General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/19/2002
Updated: 05/10/2004
Words: 139,838
Chapters: 43
Hits: 25,261

The Diary

Phoenix SilverWind

Story Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now.``Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to``solve... Who was his mother?

Chapter 22

Chapter Summary:
Ten Years ago Kali died. Now her son Thomas finds her diary and the truth to how and why she died. Along with how she fell in love with the famous Harry Potter.
Author's Note:
Want more Diary goodies? Or just a fan and want to talk to others? Then join

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Chapter 22: Surprise*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

~Auror Headquarters, Hallway~

"Hey, Harry wait up!" called a middle-aged blonde man. He was running and franticly waving a folder high in the air.

"What is it Jon?" Harry sighed. He was frustrated and edgy as of late. The Order was still no closer to finding Kali than they had been when the endeavor started.

"These are your new assignments for the week," he said as he handed him the plain manila folder.

"I told Moody not to assign me to anything," Harry sighed, "Give them back and have them reassigned."

Jon held his hands up and backed away. "No can do buddy, Moody said that he had to assign you something or else you'd be caned."

"Fine," he sighed as he trudged back to his office. When he thought he was out of Jon's hearing range, he muttered, "Americans."

"I heard that Potter!"

~Auror Headquarters, Chief of Field Agents Office~

Harry unlocked his office and walked in. It was sparse, yet oddly comfortable. He threw the folder onto the desk before falling into the chair. He stared at the folder with his name written on the tab in small neat writing. Reminiscent of Hermione's he thought. Slowly he leaned forward and flipped the folder open and sighed. Rehabilitation Check-Up papers, trivial busy work. A decade or so ago, during the second war against Voldemort, many Death Eaters were imprisoned but later released on the grounds that they would contribute to society and repent for their past indiscretions. Of course, they were periodically checked upon by Aurors, just to make sure that they were following the rules. He hated this part of the job, being fairly high up in the chain of command, Harry Potter rarely if ever had to deal with these matters. He usually just delegated the responsibility to a recent graduate, but a direct order from Moody could not be overturned, not even for the Boy-Who-Lived.

He turned over the first page and dived into the brief fact sheets of those he had to make contact with: Timothy Nott threat medium low, Malcolm Baddock same, Marcus Flint medium, Millicent Bulstrode medium high... He flipped to the last page and froze. On the page was an out of focus picture of a smiling woman with happy hazel eyes and across the top it read 'Kay Covington, threat level low, but approach with extreme caution.'

"Oh bloody hell."

~Hogwarts, Marauders' Room~

Over the next couple of weeks, the trio worked on homework and read the diary in their spare time. The green book was thrown to the side and became virtually forgotten.

~The Diary~

With my friendship with Harry out in the open, I lost more respect in Slytherin house but the other houses began to be friendlier. I can't be evil if Harry Potter is friends with me... right? Stupid social politics. They rarely judge you on who you are. Usually it is your connections that determine your status and with my new friendship with Potter I was raised levels above others. But who cares when there were so many bigger things to worry about.

O.W.L.S. came and went and summer holiday soon began. I went home to Lupin Manor and Harry returned to number four Privet Drive. About a week afterwards our test results were sent home. Everyone was ecstatic. I beat my mother's score by five, my dad's score by one and Sirius by... let's say a substantial amount. To say it plainly, I missed a perfect score by one and, according to Harry's letter, he wasn't far behind me.

The first few weeks of holiday drifted by slowly as it usually did. I did homework, read and gardened a bit, but this summer I did something different. I attended Order of the Phoenix meetings... sometimes. Usually they'd say that I wasn't old enough and stuck me in training classes that taught me to duel and strategize. The classes were fun though because I learned a lot and Sirius was usually in good humor.

The only thing that was wrong with my life at that moment was that Harry wasn't there. I missed him ok! I didn't think I'd miss him so much, but I did.


At number four Privet Drive, a brunette woman was knocking quite loudly. She was dressed in a sharp black dress suit and looked to be in her mid to late thirties. She ceased her knocking and leaned her ear closer to the door.

"Boy, get the door!"

"Yes, Uncle Vernon."

*Harry!* she thought.

Slowly the door opened and a skinny boy fifteen years of age peered from the house's interior, "Hullo?"

"Mister Potter, I am here to speak to your guardians, a Mister and Mrs. Vernon Dursley," she told him in a strict tone.

