Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/10/2002
Updated: 04/10/2002
Words: 78,242
Chapters: 24
Hits: 21,252

A Change Of Seasons

Piri Malfoy

Story Summary:
Harry and Draco find that sometimes people aren't who they think they are, and changes can and will happen. Are they always for the best though or are some changes worth waiting for?

Chapter 10

Author's Note:
Just that I hope you enjoy this :)  Ta-ra!

Harry awoke the next morning with the same smile still on his lips. The night before had brought new realizations to him, though just yet he still wasn't sure how he was going to lay in the groundwork for the plans he was still drawing up involving Draco. He knew he'd have to move cautiously, Draco's sudden departure and the painstricken look in his eyes last night told Harry all too well something else was going on besides Draco playing his little 'games' with Harry.

He still wondered why Draco had fled though, he thought what happened last night was exactly what Draco had wanted so badly, yet when the opportunity had been handed to him on a silver platter, he turned tail and ran. For a moment Harry wondered if it had something to do with that image of him right before school started that he'd seen, which sent a shudder down Harry's spine at how well he still could vividly see those images, but somehow he wasn't sure that was it a'toll. No, it was something else, and something Harry had every intention of finding out what and why.

As Harry sat there thinking in the hot shower before breakfast, his mind was racing on how he was going to be able to find a way to get Draco alone again, and where they could possibly go. He needed to talk to Draco, to get some answers, and as a little smile played on his lips, possibly something else. Oh he had no intentions of flat out shagging Draco Malfoy on the floor of some unused classroom, but even Harry couldn't deny the fact that the kisses that had been exchanged last night were most definitely desirable, and something he had every intention of repeating.

Turning the water off and going back to the dorm room, he noticed he was late, everyone else had allready gone down for breakfast most likely. Lately Ron didn't bother to wait on Harry, wanting to see Hermione as soon as possible in the mornings, and knowing those two, as far into the night whenever possible. Chuckling a bit at how things certainly had changed since those two started going out, he was more then grateful at the moment for the silent time. Time that he needed to concoct his plans.

*The sorting hat really should have put me in Slytherin I think...I'm getting far too ambitious these days!* Harry thought wryly. He had finally learned over the years that Slytherin house wasn't really 'evil', just pure ambitiousness, slyness, and okay the occasional 'bad seed'. However you sliced it though, Harry was a true born Gryffindor heir, and even Gryffindors were known for that, if Peter Pettigrew was anything to go by, so when you looked at it, the house really didn't matter, the person did. And right now, Harry James Potter was thinking some very Slytherinistic ideas.

Looking over his schedule for the day, he came acrost a bit of a salvation. The second class of the morning was luckily a 'free period' library class, and right after that and before supper was the time in which the students would take their 'electives'. Harry and Draco were the only 2 in the particular 'elective' they'd picked, and Harry still hadn't remembered even picking it but apparently he had, and that might just make things a bit easier. Harry finished getting dressed, his new plan in his mind, and headed down to breakfast, hoping that everything would work out.

"Oi Harry, where've ya been? Breakfast is nearly over!" Ron said taking a huge helping of scrambled eggs onto his plate along with some knockers and potatoes.

"Sorry Ron, got a bit of a late start." Harry said gazing up at the amount of food on Ron's heaped plate. "Geez Ron, how can you eat like that?" he said in mock disgust.

"I agree, it's barbaric if you ask me!" Hermione interjected giving Ron a glaring look.

"Offf, 'm 'roin 'oy" Ron said with a mouthful of potatoes. "Err, sorry, I mean I'm a growing boy" he said sheepishly as he swallowed the food.

"Growing? Ron Weasley you're allready 6'2! More like fattening is what it is!" Hermione said still very disgusted at Ron and making sure he knew it.

"Awe 'Mione, guess he just wants to look like Dudley after all. Just more of him to love!" Harry said with a laugh winking at her.

Ron gulped in midchew and gave Harry a dirty look. "Low blow mate, low blow. Allright then fine, I'll stop. Just dont blame me when I wither away to nothing!" he said grudgingly.

Hermione and Harry laughed. "Ronald Weasley, what am I going to do with you" Hermione said giving a mock sigh.

"Guess you'll have to make it up to me later." Ron said winking at Hermione with a little grin and putting his arm round her waist.

Hermione just grinned and gazed up at the ceiling, but apparently was satisfied with the response. "I guess I'll have to." she said winking back at him. Turning back to Harry she said, "So you have potions with Malfoy again today eh? Surprized he hasn't tried to pull anything yet, especially when you two are the only ones taking that elective. How do you put up with that prat Harry I swear!" she said with a frown on her face.

