General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/19/2002
Updated: 05/10/2004
Words: 139,838
Chapters: 43
Hits: 25,261

The Diary

Phoenix SilverWind

Story Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now.``Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to``solve... Who was his mother?

Chapter 19

Chapter Summary:
Ten Years ago Kali died. Now her son Thomas finds her diary and the truth to how and why she died. Along with how she fell in love with the famous Harry Potter.

~*~*~*~*~*~*Chapter 19*~*~*~*~*~*~

~*The Return of Kali*~


"Thomas, please hear me."

"Mum?" asked a sleepy black haired boy.

"Yes, it's me darling," she whispered as her ghostly hand stroked his forehead and hair.

"Where are we?"

"A recreation of your room at home."

"Mum, I'm so happy to see you," he told her as he laid a hand on her free one.

"As am I."

"Mum, are we really... are we really Slytherins?"

"Yes, of course we are. Thomas, it is nothing to be ashamed of."

"But aren't Slytherins supposed to be evil like Voldemort and Slytherin himself?"

"Salazar was too stubborn and close-minded for his own good and Tom Marvolo Riddle, your great-grandfather, was just a scared, bitter, lonely boy. He made a bad decision, because he was angry at the world for causing him pain. He was an example of how our choices shape us. Your father was once like Voldemort; scared and lonely. Just imagine what could have happened. Your father, was different. He made his choice and saved the world countless times. Now, just imagine if your great-grandfather had made the same choice as your father. He could've been a family man, a ministry official..."

"You sound like you know."

"Maybe I do," she looked at Thomas, "You have a question... ask it."

"Who was Kristina?"

Kali retracted her hands from Thomas, "Kristina Lillian-Rose Potter was your little sister. Your father named her; Kristina for my family and Lillian-Rose for his."

"Wait a minute... she was my sister?"

"She died, a long time ago. She was a victim of the war. Voldemort killed her to force your father to rejoin the war. He wanted a fight and that is what he got." Kali flickered once as her form slowly began to dissipate.

"Do you have to leave again?" Thomas asked as Kali began to stroke the ridge of his nose.

"Yes," she replied.

"When will you be back?" he mumbled as his body relaxed and his eyelids drooped close.

"Never," she whispered as she became nothing more than a spirit.

At the mention of the word, never, Thomas bolted upright, "What? No you can't leave, Mum. Come back. I love you."

"Goodbye Thomas Potter."

~End Dream~

Thomas Potter sat up and wiped the sweat on his brow with the edge of his sheet. His breathing was rapid with short intakes of breath. He closed his eyes remembering what had just happened. He shortly calmed down but one thought kept plaguing him, *She called me by my full name.* He dressed quietly and quickly walked out of the tower. *I have to get that diary back soon.*

~Gryffindor Common Room, sometime later~

Trotting down the stairs, a knackered Will Weasley attempted to rub the sleep out of his eyes, "Why'd you have to wake me up for Rhi? It's nine in the bloody morning."

"Oh stop complaining you lazy git. My dad sent his reply."

"Reply to what?"

"My letter of course," Rhiannon answered, "The one talking about Thomas's mother."

"Oh, that one... Wait a tick... what if Thomas hears you?" Will asked in hushed whispers.

"He won't," Rhiannon sighed seeing Will's confusion, "Because he isn't here."

"But what if he wakes up and comes down here?"

"Geez, you are daft Will. Go up to your room and check his bed." Will spun on his heel and climbed the stairs to the First Year Boy's dormitory. Rhiannon tapped her foot while she waited.

"He's gone!" Will exclaimed as he rushed back to the common room.

"Duh, I saw him leave the tower just before I went and got you. I suspect he went to the library again to work on whatever he is doing."

"Do you think it has to do with that black book he carries all the time?"

"I don't know Will, but I don't think so."

"What about the other book? You know the green one he was looking at yesterday when we were spying on him."

"I dunno! That book was just a bunch of blank pages... like a journal, but it looked like he was actually reading it. It's all so confusing."

"I know Rhi. What about the letter?"

"Did you know that Mrs. Potter was a Slytherin? The original princess of Slytherin in fact and she dated my dad for awhile when they were still in school. Not to mention she dumped him and made it possible for my dad to see my mum in a new light."

"Wow, a Slytherin?"

"Yup, a shock isn't it?"

"You can say that again... do you think Thomas knows?"

"I don't know," Rhiannon sighed, "I don't know."

"What do we do now?"

"We wait. It's all we can do."

~Hogwarts Library~

After hours of working and all the work he did yesterday, he was over halfway done. He was the son of a Head Girl and a Head Boy after all. Thomas had finished his Defense Against the Dark Arts essay first. Seven pages about werewolves? It had been the easiest! He had it done in less than an hour. Next he tackled Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, Astronomy, and History of Magic. All that was left was a thirteen foot essay for Potions class. Curse Snape! Thomas stretched his arms and legs. *Study break, need a study break,* he thought. He grabbed the little green book and flipped it open to the contents page. *What to read?* As if on cue, the words disappeared and revealed others.

