Fred Weasley George Weasley
General Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 02/14/2004
Updated: 02/29/2004
Words: 6,276
Chapters: 2
Hits: 1,241

Draco Malfoy, the Orphan


Story Summary:
What happens when Draco is orphaned and all he has is the Weasleys?

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
There's some groping in the dark and Harry is surprised.


Chapter 02: Happy Birthday Mr. Potter


July 30....

It had been three weeks since Draco had woken up and he was, surprisingly, getting along with the Twins. They had bonded over Quidditch, though Draco wasn't well enough to play just then. Draco was also at ease with the Weasley elders and found that he enjoyed himself there. The dream about his mother had left him at peace about his mother, though he still cried once in awhile about it. He believed that the dream was more than a dream and didn't tell anyone about it. The ring that had acted as Portkey, Molly had held onto it until Draco woke up, was no longer active and shined brightly everytime that Draco looked at it.

"Come on!" Fred called from inside the house. George and Draco, who were sitting out on the porch drinking lemonade, turned their head in Fred's direction. "They'll be here any minute!" George grinned and eagerly bounded in after Fred. Draco frowned and followed at a slower pace. He had been dreading this moment since he had found out that Ron and Ginny were coming home earlier than expected.

The three boys gathered in front of the fireplace, with the elder Weasleys. The fire suddenly turned green and Molly pulled the boys back a bit so whoever was Flooing in, would have room to land. "Come back you lot. Wouldn't want you all to get tangled, now would we?" The fire whirled and spitted out a person. It was Ginny. Molly grinned and hugged her daughter to her. The fire whirled again and next came out Hermione. Molly grabbed her into a hug as well, as Harry was spit out, who was followed by Ron. Harry and Hermione had came along for the hell of it. After a big group hug with Molly, the four new arrivals got a good look at the new resident of the Burrow.

"MALFOY?!" Ron shrieked rather girlishly.

"Yes?" Draco asked cooly, looking up from examining his nails.

"MUM! WHAT'S IT DOING HERE?!" Ron asked, as he pointed a shaking finger at Draco.

"What? I'm an IT now?" Draco asked, fists clenching.

"Oh dear," Molly sighed to herself. "I forgot about their animosity."


"That move was brill Malfoy," Fred complemented, thumping Draco on the back. "I never knew Ron could be thrown so far." They were walking back inside from the garden, where Ron and Draco had a "friendly" spar. Ron had challenged Draco to a fight as soon as his parents had left to pick up some groceries to settle it "once and for all" who the best was. No one was sure who won.

"I especially liked when you started complaining about your hair," George said, mussing Draco's hair.

Draco glared at George, a cut under his right eyes, and combed his fingers through his hair, which looked ruffled. "Lay off the hair, you sod. You know how long it takes for it to stay in place?" They flopped down on the floor against the couch in the living room, in front of the new Muggle telly that Arthur had installed a few months back.

"No doubt hours. I bet you even get up before dawn to make sure it look perfect," Fred teased.

Draco sniffed haughtily. "Of course I do. How else to do you expect hair to look as perfect as mines otherwise?" He crossed his arms across his chest. "Turn the telly on. I think there's a football game between Scotland versus Ireland coming on about now."


Ron wasn't that far off from what Draco looked like. He had a slash from the bottom of his left eye to mid cheek and he limped slightly with his right leg. He, Harry, and Hermione were gathered in Ron's room, discussing Draco. "I still can't believe that prat is staying with us!" Ron exclaimed, throwing his arm into the air and wincing when it protested.

"Me too," Harry said. "I am so glad that Sirius said I couldn't stay with you this summer. No offense of course, but I rather not spend my summer arguing with Malfoy."

"And you think I want to?" Ron said, moaning. "Why couldn't my Mum and Dad have sent him to an orphanage or something?"

Hermione smacked him in the arm, causing him to curse in pain. "Don't be mean to him. He just lost his mother. And his father was the one to kill her. How would you feel if you were in that situation."

