The Dark Arts
Ginny Weasley/Harry Potter
Ginny Weasley Harry Potter
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/21/2003
Updated: 09/05/2003
Words: 30,556
Chapters: 14
Hits: 13,042

I'm not as think as you drunk I am.


Story Summary:
An inebriated Ginny Weasley breaks down and writes a rambling letter to the one she cares for most.

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
An inebriated Ginny Weasley breaks down and writes a rambling letter to the one she cares for most, eventually causing other people to be dragged in.

Dear Harry,

I wanted to write you a few lines to let you know we're all thinking of you here at the Burrow and are eagerly hoping Dumbledore will let you come stay with us soon. We now know of course why you must return to those dreadful relations of yours and while I am certain you dislike the situation more then anyone, I want you to know that Arthur and I are fervently hoping your stay there will be as brief as possible under the circumstances. I've included some pies and other snacks in the attached parcel in case the muggles aren't feeding you as well as they ought to. Don't you dare refuse them Harry James Potter, I haven't sent you a howler yet and I don't intend to have to.

Now on to the reason I might be inclined to send you a howler. I've been keeping track of your correspondence with Ginny and Ron and while I can appreciate your anger at everything that has happened in this last year along with the tones that Ginny and Ron took in the letters they wrote, I have to say that I am very disappointed in you Harry. I would like to think you know you're as much a member of this family as they or the rest of my children. I know it's a painful thing to hear someone say in light of what happened to your godfather Harry, but it's true.

I know you're hurting and I wish I could take that pain away from you, but I can't. And that's no reason to take it out on your friends, even if you think they're asking for it, either in what they say or don't say.

Arthur and I lost several people close to us during Voldemort's first reign of terror including the woman who was my maid of honor when Arthur and I got married. I cried for a week after her funeral. Anna and I grew up together; we were in the same year at Hogwarts and were as close as you are with Ron and Hermione. It still hurts to think of her sometimes. In fact I can feel the tears running down my face right now.

I know you feel alone and isolated Harry, just like you did last year. And I can't blame you for wanting to strike out for that. But you're safe, you're alive. Yes, it's small consolation for the troubles in the world, but it is what Sirius would want. It's what he gave his life for, to keep you safe even when you thought you were trying to keep him safe. Please Harry, if nothing else, try and remember that, and try and focus on the love and pride Sirius felt for you.

Sirius and I didn't always agree on what was best for you. I'm sure you saw plenty of that when you came to stay with us last august. But even I know how much he loved you Harry and not just for being your parents son, or his godson. He loved you for you Harry, he always did. Please don't dishonor that by delving too deeply into anger and rage, it can't be healthy. For you, or for the ones you love. And don't you dare tell me you don't understand the meaning of the word, I know you do. I remember holding you while you wept for Cedric Diggory. I remember the time you spent with Sirius at his house. I remember the guilt you felt when you foolishly thought you were the one who attacked Arthur.

You don't become the mother of seven rather energetic and rambunctious children without learning a few things Harry. I know the pain and loss you've suffered and the fact that you feel betrayed by the people you thought you could trust, most notably by Dumbledore. I remember when Bill and Charlie went through their periods of teenaged rebellion and angst. In fact, I think I'm still dealing with Bill's. Why oh why won't he simply give in and get a haircut Harry? I know, I know, you can't even get yours to lie flat even for a second, so why should I ask you? Oh he's such a handsome young man Harry, and he'd be so much more handsome if he'd simply cut his hair.

Oh listen to me ramble on about Bill's hair when I'm supposed to be scolding you for the letters you wrote and trying to make you feel better at the same time. I don't know if I should tell you this Harry, but last year when the prefect letters arrived, I honestly thought you would be the one to get the position over Ron. He is my son and I am proud of him for being named, but I thought you did deserve it and I'll stand by that. Just don't tell Ron I said so. He does tend to be a bit insecure at times in case you hadn't noticed.

Lets see, I've criticized two of my children, and I suspect you know how I feel about Fred and George. I swear they seem to be trying extra hard to give me a head full of grey hairs. Lets see, what dirt can I tell you about Ginny that you don't already know? Actually, what do you know about Ginny aside from the fact she once had a tremendous crush on you that seems to have genuinely evolved into a severe case of full blown love. I know that's not something a young man would necessarily want to hear from a young lady, let alone from her mother, but it is true Harry. I don't want to make myself sound like I'm trying to start some kind of sordid affair between you and my youngest, although the idea of grandchildren at some point in the future is rather appealing, but Harry, let her in. You don't have to profess your undying love and respect for her, or promise her marriage or even that you'll find a nice broom closet to start snogging in. But Harry, she wants to love you Harry, not for anything that's ever happened to you, or between you and her, but because you are who you are. A kind and generous soul who is simply trying to find his place in the world. She wants to love you because she's a part of your world as much as you are a part of hers.

