General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/19/2002
Updated: 05/10/2004
Words: 139,838
Chapters: 43
Hits: 25,261

The Diary

Phoenix SilverWind

Story Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now.``Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to``solve... Who was his mother?

Chapter 06


Chapter 6


In a Cold, Dark, Crumbling House

“Do you pledge your life and allegiance to me?” asked a cold voice. Anyone else would shiver at its icy tone, but the girl did not flinch.

“Yes, my lord,” she whispered.

“Look at me when you say your vow!” bellowed the voice. The girl looked up with determination shining in her hazel eyes as her black hair fell behind her shoulders and her silver bangs framed her face.

“I vow my power, life, and allegiance to you, Lord Voldemort,” she said louder and with more confidence as before.

~End Dream~

Professor Covington’s Quarters

She awoke with freight and hastily turned on the lights. Her chest heaved as she franticly drew in deep breaths trying to forget what her mind was attempting to remember. She calmed a bit and her breathing slowed down as she looked at the clock. Midnight, she threw her covers to the side and haphazardly threw on a cloak over her nightgown. She stepped out on to the balcony and leaned against the railing as she surveyed the clear night sky.

“Why is he still haunting my dreams? Potter defeated him over ten years ago,” she sighed as a chilling breeze blew around her.

“Kill him,” it whispered as Kay Covington closed her eyes and gripped the railing tighter, “Kill Potter and his spawn. Kill them and the dark shall be victorious.”

A tear fell down her cheek as she collapsed to the ground. She drew in deep shaky breaths as the voice repeated its message. She threw her hands up and covered her ears and muttered, “No leave me alone. You’re dead you can make me do anything! Stop it!” Soon the voice disappeared and left the new DADA professor alone with her thoughts once again.

Great Hall~ Breakfast

“Where’s Professor Covington? She is usually one of the first ones here,” asked Rhiannon.

“I don’t know but maybe she just slept in,” responded Thomas. As he spoke the words a loud fluttering noise was heard echoing off the rafters.

“I think the mail is here,” said Will.

“Well thanks for stating the obvious,” sneered Rhiannon as two owls swooped down and deposited two red envelopes in front of Rhiannon and Will, “Shall we?” Will nodded and they both opened their howlers at once.


“Well that was really embarrassing. Even Aunt Hermione is laughing at us,” Rhiannon commented as she pointed to the head table. Just then all laughter ceased as a slightly disheveled and very tired looking Professor Covington entered and took her seat next to Professor Weasley.

“Are you alright Kay?” asked a concern Hermione.

“I am just fine Weasley,” she snapped as she smoothed her robes one final time before taking her seat. Hermione was shocked into speechlessness and just sat there and stared at the angry professor just like every other person at the head table. “Look,” she began as Covington began to rub her left temple, “I am sorry Hermione. I did not sleep well last night and I guess I am a little irritated this morning. I did not mean to snap at you like that.”

“That’s ok. I understand. You know maybe you should try to find a potion that can help you sleep. I am sure that Professor Snape will be more than happy to assist you,” she babbled. At the last suggestion, Kay looked at Snape who sat across from her. He sent her a sneer and turned back to the conversation he was having with McGonagall.

*Snape would help me, but I don’t know if there is a potion strong enough to get me to forget the dreams,* she thought as she ignored everything that came out of Professor Weasley’s mouth, *God does she ever shut up? She is still a bookworm just like she was during school.*

“Ah hem, Professor Covington?” asked Dumbledore.

“Huh? What? Oh Professor Dumbledore, what would you like?” inquired Kay as she snapped out of her thoughts.

“I would like to see you heading toward your class and ready to teach,” he said with a sparkle in his eyes.

“What?” she asked as she finally noticed the near empty hall, “Oh! I am sorry. I am heading to my classroom now.” She gathered up her things and ran out the doors to meet her first class. Dumbledore smiled as he watched her go. After she had gone, he left for his office.

