General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/19/2002
Updated: 05/10/2004
Words: 139,838
Chapters: 43
Hits: 25,261

The Diary

Phoenix SilverWind

Story Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now.``Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to``solve... Who was his mother?

Chapter 34

Chapter Summary:
Ten years ago Kali died leaving behind a diary and a son. Now her son Thomas finds her diary and the key to finding out who she was. Join Thomas Potter and his friends on a journey that is sure to become a tale of Mystery, Adventure, Romance and above all else… Life.
Author's Note:
Here's the last prewritten chapter... hopefully Ch 35 will be finished soon.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Chapter 34*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*New Life*~*~*~*~*~*~*~


Professor Kay Covington stepped off the little boat that had brought her from the main land to this desolate island. It was not as dismal as it once was. The dementors had left to join Voldemort about fifteen years ago and were all but destroyed in the war. Aurors and other agents of the Magical Law Enforcement department were now the jailers of this prison. With the peace of the aftermath of the war and subsequent capture of many of the remaining Death Eaters, the Aurors and agents were left with nothing to do.

"Couldn't keep your nose clean could ya? Once a Death Eater always a Death Eater."

Kay looked up ahead and saw a smirking guard. She glared daggers at him. "Hello Stan, I am here to visit Timothy." The guard opened his mouth to say something, but Kay cut him off. "And don't even think about saying anything about him."

"So what are you doing now?" he asked snidely, "torturing little puppies?"

"For your information I am a professor at Hogwarts," Kay answered, "teaching Defense against the Dark Arts."

"You a professor?" he stuttered.

"Yes, Stan, I am a professor. It's good to know that you still have the ability to form coherent thought after such a shocker," she stated sarcastically, "Now take me to Timothy."

~The Diary, Flashback~

It was six months before Kali was able to make it back to England. Christmas with her father and friends had been wonderfully pleasant after all the training. Everyone had gotten use to the fact that she would not tell them where she was the rest of the year or why she couldn't tell them. They just accepted the fact that she was there now.

But Christmas was a few days ago and today was New Year's Day. It had been a long night of partying with everyone before retiring to Harry's flat. Light from the morning sun filtered in through the partially curtained window and shined on Kali's sleeping face. She blinked her eyes open. The first thing she saw was a pair of green eyes staring back at her.

"Morning," she smiled.

"Morning," Harry replied.

"How long have you been up?" she asked as she stretched.

"About ten or fifteen minutes."

"And you've been watching me this whole time?" Harry nodded. "I don't know if that is endearing or slightly creepy."

"I was hoping for more endearing than creepy." His light turned towards a more serious one. "Kali, we've been together for almost two years now." Kali nodded but was a little confused. He seemed almost nervous. "And, well, you know I love you." Now he seemed really nervous. "And I hope that you feel the same for me," he continued, "I was... I was wondering if you'd..."

Kali placed a finger on his lips. "Harry, I don't think it would be a good idea to finish that train of thought."


"Because I won't answer the way you'd want." Harry looked crest-fallen. "We're only eighteen, Harry. We're still young and... and my work is keeping me away for months at a time."

"We're making it work," he told her.

"Are we?" she asked, "I mean, Harry, look at us." She gestured between them. "Is our relationship normal? Can it even be considered healthy? Is it even a relationship?" He looked as he was going to say something but Kali cut him off. "Harry, our relationship consists of a night here or there with some life threatening events scattered about."

"What are you trying to say here, Kali?" he asked with some fear.

She looked down at the bed, not wanting to see his reaction to what she was about to say. "Maybe... maybe I shouldn't come here anymore. Maybe we should end this before it becomes worse."

She couldn't help herself. She looked up to see a man who seemed as if his dreams had been slashed and heart had been broken. "You don't want to be with me?" His eyes searched her face for an answer. His eyes hardened. "I thought you put this separation rubbish behind you!"

"Rubbish?" She sat up and stared daggers at him. "Rubbish? I've never considered anything in our relationship as rubbish! Not once! You are always like this, Harry."

"Like what?" He was now sitting up too.

"Like this!" she yelled, "You're always so defensive!"

He yelled right back at her, "I'm defensive? Maybe I have a right to be! Not everyone has people out to kill them!"

"Not everything is about you, Harry! You aren't the only one Voldemort is out to kill!"

"He's not out to kill you is he, Kali?" he snarled.

She fumed and threw off the covers. "You are the most insecure, self-absorbed, git I've ever met!"

"Better than being a complete..." Suffice it to say that his retort ended with him calling her something that rhymed with witch.

"This is the end, Harry," she seethed, "I don't ever want to talk to you again!" With that said, she apparated back to her father's home.

~Azkaban, Present Time~

Kay paced the sterile looking white meeting room. She was too anxious to sit in one of the chairs at the table. After a few minutes, the door creaked open. She stopped pacing and stared at the door. A terribly thin, sandy haired man walked through the door and it was quickly shut behind him. "Timothy," she breathed. Within a moment she was hugging him. "Oh Tim, I've missed you."

She led him to the table and they both sat. She stared at him adoringly. "You look," he began as his eye surveyed her appearance, "good."

