General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/19/2002
Updated: 05/10/2004
Words: 139,838
Chapters: 43
Hits: 25,261

The Diary

Phoenix SilverWind

Story Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now.``Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to``solve... Who was his mother?

Chapter 12

Chapter Summary:
Kali Lupin Potter... All that she was has been lost or forgotten... until now. Ten years after her death, her son, Thomas, starts his first year at Hogwarts with a mystery and only his mother's long lost diary can solve it.
Author's Note:
Hi everyone I am still looking for a beta reader. If you are interested please leave me a review or e-mail me (preferably). Thank you

* * * * *

After lunch in the Great Hall with Will and Rhiannon, who was acting as if nothing happened, Thomas retreated to his dorm room. Seeing that it was a beautiful fall afternoon, the room was empty. He threw his bag onto the floor. He fell onto his bed and stared up at the ceiling. After a few minutes, he rolled over and reached into his bag. He withdrew the familiar black book that once belonged to his mother.

~The Diary~

On June 24, 1995 at dusk, Draco, Kay, I and our fellow schoolmates headed toward the Quidditch pitch for the third and final task of the Triwizard tournament. Huge hedges rose over the field and formed a maze. I took my seat next to Draco and held his hand as Mister Bagman began to speak.


"Ladies and gentlemen, the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! Let me remind you how the points currently stand! Tied in first place, with eighty-five points each- Mr. Cedric Diggory and Mr. Harry Potter, both of Hogwarts School!" The cheers and applause sent birds from the Forbidden Forest fluttering into the darkening sky. "In second place, with eighty points- Mr. Viktor Krum, of Durmstrang Institute!" More applause. "And in third place- Miss Fleur Delacour, of Beauxbatons Academy!" (Page 621 in GF)

~End Flashback~

I remember cheering like crazy for Cedric. He was nice and very deserving of the honor of being the Hogwarts champion. Unlike my fellow housemates, I held no disdain for Hufflepuff house. In my opinion, I felt it was time for them to get some glory, but whoever had put Potter's name in the Goblet of fire had tainted it.

Of course, I am sure that one day this will be a moment in history that children will be forced to read in classrooms, but there is only a couple dozen people that know what it was really like because they were there, Death Eaters, Voldemort, Harry and me.


The second scream of the task echoed out of the hedges. It was Cedric. He was being cursed with Cruciatus Curse but, luckily, Potter was able to stun Krum and help Diggory. Kali sat hand in hand with Draco as the excitement and intensity of the task escalated.

"Look Draco, Kay! Potter and Diggory have both reached the cup," Kali exclaimed and she squeezed Draco's hand.

"What are they waiting for?" asked Kay.

"Why doesn't one of them run and take the cup?" Dracoinquired.

"I think... I think they are trying to decide who should take the cup," she answered as she squinted, "It looks like they are both going to take it at the same time so that they tie." Kali continued to watch as Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory, the Hogwarts champions, both reached out and grasped the cup.

"Where the hell did they go?" Draco cried out as all three of them stood up and looked about confused.

*The Dark Lord has them,* whispered the voice in Kali's mind.

"Did you hear that?" Kali asked them.

"Hear what?" they responded as more of the crowd began to stand.

"The voice. The one that whispered that the Dark..." Kali began before her piercing screams of pain echoed in the pitch. She shut her eyes, reached up with her hands and clutched her head as pain penetrated her mind. Turning as fast as humanly possible, Draco spun to face her and was able to catch her before she fell.

"KAL!" Kay screeched as she watched her friend fall.

"Kali, what's wrong?" he asked as she began to shudder involuntarily as she continued to clutch her head. She did not answer but persisted to yell as students began to give the couple room. A couple of professors were able to push through the crowd and reach them as Kali's eyes snapped open and the screaming subsided. She looked around wildly as she clutched onto fistfuls of Draco's robes with her sweaty hands. Her chest heaved with each intake of breath as her eyes finally focused on Draco.

"Kill the spare! Kill the spare! He killed Cedric! Oh God he killed Cedric," she stammered before she passed out. Her body lay very still except for the occasional twitch or shudder.

"Kali? KALI!" Draco shouted at her as he tried to rouse her from her unconsciousness, but all his attempts failed. He looked helplessly at her when he felt as hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw a blurry image of Madam Pomfrey through his now tear filled eyes.