"What are you looking for?" it now read as plain as day.

Thomas grabbed his quill and wrote, "I don't know."

"Would you like to bring up the results of the last search performed?"

"Sure," he scribbled.

"Search: Rydia Slytherin (965AD-983AD), eldest daughter of Salazar Slytherin.


Spring of 996AD by Cassandra Slytherin, youngest daughter of Salazar Slytherin

Spring of 996AD by Cassandra Slytherin, youngest daughter of Salazar Slytherin

Spring of 1008AD by Cassandra Slytherin, youngest daughter of Salazar Slytherin

August 2003AD by Kali Lupin, only child of Katherine Kensington-Lupin"

"Go to the oldest entry then," Thomas wrote. The pages hummed a bit as the book worked its magic. When the gentle buzzing quieted he turned the page and there was the first reference of Rydia.

"In the year of our Lord 996 I, Cassandra, have met with great sorrow. Upon this dreary gray morn the sky opened and cried, my sister's soul departed this world and ascended to heaven. My father grieves with anger, hate and bitterness. Rydia was ever the most cherished of us. He blames the death on Edward Gryffindor son of Lord Gryffindor, a co-founder of Hogwarts School. I can tell from Edward's demeanor that he too mourns for my sister though I do not know why. I did not know they knew each other well during their childhood. I suppose they must have met in school at one time. I must talk to Edward. I must know why my sister threw herself off the highest tower.

In the year of our Lord 996 I have talked with Edward today. He has confirmed my suspicions about Rydia's death. It was a lover's quarrel! I remember Rydia talking about being in love with a dashing wizard, but I never suspected the wizard to be the only son and heir of Lord Godric Gryffindor, Father's most hated rival. I am afraid that Rydia's death will become a catalyst in the ongoing feud and cause a greater rift amongst the founders and force my father and I to leave the school. I do not want to leave. It is the only thing I have left. My visions are getting worse. With Rydia gone and Father's bitterness growing; attending magic classes with Lady Hufflepuff and Lady Ravenclaw is all I have left to keep me sane.

Alas, I have strayed from my original intent. According to Edward it was Rydia's decision to jump from the tower. He could do nothing more than watch her fall. By the time he had finished his retelling, he was crying openly. Is love really worth all the pain?

In the year of our Lord 1008 Lord Edward Gryffindor is dead. He was only thirty-three years of age. He leaves this world leaving a young heir, little William, far too young to be without a father. I cannot understand how he could leave him. I could never bear to leave my children. I feel sorry for his wife, the Lady Meredith. To always be second in Edward's heart; never surpassing the memory of a dead woman. I believe Edward died so that he may rejoin Rydia in the afterlife. I hope that they may have finally found peace, though I foresee that their journey is far from over.

August 2003 I think often of Rydia now, especially since my wedding day approaches. Nearly ten years ago she touched my life in a way I will never forget. I know somewhere Edward and Rydia are happy for Harry and I. The houses of Gryffindor and Slytherin are going to finally become united, just as they should have been. Hopefully we shall have better luck then our predecessors... rest their souls."

Thomas closed the book and turned to his essays again; more determined then ever. He needed to know more. He needed the diary.


"Hello Harry," whispered the wispy voice in the familiar void.

"Kali? Why are you here?" Harry asked.

She appeared before him in her sweats and smirked. "Not happy to see me again Potter?"

"No, it's not like that Kali. It's just that if you are still here then you aren't happy."

"I'm not Harry, something is wrong. I... I don't know why or how but something... shifted."

"How do you know?" Harry asked skeptically.

"I'm vanishing Harry... fading... disappearing. I'm not supposed to be here."

"Where are you supposed to be?"

Her ghostly form began to pace, attempting to jog her memory. "I don't remember exactly... I was fighting... dueling. I was so mad... Kristina... I don't remember who I was attacking, but I think I was winning... then there was a flash... and... and I was here."

"Where Kali?"


"Where is here?"

"I don't know. I think I use to know but I... forgot." Her form flickered. "Harry, I don't know when and if I can see you again. So this is goodbye, Potter."

"No, you can't leave," he stretched out to grab her wrist but his hand met no resistance. Collecting his thoughts again, he continued to plead, "You can't go... and you can't disappear. Ghosts can't just disappear. The only way for a ghost to pass on is if they complete their unfinished business but they can't. It's impossible."

A deep, unearthly laugh erupted from the specter, "I am not a ghost Harry Potter. Have you truly forgotten everything? Have you tricked yourself along with everyone else into thinking she was dead? Was the truth too much for you to bear? Was it easier to believe a lie? You know her fate. You know the path she chose. You know what she became. Do not disillusion yourself again Harry Potter. Goodbye."