Ron had the decency to blush in embarrassment. "When you put it that way...." He kicked his bed. "Still doesn't mean that I'm going to go out of my way to be nice to him. Don't expect us to be discussing Quidditch over afternoon tea either. He's still a evil prat."

Hermione rolled her eyes. She couldn't change it all. At least they wouldn't be sporting anymore cuts and bruises for awhile. "Better than nothing," the girl said. "It doesn't mean I forgive him for all the torment he caused us though."

"Good," a voice said from the door of Ron's room. "I don't want your forgiveness Granger."

The Golden Trio turned to the door to see sun from the window shining off of a silver head of hair. Draco leaned against Ron's door frame, smirking at the Trio. His face was clean of any bruises and cuts he had been wearing earlier. "Better get cleaned up Weasley. Molly's calling us for dinner." He turned around and left.

"Molly?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

Ron was turning a funny shade of purple. "He's on a first name basis with Mum? This is bad. This is terrible!"

Hermione couldn't resist. "And he's seemed to form a friendship with the Twins."

"Ah bloody hell," Ron moaned, falling backwards onto his bed.

"Well," Harry said, getting up from his at Ron's window seat. "I'm hungry. I'm going downstairs." He looked at Hermione who was relaxing in an orange armchair. "Coming?"

Hermione nodded. "We'll see you soon," she said, kissing Ron on the lips and walking out with Harry.

Ron grinned at his girlfriend's apparent abandonment of shyness and walked to his bathroom, whistling. "Good day...."


Ginny sniffled a little more, before tearing up the parchment in her hands, that a owl just delivered to her. "Stupid bastard think he can just dump me like that. I'll show him no one treats Virginia Anna Weasley like that." She threw the pieces of parchment into the wind, watching the pieces flutter away. Her tears dried in the wind and she got off the hill she was sitting on and started heading down to the house.

"So I assume that you didn't like what you read," George called out from behind a nearby tree, causing his sister to turn around and to stare at him.

"You could say that," Ginny said, after making sure her voice wouldn't crack on her.

"Jeremy was his name, wasn't it?" George asked, walking toward her.

"Yeah," Ginny said, biting her lip. "The bastard told me that he couldn't live a lie anymore and was secretly seeing Courtney Campbell and in love with her."

George raised an eyebrow. "Isn't Courtney your best friend."

"Was," Ginny corrected him shortly. "She was my best friend."

"Ah," George said. He wrapped an friendly arm around her shoulder and directed her towards the house once again. "Come on. Mum's calling us for dinner. Later, me and Fred could help you plan your revenge."

"All right," Ginny said, opening the screen door. They walked in, already discussing the best way to mess with a person's head.


July 31....

"Prat, move your hand," Fred's voice called out into the darkened family room.

"Move your foot then, you stupid bastard," Draco said, a kick being heard.

"It's so crowded here," Parvati Patil's voice announced. "I can't see anything. Can you Lav? By the way, love the dress."

"Your dress robes are so much prettier though. And I can't see crap," Lavender Brown answered. "I might as well be blind. Where are you?"

"I think by Neville," Parvati called out. She grabbed hold of the nearest hand. "This is your hand, isn't it Neville?"

"No, that's my hand," Seamus Finnigan said, grinning, even though no one could see it. "Or is it?"

"Come on! Who's hand am I holding?" Parvati cried out.

"That's mines," Dean Thomas said quietly. "Don't listen to Seamus. He's being a prat again."

"No I'm not!" Seamus argued.

"Neville," Lavender whined. "Where are you at?"

"Right here, love," Neville said near her ear. Lavender giggled and grabbed Neville's hand in her own.

"Who's touching my bum?!" Hermione's voice called out shrilly.

"Who's touching my girlfriend's bum?!" Ron asked, his face no doubt turning purple.