"We have to get her to the hospital wing. You have done all you can," she said as he looked down at the boy clutching the unconscious form of his girlfriend, "Let me help her." Draco nodded and loosened his grip on her as Pomfrey conjured a floating stretcher for her. They floated her to the hospital wing and examined her, but it came up blank. No one could figure out what had caused her catatonic state and her outburst after the disappearance of the Hogwarts champions.Some time later, she woke up as screams and shouting could be heard from the direction of the hedge maze. Kali glanced about the white infirmary and realized that she was alone.

"Hel... hello?" her voice croaked as attempted to pull herself into a sitting position. No sooner had she spoke, a flustered figure appeared off to the side of the room.

"Oh good!You are awake," Madam Pomfrey greeted as she rushed over to check on her condition, "How are you feeling dear?"

"Good... a little tired, a bit achy and I have a killer migraine but besides that I feel fine," she answered, "May I be excused to my common room and dorm room so that I may rest?"

"Absolutely not! I won't hear of it! Drink this, it should dull the pain," the nurse ordered as she watched the young girl with the intensity of an eagle watching its prey. Kali drank the fowl tasting liquid as she was ordered and handed the goblet back to Madam Pomfrey.

"Please Madam Pomfrey. I beg of you to let me leave," Kali pleaded, "I don't want to be here when Harry Potter comes here, because...because I will be a distraction when you need to focus on helping him." Kali gave the old nurse her innocent, puppy dog face and prayed that it would work. Pomfrey contemplated for a moment before giving her answer.

"Alright, but the moment you feel that anything feels like it hurts you must come back and tell me," she sighed as she gave into the girl. "Here eat this as well," she huffed as she handed her a chocolate bar, which Kali happily accepted.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Kali exclaimed as she slowly got out of the bed and hugged the nurse. She drew up the curtains around her bed and changed out of the hospital wing pajamas. After she was done she headed toward the exit and reached for the handle just as it swung open and something collided with her and sent her sprawling to the ground. She slowly opened her eyes to see a pair of light blue eyes staring back at her. The person quickly broke the gaze, stood up and offered her a helping hand, which she gladly accepted.

"Sorry about that. I hope I didn't hurt you," he said as he helped Kali up.

"I'm fine," she said as she dusted herself off.

"My name is Ron Weasley by the way," He said as he offered her his hand.

"I know who wouldn't? You are a part of the infamous Gryffindor trio," Kali said as she shook his hand, "But I must be off and I am sure you are very worried about your friend, Harry." With that she walked quickly out of the room and headed toward the Slytherin common room. Hermione turned and noticed that Ron was still looking at the open doorway.

"Who was that?" he asked her as he turned to look at Hermione.

"I think her name is Kelli or something like that," she answered quickly, "Loner type. She usually avoids people. I hear even her fellow Slytherins hate her."

"She's a Slytherin?" he asked in shock.

"Yes, now come on Ron we have to find out what happened to Harry," she said as she dragged him to the spot where Mrs. Weasley was interrogating Madam Pomfrey.

~Slytherin Common Room~

Kali entered the silver and green common room and stopped and looked around. She searched around for Draco. She spotted him sitting alone by the fire with a contemplative look upon his pale features.

"Allo Draco," Kali said just loud enough for the sound to travel to him. He turned sharply and looked upon her. She was still pale after being sick, strands of damp hair clung to her face and the light in her eyes was dimmed, but her smile still stayed on. Draco quickly got up and shortened the distance between them. He swiftly gathered her up in his arms and twirled her about and everyone in the common room stared in astonishment.

~End Flashback~

"Thomas you in here?" called Will's voice through the now open doorway. Thomas quickly slid the diary under his pillow and answered his best friend.

"Yeah, I was just taking a little nap," Thomas called back.

"Oh, sorry for waking you," Will said, "I just wanted to know if you wanted to play some exploding snap with me and Rhiannon till dinner."

"Sure," he replied as he hopped out of bed and went down to the common room with Will.

~After Dinner in the Gryffindor Common Room~

"Did you guys feel that someone was missing tonight at dinner," Will asked, "Knight to E5. Check."

"Professor Covington and Professor Wood weren't there," Rhiannon answered as she continued to read her book, "I suspect that they were getting ready for their date tonight. Eight o'clock I believe."

