General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/19/2002
Updated: 05/10/2004
Words: 139,838
Chapters: 43
Hits: 25,261

The Diary

Phoenix SilverWind

Story Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now.``Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to``solve... Who was his mother?

Chapter 07


Poll Time~ Who is your favorite character from my fic? And why?

Chapter 7

“That’s so cute!” the strawberry blonde said as she came out of her hiding place behind a tall oak tree, “I knew Professor Wood was acting kinda weird around her. Wait till the guys hear about this!” She held her books closer to her body as she took off in the direction the teachers had merrily made their way a few minutes before.

History of Magic Classroom

Toward the back of the room a boy with messy raven colored hair and deep blue eyes quietly conversed with his taller, red haired, brown eyed best friend as they both deposited their history books in front of them and pulled out a quill and roll of parchment.

“Where is Malfoy?” asked Will, “She knows my mum will not hesitate to deduct points from Gryffindor for tardiness.”

“ I dunno.” Thomas sighed. “After DADA she was behind us and a moment later she was gone.”

“I swear we need to put that girl on a leash,” Will muttered as a loud bang was heard next to him. After calming down from the freight the sound gave him, he turned to see a Rhiannon who had just slammed her books onto their table.

“A leash Will?” Rhiannon scoffed, “And who would be at the other end of the leash? You? HA! I’d have you doing my bidding before you can say Quidditch.”

“Well what about Thomas? He could handle you,” Will said with an evil smirk.

“Well, I… I,” she stammered as her gaze immediately went to the floor and as if the Malfoy in her had taken over she continued more confidently, “I’d do the same thing. A Potter would never stand a chance against a Malfoy. We all know it.”

“Whatever Rhiannon. I am not about to spoil your delusions and oh so obvious denial, so why don’t you sit down. Mum is about to start class,” sighed Will.

Outside Hogwarts After History

“I love these free periods!” Will shouted happily as he plopped himself onto the soft lush green grass of the Hogwarts grounds.

“So do I. It’s good to be able to take a breather,” Thomas added as he, too, deposited himself onto the ground.

“Yes it does feel nice to be able to relax,” commented Rhiannon as she gracefully sat next to the boys. Just then a brown owl flew to them and landed on Thomas’s stomach.

“Bandit! Do you have a reply?” asked Thomas, the owl nodded as if understanding him and stuck out his leg with the letter attached. He snatched the letter from the owl and petted it then sent it on its way. Ignoring the questioning looks from his friends, he unfolded the letter and began to read.

Dear Thomas,

It’s nice to her from you. That’s excellent that you became a Gryffindor! And making the Quidditch team in your first year? That has not happened since your father made the house team his first year. Sirius is doing fine. He tried to turn my fur pink again but before he could, I was able to make it backfire on him and give him pink hair for a while. Don’t worry; I took pictures, so you wouldn’t miss out. Your father is doing fine. He is beginning to get depressed with Halloween coming up soon. It is a very difficult time for all of us since we have all suffered the loss of people very close to us, but your father seems to still be taking it very hard after all these years. I think he still blames himself for your mother’s death.

I don’t seem to recall a Covington while I was teaching at Hogwarts, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t teach her.

I knew this day would come someday. I was always a firm believer that you should hear about your mother from your dad. But Harry decided a long time ago that he would not talk about Kali. I think it hurts him too much to think of her and the happy times. It just reminds him that there can be no new memories. Even though this will go against your father’s wishes, I feel you have the right to know whom your mother was. She grew up in a Muggle orphanage until she reached the age of eleven when she was accepted to Hogwarts. Yes, she was a Slytherin, but she was not evil, far from it in fact. She was just very determined and ambitious, all qualities of a Slytherin. If she was evil then your father would have never married her. When she did live with me during the summer holidays, she was different from what she was like in school (according to your father). She was a little louder, less uptight, and more carefree. During the summer she could usually be found lying on the couch in the den reading in front of the fireplace dressed in her blue pajama pants and gray sweatshirt. She loved to read. She read Wizarding books as well as Muggle books. I even think that her favorite book was written by a Muggle. It was called The Last Unicorn, I believe. I may still have it stored with the rest of her belongings. She wanted to become a teacher. She knew it wasn’t a very prestigious job, but a very important one. She was planning on applying for a job at Hogwarts after the threat of Voldemort was gone and her skills as an auror were no longer needed. She made an excellent auror. Her knowledge of the dark arts and talent in dueling made her nearly unstoppable. The death eaters feared her name, but that wasn’t to last long. She confronted a new Death Eater, but not just any Death Eater; she was Voldemort’s heir. It was on that day, during that battle that we all lost your mother. Maybe you should try to talk to your father before the anniversary.



