General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/19/2002
Updated: 05/10/2004
Words: 139,838
Chapters: 43
Hits: 25,261

The Diary

Phoenix SilverWind

Story Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now.``Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to``solve... Who was his mother?

Chapter 25

Chapter Summary:
Ten years ago Kali died leaving behind a diary and a son. Now her son Thomas finds her diary and the key to finding out who she was. Join Thomas Potter and his friends on a journey that is sure to become a tale of Mystery, Adventure, Romance and above all else… Life.
Author's Note:
Please Review

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Chapter 25*~*~*~*~*~*~*~


There was a soft tapping at her bedroom door. Kali sighed and placed a pillow over her head. Was it so hard to understand that she wanted to be left alone? The knocking persisted and only grew louder. "Grrrr, who is it?"


"Go away TJ, I want to be left alone." The door swung open and in stepped her, or rather the other Kali's, impish little brother. "I thought I said I wanted to be left alone."

He closed the door behind him. "Yes, I distinctly remember you saying that," he said as he plopped on the bed.

"Obviously it didn't stop you."

"I've been barging into this room as soon as long as I've been able to walk. I'm not going to stop just because you aren't her."

"You should. I'm moody, stubborn, egotistical and," she paused, "and mean."

"And you think she isn't? If anything she is worse than you are."

"Are you going to leave me alone now?"


"What do I have to say or do to get you to leave alone?" she asked exasperated.

"Tell me why Harry isn't in here with you."

"Why should he be? It's not like we are attached at the hip or anything."

"It sure seems like you two have been. So why isn't he here?"

Kali sat up and hugged the pillow. "He didn't like what I told him."

"And what did you tell him?"

"That Tom Marvolo Riddle is my grandfather."

"I see."

"You don't see anything at all. I never liked that phrase. Seriously, what could you possibly see after telling you that Harry reacted badly after telling him that my grandfather is Tom Riddle?"

"First, Tom Riddle is obviously a sore subject for Harry. Second, Granddad doesn't sound like the nicest person in your world. Third, you care about your Harry a great deal because you are obviously worried about him. I'd even go so far as to say that you are in love with him, just like my sister."

By the end of TJ's speculations, Kali's jaw nearly reached the floor. "Clever little bugger aren't you?"

He shrugged. "I try."

"But you got one thing wrong. I am not in love with Harry Potter."

"Yes you are and I'll even bet on it."

"What sort of bet?"

"If you and Harry get married, like I think you will, you have to name your first son after me."

"What? What kind of bet is that? What do I get if I win?"

"The pure satisfaction of knowing that you were right."

Kali narrowed her eyes at him. "Fine, like I should even worry about this. I know I'm right. The thought of Harry and I together is ridiculous."

"Whatever you say Kal."

"Don't call me that." Kali sighed and collapsed back onto the bed. "So what do I have to know for tonight?"

~End Flashback, Diary~

Dear Miss Covington,

It has come to my attention that your annual 'check-up' is at hand. I have made it my personal responsibility to conduct it myself this year. I expect you to be in Hogsmeade at the Three Broomsticks by noontomorrow.

Draco Malfoy

Kay tucked the letter back into her pocket as she entered the establishment. She scanned the area for the Auror but didn't see him. "Madam Rosmerta," Kay called to the waitress and owner. "Has Mister Draco Malfoy arrived yet?"

"I'm sorry Professor, I haven't seen him yet."

"Thank you Rosmerta, I am going to find a table in the back. When Mister Malfoy arrives can you please direct him to me?"

"Not a problem, would you like anything to drink while you wait?"

"A Butterbeer would be wonderful."

Kay found a secluded table in the back and sat and waited for her dreaded meeting to begin. "Here is your Butterbeer Professor and here is Mister Malfoy."

"Thank you, I didn't know my drink came with a strapping middle-aged Auror," Kay laughed along with Madam Rosmerta.

Draco took his seat across from Kay. "Could I have a Butterbeerplease?"

"Anything for you Mister Malfoy." Rosmerta left and Kay quietly sipped her drink. "It's been a long time Miss Covington."

"Almost ten years Mister Malfoy, but lets cut the pleasantries. Why have you decided to become my parole officer this year? I would think that this sort of menial chore was not worthy enough of your time."

"Not when it concerns you right now."

"What have I done now? I've done everything you blasted Aurors tell me to do. I even gave up magic and became a muggle, but you lot thought I was a threat to the population. How am I to redeem myself when I am not given room to?" she asked flustered.

"Perhaps we should continue this conversation in a more... private location," he said as he eyed the tables around them, "your office maybe?"

"Fine," she sighed as she pulled out some money for her drink.

"No, this one is on me."

"I think not. I'd like to pay for my own drink, thank you very much."

"What does Potter... never mind," he mumbled as he threw a few sickles on the table to pay for their drinks.