"Yeah I remember something about that. Queen to E5," Thomas said, "What time is it?"

"Bishop to H4, checkmate," Will stated as Thomas looked at the board in astonishment, "It's now seven thirty."

"Why'd you want to know the time?" Rhiannon asked, then lifting her gaze from her book to Thomas, "You're not thinking about..."

"That's exactly what I am thinking," Thomas answered, "So are you guys up for it?"

"I'm in!" exclaimed Rhiannon.

"In for what?" Will asked, obviously not understanding the plan.

"We are going to follow the professors on their date," Rhiannon whispered, "So you in? Or are you a chicken?"

"I'm in, but are you sure there is enough room for all three of us?" he asked Thomas.

"Yeah, the cloak will cover all of us," he stated.

"Then let's go!" Rhiannon shouted quietly, "Come on! Thomas, grab the cloak and the map. If we leave soon we can get there at the same time as them."

"Ok," responded Thomas as he bounded up the stairs to retrieve the items they would need to sneak out of Hogwarts. When he returned the discreetly went under the cloak and sneaked out to Hogsmeade.

~The Three Broomsticks~

After the short carriage ride from Hogwarts to the Three Broomsticks, Kay and Oliver found a small booth towards the back and began to converse as they glanced over the menu.

"So how did you become the flying instructor? Last I heard was that you were signed to the Puddlemere United reserve team just after you graduated," Kali asked as she put down the menu.

""I played several seasons on the reserve team and was finally moved up to the main team, but luck was not on my side. After playing for only three seasons, I was hit by a Bludger and blacked out," he said as Kay gasped, "When I woke up in the hospital, they told me, due to the injuries I received, I could no longer play Quidditch. I was devastated."

"I bet," Kay commented.

"About a week after I had been taken out of the rooster, I received an owl from Dumbledore with this job offer and here I am," Oliver finished and asked, "What about you? How did you become the Defense professor?"

"Well, I," she began before stopping and carefully contemplated about how she was going to answer, "Well since graduation I have been floating from one job to another but several years ago I was in a... rut but I was able to pull myself out of it and I made a new life for myself. You could almost say I became a new person. Anyway, a few months ago Dumbledore sent me an owl offering me this position due to my experience and expertise in the field and I had no other choice but to accept and now here I am."

"It sounds like you had it tough," he commented.

"Yeah, but I did have some good times. And they were worth all of the bad," she said, "and then some." An awkward silence filled the air, both of them sat there not knowing what to say. Thankfully Madam Rosmerta came over to their table to take their orders. After she left, silence once again filled the booth.

"Is that Harry Potter?" Oliver asked directing Kay's view toward the door behind her.

"Yes I believe it is," she answered as she looked at the couple that just walked in. The tall middle aged man was unmistakably the famous Harry Potter, messy black hair and as handsome as ever. Wrapped around him was a pretty blonde women with chestnut brown eyes and a slightly upturn nose.

"Hey Harry!" Oliver shouted as he stood up and waved to him from across the pub. Potter turned to see who was calling out to him. He spotted Oliver and smiled and made his way over to their both.

*Oh god,* Kay thought as she looked at the man approaching her, *Please don't let him stay.*

"Oliver! It's been far too long!" Harry exclaimed as he shook hands with Wood, "and whom is this lovely lady that is accompanying you this evening?"

"Harry, this is Kay Covington. Kay, this is Harry Potter," he introduced.

"Pleasure to meet you Kay," Harry said as he kissed her hand.

"The pleasure is mine Harry," she answered as she retracted her hand from his.

"Oliver, Kay, this is Rachel Giovenco," Harry, in turn, introduced, "Rachel, this is Oliver Wood and Kay...."

"Covington," Kay finished as she reached out a hand to shake Rachel's, "Pleasure."

"Same," Rachel answered curtly as she turned to Oliver and stretched her hand towards him, "It's an honor. I am a big United fan. It was a shame when you had to quit."

"Thank you," he answered with a huge grin on his face as he placed a kiss on her hand, "It's good to know that I haven't been totally forgotten."

"You? Forgotten?" Rachel exclaimed, "Never! You were the best keeper I have ever seen!"

