General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/19/2002
Updated: 05/10/2004
Words: 139,838
Chapters: 43
Hits: 25,261

The Diary

Phoenix SilverWind

Story Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now.``Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to``solve... Who was his mother?

Chapter 21

Chapter Summary:
Ten Years ago Kali died. Now her son Thomas finds her diary and the truth to how and why she died. Along with how she fell in love with the famous Harry Potter.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Chapter 21: I Will Remember You*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

~Marauders' Room~

"Rydia? Edward?" Thomas questioned.

"Yeah, that's what it said," Rhi answered, "Why is there something wrong?"

"Not really, it's just that my other book mentioned those names."

"The green one?" Will asked. Thomas nodded. "But it's blank. I saw you looking at that book and it was empty pages."

"What are you talking about? That book is filled with stuff."

"I was with Will, those pages were blank but, now that you mention it. It did look like you were reading it. What kind of book is it?"

"It's the Slytherin Clan book... Of course!" Thomas smacked himself in the head. "I had to pass that blood test. Don't you see?" Will and Rhiannon both shook their heads no. "Only someone who is a Slytherin can read it!"

"Well that would explain it. I wonder what type of charms they used... it would be a fascinating study..."

"Merlin Will, do you ever stop thinking about studying?"

"Well Rhi," he answered snidely, "It's better then not studying at all."

"Yes well, not everyone is gifted with as much intelligence as I am. It is not my fault that I never have to study to succeed," she countered nonchalantly, "So Tom, what did your other book say about... Rydia and Edward?"

"Well, if I remember correctly, Rydia was the daughter of Slytherin himself and Edward was the son of Gryffindor."

"And they were in love," Rhiannon sighed dreamily, "Forbidden love no doubt."

"Exactly, that's why she threw herself off the tallest tower in Hogwarts."

"W... what?" Will sputtered.

"Yup, I think Edward wouldn't runaway with her."

"How could he? He was supposed to be in love with her!" Rhiannon exclaimed.

"He had obligations to his family, Rhi. Surely you can understand that."

"Tom, there are things that surpass family and one of them is true love."

"How do you know that it was true love? You don't know the story. All you know is that little blurb Thomas just told us."

"If she was willing to die rather than live a life without him then it's true love."

"You'll always be a hopeless romantic Ann."

"Better than an anti-social bookworm, Weasley."

"Are you two finished yet? I'd like to know what happens."

"As do I," Rhiannon stated as she opened the book and began to read again.

~The Diary~

As you can probably see, I wasn't exactly myself and, after that kiss, neither was Harry. All four of us lived somewhat happily over the next few weeks. Harry and I went about our daily business without even a hint of the ghosts inhabiting our bodies. All we knew was that we were sleeping more. Rydia and Edward had the night. They'd use our bodies to meet each other in secret. They found freedom in our bodies; freedom to be with each other, innocently, without having their respective families trying to tear them apart. But not all was happy in the world of the reunited lovers.


They were on a balcony with nothing more than moonlight to brighten up the darkness of night. He had leaned down to kiss her once more, running his fingers through her long brown hair. *Funny,* he thought, *when we were alive she was the raven haired one and I was the one with brown hair.*

The girl broke the kiss and smiled up at him. "Isn't this wonderful Edward? We are not ghosts anymore! We get a second chance to be with each other. A chance to live our lives without fear of what our families could do to us."

"But what about them Rydia? What about Harry and Kali? They will not be able to live their lives. This isn't right. We have to drop this charade."

"No, I will not! Edward, we had our chance stolen from us. We cannot let this chance slip through our fingers."

"No, you killed yourself and stole whatever chance we might have had."

"Even if I had lived you would not have been with me! You were too loyal to your Gryffindor family. I was never first in your heart."

"You were always first Rydia. You just never thought anything through. You were always so... impudent. You never thought of the consequences, but I loved you for it. Your fire and impetuous nature, they are what drew me to you."

"You were always so uptight and rigid but you were so brave and upstanding. You always thought things through and did what was right for everyone; even if you did not benefit," Rydia/ Kali commented, "You never took a chance. You never did something for yourself. This is your chance to change that. You just have to take it!"

"At the expense of two innocents."

"Everything must have casualties," she said in a near pleading tone, "the ends justify the means."