"Why you bloody..."

"Let's go."

~Professor Covington's Office, Hogwarts~

Kay opened the door and stepped in. She gestured for Draco to enter and he did. He headed straight for her chair behind her desk. "Um, excuse me Mister Malfoy, but I believe that is my chair. I earned it after all."

"Have you?"

"Obviously Headmaster Dumbledore believes so."

"Dumbledore," he paused as he leaned back in the chair, "has been wrong before, but you wouldn't remember the Crouch/ Moody incident would you?"

"That's not very funny," she glowered as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"No, it's not. In fact it could be positively dangerous."

"How so?"

"You are seeing Potter now, are you not?"

"Yes, but I don't see what that has to do with anything... oh I see now. You think I am hatching some nefarious plot against Harry and the light side. As I told you before Mister Malfoy I am not a member of the dark side."

"But you were a Death Eater. The mark on you left arm confirms that."

"Like I told you ten years ago... I don't remember how or why I got it."

"Ah yes, the amnesia. Very convenient don't you agree."

"I agree that from your perspective that my condition could be viewed as rather... shady, but I assure you I am not serving some dark plot."

"All the evidence is against you."

"Yes, I suppose all I have is the trust of Dumbledore, Harry and your children, especially Rhiannon."

He stood up and slammed his hands on the desk catching Kay off guard. "You leave her out of this!"

"Finally showing your claws, Mister Malfoy? Let's skip this pish-posh and get to what you really want to talk to me about."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Bloody hell you don't. Draco Malfoy, famous Auror extraordinaire, coming here to do a routine check-up on a reformed Death Eater? I'd say that's overkill Mister Malfoy. This chore is more suited to lower class Aurors not someone of your renowned position."

"You don't even know who was supposed to come here this year do you?"

"Some righteous, overzealous snot nosed little Auror in training no doubt."

"I will agree that he is righteous with a holier-than-thou attitude and at times overzealous, but I would not call Potter a... how did you put it... snot nosed little Auror in training."

"Harry was supposed to see me? My Harry?"

"Ding dingding, we have a winner," he commented sarcastically, "He knows the truth now Covington. You can't hide it anymore."

"I... I wasn't hiding it. I just never mentioned it and he never asked," she whispered as she stared at her feet. "How did he take it?"

"I don't know. I wasn't there, but I must say he was upset at the fact that you are a suspect in the murder of his late wife."

"Are you still on that insane notion that I killed her? I had nothing to do with it."

"How do you know? You can't remember that far back."

"I just know! I couldn't have killed anyone."

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" Draco merely shrugged nonchalantly. "You've been waiting for nearly ten years to blame me for her murder just so you could close her case and say that you solved it. You don't care about justice, me or even Kali Potter! You just care about your stupid reputation." By the end of her rant she was face to face with the grey eyed Auror.

"Don't you dare presume that I am not doing this for Kali. She was one of my only friends and my partner. I am doing this for her."

"Why? She isn't here to appreciate it and I doubt she'd want an innocent in Azkaban, because her partner needed to find someone to blame so he could get some closure."

"I'd hold my tongue if I were you."

"Thank Merlin that I'm not you or else I might be a self-absorbed prat too! Now if you wouldn't mind Mister Malfoy I have some work to attend to."

"Fine, I will say that you are doing well and will not need another check-up till next year."

"Fan-bloody-tastic." He moved towards the door and Kay deposited herself in the chair. "One more thing Mister Malfoy."

"What? Going to tell me to sod off?"

"No, just wanted to ask you one last question. If I was a Death Eater, why would I kill Kali Potter? If memory serves me correctly, which it has for the last ten years, convicted Death Eaters have said that Voldemort decreed that Kali was not to be touched."

"How do you know that?"

"Word gets around Mister Malfoy... word gets around." She pushed her glasses up and turned her attention to her papers. "Goodbye Mister Malfoy."

"Goodbye Miss Covington."

~The Diary, Flashback~

"Are you sure I look ok TJ?" Kali asked as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Yes Kali. You look fine. Now we best go to dinner. Granddad hates it when we are not punctual."

"Alright," she said as she took one final glance in the mirror. "Does Harry know what to do?"

"Yes, he is already down there."

"Ok then, let's go."

They headed toward the dinning room. The long oak table glistened in candle light thanks to a new coat of polish. The flatware, not silver of course, gleamed and the faces of everyone smiled as they enter. "Ah, my princess has arrived."

"Thank you Granddad, but your flattery is too much," she said as she kissed his cheek. "Grandmum," she greeted as she kissed her cheek as well before taking her seat across from Harry.

"Your grandfather was always a charmer," Kaitlyn Riddle smiled.

"Can't help that I'm a dashing bloke," Tom Marvolo Riddle stated in all seriousness that is, before Kaitlyn elbowed him.