"Um, alright, may I ask your name?"

"Kensington, Katie Kensington."

"Uncle Vernon? Aunt Petunia? There is a Miss Kensington here to speak to you," he called out behind him. He faced the strange woman again. "Would you like to come in?"

"Yes, thank you." She made her way to the living room, sat and waited for the Dursleys. She didn't have long to wait.

"Who the bloody hell is Katie... Miss Kensington, it is a pleasure to meet you," Vernon greeted.

"Yes, it is a pleasure to meet you as well Mister Dursley... Mrs. Dursley. I am sure you are wondering who I am. My name is Katie Kensington and I have been sent here to explain Harry's situation to you."

"Then that means you are one of them. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!"

"Mr. Dursley, I admit I am a magical person but please give me just one..."


"Mrs. Dursley, please I have been sent here by very important officials to discuss this with you."

"Vernon," Petunia soothed, "May... maybe we should listen to what she has to say."

"Petunia, how could you even think about listening to this freak!"

"Mummy? Daddy?"

"Dudley you may want to just go back upstairs and play some more video games," Katie suggested with a smile.

"Don't talk to my son you freak you... you..."

"Witch? Yes, I am a witch and I was sent here by our Ministry to inform you, to tell you the whole truth."

"I don't want to hear what you have to say freak. I'm leaving! Dudley, follow me!" Dudley squeaked a rather frightened yes and chased after the furious Vernon Dursley.

Kensington's eyes followed him out the door and slowly turned back to the only remaining Dursley at number four Privet Drive. "I'll understand if you don't want to listen to me..."

"I remember you. You were friends with my sister."

"Yes, I was."

"And you were dating that sickly boy, Lipun."

"Lupin, his name is Lupin," she said.

Petunia Dursley stared at the woman before her and, to the woman's and her own shock, she took a seat on the sofa. "So, what are you supposed to tell me?"

"Wel... well, Mrs. Dursley."

"You can call me Petunia."

"Petunia," Katie said slowly, "I was sent here to talk to you about your nephew Harry. Has he ever told you what his life is like in the Wizarding world?" Petunia shook her head. "Well, this may come as a little bit of a shock, but Harry is one of the most famous wizards in all of England and, quite possibly, the world. He is a hero in the eyes of many witches and wizards for his defeat of the dark wizard who killed his parents. He was only one at the time. Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster at Hogwarts sent him to you, because this is the safest place for him." Noticing Petunia's look of confusion she explained. "There are still evil people out there who would like nothing more than to kill Harry, but do not worry. Your home and family are under the tightest of security watches. There is always an Auror, our equivalent to a policeman, on duty in this area. We would never let anything happen to any of you."

"And you expect me to believe you?"

"No, I expect you to trust me. Is that too much to ask?" Petunia neither said anything nor made an action that gave a hint of what was running around in her mind. Seeing that she had Petunia's full attention, Katie Kensington continued her brief history of Harry's life up to the present.

"He saved that girl, the one who jumped off the tower?"

"Yes, he saved her. Now, Petunia, I told you this because we need your permission."

"Permission for what?"

"The Order of the Phoenix would like to train Harry to fight against the dark forces, but in order to do that we must take him away from here."

"Where would he go?"

"Lupin Manor, it is far from here, but he will be with friends and very capable Aurors. So what do you say?"

"Alright, take him."

"Thank you Petunia. This is for the best. Is there anything you'd like in return?" It looked as if she was about to say something but she shook her head no. "Very well, I will go get Harry and help him pack. Then you can say your good-byes."

~Harry's Bedroom~

She knocked at the closed door and waited. Her mission was a success and soon Harry would be going to where he belonged.

"Come in!" she heard him shout.

She turned the doorknob slowly and entered only to get a wand pointed in her face. She closed the door and stared passed the wand to the boy holding it.

"Did you think I wouldn't remember the name Katie Kensington? She's dead."

"Harry, you're right I'm not Katie but..."

"Then who are you?"

"I was just about to tell you Potter but you interrupted me you git."

"I am not in the mood to be toyed with."

"Can you honestly tell me that you can't tell who I am?"

"I've never seen you before in my life."

"You know Potter, that could hurt a girl's feelings, especially since you kissed me twice and I just got you a ticket out of here." She swiped his wand away and he just stared at her deep blue eyes.