Harry chuckled. "It's okay 'Mione, he's actually behaved so far in the few classes we've done together. I doubt he'll really try to pull anything on me when Snapes over us like a hawk. Narrows it down a bit to pull something when there's only 2 of us in there." he said jokingly. *I wonder how they're going to react when the time comes....* he thought hesitantly. They were his two best friends in the world, but even they had their limits, and Draco Malfoy was definitely at the top of those limits.

"Well just take care allright? We best be off though, we have Herbology first class and I cant wait to see those new plants Professor Sprout got in yesterday!" Hermione said grabbing Ron by his arm and nearly dragging him off out the door. "Come on Harry, dont be late now!" she yelled back over her shoulder while leaving.

Harry got up to follow him but not before taking a quick glance round the room. Most of the Slytherins were at the table still, however as his eyes glanced over the area Draco normally sat in, he was surprized to find he wasn't there. He had been running so late as he'd come in that he hadn't even checked to see if Draco was even there before morning meal, and he wondered now if something had happened. It was then that to his even more amazement, when he scanned the head table, he realized Dumbledore wasn't to be seen either, which was highly unusual at this time of day. Dumbledore never missed a meal unless it was urgent, and whatever was going on he had a sneaking suspicion involved them both. However he had little time to think more on it or he'd be late for class, and right now he really didn't need a detention, whatever it was, would have to wait.

Draco was still nowhere to be seen during Herbology, and Harry was beginning to get throughouly worried by the time the class ended. Not just because his plans were getting skewed since without Draco they weren't able to happen a'toll, but in genuine concern for Draco on the whole. Harry realized that it was now the 'free period', but he had no intention of heading his way to the library. In point of fact, oddly enough he found himself somewhere's else, and quite the opposite place in which he originally intended to go during his freetime. Making his mind up at seeing where he's subconsciously led himself, he decided to take the initiative and go see the one person who might have a clue what had happened to Draco, and maybe even, help him in his plans.

"Professor? Professor are you here?" Harry said walking into the apparently empty classroom.

A small door opened on the other end of the room and the person Harry had come to see walked out. "Potter. To what do I owe this esteemed visit?" Severus said scowling at him.

Harry eyed him for a moment debating how he would handle this. He wasn't sure he really should do things this way, and hadn't originally intended it, but right now he was running low on options, though he really wasn't sure this was the person in which he should put his trust. He was one of the few people that knew some truths bout Severus Snape, and he also knew that Snape would rather see Harry dead then admit those truths. But as things were, desperate times indeed, called for desperate measures.

"IF you're done examining me Mr. Potter, say what you came to say then leave. I rather not have to deal with you until next period when I'm forced to do so." Severus said in his usual cold sneer.

Harry made up his mind. "Look, I know you and I never hit it off, and I know the reasons behind your 'hatred' of me, but I'm not my father allright? I cant turn back time and change what he did. I"m really tired of having to live up to that too, since obviously you have shall we say, reconciled that little incident with someone else involved." he said not taking his eyes off Severus's.

Severus seemed startled for a moment, but regained his composure. "I'm afraid Mr. Potter, I have no clue as to what you are referring to. Though I am fully aware you are not your father, as they say, like father like son. You have yet to prove to me you are any less careless as your father was." he drawled.

"Maybe I am, but atleast I dont blame people for something they didn't do. And I do believe, professor, you know exactly what I'm talking bout." he said in a steely voice that was going to show Snape he wasn't going to back down from him.

"Potter, unless you came here to annoy me even moreso then usual, which unless you wish a weeks worth of detention, turn yourself round and leave." Severus said walking back towards the door he'd come out of.

"Maybe Professor Lupin will be more then happy to have a little chat with me then since you're too busy to do so." Harry said grasping at his trump card.

Severus stopped dead in his tracks and stiffened. *He knows* was the only thought that he could get a grasp on. Turning round, he walked back over to Harry and looked at him coldly, trying desperately to throw Harry off, but realized it wasn't going to work, somehow Harry had found out, there was no two ways bout it. Sighing in frustration, he indicated for Harry to sit down at the desk next to him. "How...when did you...."

"Last night. It wasn't intentional professor, I just happened to be err, wandering and well, I saw Remus, and he was...and he was..." Harry wasn't sure exactly now what to even say, it still was hard for him to understand all this.

Severus scowled. "Out after curfew? Figures. I assume with that invisibility cloak of James's?"

Harry was taken aback. "You...you know bout the cloak?" he said surprized.

Severus actually chuckled. "After that little stunt of yours in 3rd year I had a nice chat with Remus bout how you pulled it off. Took some time but eventually he told me the truth. Explains now quite a bit bout how James and the rest of them pulled of fthings that were never explainable back then." he said thinking back into the past.

"It's true then, you and Professor Lupin really are....?" Harry turned away actually blushing at the thought.

