Qing! What'd you do that for!" Amelia cried, standing up, dripping wet.

"Oh, you'll be fine, Ames, you always are," Qing-jao said, calmly taking the last sip out of her goblet.

"Crap, now what am I going to do?" Amelia wailed, distressed. Jack heard sniggering from the Slytherin table. Having had enough he muttered a drying spell, and Amelia stopped whining, and looked at him in awe, as he stood up and stomped over to where Draco Malfoy and his cronies were sitting.

"Jack, what're you doing?" Hermione shouted at him.

"Making things right," he stated simply and continued walking towards the silver-haired boy.

"What an idiot!" Draco said, his Slytherin buddies laughing and pounding the tables with their fists. His girlfriend--Pansy Parkinson--poked him in the side and he turned to her. "What now, Pansy?" The pug-faced girl pointing behind Draco, where Jack was standing. "And look who's graced us with his tiny presence," Draco sneered, "it's Dumbledore, the little Headmaster's boy! Come to kiss some more butts, little guy?" he spoke as if talking to a four-year-old.

"No, as a matter of fact," Jack said, calmly, pretending to be shy. "I actually came to do this," and with that the small boy punched Malfoy on the nose so hard that blood started to spurt everywhere.

"How dare you!" Malfoy cried, whipping out his wand, and standing up, finding that he was nearly a foot and a half taller than the other boy.

"Oooh, I'm so scared of fart-eating, Dragon-boy. Come on. Hurt me. Just because you need a wand to cause some damage doesn't mean you aren't a man," Jack sneered right back at the boy.

"Oh, you'll pay for that, Dumbledore," Malfoy cried, making a mad lunge at Jack, who jumped nimbly out of the way, causing Malfoy to bang his head on the bench where several Ravenclaws started to squeal and scream.

Jack got into a fighting stance as Malfoy stood back up, and he saw four, tall figures rushing towards him. Minerva, Hermione, Harry, and Ron, were all rushing to the scene of the fight, with Qing-jao and Amelia close behind. Harry and Ron had to pin Jack's arms behind his back by force, and Malfoy stood there, looking murderous.

"Jack Albus Dumbledore!" Minerva cried at the struggling boy, who was trying to break free of the grip of the two fifth-year boys, but to no avail. "Twenty points from Gryffindor and a detention! I'm ashamed of you!" Malfoy sneered at Jack, but Minerva turned on him next. "And Mr. Malfoy! A student who's been here as long as you should know better! And of all the dirty things you could possibly do when attacked by a boy who's half your size, you pull out your wand, and attempt to curse him? Thirty points from Slytherin, and a detention for you as well, not to mention it'll be two detentions if you don't wipe that smirk off your face." Minerva cried all this in a voice so loud, that the hall had gone dead silent. Her robes swishing as she turned around, she said, "Back to your breakfasts, everyone. Nothing to see here."

Malfoy sat down with a thud next to Pansy, who started to wipe the blood from his face, but he merely pushed her away and looked back at Jack. "Trust me, Dumbledore, you'll regret the day you were born."

"No, duh, Malfoy," Jack spat with a tone of disgust, "Anyone who's ever seen your ugly face would." Malfoy started to stand up, but thought better of it and instead shot him a sinister sneer. Jack crossed his eyes and imitated Draco, "I am a big, bad Slytherin. I have the brain of a three-toed sloth. Du-huh." He looked at Draco and said, "A three-toed sloth is a really stupid marsupial." Draco looked even more confused. "Well, gee, Malfoy, you're so smart, maybe you should join MENSA. MENSA is a club for geniuses." After a short pause he said, "Geniuses are really, really smart people." Draco's face was reddened with rage as Jack gave him a cheerful smile.

"Come on Jack, let's go," Hermione said, "we don't need to waste any more of our time on that," she spat, with a look on her face as if she were smelling garbage and smelly diapers all rolled into one.

Jack, Hermione, Harry, and Ron, made their way to the doors of the hall, and were soon joined by the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, and Qing-jao and Amelia.

"Wow," George said, "I've never seen anyone--"

Fred continued, "Stand up to Malfoy like that!" They both looked impressed.

"He's a stupid git who needs to learn some manners," Jack said, looking like he wanted to go back and tear Malfoy limb from limb.

"Jack," Amelia said, "you really didn't have to do that." Jack noticed she was blushing profusely.

"Yeah, Jack. It's not like nobody's ever been made fun of before," Qing-jao continued.

"Look, I've watched Malfoy taunt, make fun of, and be a jerk to people for over four years, and I just couldn't stand it now that he could actually see me."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"I've been living here for over four years with Uncle Albus. He let me wander around with his invisibility cloak, and I've watched people do stuff like that since I got here. I just couldn't stand it any more," Jack said, sounding rather exasperated.