Feeling slightly guilty, Kay took in his appearance. He was much thinner now, too thin. His smile was a ghost of what she remembered. Even without the dementors guarding the prison, the Aurors and guards were cruel enough to make up for it. "Tim, I'm sorry I haven't visited in awhile. I was living as a Muggle."

"A Muggle?"

"Yes, even though I served my time, Malfoy still hounds me."

"Malfoy," Nott spat, "He's nothing but a traitor to Pure-Bloods."

"Timothy!" Kay hissed, "Don't talk like that. You'll just be giving the Aurors an excuse to be nasty."

He laughed and Kay looked at him unsurely. "I don't fear them. I don't fear anything anymore."

"Tim, you're scaring me."

"What a surprise. Ever since you lost your memory you've been weak," he sneered, "A sniveling wisp of the girl I once knew."

"But Timothy," she whispered, "I... I thought you..."

"That I what? Loved you?" he laughed, "How could anyone love you? You are a scared traitor to our Lord and for what? To date your precious Harry Potter?"

"How did you know?"

"I know a lot of things," he paused, "I tire of you, but before I send you away I want to give you something." He handed it to her. "Open it."

She gasped as she looked at the item in her hand. "Tim, what have you done?"

"What have I done? Are you so sure I didn't have help? Really, I think the proper question to ask is what have we done." Kay stared at him in shock. He stood up and leaned over the table, placing a firm kiss on her lips. Kay was frozen. When he pulled away, she noticed he was smirking. "Goodbye, Professor." He left the room leaving a shocked woman in his wake.

Slowly, a silver chain began to slip out through her closed fist. She stared blankly at the wall in front of her never noticing the chain slipping from her grasp.

"What have we done?" she whispered.

The chain fell to the floor and an opened heart shaped locket fell with it showing an entwined HP and KL shining up.

"What have I done?"

~Boston, Flashback~

Kali arrived at her flat in Boston, picked up the nearest thing and threw it at a wall. "What did that vase ever do to you?" She heard the rustling of a newspaper. "I am guessing your visit with Loverboy didn't go so well."

She glared at her flat mate who was lounging on the sofa. "No, it did not. We broke up."

"Really? I guess that means that I can now confess my love for you." Kali threw a pillow at him.

"That wasn't nice."

"Oh, shut up, Jon!"

"I thought the English were supposed to be more eloquent than their American cousins." When he didn't get a retort he looked up from his paper. "Are you ok, Kali?"

"No, I'm not."

Jon Quinn quickly stood and hugged his partner. It still amazed both of them, and a majority of the division, that they had become such good friends. When they were first assigned to each other both had argued relentlessly but after living with the other for a couple of months, they discovered how similar they were. "What happened?"

"We argued."


"He... he was going to ask me to marry him."

"And that's bad because?"

"Jon, you know what kind of lives we lead. I am breaking about a dozen rules by just visiting Harry."

"True, true but as my mother likes to remind me, 'Nothing should get in the way of true love.'"

Kali laughed slightly, "Either your mum loves the drink or she wore rose colored glasses because that isn't real life."

"Perhaps," he told her, "speaking of drink. I think it is about time I get you drunk."

Two hours, four shots of Fire whiskey, and several beers later Kali was most definitely sloshed. After another shot of something; she was pretty sure it was whiskey; Kali noticed that her IDL partner was looking at her. "What are you staring at?" she asked, her speech slightly slurred.

"You," he answered simply, "I never pictured you as a giggly drunk."

"I am not as drunk as you thunk I am. You thunk I am? You thought I am? You think I am? I am not as drink as you think I am!" Kali dissolved into a fit of giggles.

"Uh huh." Since there were only two of them, Jonathan had opted to be the sober one and barely had anything to drink all night. "So, tell me about Harry."

"Why? Go read a history book or something."

"No, what's he like as a person, as a man."

"He's," she paused thinking, "He's a complete arse! He always thinks everything is about him!" She began gesturing wildly spilling her drink all over the counter of the bar. "Everyone is out to kill me," she mocked, "I can't have anyone close to me because Voldemort's out to get me." She continued in her normal tone, "The stupid git. Never thinks about how hard it might be to be me."

"So Harry is an arrogant son of a..." Jon began to ask.

"Don't you ever say anything bad 'bout Harry!" Kali defended suddenly, "Harry's a wonderful, kind hearted man. Never known a braver more nobler soul. When he looks at me I feel like the only thing that matters in the whole entire... world thing."

Jon had to bite back the laughter that desperately wanted to be let out. "Sounds like he loves you."

Kali nodded quickly. "The poor bloke's been head over heels for me for like... ever."

"What about you?"

"Did I ever told you how we got together?" Jon shook his head. "Well, after we returned from this alternate universe reality wish what if thingy, he decided that he didn't want to date me, the prat. And there was this weird spell potion thing that made everyone sing. And well I sang this whole musical number extravaganza and he stopped being a prat." She took a drink from her now half empty glass. "You know Harry's a good kisser, fantastic in fact. He does this little thing with his..."