"Why I feel the need to tell you I dont know, however...yes, it's true."

"How long? I mean, you cost him his job in 3rd year, and you acted like you hated him well, forever now."

"Long enough if you must know, and yes I did that, but it was jealousy. Anger more at Sirius then Remus. I hated Sirius for showing me the truth bout Remus, I still do. Not for what Remus is, but for the fact Remus could have killed me at Sirius's expense. I knew perfectly well your father had nothing to do with all that, and as to your earlier question, I dont hate you Harry, believe it or not." Severus said sighing.

"Then why..." Harry began but was cut off by Severus.

"James was a slacker. He was too busy off being a 'marauder' to worry about his grades, or anything else. Pranks and mischief was all he cared for back then, and personally I couldn't stand it. He was the heir of Gryffindor, yet he acted like a common muggle who had no more sense then a child. If it hadn't been for your mother, he'd never have grown up. I didn't want you to end up the same way, I still dont. You're better then that Harry."

"I-I didn't know. Everyone always makes him out so great...." Harry said softly, sadly.

"Harry, noone wants to know the truth bout how their parents might have been over what they hoped they were. Despite all however, your father had a good heart, something that even back then I couldn't. I was jealous of everything your father had that I never could. It wasn't money, it wasn't fame. It was who he was. He had a joie de vie, a love for life I never could. He could have had everything in school, but he threw it away on games, while I had to struggle to survive. That's why I hated him."

Harry suddenly saw almost what it must have been like for Severus back then. To be so hated, so much alone. "Why Remus then? Didn't he treat you like my father and the rest did?"

Severus shook his head. "No, oddly enough he didn't. After that incident he became truely afraid, not for me or his friends, but of himself. He retreated into himself for a long time, depressed and lonely. James was with Lily by then, and had other interests then to sit round all day waiting on Remus to break out of his shell, and Sirius and Peter, either they didn't seem to notice, or didn't care. He would spend long hours at the lake alone, or in the library. When I realized he hadn't a thing to do with what had happened, and why he was doing that to himself, finally I felt guilty."

"Guilty? For what?"

"Because if I hadn't been the one to be so curious of those 4, none of it would have happened. Remus was only doing what was natural in that state, but he hated himself for almost killing me, as if it was his fault. That was a guilt I could no longer live with. One day I sought him out and though it took a while, we realized how much in common we had with each other. Alone and miserable, we sought solace in each others company, and eventually..."

"Eventually we fell in love." a voice from the doorway broke in.


"Professor Lupin!"

Remus chuckled. "Not to wise to leave the door open during such discussions Sev dont you think?" he said closing the door and walking over to where Severus was standing. "Did I interrupt something vastly important? I do hope so" he grinned towards them both.

"Err..well, that is...Professor Snape was telling me...umm..." Harry began.

"Telling you how we fell in love. Yes, I heard that. And he's right, all of it, or atleast the few moments of it I heard. Severus saved me from alot of things, mainly myself back then Harry. We both needed each other, as now you need Draco." he said focusing his gaze on Harry to see his reaction.

Harry just looked at him dumbfoundedly. "You-you knew? You both knew? When...how?"

Severus and Remus grinned. "As far back as the train ride Harry, though it was purely onesided, Draco's side. I saw the look Draco gave you, and I decided to act on it. I recruited Sev into it when I got here, and so far it was working. Albus has been most obliging in all this as well."

"Professor Dumbledore? He knows bout this too?" Harry said surprized then groaned.

"Now now Harry, dont worry. He's only wanting what is best, you know that." Remus said gently.

"And you all think Draco really is for the best? How do you know that?" Harry demanded.

Severus snorted, "You wouldn't be calling him Draco if it wasn't now would you Harry."

Harry stopped short anything else he was going to say. Thinking swiftly he realized Severus was right. "Okay fine, maybe you're right. But what bout you two? How do you two manage to be allright when you're both....well...you know..."

"A Gryffindor and a Slytherin? Really Harry, we're not exactly children anymore, however I do see your point. We're lifemates Harry, we've sworn to each other the bonds of that, as wolves do with each other. Though Severus is hardly a werewolf, the concept is the same, once wolves mate, it's for life, even if things go skewed during that life. Severus did what he had to do, even driving me away back then. That didn't mean we still didnt love each other." Remus said softly and glanced towards Severus.

"Foolishness is my downfall Harry. Going to Voldemort, killing, torturing for none other then sick power, driving away all those I have loved...is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I make you work hard Harry not because of hate, but because I couldn't bear to see you fail. So much, whether you like it or not, does rest on your shoulders, as well as Draco's. He needs you more then ever Harry, his father brings him closer and closer to forcing the mark upon him, and without you he'll be lost." Severus said softly.