"I know what you mean," Fred said.

"Yeah," George agreed, a dreamy look on his face. "I want to remember that forever. A first year, pounding in Draco Malfoy's nose, and he has to resort to using his wand to get a teacher's attention."

Everybody laughed. Alicia said, "Man, Jack, you got guts!" There was general agreement with their group.

"Oh man," said Hermione, "we've got Transfiguration. We'll catch up with you guys later!" and she, Harry, and Ron ran off to their class.

"Well," the rest of the older kids in the group said, then George said, "we've got Charms. Good luck on your first day, guys." And they were gone.

"What do we have first?" Jack asked, having lost his schedule in the tussle.

Qing-jao looked at her schedule and Jack thought she was going to throw up by the look on her face. "We've got potions with Snape."

"Oh great," Jack said, "I just had to pick a fight with a Slytherin right before my first class with Snape," he said, sarcastically.

"Is he really that bad?" Amelia asked.

"No," Jack replied, thoughtfully. "He's worse."

With several groans, they headed down to the dungeons. Qing-jao put in "Well, at least we're with the Ravenclaws and not with the Slytherins." She gave a slight shiver as they entered the freezing cold room.

"You've gotta feel bad for the poor Hufflepuffs, though," Amelia added.

When class started, they knew they were in for quite a year. They got Snape's standard speech. You understand what I'm talking about, "If you're not as big a dunderheads as I usually have to teach...fame...glory...dumb Gryffindors." You know the drill.

Snape said, "Today we'll be going over the basics."

And they did. For an hour and a half they talked about--or rather listened to Snape talk about--important potions, their uses, important ingredients, standard items, etc. By the time they got out, Ravenclaw had lost fifteen points, and Gryffindor had lost thirty--Jack had lost fifteen of them. Why? Nobody knew.

Qing-jao pulled out her schedule and said, "We've got Herbology in ten minutes," and the three set off to the greenhouses.

Professor Sprout was a kind witch, with a hat askew over her fly-away hair, a big smile, a kind word for everyone, and such dirty hands, Jack was sure if Sister Anne had seen them, she would have fainted dead away. They spent the class going through introductions, the Gryffindors knew each other, but they met the Hufflepuffs. The girls were: Jenna Habbit, Porscia Finch-Fletchley, Sasha Callens, Jessica Skeeter (who, thank God, is nothing like her mother), and Madeline Beck. Respectively they were; short, chubby, blonde hair, pig tails; tall, skinny, brunette, rather flaky; very pretty, tall, skinny, very sweet; tall, short red hair, extremely amiable. The boys were: Jasper "Jazz" Callens, Max Bones, Samuel "Sammy" Jones, and Alexander "Zander" Sinistra. Oddly enough, they all looked fairly similar. Though varying slightly in height and shades of color, they all had brown hair, blue eyes, and were quite pleasant to be around.

They also learned some basic repotting and potting skills, as well as how to properly apply manure to several different plants.

Next was lunch, and Jack, Amelia, and Qing-jao sat down near Harry, Ron, and Hermione, the two latter were having a heated discussion which Harry seemed to be watching and listening to with a good deal of amusement.

"What do you mean, I shouldn't care so much about making the team? Quidditch is the most fantastic thing in the world!" Ron was saying, his face starting to turn red.

"If you spent half as much time on homework as you did on practicing for Quidditch, you'd be a better student than I am!" Hermione said, her voice almost to a shout. She smiled amiably at the first years as they sat down but then returned to the heated discussion.

Harry cleared his throat and almost everyone went silent. "I have an announcement," he said in a soft, but clear voice. "I'm resigning officially from my post as seeker on the Quidditch team."


A/N: Oh dear, it's a cliffhanger. Hate to do it to you. Actually, it's kind of fun. Not that I'd like it...I won't do it again. Well, maybe I will, but not in the next chapter.

I'd like to thank (for the billionth time) my beta reader, Kimmy, who pours over my senseless chapters for hours, searching for errors in grammar, conflicts with canon, and errors in every other aspect of writing. Thanks for all your hard work.

I'd also like to thank the FAmods, who work tireless to make the best darn fan-fiction site on the web. *cheers from readers*

I'd also like to thank all the people who reviewed the first chapter so far. Thanks all, and I hope you like Dumbledore's Nephew so far. Please Review!

(By the way, I'll get to the connection thing soon. 'K'? G2G)

*starts to do a tap-dance on the kitchen table*

Readers start shouting, "What're you doing, you freak?!?"

Shouts back, "Continuing. Didn't you ask me to?"

"The fic, you dult, not your stupid tap-dance."

*blushes* "Sorry. Won't happen again!"