"They don't, Rydia and I don't want to be responsible for taking away Harry's or Kali's life. He loves her. I can feel it in the back of my head and I don't want to take away his chance at gaining hers and living happily ever after. We had our chance. Let them have theirs. Let's finish this." With his peace said, Edward/ Harry walked off into the dark room and went back to Gryffindor tower; leaving Rydia/ Kali with her thoughts.

~End Flashback~

Sadly Rydia's charade did not end there. It would have been too simple to just drop it that night. No, she had to get her end.


Harry and Kali were standing on the observation floor of the astronomy tower. It was an open balcony at the top of the tallest tower of Hogwarts. The moon shone silver an illuminated them.

"What are we doing here Rydia?"

"Do you not like this tower Edward?"

"You know I do not."

"I spent a lot of time here after I died. It was as if my soul did not want to leave Hogwarts." She paused. "Do you know why I first possessed Kali's body?" He shook his head no. "She was dying. The fall down the stairs was brutal and it took its toll on her body. If... if I didn't join her I don't think she would have made it. I didn't even know she was a Slytherin at the time. The possession was just a fluke, an accident really. I never meant for it to happen. But when it did it went to my head. I had to get you back and when I saw Harry I knew he was a Gryffindor, he had the nose." She smiled as she ran her finger over nose the upon Harry's face.

Edward grabbed her wrist. "Why are we here?"

She jerked her arm away from him and massaged her wrist. "You said it yourself Edward. We have to finish this and I am the only one who can."

"What do you mean Rydia? What do you have to... no. You cannot do that."

"It is the only way Edward. It is the only way to free us and them," she said as she backed away from him. "How dare you Edward!"

He stood there staring at her, "I can't Rydia, not again."

"You have to. You have to play the part again. Please..." She was crying now. "How dare you Edward!"

He took a deep breath before looking at her. "How dare I? You were the one that left," he recited slowly.

"I left only after you betrayed everything we had, everything we believed in. I loved you and you fooled me into believing that you actually loved me," she cried.

"I did love... I do love you, but I was too young and foolish to see the impossibility of us being together. Now I am wiser and I know the consequences of our actions will not only affect us but everyone. God Ryd, we are descended from two of the most powerful Wizarding families in the world. Our actions could dictate the very course of history itself."

"I don't care about history, I don't care about our families and I don't care if the whole world destroys itself! All I care about is us. So what was it? Our families? Our responsibilities? The possible consequences? What was it Edward Gryffindor?" Rydia slowly walked backwards toward the railings. "No answer? Is there something wrong with me?"

"No... you were... you are perfect." Edward knew what was to happen. He was there when it first happened, so he made no move towards her.

"Then what is it? Why can't we be together?" Rydia/ Kali sobbed.

"The whole world would be against us."

"So? Who cares if no one approves? We don't need anyone! We can run away and never come back."

"I can't do that... I just can't betray my family. I have responsibilities."

"Then so be it. You made your choice and now we both must live with the consequences." She climbed atop the banister and stared at Edward. "Goodbye Edward."

"Goodbye Rydia," he whispered, "I love you."

"And I you..." for a moment they both faltered. Confused Harry looked up at Kali who was still standing on top of the banister. She looked down and then looked directly at Harry with a distant gaze. "Goodbye," she mouthed.

"Kali? Kali, No! Accio Firebolt!"

~Hospital Wing, sometime later~

"Kali please wake up. You can't leave me like this. We still have so much left to do." He chuckled, "And I still haven't asked you out on a date."

"Harry?" Kali began to sir and slowly opened her eyes to find a pair or bright green ones staring straight at her.

"Oh thank Merlin," he said as he embraced her, "I didn't know if you were going to wake up. Gosh I thought you were going to die on me."

"I will if you don't stop cutting off my air supply," she laughed.

He let go of her and sheepishly said, "Sorry."

She looked around the room and her smile was replaced with a confused look. "Why am I in the hospital wing?"

"Do you remember anything about last night?"

She shook her head. "No, not really, I... I remember seeing you and then feeling... free. I guess that is how it felt. I think... it's all fuzzy. What happened Harry?"

"You fell off the astronomy tower."

"I what?"

"Well, fell off on purpose that is."

"Why would I do some stupid thing like that?"

"I don't think it was you," he replied as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I don't understand."