Please don't be afraid to try, there's nothing worse in this world then living it alone and not the solitude that's forced on us by others. I mean the solitude we place upon ourselves. I know you don't care for Professor Snape and I can understand why. Not one of my children has ever returned home with a kind word for him. But Harry, look at how his life has turned out, and look at how bitter he's become at the world. Don't let yourself be alone Harry, don't consume yourself with things that you feel are beyond your control. Don't be afraid to the things that are normal for a boy your age, even if you think they seem trivial and insignificant. Trust an old woman when she says they aren't. The joy Arthur and the children have brought me through the years, well, it's something I would never trade for anything else in the world.

I realize this letter is turning into something as dry and dusty as something Professor Binns would teach in History of Magic class, but Harry, you need to know you're loved. Love is wanting to be there for someone no matter what. It's wanting to be with them so badly there's an ache in your heart. It's wanting them to lean on you and unleash your fears on them and letting them support you. It's wanting to do all those things for them and more. Love is what you make of it Harry and it's what you're going to get not just from Ginny but from every single one of us and don't you dare forget it.

Now, I'm going to wind up this letter and let you get a bite to eat from that parcel before all the food goes stale, but Harry, please try and stay centered and don't loose your temper. You shouldn't feel ashamed to get angry and you shouldn't keep it inside, but please, we're here for you no matter what happens. And we'll never leave your side, no matter what.

Eagerly looking forward to seeing you, and with much love,

Molly Weasley

Dear Mrs.Weasley,

Thank you for your letter. I honestly don't know how to respond except to say I'll think about it. It still hurts to think about Sirius and it feels like the pain will never go away. I really don't think Ginny, Ron, or even Hermione understands what I'm feeling and how can I share it with any of them? How can I explain to them something I hope they never have to go through?

I truly pray that they never have to go through losing someone they care about to Voldemort. That's why I was so angry at Christmas, because they almost lost Mr.Weasley and I'd never forgive myself for depriving them of their father. I don't resent them for having a family but I am jealous that they do seem to take it for granted. That they take you for granted.

I don't think they understand how lucky they are to have you in their lives. What I mean is this. Do you remember Ron and mine's first year at Hogwarts? You sent me a jumper even though you'd never met me and didn't know a thing about me beyond whatever Ron told you about me and whatever was written in a couple of books. Do you know what my aunt and uncle sent me? A 50 pence piece. That's the muggle equivalent of five or six knuts. But you, who'd never met me, took the time to knit me a jumper. It's one of the first presents anyone ever gave me and I don't think I ever thanked you for it Mrs.Weasley. Thank you.

Do you know that spending time at the Burrow is the one thing I look forward to every summer? You and Mr.Weasley don't just make me feel at home, you make me feel like I am home and I never thanked you for that. Thank you.

I never thanked Mr.Weasley for going with me to my hearing last year and waiting for me until it was over. Thank him for that.

I don't want to bring up what I'm sure is an unpleasant memory but last year when you were dealing with that boggart, I saw it take my form in among everyone else's. Thank you for caring so much about me that you'd consider me dying to be one of your deepest fears. Thank you.

I don't know how to open up the way you want me to Mrs.Weasley. I haven't exactly had that many opportunities to get to know someone well enough to trust them with what I'm feeling. I mean, lets face it, it's hard to converse with your parents when they're dead, and I know Sirius wanted to be there for me, but living his life on the run from the ministry doesn't exactly make it easy to have a conversation.

So I don't know Mrs.Weasley, it's not like I have that many options left to me, but I'll do as you ask and try. I won't promise I won't blow up or get angry or upset, but I'll do my best Mrs.Weasley. I owe Sirius that much at least.

I hope you and Mr.Weasley and the rest are doing well and I do look forward to seeing you soon.


PS Thank you for the food. I can see it now, the pies are going to be a lifesaver. Yes the muggles are feeding me, but not nearly as well as you do(even by Owl Post!)

Molly Weasley wiped the tears from her eyes as she finished rereading the letter from Harry before leaving the kitchen to show it to her husband, wishing that life would stop being so unfair for the son she wished she could call her own.