PS~ Want to spend the first week of Christmas holiday at my house?

“What’s wrong Thomas?” asked Will seeing that his best friend’s mood changed.

“What?” he asked as if waking up from a trance, “Oh, its nothing just a letter from my Granddad Remus. He is just checking up on me.” He put on a fake smile as he lay back down in the grass. *So, she was killed in a duel by a novice Death Eater. That just doesn’t make sense. She was supposedly one of the best duelers in the world. She was a Tri-Wizard Dueling Champion when she was 18 for Merlin’s sake! How could she have lost a duel? There is something missing here. I wonder if the diary will shed some like on this problem,* he thought.

“Thomas? Thomas? THOMAS HARRY POTTER! GET YOUR ARSE UP!” shouted a peeved Rhiannon.

“What? Why did you yell?” asked a now slightly deaf Thomas as he got up and looked at the upset girl.

“I was calling your name forever! I was trying to get you up so we can get to class early, but now we’ll be lucky if we are on time!” she huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Oh dear Lord, we have Potions! Snape will kill us!” Thomas shouted as he grabbed Rhiannon by the wrist and dragged her to the Hogwarts dungeon.

Meanwhile at the Lupin Manor

“So, Moony, you are telling me that Thomas, our grandson Thomas, has all of a sudden written you a letter and has informed you that he has not pulled a single prank since starting at Hogwarts? That’s… that’s horrible! He has been there for a week and we gave him enough supplies for a month. Where did we go wrong?” rambled the Sirius Black, formerly wanted for murder but was cleared of all charges.

“Yet again Padfoot, you have seemed to miss the important issue and gone straight into rambling about the most insignificant concern of the moment,” sighed Remus Lupin, former professor of DADA at Hogwarts and werewolf.

“Insignificant? Insignificant! How can you sit there and call yourself a Marauder?” he said as he shook his head in shame.

“Are not the least bit concerned about Thomas suddenly asking questions about Kali?” asked a tired Remus, “Maybe it has something to do with this Covington woman.”

Covington woman?” asked a confused Sirius.

“Yes, Kay Covington is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Thomas seems to really like her. From what I can gather, she was friends with Kali when she attended Hogwarts,” explained Lupin.

“I don’t remember a Kay Covington ever coming over to see Kali,” said Black.

“Neither do I, but when did she ever bring her friends over?” asked Remus.

“Good point,” agreed Sirius.

“Wait a minute, I do remember Kali talking about her,” Remus said, “She was that Slytherin girl she met fourth year.”

“Oh yeah, I almost had forgotten her,” sad Black, “so what did you tell him?”

“Just some of the basics,” replied Remus, “I told him to talk to Harry about her.”

“Do you think that is wise?” he inquired, “You remembered how he reacted when we got the news. After his little ‘outburst’ he shut down for months and could not even take care of his own son. I was sure that he would never come out of that depression.”

“I know. He took it harder than all of us, but he can’t ignore her forever,“ he said, “She is still alive and she will always be here with us, because there is a part of her that lives on in Thomas.” Soon silence fell between the two good friends. There was nothing more for them to say or do. Fate was in control now and fate turned out to be an eleven-year-old boy.

Back at Hogwarts

“Oh my God! I almost forgot! Guess who has a date this Saturday,” said a happy Rhiannon.

“Who was stupid enough to ask you out?” asked Will.

“I wasn’t talking about me Weasley,” she glared, “I was talking about Professor Covington and Professor Wood.”

“What?” asked both of the boys.

“Well apparently they had a bet on the outcome of the duel. And since Professor Wood won he asked Professor Covington on a date to Hogsmeade after we all left,” explained Rhiannon, “It was so cute! So we taking bets?”