"In the flesh, I must say the Weasley twins are absolute geniuses. It's one of there latest secret inventions, a sweet that makes you older, twenty years to be exact. Anyway, you've got to hurry up and pack. We've got a portkey to catch."

"Where are we going?"

"Lupin Manor of course, you have a lot of training to do before you can become a full member of the Order."

"Are you a full member yet?"

"Nope, but it's hard to practice when you don't have a sparring partner."

~End Flashback~

Harry returned to Lupin Manor with me and I finally turned back to myself after my dad fainted. He said that I looked just like my mum. Anyways, by day Harry and I trained with different members of the Order and by night we relaxed and talked all night long. I had fallen for Harry Potter and I couldn't even see it or maybe I did but was too stubborn to admit it.

One week left of summer holiday. In seven days we were returning to Hogwarts. That night was beautiful out, so Harry and I went outside to stargaze on a hill not to far from my house.


"Can you believe we only have two years before we graduate?" Kali said as she propped herself onto her elbows. "What are you going to do after graduation?"

"I don't know," Harry sighed, "I suppose I will try to become an Auror."

"What? No higher aspirations for the famous Harry Potter?" she joked, "Maybe model for PlayWitch?"

"Ha ha," he laughed dryly, "What about you?"

"I am thinking about going into research or even teaching Defense at Hogwarts."

"I think you'd make a smashing professor."

Kali smiled a tiny grin, "Thanks, I just hope they'll let me even though my dad's a werewolf."

"But you aren't a werewolf! They'd have no reason to not hire you."

"You know most people believe that if a werewolf has children that they too will be monsters. And with Voldemort and all..." She sighed. "People fear anything that has to do with dark creatures; for fear that they'll turn against the light side."

"But that's not true."

"No, I can never see my dad turn evil, but the part with their children is sort of true. I do have some qualities of them. I can hear better, see better in low light and sometimes I can just smell things better, like you. You always smell the same way, mud, musk and spice."

"I don't know if I should take that as an insult or..."

"I like it. It's different." They fell into silence until Kali looked up. "Look, a shooting star." She turned to face him. "Make a wish Harry, maybe it will come true." She watched Harry look up into the sky and stare at the star. She looked up also and made her wish. *I wish Voldemort never existed.*

~End Flashback and Diary~

~Auror Headquarters, Archive Room~

The archive room was the hub of all information for all Aurors and only part of the total information that was at the disposable of the Order of the Phoenix. This was also the first stop of Harry Potter, Head of Field Aurors and one of the few members of the inner circle of the Order of the Phoenix. The walls were lined from floor to ceiling with cabinets filled with the records of every crime reported since this headquarters was built.

"Covington, Kay Raidah," Harry said as a blue light emanated from his wand. The cabinets rumbled a little and one opened. It shuffled through its folders till it got to what the speaker asked for. The folder floated down to him on an unseen wind. "Thanks." The cabinet shut itself and he walked to a table and cracked open the file. Harry skimmed through the file but found nothing. It was time to go to the Phoenix archive room, which was hidden in Hogwarts. He packed his things and left. No one questioned him.

~Order of the Phoenix, Archive Room, Hogwarts~

"Covington, Kay Raidah," Harry said as a blue light emanated from his wand. The cabinets rumbled a little and one opened. It shuffled through its folders till it got to what the speaker asked for. The folder floated down to him on an unseen wind. "Thanks. You'd think that the Order would have a better spell." The cabinets rumbled its displeasure, but Harry paid it no mind.

He scanned the first page since it was the same as the one from the Aurors HQ. "Hmmm," he said to himself, "Nothing of importance..." He saw it.

At the very end of the page was scrawled one sentence that meant everything. "Possible suspect in the murder of Kali Potter -Draco Malfoy"

~The Diary, Flashback~

Harry and Kali were sound asleep, cuddled together for warmth. Harry stretched a bit and woke Kali who yawned. Realizing what had happened, she sat up and blushed furiously and Harry just smiled. "Um, sorry about that, I didn't mean to use you as a pillow," Kali apologized.

"It's ok, but it looks late. We better get back to the house before Sirius and Remus have me skinned alive."

"Yes, I don't think I'd like a skinless you."

"Same here."

They walked back to the house, passed the gazebo and noticed the kitchen lights were still on. "Uh oh." Kali pulled the back door open and froze. Her mouth moved as if it was talking but no words came out.

Harry gently pushed her a bit to the side and froze after saying one word. "Mum?"