"I don't remember what happened before you fell... it felt like I was waking up. Then I found this letter when I went back to my room." He withdrew a letter from his pocket and handed it to her. "Dear Harry," she read aloud, "First I must apologize for the crime I have committed against you and your lady friend, Miss Lupin. Nothing can justify the theft of your body. I regret that you may never get to live out all the time I had processed you. I never meant any harm. Sincerely, Edward Gryffindor." She handed him the note. "Does this mean we were... were possessed?"

"I think that it's exactly what that means," he sighed.

"How did I live?"


"How did I survive the fall? The astronomy tower is like... really tall. It's a bloody tower."

"The tallest tower in fact."

"So how did I live then?"

"Well, I..." His cheeks blushed a little. "Iflewdownandsavedyou."

"You what?" Kali asked with a hint of a smile.

"When... when I," he began as he looked down. "saw you fall I was shocked, but then I summoned my broom and dived after you and caught you before you hit the ground. It was still a rough landing but I knew you were still alive. I took you here when you wouldn't wake up."

"So, you saved my life," she said. Kali gingerly reached out and pulled his hand down. He took the signal and leaned down closer. "Thank you Harry." She let go of his hand and gently placed hers on his cheek. "Thank you for saving my life," she whispered as she stared up into his eyes.

Slowly Harry leaned down and brushed his lips with hers. Kali closed her eyes and gave into the moment, but a second later it ended. "I'm sorry," he said as he quickly walked out.

Kali's eyes were still closed when she heard the hospital wing door close. She opened them and blinked twice. "Goodbye... Harry."

~End Flashback~

~End Diary~

"That's so cute!" Rhiannon commented as she laid the book down. "Your parents are so in love and they aren't even acknowledging it! They are in such denial!"

"You are such a romantic," Will told her, "You don't even know what really happened."

"You can tell in their interactions," she defended, "and the next line is... and I quote 'I was in such denial then.'"

"Just continue you silly bint," he huffed.

"Gladly," she said with a smirk.


I was in such denial then. How could I not see what was so painfully obvious to everyone but Harry and I? I suppose you are blind to what is in front of you. After being released from the hospital, I went to my room then wandered the halls... thinking. I let my feet lead the way and where they led me wasn't much of a surprise.

~Flashback, Piano Room, Hogwarts~

The room was plain. A few portraits littered the walls, along with several torches. The furniture included a number of couches and sofas, but the main feature was the old, black grand piano in the center of the room. Currently, a girl with long brown hair was sitting at the bench, fiddling with the keys.

"Hello Kali"

She stopped playing the piano, but continued to look directly at the keys. "Hi Harry... how did you find me?"

"I followed the music," he said simply as he walked into the room and sat in the chair closest to the piano. "I never knew you could play."

"I don't." She looked up at him. "At least I didn't, but Rydia did. She left me this note. It said something like...'I'm sorry. This is the only way it can end. I give you the gift of knowing how to play the piano.' Ever since I woke up I just knew how to play. It feels as if I have been playing my whole life."

"Play something for me."

"What would you like to hear?"


She fooled around with the keys for a couple of seconds then began to play a few chords of a song before her soft mezzo-soprano voice joined in.

I will remember you, will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

Remember the good times that we had?
I let them slip away from us when things got bad
How clearly I first saw you smilin' in the sun
Wanna feel your warmth upon me
I wanna be the one

I will remember you
Will you remember you?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

I'm so tired but I can't sleep
Standin' on the edge of something much too deep
It's funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word
We are screaming inside
But we can't be heard

But I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

I'm so afraid to love you
But more afraid to lose
Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose
Once there was a darkness
Deep and endless night
You gave me everything you had
Oh you gave me light

And I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories
And I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories
Weep not for the memories

She played a few more notes after her voice stopped. When she finished she heard clapping. "That was beautiful Kali."

"Thank you Harry." She scooted the bench backwards then stood up and faced him. "Hungry? I'm famished and dinner is almost over so we can probably sit together at the Gryffindor table."

"But everyone will see us."

"Let them. I don't care if they know that I'm your friend or that you are mine."

Harry smiled and offered his arm and she took it. That is how they walked into the Great Hall, causing quite a stir amongst the general populous and proving that a Slytherin and a Gryffindor can be friends and that their houses can be too.

~End Diary~