“Rhiannon! What kind of people do you take us for?” Will asked in mock horror.

“The kind of people that makes bets on their professors’ love lives. So what’s your bet Will?” she asked.

“Three galleons that it won’t work out,” he said, “Too different.”

“I agree,” Thomas said.

“Well I disagree,” Rhiannon said, “They look so cute together. They have to work out.”

“So you are basing a three galleons bet on the fact that they look good together?” Will asked, “It would be easier if you just gave me the money now, since there is no way you’ll win.”

“We shall see,” was her only reply as they all headed inside.

Professor Dumbledore’s Office

“How could you take 410 points from Slytherin?” asked a very angry Snape as he paced, “They did nothing to deserve that many points to be taken away.”

“They did deserve it! They insulted and humiliated a professor. If a Gryffindor student greets you, you take 10 points away from Gryffindor for speaking when not asked to,” shouted a mad Wood.

“Severus, Oliver, perhaps if you two will sit down Miss Covington will tell us why she took 410 points from Slytherin,” calmed Professor Dumbledore. They all hushed as they looked at woman sitting quietly with her eyes staring intently at the ground in a chair on the far left. She looked up and looked around finally resting her eyes on Dumbledore.

“I was furious at the comments that they made,” she slowly explained, “I guess I just lost my temper. I am sorry that I acted before I had fully thought about the situation, but I will stand by my belief that they deserved to have the detention time assigned by Oliver and the 410 points that I took away from Slytherin.”

“But 410 points!” shouted Severus as he got up from his seat.

“Severus,” Dumbledore warned, “I believe that Professor Covington and Professor Wood were correct in their reprimands of the disrespectful behavior of Mister Crabbe and Mister Goyle.”

“Thank you Professor,” Kay thanked with a ghost of a smile as she got up and exited the room with Oliver on her heel.

“I don’t like her,” commented Snape.

“Severus, you don’t like many people,” said Dumbledore with a chuckle as Snape scowled.


“I finally got away from them,” Thomas sighed as he plopped down on a chair as he threw is bag on the table. He had found a quiet and dark corner to finish his reading. He opened his bag and drew out the black book.

The Diary

After that night I finally felt noticed. Someone finally paid attention to me and not just anyone, Draco Malfoy. My crush since I started at Hogwarts and he wanted to date me! Life was good. No one was expecting this relationship to ever get started. Me, the Slytherin born from Gryffindors and him, the prince of Slytherin? Impossible! It was the most unbelievable event imaginable! Actually, I think me falling in love with Harry Potter, and vice versa, ranks as the most implausible event in recent Wizarding history. Anyways back to the Draco/me thing.

Draco and I were happy with our secret relationship. We were afraid of all the ridicule and threats we’d receive if we were found out by the rest of the school, Slytherin especially. We didn’t even tell our parents about it till just before Easter.


Kali is sitting down to breakfast as the morning post comes in and owls of every shape, size and color come flying in.

“Hecate!” Kali shouted in excitement as her owl appeared with a letter from her dad. She gave her gray-silver owl a piece of bacon and petted it before sending her back to the owlery. She carefully opened the letter and prayed that he wasn’t too mad.

Dearest Kali,

First things first, are you dating him under your own free will? Are you sure it is not some sort of spell, charm or enchantment? No? Are you positive? Then I guess I have to let you go to Malfoy Manor for the party during Easter holiday. But be careful. The Malfoys and the people they associate with are not the most upstanding of people. Stay with Draco as much as you can during the trip. If he cares for you as much as you say he does than I know you will be safe with him. Have fun and owl me when you return to Hogwarts.



PS~ Beware of Sirius. He went mad after finding out you and Mister Malfoy. You might get a howler soon.

*A howler… just great,* she sighed as she folded up the piece of parchment and stuffed it into her bag. She looked at where Draco usually sat, across the table and about three seats to her left, but he wasn’t there, *Where’s Draco?* She got up and left the Great Hall without saying a single word about where she was going. She didn’t care and no one else in the hall cared about her. She walked out the doors of the castle and headed toward the lake. She reached down and felt the neatly folded parchment in her pocket and stopped when she saw the pale, blonde boy sitting under the Willow tree. She smiled slightly as she approached their spot.