"I'm touching your girlfriend's bum!" Fred said proudly.

"Stop touching Hermione's bum, Fred!" Ginny yelled, a smack heard.

"Ow! I wasn't touching her bum. It was George!" Fred said in a whiny voice.

"No I wasn't you liar!" George said indignantly.

"Yes you were!" Fred argued.

"Both of you shut up! And nobody touch Hermione's bum!" Ginny shouted, her patience gone.

"Sorry Ginny," the Twins murmured together.

"Good. Hey! Who touched my bum?" Ginny shrieked.

"Wanna take a guess Weaselette?" Draco's drawl sounded.

"Where are you Malfoy?! Get your paws off of my sister!" Ron exclaimed.

"Kindly restrain your boyfriend, Granger," Draco said, his cool voice tinged with a bit of fear.

A struggle was heard. "Come on Mione! Get off of me so I can pound him!" Ron cried.

"Ow! Stop flinging your arms around like that, you long limbed freak," Neville complained.

"Stop being so overprotective Ron. I can take care of myself," Ginny said, sniffing haughtily.

"You aren't defending yourself," Ron pointed out.

"Ow!" Draco shouted. "Why did you hit me Weaselette?"

"You touched my bum, Malfoy," Ginny said smugly. "No one messes with Ginny Weasley."

"Good going Ginny!" Ron cheered. "Ow!" He yelped out a second later. "What was that for, Gin?"

"You're being too overprotective," Ginny stated.

"Stop arguing!" Padma Patil said. "They'll be back any minute."

Silence reigned for a maximum of two seconds.

"Someone touched my bum!" Parvati yelped.

"Hey! That's my girlfriend's bum. Only I can touch it!" Seamus yelled. A pause. "Hang on. I am touching it."

"Hands off of my sister," Padma growled.

"I know you want me Padma. But I ain't leaving Parv for you," Seamus said cheerfully.

"Like I would ever want you. I'm happy with Dean," Padma said, smiling as Dean pressed a kiss to her forehead. At least, she hoped it was Dean that kissed her.

"We should have kept the guest list to include everyone that wasn't Seamus," Ginny said thoughtfully.

"Hey!" Seamus said.

"Stop being a pain honey," Parvati said.

"Unless you wanna be kicked out of the house," Ginny said.

"And she can do it too," Fred added.

"SHUT YOUR TRAPS YOU ANNOYING ANKLE BITTERS!" Charlie Weasley yelled, his patience gone and speaking for the first time since Ron's brilliant idea to hide in the dark to surprise Harry went into effect.

"Chill Charlie man," Bill Weasley said, chuckling.

"But they're so annoying Bill," Charlie whined.

"Do shut up all of you," Percy's precise voice rang out.

"Do take that stick out of your arse Percy," Fred said, mimicking Percy's tone of voice.

"SHUT IT!" Charlie yelled again.

"Consider us shut," George said.

Silence reigned once again.


"Thanks for taking me out for lunch, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley," Harry said, smiling. "You too, Remus. Sirius."

"Not a problem Harry my boy," Sirius said cheerfully, clapping Harry on the back. He had grown a lot more cheerful and healthy looking since last year, when he was found innocent of the crimes that had committed him to Azkaban.

"It was a pleasure," Remus said. "We thought we should have done something for your birthday. We wished we could have done more, but we," he gestured to himself and Sirius. "Have prior engagements."

"That's fine," Harry said, smiling. "Today was great nonetheless. I'm glad we decided to take the car. I don't think I could handle Flooing on a full stomach." The adults chuckled. "I wish the others could have come with us though. I wouldn't have even minded Malfoy."

"Well," Molly said exchanging a sly glance with her husband. "Don't let them know, but they wanted to wow you with a surprise dinner. They've been cook all day."

"Oh," Harry said, grinning at the thought of his friends cooking. And especially at the thought of the ever so perfect Draco Malfoy covered in food.