"Ok," Jon interrupted her, "I think you've had enough to drink. Let's get you home and into bed."

"No nononono," she told, "I'm ooook. I guess I should be all happy or something that Harry chose me shouldn't I? He's cute, nice, rich and a bloody hero after all."

"Come on, Foxy," he said as he pulled her off the stool and headed out of the bar, "Time for you to go home."

Kali giggled at Jon's nickname for her. "Isn't funny that you call me Foxy and my animag-thingy is a fox? But I'm not a red fox right?"

"Right, you're a nice gray and black one."

"Yup, with a fluffy white tipped tail too! And... and a marking that looks like my necklace!" she laughed as she held out her mother's phoenix charm, "You know what?"

"What?" he asked.

"I'm like a real marauder now."

"A marauder?"

"My dad and his friends were this pranking group called marauders. I'm a marauder's daughter," Kali giggled, "it rhymes like think and drink and... and drunk and thunk."

"You intelligence astounds me sometimes, Foxy."

"I am a genius."

"Ok, we're almost there."

They reached the flat and Jon helped her in. "Home, sweet home."

"For a couple of secret agents our flat is so... blah."

"The IDL decorates it not us remember?"

"Oh yeah," she said, her tone sounding nearly bubbly.

"Coffee or tea?" As Jon walked toward the kitchen, Kali grabbed his arm. "What's up, Kali?" She looked straight at him and before he could react, they were kissing.

~Hogwarts, Present Time~

Kay paced the length of her office several times in the last ten minutes. Timothy Nott's words were echoing in her head.

The proper question to ask is what have we done?

"Why can't I remember?" she muttered to herself. A knock sound and jarred her out of her thoughts. "Enter." Headmaster Dumbledore entered the room. *Great just what I need right now,* Kay mentally sighed.

"Ah, Kay, how are you?" he asked.

"Just fine, Albus. I'm just going over my plans for the mid-term exams."

"You seem to far too stressed over them. Are you sure there is not something else on your mind perhaps?" He looked at her with that famous piercing blue gaze, the one that makes you feel like he already knows everything so you better fess up.

"I suppose all this business about Kali Potter is having an affect on me."

"Yes, I suppose it would," Dumbledore said quietly, "Well, I will be off. Goodnight, Kay."

"Goodnight, Albus." He left and she was alone again.

Kay plopped down into her chair and opened one of the desk drawers. She rested her head on her hand and held the delicate silver chain with her fingers and let the locket dangle in front of her. Kay knew by the picture that it had once belonged to Kali Potter. The question was how did Timothy obtain it and how did he manage to keep it in Azkaban. It was common knowledge that a prisoner was stripped of all personal possessions. What wasn't common knowledge was that new prisoners were often subjected to mild beatings as well. Of course Kay knew of such practices. She was always thankful that she was brought in by one of the decent guards.

What have we done?

Timothy's voice echoed in her head again. Groaning in frustration, Kay deposited the locket back in the drawer and slammed it shut. She wouldn't tell Harry about it. Not yet. It was too suspicious. She would keep the locket to herself till she could prove she had nothing to do with Kali's disappearance. There was no harm in waiting, right?

~Boston, Flashback~

Kali walked, more like stumbled, out of her bedroom late the next morning. "Morning Foxy, care for some coffee? It's laced with some hangover reliever."

She nodded and set herself down at the breakfast nook as Jon served her. "What happened last night?"

"What was the last thing you remembered?"

"Harry and I broke up and I told you about it. Then we went drinking," she said.

"Yes, you are a very talkative and a very giggly drunk."

"Did I embarrass myself much?"

"Not that much, but I must say that I know a little more than I really wanted to," he answered, "Oh and you are quite the kisser."

Kali promptly spit out the coffee and stared at her flatmate in shock. "I kissed you?" He nodded. "I'm... I'm so sorry, Jon. Did we erdo anything else?"

"I put you to sleep and tucked you in," he said as he opened his morning paper, "I am a guy with morals after all."

"Thanks Jon."

"Not a problem, Foxy. By the way, I think I know the problem with your relationship with Harry."

"Please enlighten me."

"You are both too stubborn for your own good." He lowered the paper and looked her in the eye. "It's obvious that you both love each other, but neither of you can forget about the possibility of hurting the other. What you don't realize is that the other is getting hurt because of the constant fighting."

Kali contemplated what Jon was telling her. "I hate you sometimes."

"Only when I am the voice of reason."

~Hogwarts, Present Time~

Kay Covington quietly sipped her morning tea. She decided to not dwell on her visit or the issue concerning the necklace. The post arrived and with it, a brown owl delivering Kay's Daily Prophet. She paid the owl and unrolled her paper. She froze in a state of silent shock. In bold black print, the headline read, 'Prisoner Escapes Azkaban.' That was not what shocked her though. It was the picture of Timothy Nott underneath. Kay heard the general buzz of the Great Hall quiet and she looked up to see that Draco Malfoy had entered. He looked at her and nodded. Kay got up and followed him out of the Hall.

"Anybody else confused?" Rhiannon asked her friends. In response she received two nods.