The Dark Arts
Ginny Weasley/Harry Potter
Ginny Weasley Harry Potter
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/21/2003
Updated: 09/05/2003
Words: 30,556
Chapters: 14
Hits: 13,042

I'm not as think as you drunk I am.


Story Summary:
An inebriated Ginny Weasley breaks down and writes a rambling letter to the one she cares for most.

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
An innebriated Ginny unleashes her emotions in a letter. Her admirer writes back.

Dear Harry,

I'm sorry for upsetting you the way I did. You were right of course, I didn't have any right to treat you the way I did in my letter, and you have every right to be upset with me for it. I suppose this is where I'm supposed to say I can't help the way I feel about you. I can't. It's true.

I suppose you're expecting me to break down again and be a sobbing little girl who can't keep herself from crying.

I won't apologize for loving you Harry and I won't apologize for getting myself drunk to tell you. God you are so stubborn sometimes and I do hate you for it. I'm not trying to be malicious Harry but it's true.

Is it possible for you to go five minutes without feeling sorry for yourself? Is it possible for you to actually know what it's like to be alive?

So it isn't easy being you. Is isn't that easy being the rest of us you know. You think I enjoy people whispering about the Chamber of Secrets whenever I walk by? I don't. I don't like it one damn bit but I deal with it because I don't have a choice. I can't go around worrying about what other people think because when it comes down to it, it doesn't matter what they think. And if they don't see me for who I am, and don't want to take the time to get to know me then they aren't worth the time of day.

This makes me wonder why I'm actually taking the time to worry over you Harry since you never seem to see me for anything more then Ron's little sister. You couldn't even be bothered to write two different letters to us after Ron's little howler to you. You had to take the easy way out and send us one letter addressed to the both of us.

It's always the easy way for you isn't it? Malfoy insults my family and yours and instead of walking away from him you punch him out. Ron gets jealous of you because you got entered into the tournament and you won't talk to him first, you just ignore him until he comes round. Dumbledore makes us promise not to reveal anything about where we were last summer and instead of respecting Dumbledore's request, you decide to get angry at us instead.

Bow down to Harry Potter, he knows everything and we're all a part of a conspiracy to make his life as miserable as possible. That's right. Ron got named prefect over you just to piss you off. Hermione organized DA just to make you feel guilty. Cho got all weepy on you because she knew it would confuse you to know end. And Sirius, he kept himself confined to that dreary old house then ran off and got himself killed rescuing you while you were trying to rescue him just so you could feel the last of your heartstrings breaking.

That's right, every day before you wake up, we all gather around in a room more secret then the Room of Requirement just so we can figure out new ways to make your life more miserable. Congratulations Harry, loosing your parents when you were one year was only the beginning. By the time you're done with seventh year, you'll be stark raving bonkers.

I figure the key will be over the course of the next year to seduce you so you fall so incredibly madly in love with me that you can't stand to be apart from me for even an instant. You'll be so incredibly in love with me you'll want to marry me. Then, when you go off to fight Voldemort, Ron, Hermione and I will all leap in front of curses meant for you thus leaving you totally alone and bereft of any physical or emotional support whatsoever.

At that point Harry, you'll have nothing left. Nothing left at all and I hope I have the courage to come back as a ghost so I can haunt you into complete submission. Then, when I've got you right where I want you, Voldemort can sneak up behind you and kill you strait dead. That way you can float into oblivion leaving my ghost here on earth to wander aimlessly for all eternity.

You'd like that wouldn't you Harry? All our lives shattered and destroyed just like you think yours is. You want to see all our tombstones lined up one after the other. First your parents, then Cedric's, then Sirius, next will be Professor Lupin, then mom and dad, then Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore and then finally my own. Maybe we'll even arrange to have Voldemort attack Hogwarts and have him collapse the castle in on itself killing everyone inside. One big mass grave full of bent, broken and mangled bodies for you to sift through so their lifeless faces can haunt you forever.

How accurate was that Harry? Does it come close to the nightmares you tell yourself so you can close yourself off from the rest of us? Good. Isn't it nice to know there's someone else out there who knows you as well as you do? Or did you forget that I've been there myself? Did you honestly think I hadn't had those very same thoughts go through my own head from time to time?

God I won't weep but I wish I could say this to you face to face so I could slap you silly for being so obstinate. I think you need a good kick to the shins and a cauldron dumped on your head for good measure just as a reminder you're not the only person with feelings. You're not the only person hurting.

So you don't have an actual family. So your parents are dead. They obviously must have loved you. You obviously wouldn't be here if they didn't. So you don't have any brothers. Trust me, they can be very overrated at times.

Lets take a look at mine shall we? First you have Bill, who all things considered, isn't that bad of a big brother. He actually takes the time to treat the rest of us like individuals and listens to us when we want to talk. By the way, I'm on kitchen detail for the rest of the week for liberating his stash in case you were curious. But lets be fair, the only time he comes home is for things like the World Cup or to help out with the Order.