"Would you two like to come in?" Arthur asked Sirius and Remus, his eyes twinkling.

"Sure," Sirius said. "Why not? We got a few minutes, don't we Remus?"

"Yes," Remus said, hiding a grin. "I believe that we do."

Arthur used his key to the door to the Burrow and swung open the door. The lights were flipped on in the kitchen and everyone took off their coats. "The kids must be in the family room," Arthur said into the empty kitchen.

"Why don't we drop in there and say hello, Remus?" Sirius asked, his grin becoming bigger. Remus nodded and they all headed to the family room.

"Why is it so dark in here?" Molly said into the family room. She flipped on the light. "There," a smile blossoming on Molly's face. "That's better."

Harry turned from talking to Sirius to look into the room. "SURPRISE!" Harry's eyes widened as he watched his friends jump out of the strangest places cheering and wishing him a happy birthday.

He blinked. "Wow."

"Happy Birthday mate," Ron said, shaking Harry's hand and then hugging him tightly.

Hermione hugged him tightly and kissed him on the cheek. "Happy Birthday Harry."

"Thanks," Harry said, smiling.

Ginny came up to him and gave him a huge hug. She had gotten over the crush she had on him and treated him like any other friend she had. "Happy Birthday Mr. Potter," she said grinning. "Maybe you'll actually grow this year Midget."

He grinned at her and ruffled her red curls. "Here's hoping." Ginny went off to talk to Sirius. She had grown fond of him, like he was an older brother.

Draco came up to him. "Potter," he said, nodding at him.

"Malfoy," Harry nodded back.

"Er, Happy Birthday," the blond said.

"Thanks," Harry said, raising an eyebrow. They stood there, staring at each other for about two minutes.

"I'm going now," Draco said, turning away.

"All right," Harry said, watching the blond leave him amusement. "That was unusual," the raven haired boy said to himself.

"Mate," Seamus said, bouncing up to Harry. "Birthday wishes." He flung himself at Harry and hugged him hard.

Dean followed at a slower pace with Neville. "Happy Birthday," Dean said, shaking Harry's hand.

"Yeah, Happy Birthday Harry," Neville said. He had thinned and filled out, after he had started dating Lavender the year before.

"Thanks you guys," Harry said, watching them head off to the buffet table.

"Harry," George called.

"Potter," Fred finished.

"We wish you a," George sang.

"Happy Birthday," Fred once again finished.

"And may you," George added.

"Get laid," Fred finished with a flourish. The two grinned identical grins, thumped him on the back, and bounced off to cause more mischief.

"Mr. Potter," a voice purred. Hands covered his eyes and the scent of cucumber melon filled his nose.

"We've been waiting for this day," another voice purred, lips ghosting across his left ear.

"For awhile," a voice nearly identical to the first one said, in a almost monotonous purr, if that at all is possible. A finger dragged itself down his arm.

"Happy Birthday," the three said, turning him around. Parvati, Lavender, and Padma greeted him with smiles as his eyes were uncovered. They took turns kissing him quickly on the lips. They left, grinning at his dazed look.

A hand clapped him on both shoulders and Bill and Charlie laughed at his expression. "Nice one Harry," Charlie said.

"Three beautiful girls kiss you and you look at them, with drool about to drip from your mouth," Bill said. "Happy Birthday."

"Best wishes," Charlie added. "We'll go get drunk now." He and Bill headed to the kitchen, probably to get some alcohol and spike the punch before the Twins could.

Harry sat down on the couch and took the drink that Dean offered him. He watched happily as everyone around him mingled. "Hey," Ginny said, sitting down next to him. "Everyone else is paired off so I'm gonna bother you."

"You're no bother," Harry said, smiling at her. She smiled back began a discussion on Hogwarts Quidditch. This was probably the best birthday ever.



Author notes: I had to have Parvati and Padma in here, cause they're Indian and I'm Indian and it'll be interesting to write them. Please review.