Kali giggled at her 'grandparents.' She looked across the table and found Harry glowering. She gently kicked him under the table and when he looked up to glare at her, she gestured at him to smile. It caused him to glare more, but he did put on a very strained smile.

"So Mum, this new charm your department is working on, what does it do exactly?" Kali asked before taking a sip of pumpkin juice.

"It's a protection charm, your Granddad's idea actually, it's suppose to be able to protect the caster from an attacking family member."

"The statistics are showing that much more violence is happening between family members," Riddle said when he saw Kali's confused look, "I am hoping that this charm will put an end to it eventually."

"Ah, I see," Kali mumbled.

"So princess, are you looking forward to school?"

"Very much so, I am looking forward to all my classes, seeing my friends again and winning the quidditch and house cups again."

"Very confident are you not?"

"Confidence breeds success, Granddad."

"Very true."

The rest of dinner went well. The families talked of life and politics. Lily and James talked of Auror work, and while Remus talked about Hogwarts, Katie and Tom talked about the Ministry. Harry kept a strained appearance of politeness, after repeated kicks from Kali. Soon dinner was finished along with dessert, a marvelous pudding made by Kaitlyn Riddle. The men retired to the library, the women to the living room and the children were free to do as they pleased.

"Dessert was lovely wasn't it?" Kali said as she collapsed onto a bench. After dinner all of them had agreed that it would be best to lounge in the gazebo. When she received no reply, Kali tried to start conversation. "So Rose are you excited about returning to Hogwarts tomorrow?"

"It will be nice to see Ginny again... but then again I'd have to see you more often so I suppose that I am indifferent."

"Why do you have to be so mean to Kali all the time?" TJ yelled at her.

"Don't yell at me pipsqueak!"

Kali ignored the fighting and turned her head to Harry, who still hadn't spoken to her since he left her room earlier that day. She scooted closer to him. "Harry, are you alright?"

"Yeah, fine," he muttered

"You don't seem fine."

"I'm fine Kali," he reiterated more forcefully.

"I SWEAR WHAT IS IT WITH YOU RIDDLE-LUPINS!" Rose yelled causing Harry and Kali to look at them momentarily.

"Your sister doesn't like me very much."

"No, she doesn't."

"Do you know why?"

"I suppose it is because she would rather see her best friend Ginny happily dating me than a... how did she put it... a spoiled, rich, narcissistic wretch."

"I see. I suppose that it can't be helped then."

"No, I suppose not," Harry said as he continued to stare senselessly up at the night's sky.

"I'M LEAVING!" Rose said in a huff as she walked back into the house.

"GOOD RIDDENCE!" TJ yelled at her retreating figure.

"I suspect that your conversation with Rose did not go well," Kali commented.

"You can't talk sense to that girl. She has a chip on her shoulder the size of Asia," TJ said as he slouched further onto the bench. "Stupid Potters."

"I take offense to that comment," Harry mumbled.

"Yeah, yeah," TJ sighed.

~Platform 9¾, The Next Morning~

"I am going to miss you two so much," Katie Riddle-Lupin said as she hugged her children goodbye.

"I'll miss you too Mum," TJ and Kali said together.

"And you Mister Lupin better take care of yourself."

"I will Misses Riddle-Lupin," Remus laughed as he kissed her, "And you better not work yourself ragged at the office."

Kali smiled at her parents as they exchanged their goodbyes. She turned to see Harry making similar goodbyes to his. *It must be weird for the Potters working together,* Kali thought, *Lily must drive herself mad with worry when James goes out on the field. Imagine being stuck behind a desk while your husband is risking his life. At least she does not need to worry about Harry being in constant danger.*

"Now Kali, behave yourself and take care of your brother."

"Yes Mum, I'll take excellent care of TJ."

With a final hug goodbye all four kids boarded the red Hogwarts Express. Rose found her friends and quickly found an empty compartment to catch-up. Kali, TJ and Harry walked to the very back of the train and opened the last compartment door.

"Hey Harry, Kali," said the tall red head as he got up and patted Harry's back and hugged Kali.

"Hey mate," Harry smiled genuinely.

"Er, hi Ron. Hi Hermione."

"Don't you just 'hi Hermione' me." The girl said as she also hugged Kali then proceeded to Harry. "It's been so long since I've seen you two."

"Yeah... oh, this is my brother TJ, starting his first year." Kali beamed as TJ stepped up.

"Hullo all," TJ greeted and they all said hello back.

"What house would you like to be in?" Ron asked out of curiosity.

"Slytherin," TJ declared proudly.

"There are a lot of bad people in there, but Minister Riddle came out of there so it can't be all bad," commented Hermione.

"My arse," muttered Harry. Surprised, the chatter in the room slowly died down.

Kali leaned into Harry and whispered into his ear, "Not now."

"Who's up for a game of Exploding Snap?" TJ asked trying to diffuse the situation.