~End Dream~

His eyes snapped open as he sat up. He sucked in breath after breath. Gasping for air as he sat there, just sat there. *Was it true?* he thought, *Was it all a lie?* He threw the covers aside and strode to the closet. He searched through dusty boxes of memories long packed away for a decade. His search ended as his hand grazed a small white box. He took it down from the ledge and brought it to the bed. He ran his hand over the top the box, sending dust into the air. Slowly, and unsurely, he removed the lid of the box and tossed it aside. He pushed the faded satin out of the way and there laid a silver pocket watch surrounded by white. The cover was engraved with a wreath of lilies and a proud stag in the center. Harry's fingers gingerly wrapped around the object and flipped it open with a quick flick of his wrist. On the back of the cover piece there was an engraving with silver roses, their flower. In the center was inscribed a message,

Harry James Potter,

You are my best friend, lover and soul mate.

On this very special day,

we become more than we can ever be alone.

I'll love you always and forever.

Kali Lillian Potter

Reading the inscription caused Harry's eyes to water. The watch was a gift from his beloved Kali on their wedding day.

~Flashback, Harry Potter's House~

"Kali why are you waking me up? It's before noon," he grumbled as his fiancée shook him awake.

"Do you know what day it is today?" she asked as she crouched on the bed next to him.

"August 15th 2003?"

"Good job Harry. Do you know what that means?" She began running her index finger over bridge of his nose, making him more relaxed.


"I dunno," he mumbled, almost falling asleep.

"Harry, Harry, Harry," Kali repeated over and over, "In about twenty-seven hours we'll be getting married."

"Oh that's right. Why do you have to wake me up?"

"God, you're dense," she said lightly as she stopped stroking his nose, "In three hours I have to be out of the house and we can't see each other for twenty-four hours. It's tradition."

"Screw tradition."

"I don't think so... at least not yet Potter. Oh!" She jumped out of the bed, causing Harry to sit up, and ran to her things and retrieved a small white box. She climbed back onto her spot and thrust it into his hands, "Here, it's your present, but don't open it now. Wait till you get really nervous just before the ceremony starts."

He looked at her with an arched eyebrow, "What makes you think that I'll get nervous?"

"Well maybe it is because I am a seer or maybe it is because I know you Potter."

"Well then," he said as he reached under the bed and retrieved her present, "heed your own advice. Now, let's make the most of the two hours and thirty-five minutes we have left."

~Flashback, Hogwarts Antechamber in the back of the Great Hall~

Running a hand through his unruly black hair again, Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, the fearless Auror was nervous.

"Harry sit down!" Ron laughed, "Or you'll run yourself into the ground with all this pacing."

"Yeah, Potter. What are you nervous about?" mocked Draco from his comfy spot on the couch, "Afraid that Kali has finally realized that she is too good for the likes of you?"

"Shut it, Malfoy."

"Make me Weasley."

"Enough, both of you!" yelled Sirius, "Ron, Draco... out now." Hanging their head low, the young men ushered out leaving the ex-convict and his godson alone. "Harry, sit down. You're worse than James."

"I... I can't. What if Malfoy was right? Kali deserves better," he sighed, "She doesn't deserve to be targeted just because she is my wife. She deserves to live a long life... free of Voldemort and this bloody war."

"Do you love her?"

"Yes, of course I do," Harry's voice dropped to a whisper, "more than anything."

"She deserves to be loved Harry; as do you," Sirius sighed, "She loves you. You can see it in her eyes every time she sees you or says your name."

"I know Sirius, I know."

"Then let her decide whether a life with you is better than one without you." Harry reached into his pocket and withdrew Kali's present, still wrapped. "I'll leave you alone." Sirius walked out of the room and left Harry alone. Exhaling deeply, Harry opened the box.

~Flashback, Hogwarts Great Hall~

Harry stood on the elevated floor where the staff table once was. Now it was serving as an Alter for the long awaited marriage of Harry Potter and Kali Lupin. He fidgeted as the seconds dragged on.

Ron placed a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder, "Steady mate." Harry nodded, acknowledging the encouragement. "You're a lucky man Harry, but if you hurt her... I and a lot of people will hunt you down and kill you."

"I know," Harry answered, "and I'd be first." The first chords of the Bridal March played and the sea of people stood upright. Harry smiled at the two empty seats in front, reserved for his parents but, as all heads turned to the opening doors, Harry had only one thing on his mind. The most beautiful girl in the world was walking down the aisle with her proud father at her arm. A vision in white with stargazer lilies and sterling roses, she was walking down to meet him at the Alter where they will say their vows and become something greater than themselves. They were becoming one with each other. His green eyes could only see her blue. She was perfect. Everything was perfect, just for one moment.

~End Flashback~

"You still are the most beautiful girl in the world Kali," he whispered to the watch. A tear slid down his cheek and splattered upon the face of the watch. It read around the rim just like the Weasley's grandfather clock; home, school, work, traveling, lost, hospital, prison, sleeping, mortal peril, you don't want to know and dead. Kali's hand was currently pointing to lost.