"Really? I didn't think I was that good," Oliver said as they all sat down in the both with Oliver and Rachel scooting in on their respective sides and their dates sitting on the end. Time passed by and they all had dinner and made small talk that seemed to focus on Quidditch and Oliver's career when he was a professional player. Of course, that also meant that it was mainly Rachel and Oliver talking while Harry and Kay sat there being ignored by their respective dates. Kay sighed and realized that Rachel was so involved in her conversation with Oliver that he was all that she saw. So taking the opportunity to relieve her utter boredom, Kay decided to make faces at Harry and mock Rachel to help relieve his boredom too. Harry laughed and tried to cover it up by covering his mouth with his hand.

"Did you say something?" Rachel asked as she turned toward Harry.

"Um... no," he replied as she turned back and continued her talk with Oliver leaving Harry to snicker into his hand. Turning his gaze back to Kay, Harry mouthed to her, "Do you want to go somewhere else?" Kay smiled and nodded her head profusely and they both quietly slipped out of the booth leaving their dates to converse in private. Harry paid for their meals and their dates and they both slipped out of the Three Broomsticks and laughed out loud. "How long do you think it is going to take them to realize that we are gone?" he laughed as he clutched his stomach and walked to a nearby bench to sit down.

"I don't know," Kay laughed along with him, "That was real nice of you to pay for all of us, but you did not have to." She reached into her purse and retrieved a small royal blue velvet satchel. "Here," she said as she handed Harry a couple of coins, "to cover my meal."

"No it's on me," he said as he waved the money away.

"You haven't changed one bit have you Harry Potter," Kay laughed.

"We've met before?" Harry asked.

"Yes, in school," she answered.

"What year did you graduate?" Harry asked, "If you don't mind my asking, of course."

"1998," Kay answered again.

"Really?" Harry asked.

"Well, of course," she answered, "I am not surprised that you do not recognize me. Not many Gryffindors would've cared that I existed."

"And why would that be?" he asked as curiosity gnawed at him.

"Why, because I was and always will be a Slytherin," she answered with pride.

"You were a Slytherin?" he asked in shock.

"Of course," Kay smirked, "I would think you of all people would not be surprised by an atypical Slytherin. You did marry one after all." She turned and looked at him and her smile faded as she looked up into his eyes. It was as if they had stopped sparkling and a dark cloud pasted over them making them look like jade instead of emeralds. "Oh my God," Kay exclaimed as she brought her hand up to cover her mouth, "I'm sorry. Lord, I am such a ditz sometimes. I really sor..." He cut her off with a wave of his hand and began to speak.

"It's quite alright," Harry sighed, "I am not made of some kind of fragile glass that will shatter at the slightest mention of Kali. She is... dead and there is nothing that can change that."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that," she replied with a slight smirk.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked somewhat taken back by her comment.

"Well, I..." Kay stuttered as she thought, "I just meant that she is still with us, in spirit. I see a lot of her in Thomas."

"So I take it that you knew her then," he said.

"Of course, she was the Princess of Slytherin," she laughed then added thoughtfully, "Kali was something." An uncomfortable silence passed between the two of them before Harry spoke.

"Um... do you need any help getting home?" he asked politely.

"No, I can just take the carriage back up to the castle then send it back for Oliver," she responded.

"So you are professor also..." Harry began before smacking on the forehead, "of course Kay Covington, the new Defense teacher. My son spoke very highly of you."

"Yes, well," she said as she blushed and looked down at her feet, "Thomas is a fine student, very clever."

"Yeah, but I fear that his cleverness will get him into trouble," he said.

"Afraid he'll bring about a new age of marauders' mayhem at Hogwarts?" Kay asked with a small smile.

"Yeah, how did you kno..." Harry began as Kay cut him off.

"I better get back," she said, "It's getting late." She stood up and headed toward the horseless carriage when a hand on her arm stopped her.

"Would you care for some company?" he asked hurriedly, "It's a lonely ride back up to Hogwarts and..."

"I'd love it if you'd accompany me home," she said. After they both got into the carriage and left, giggling burst forth from another nearby bench.

"Your dad fancies Professor Covington and she fancies him," Will laughed.

"Old people in love are so cute," Rhiannon cooed.

"Yeah," Thomas muttered as he continued to stare off into the space where the carriage once stood, "we better get back fast if we want to get there before they say goodnight." They all headed back under the cloak and dashed off to the secret tunnel that would lead them back to Hogwarts.