"I think I understand Professor. I should tell you something, the other night...at the infirmary, I had a dream bout Draco. It was horrible, his whole life he's been hated, alone, practically tortured...and...and worse..." Harry said trembling now at the memories.

"Harry, dont. Dont tell us, it's not our place to know these things. Right now Draco's playing a dangerous game, and you're in the middle of it. But your not the only thing that's involved. His feelings for you I have no doubt, are genuine, even if Draco doesn't fully understand what they are. Harry, the question is, do you want the same of him?" Remus said suddenly.

Harry blinked unsure of what to respond, however he realized there was no more denying the facts now. "I've been afraid for so long. Afraid to get close to anyone, afraid to care for anyone. I"m no more capable of knowing what 'love' is then he would, yet I...I want to know. And yes, I want to know what it is, and with him."

Remus nodded to him, "You two are very much like Severus and myself Harry. Maybe even moreso. He needs you, and you need him, and unless the both of you can come to terms with this, you'll never have peace. I should know, those years I spent away from Severus, even the one year together we did have 3 years ago, were horrible for us both. There are ways to get round the differences of house and friendships, and believe it or not, in the end James finally accepted us for who we were. Sirius too, came round, though he never liked it. Peter we never even told, and a good thing too." Remus said pressing his lips together in hatred at even saying that name.

Severus sighed, he knew how much it still hurt for Remus to discuss Peter. "Harry, you need to go. I think I know why you came here, so I'll tell you. Lucius was here at the school this morning, why I dont know, but he and Albus and Draco were cooped up in Albus's office for quite a long time this morning. I saw Draco bout 30 minutes ago heading to his dorm, and I have no doubts he doesn't wish to be disturbed, atleast not by any of us. However, there is a secret passage up to his room, which unlike the Gryffindor dorms, the 7th years get their own rooms, so it should be fairly safe to go there. I can show you the way, but after that you're on your own."

"Thank you professor. I-I promise you both, I wont say anything bout what I know on you two. Your secrets are safe with me." Harry said smiling at them to assure them he meant it.

"Thank you Harry. Someday, when the time is right, perhaps we'll be free of the 'games' we have to play, but until then...." Remus left that hanging in the air. Everyone knew that until the day Voldemort was defeated, Severus would have his role to play, and Remus wouldn't dare jeopardize that.

"Come Harry, I'll show you the passage. Realize though that this cannot change anything in the way I still must treat you in public, however, should you need to talk, my door is open to you." Severus said leading Harry out of the room to a picture not more then 10 feet from the classroom.

"Of course Professor, I understand that. And thank you. For everything, I promise you I will help Draco, I'll take care of him, and because I want to, not because I have to." Harry said.

Severus nodded and gave him a small smile. "I know you will Harry, or I wouldn't have gone out of my way to try to get you two together. Now, all you have to do is tap your wand here..." and he tapped his wand to a spot on the picture frame, "and say "Vivitus"." As he did that, the picture opened revealing a set of stairs going up. "Good luck Harry."

Harry smiled and without looking back headed up the stairs. He heard the picture close with a gentle click, and realized just how much he'd learned that past hour that he'd been talking to Severus. All the plans Harry had been thinking suddenly were ripped from him, and new thoughts were devised. Thoughts that would insure that Draco would be allright, and inturn, would make himself allright. For Harry finally saw that without Draco, he would never be complete, and that was something he just couldn't bear to accept.

Back down in the potions classroom, Severus and Remus were also having a discussion on all these odd turn of events.

"Well, I think that went better then expected, considering he now knows the truth." Remus said.

"Considering he's James' son, I"m surprized it took him this long actually. If only we didn't have to hide anymore, what I would give to be able to...." Severus said sadly.

"To what Severus?" Remus asked taking Severus by the arm and leading him to the little door off the classroom.

Severus stopped and turned Remus round to face him, a look of sadness clouding his eyes. "To be able to show the world exactly how much I love you Remus J. Lupin. Just to be able to love you and not have to look over our shoulders."

Remus sighed though happily. "One day my dear potions master, we shall. I do believe however, that you have some free time then since your only potions elective students are otherwise now occupied? Might you assist me then in perhaps a private lesson on the inner works of the art of potion making?" he said with a small grin.

Severus's eyes then turned from sadness to hunger, and with a small grin himself replied, "I do believe we could do with some catching up in that art, yes. Considering the full moon is but 2 days away, I suppose now is a very good time for that." and without another word, Severus took Remus by the arm and led him into his private rooms, closing the door firmly behind them, and placing quite a few charms against outsiders on the door. The next hour or so would be his time, and he would make quite sure the wolf would know just how much Severus needed his lifemate to be complete.

* * * * *

2002-02-24 2:41:02 AM