Then there's Charlie. He's ok too I suppose, not that he's around much. I think that might be his only redeeming quality. For some reason, he's taken it upon himself to nickname me Half-Pint and it's incredibly annoying. He also seems to think he should be giving me advice on my love life when he takes the time to write.

Then there's Percy. You know, the one who decided you were too unstable to be around and helped try to get you expelled on two separate occasions. The one who actually went to school with us and knows you nearly died trying to save me. The one who made a bet with his girlfriend on you winning the Quidditch House Cup.

Then there's Fred and George who despite their rather dramatic departure from school when that fat cow Umbridge tried to nail their heads to the wall, don't have a serious bone in their bodies. I know you were trying to do the right thing Harry but did you have to give them that 1000 galleons? They were insufferable before that and they've grown worse since them. I doubt they'd know genuine emotion if it snuck up and sat on their faces if it didn't involve Quidditch or turning someone's skin purple.

Then there's Ron. Your best friend. He IS your best friend isn't he? You can trust him right? Oh yeah that's right, for some reason Dumbledore needed a secret place to fight against Voldemort and swore Ron about it, and what do you know, he kept his word. Imagine that. Instead of being loyal to his best friend who's always stood by him no matter what, he kept his word to Dumbledore when Dumbledore needed him to. That's when he's not blowing up at you for having people out to kill you and entering your name in tournaments you've never heard of. Or blowing up at Hermione for who knows what that seems to change every day. And heaven forbid he get his own identity as a prefect. We all know that privilege is reserved for people who wear glasses and have scars on their forehead. Stupid prat, I hate Ron too. Not that he ever takes me seriously. Always assumes I'm at his beckon call. But at least I keep my temper in check around him and don't go off on him for some perceived infraction of our friendship.

Ginny, you don't have any sort of social life, you can go to the ball with Harry.

Ginny, your boyfriend is too petty and immature and broke up with you. Harry's girlfriend broke up with him, you two should start snogging.

Stupid prat. I know I'm not exactly the quickest broom in the shed when it comes to having a social life but at least I have a social life. Unlike Ron, or Hermione for that matter. You think they'll ever get a clue?

Oh Ron, this perfume, it's so...so...so different.

Oh please, pardon me while I throw up my lunch. I don't know what's worse, the fact that they're both clueless or the fact that they're both clueless about each other.

Look Harry, I'm sorry things didn't work out between you and Cho, but you had to know it wouldn't work right? I mean come on, after Cedric died, well it's kind of hard to bounce back from something like that. Besides which, when a girl kisses you and you describe it as 'wet', they won't be calling you Romeo anytime soon.

And for the record, I wouldn't automatically fly off the handle if you told me you had to go talk to Hermione about something. I might be torn between sitting in your lap and snogging you senseless or slapping you silly for interrupting our date with something like that, but I would NOT fly off the handle. No, I won't do anything to embarrass either of us. I won't send you a dwarf dressed like cupid as a valentine. I won't send you a singing get well card when you fall off your broom. But that doesn't mean I don't have feelings Harry and I won't sit here and automatically take this abuse from you.

Feeling angry? Ok. Want to let it out? Ok, that's fine, but that's no reason to blow up at everyone. Here's an interesting concept, why don't you try sitting down at your desk, taking out some parchment and ink and calmly writing it all down. I don't mean getting angry, I mean just calmly let it all out. Keep a diary if you want. Not a magical one you prat, a muggle one. You don't have to show it to anyone, but you know you need to let it all out. Just write in it whenever you need to and keep it locked up in your trunk.

I am curious about one thing though, and please don't get upset at me for asking this. What are you on about with this prophecy gig? What does it mean about neither of you living while both are alive? Because I think I know what it means but I don't think I want it to mean what I think it does. Please tell me I'm wrong Harry. Please.

Yours in Obstinate Anger and Friendship,


PS Have you written to Professor Lupin at all Harry? I don't know if you remembered this at all, but he knew Sirius longer then you did and is probably hurting just as much as you are.

PPS The reason Ron found out about the letter was he overheard mom giving me a lecture on drinking before assigning kitchen duty to me for a week. He decided it was in 'my best interest' and 'in defense of my virtue' that he sneak into my room to read the letter you wrote me. You don't have to worry about writing him another letter or sending him a howler, I've already lectured him to no end about invading other people's privacy and that I thoroughly deserved what you wrote in your letter. Besides which, after I was done he suddenly found it very difficult to do anything but curl up in pain in his bed. That'll teach him.

Just as Ginny finished sealing and addressing the letter to Harry, she turned to see Hedwig fly into her room. She casually took the letter from her leg, attached the new one and sent Hedwig on her way. As she sat down her bed and began to read the letter Harry had sent her, her face slowly drained of all color.