DADA Classroom

“Is it just me or does Professor Covington like being late to class?” huffed a very impatient Will as he crossed his arms over his chest, “We should be learning now.”

“Oh give her a break Will,” Thomas said.

“Yeah, did you see her this morning? She looked like she didn’t sleep very well so give her a break,” added Rhiannon.

“Sorry I am late,” said the Professor as she dashed into the room, “again.” The DADA professor hurried up to the front and turned to face her group of first years. “So who here has preformed a curse?” she asked, “Ok, again with the no hands. Come on someone must have performed a curse. Furnunculus? Locomotor Mortis? Petrificus Totalus?” Still no hands go into the air. “Rictusempra? Stupefy? Tarantallegra? Its not like I am going to tattle on you as if I were a 5 year old,” she exclaimed. Slowly hands timidly began to rise into the air. With a bright smile she continued, “Now if you know how to block them keep your hand raised.” Almost immediately the hands fell. “Now lets head outside for more breathing room for a demonstration,” she said as she ushered the kids out of the room.

Outside Hogwarts, Near the Quidditch Pitch

“Everyone here?” she asked as she quickly surveyed the small group, “Excellent! Now let me just go and fetch the victim.” She quickly dashed toward the Quidditch field as the students noticed the lone figure flying above the ground.

Quidditch Field

Professor Covington shielded her eyes from the blazing morning sun as she peered into the sky. *He’ll do just fine,* she thought as a wicked smirk appeared on her face. “Oliver,” she called but no response so she tried again only louder, “Oliver!” “WOOD GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!” she shouted, this time getting the man’s attention.

“What is it Miss Covington? Something wrong?” he asked worriedly.

“No, I am alright Oliver. I was wondering if you could help me with my first years class,” she asked sweetly, then adding the sad puppy dog eyes, “that is unless you are to busy.”

“No, I would love to help you Kay,” he answered quickly.

“Excellent!” she exclaimed as she grabbed his hand and dragged the poor soul back to her class.

Back to the Class

“Alright everyone. I am assuming you all know Professor Wood, the flying instructor and the Quidditch referee,” Professor Covington introduced. Sighs could be heard as the girl pushed their way up front to get a look at the former Quidditch star. “Now Professor Wood has kindly volunteered to duel me. This will be a demonstration of how you can defend yourself,” she stated as Oliver Wood stared at her in shock.

“I… I… I… did what?” he stuttered. She pulled him aside so the students would not here.

“Please Oliver?” she asked as she stared up at him with her hazel eyes, “I would really appreciate it if you could help me in this demonstration.”

“Ok, but on one condition. The winner can demand a favor from the loser,” he smiled.

“Deal!” she happily accepted, “Now I suggest we get back to my class before something happens. Its usually not good to leave Slytherins and Gryffindors alone together for very long.”

“So very true,” he smiled as they walked back to the group.

“So class how does a wizard or witch win a duel?” Professor Covington asked her class, “Wow there are actually hands up in the air. Um, Marie, Marie Page, do you know the answer?”

“They must stun or disarm their opponent,” answered the blonde with purple streaks in her hair.

“Correct! Ten points to Slytherin,” she rewarded as she spotted Goyle and Crabbe quietly conversing. “Mister Goyle and Mister Crabbe, how does a wizard or witch win a duel?” she asked them, but they just shrugged their shoulders while dumb looks were plastered on their faces. “Well if you had been paying attention, you would have heard Miss Page say the answer ten points from Slytherin,” she scolded as she tried to continue with her lesson, but was once again stopped by a laugh from Goyle, “Would you like to share what was so funny with the class Mister Crabbe?”

“Goyle said that you must be a mudblood because,” he sneered, “because you are such a goody-goody.” The class stood silent as the watched the scene unfold before them.

“One week of detention for you Mister Goyle for disrespecting a professor,” reprimanded Professor Wood.