“What’s that?” she asked him as she gestured toward the piece of parchment in his hand. She leaned against the tree trunk and waited for him to answer her.

“It’s, it’s nothing really,” he said as he stuffed the letter haphazardly into his pocket.

“What is it Draco?” she asked as she pushed herself off the tree as he stood up.

“It’s nothing Kali,” he muttered at her while trying not to look at her.

“You know you can tell me anything, right?” she asked as she got him to look into her eyes. His eyes shone hurt in its ice blue depths, but they soon turned stoic and cold as he shook from her grip.

“I said its nothing. Can’t you just leave me alone for one bloody moment! God, don’t you have anyone else to annoy?” he shouted as he glared at his now frightened girlfriend. Tears welled up in Kali’s eyes as she turned and quickly sprinted back to the castle. Draco let out a frustrated sigh and leaned against the tree and slid down its rough bark, “I didn’t mean it.”

She ran as fast as she could till she couldn’t run anymore. She ran into a girls’ bathroom and sat on one of the toilet seats and cried.

“You know, he’s not worth it,” said a voice. Kali looked up and saw, through her tear filled eyes, a girl about her age with glasses, hazel eyes, black hair and silver bangs. “I’m Kay by the way. Kay Covington,” she introduced.

“Kali Lupin and he is worth it,” she cried.

“No, he’s not. No boy is worth your tears, and the one who is won't make you cry,” she soothed as she offered a tissue that Kali gratefully accepted.

“That’s nice, but that saying is based on a world viewed through rose-colored glasses, not the real world,” she sniffled.

“Hmmm, a realist and a pessimist what an award winning combination,” she mocked, “Award inning if you are trying to win the an award for playing the ‘woe is me, I’m the angst ridden teenage girl waiting for my boyfriend to come and make everything all better’ role.”

“You know what,” Kali said as she stood up to Kay, “I don’t need this right now. Just… Just go back to where ever you came from. I don’t want to ever see you again.”

“That would be kind of difficult. I am a fourth year Slytherin after all,” Kay said sarcastically.

“What?” she asked confused.

“You didn’t think you were the only outcast in Slytherin. Of course people notice you a lot more than they notice me,” she answered, “I am the true invisible Slytherin, not you.”

“I’m sorry. I guess I was too wrapped up in myself to notice or care about anyone else. I’m sorry I made you feel invisible,” she apologized, “I should have noticed you.”

“Eh, I’m use to it,” she shrugged it off, “If Draco is like you say he is then he’ll come to find you and if you want him you better go look for him.”

“You know what, you’re right,” Kali said as she headed for the door, “Thanks.”

“No prob,” Kay said as she smiled.

~End Flashback~

Suffice it to say that afterwards, Kay and I became the best of friends. And I did follow her advise and Draco and I found each other about ten minutes later. He was just worried that about me going to the party. Apparently his mother had owled him to warn him that many of the guest would be Death Eaters and my being from a known werewolf won’t bode well with them. I could possibly be put in danger if I were to attend and

From what I had heard, Narcissa Malfoy was not what people said she was like. She wasn’t as self-absorbed like her namesake. She was emotionally distant but you could tell that she did love Draco. He was her life. Looking back on some of the little things that I never paid attention to at the time, she probably tried to push Draco away from the Dark Arts since he was young. Of course, she could not outright say that she was against the Dark Arts. Lucius would have had her killed. So she had to implant the thoughts subtlety into Draco’s mind without being detected by her overbearing husband. She risked everything for her son and to me that is true bravery and courage. I may have not been in the same situation as she was but I can relate in my own way, but I would not have know what it was like to chose between your safety and the safety of your family then and I would not find out for several more years.

Back in the Library

Thomas closed the journal and just sat there and stared at it for several minutes. He reached for it and gently placed it back into his bag. He left the darkened corner of the library in silence. He knew what his mum was talking about. In six years she’d be married and in seven years she’d have him. His mother would have done anything to protect them and now he just had one thought in his mind, * What did she do to get herself killed? And what was she protecting us from?*