* * * * *

“One month of detention for you Mister Crabbe,” Professor Wood said as he once again defended Professor Covington.

“But… but,” tried Crabbe as he was interrupted by a very furious professor.

“Mister Goyle and Mister Crabbe, I’d hate to be in your position right now. Would you like to know why?” she asked in a low and menacing voice.

“What?” the both asked backing away from the once cheerful DADA professor.

“I would hate to be the two of you because you both will have to explain to all your housemates how you most likely lost the house cup for Slytherin by losing two hundred points,” she explained and then added after a short dramatic pause, “each.” Everyone was silent and in awe at the amount of points Professor Covington had now striped from Slytherin. “Now if you ever disrespect me or any other professor, I will see to it that you both will be expelled from Hogwarts. Is that clear?” she asked. All Goyle and Crabbe could do was nod, as she continued, “I think you have just learned a very valuable lesson. I am not someone you want to mess with.”

“Kay,” Oliver soothed as he laid a hand on her shoulder, “I think we should start the duel now.”

“Yes, Professor Wood,” she said as she gained her normal tone once again, “You are absolutely right.” They stepped apart from each other and gestured to the group of students to keep their distance. They drew their wands and took their stances.

“Are you ready Professor Covington?” called Professor Wood.

“As ready as I’ll ever be Professor Wood,” she shouted back.

“Good then lets start,” he yelled, “Expelliarmus!” She easily blocked his attempt to catch her off guard with a quick disarming charm.

“Impedimenta!” she shouted at him, but he dodged her attack and fire a curse of his own off.

“Stupefy!” he countered, but she was too fast for him.

“Locomotor Mortis!” she yelled as she ducked his spell. The curse hit him and he could feel his legs lock beneath him as he fell to the ground. She walked closer to him with a confident smirk on her face as he struggled to get up from the ground.

“Rictusempra!” he shouted as pain suddenly bean to surge in Professor Covington’s abdomen as she too joined him on the ground. She had never liked being tickled. “Expelliarmus!” he shouted while she was distracted. Her eight inch oak wand with a dragonheart string core flew out of her hand and landed in Professor Wood’s outstretched hand. “Game, set, and match,” he sighed as he collapsed to the ground and tossed the wand back to his opponent.

“Finite Incantatem,” Professor Covington said as Professor Wood once again gained the use of his legs, “Class dismissed.” The class began to leave as Professor Wood got back up and dusted himself off.

“Need any help?” he asked as he noticed that she was still lying down in the grass. Her only response was to raise both her arms in the air. He walked over and pulled her up to her feet. “Are you alright? Did I hurt you?” he asked.

“No, I just had the wind knocked out of me for a moment. You are a good dueler, better than I thought,” she complimented as they began to walk back to Hogwarts.

“I did tell you that I did more than play Quidditch when I attended here,” he said.

“Yes you did,” she laughed, “so what is your favor?”

“Go out with me.” he hastily muttered.

“What?” Kay asked as she stopped dead in her tracks.

“You know like a date, but you don’t have to go if you don’t want to. I’ll understand,” he babbled as he started to gaze at the ground.

“I’d love to go on a date with you Oliver,” she said with a reassuring smile. He quickly looked up at her.

“You will?” he asked disbelieving. She nodded in response. “Great you won’t regret this Kay. Is Saturday at 6 o’clock ok with you?” he asked.

“Its perfect,” she answered.

“Wonderful then I’ll stop by and pick you up at you door,” he energetically said, “You won’t regret this. I will make it my job to make sure you have the tome of your life!”

“I sure you will and I am positive I’ll have a marvelous time,” she laughed, “We better get inside. The next round of classes is about to start.” They continued to walk toward Hogwarts with smiles plastered on their faces.

OK so I see that people have taken the time to read this but only one person was kind enough to review. I am begging you to review. Hearing feedback means the world to me. So please take the extra minute and tell me what you think of my story. Thank you ~ Phoenix