General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/19/2002
Updated: 05/10/2004
Words: 139,838
Chapters: 43
Hits: 25,261

The Diary

Phoenix SilverWind

Story Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now.``Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to``solve... Who was his mother?

Chapter 03


First Year Boys' Dorm

Thomas quietly entered the darkened room. He removed his cloak and placed it back in its spot at the bottom of his trunk. He changed into his pajamas and got into bed, but he wasn’t going to sleep. He grabbed the diary once more and began to read.

The Diary

Reading that letter only made my goal to be perfect greater. He was still alive and he still knew I existed. I remember holding my mother’s necklace and thanking whatever higher power existed. I was leaving the hell that was called the orphanage. I was going to learn magic!

Soon, May 31st rolled around and I was officially eleven years old. I was more excited about this birthday then any other before it. I was getting my package today. As soon as the mail was sorted, I ran to see if my father’s package had arrived, but I received nothing. I sadly climbed the stairs back to my room and plopped onto the bed. I closed my eyes wishing that I could just forget everything, but a soft tapping sound brought me back to reality. I sat up and looked in the direction of the noise. A beautiful gray, almost silver looking, owl was perched on the windowsill and the strangest thing was that it had a parcel tied to its leg. I quickly ran to the window and opened it to let the owl in. It flew around a little bit then landed on my bed. I sat down next to and began to at it as it leaned in. I removed the bundle and saw that it was addressed to me so I began to open it. After I tore the brown paper off and opened the box, I saw a letter written on heavy parchment…

Dearest Kali,

Happy eleventh birthday. I sometimes feel that this is all a dream. I cannot believe that my little girl is eleven and about to start her first year at Hogwarts. My only wish is that your mother could be here and that we could be a family again, but that can never happen.

For your birthday I have gotten this owl. (I thought that I’d leave the naming to you.) In the Wizarding world we send and receive post by owl and I was hoping that you would want to keep in touch with me.

Also for your birthday, I have sent you a copy of Hogwarts: A History. I thought that you would like to know more about your new school so that you do not feel like an idiot compared to other first years. In addition to the owl and book, I have included a small photo album of pictures of your mother, me, and even some of you. I should also tell you that wizard pictures move.

Also included in the package is the key to your Gringotts vault, which is located in Diagon Alley. There should be enough in there to cover the cost of your school supplies and some spending money for fun.

On August 31st, at noon, a woman shall visit you to assist you in getting your school things. Her name is Minerva McGonagall, Professor McGonagall to you. Make sure you pack all your belongings. You’ll be spending the night in a wizard inn called The Leaky Cauldron and taking the Hogwarts Express the next morning, September 1st.

I wish you the best of luck on the upcoming school term.

Love Always,


Weeks go by and it was 11:59am on August 31st. In one minute, Professor McGonagall will be here and I was going to leave the place that I have called home for the past eleven years. The orphanage wasn’t actually a bad place to grow up. In fact it could’ve been worse. Sure I was the outcast and really didn’t have any friends, but most of the staff treated me well and were very understanding of the “odd occurrences” that seemed to follow me. It was sad leaving that place and very freighting. I was going to enter a world I knew almost nothing about and anything I did know was learned from the book my father gave me.


A young girl with dark brown hair, held up with a silver hair clip, came into the front foyer of a London orphanage, dragging a trunk behind her. When she finally dragged it to where she wanted it, she took a seat atop it and stared at the door waiting for someone to enter.

“12:05,” she sighed as she glanced at the wall clock, “She’s late.”

“Miss Lupin I presume?” asked a voice directly behind her. She turned around and was met by the stern look of an older woman in weird emerald green robes and a tall black witch’s hat.

“Yes, I am Kali Lupin. Professor McGonagall,” the small girl answered McGonagall in a condescending manner.

~Break from Flashback

It was then that I realized that she would not put up with me for long if I kept acting like an arrogant git, so I proceeded to put on my polite façade.

~Back to Flashback~

“I’m sorry. I guess I am just a little nervous about entering a new school,” the young Kali apologized.

“Yes, it must be quite stressing Miss Lupin,” her expression seemed to become softer as she continued, “Do you have all your belongings?” she nodded my head in response. “Good, you shall be traveling by Floo Powder,” she stretched out her hand with contained a bit of silvery powder. She emptied her hand onto the girl’s. “Now just throw the powder into the fire and say ‘Diagon Alley’ loud and clear then step through. I shall follow you with your trunk. Now go,” Professor McGonagall said as she ushered the girl towards the fire. Kali Lupin did as she was told.

“Diagon Alley,” she shouted and then she was gone.

~End of Flashback~

And that is where it all began. That was my first step into the world of magic, wizards, witches and a dark lord.

First Year Boys' Dorm, The Next Morning

“Thomas get up! Its time for breakfast!” shouted Will.

“Alright, alright I’m up,” he groggily answered. Silver

“Ann is gonna be so pissed,” hurried Will, “You know how she hates being late.”

Gryffindor Common Room

The boys entered fifteen minutes later and awaiting them was an angry Rhiannon Malfoy, one of their best friends.

“Where have you two been?! I’ve been waiting here forever!” yelled a furious Rhiannon as she turned to Will, “What took you so long?”

“Oh will you shut it Rhiannon. It wasn’t my fault, Thomas got up late. I had to wake him up about fifteen minutes ago,” Will sighed.

“Um ok,” stammered Rhiannon, taken back by his comment, “ Hey Will why don’t you go down and save us some seats.”

“Why do I have to?” Will asked.

“Just go,” Rhiannon hissed as she glared at her cousin.

“Oooook, I am gonna go get us those seats,” Will said as he ran out of the common room.

“OK Thomas, we’re alone now. What’s wrong?” she asked.

“What? Nothing is wrong. Why do you think anything is wrong?” asked Thomas.

“Hmm, I don’t know. Could it possibly be that you woke up late this morning and the last?” asked Rhiannon.

“What does that have to do with anything?” he sighed.

“It has everything to do with it Thomas,” she said, “You always wake up earlier than all of us. I can’t remember the last time someone woke up before you and I’ve known you my entire life. So what’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing really. I guess I am just a little stressed about living up to my dad’s name and all. You know I am always compared to him,” he lied.

“It must be hard to always be compared to the famous Harry Potter,” she said, “but if you wake up late again, I’ll make you tell me the truth.”

“All right Rhi,” he said.

They went to breakfast and ate in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

*I wonder what those two were talking about,* thought Will, *and why I couldn’t be there?*

*I wonder what is up with Thomas,* Rhiannon thought, *He’s hiding something and I am gonna find out what it is.*

*Rhiannon is getting suspicious. I can’t let her or Will know about the diary. I promised Professor Covington that I wouldn’t tell anyone unless it was a must.*

The day wore on the group of life long friends seemed to drift further apart. They barely spoke in Herbology and Charms, but thing seemed to look better after lunch.

“Hey Thomas! Do you see what we have after breakfast?” Will shouted.

“No, why are you so excited?” asked Thomas.

“Flying! We’ve got flying next!” he exclaimed.

“Will, your not even very good at flying,” said Thomas.

“So? Its gonna be so fun. You and Rhi are the best flyers in our year. I am sure one of you will be on the house quidditch team. What do you think Rhi?” asked Will.

“I can’t wait for flying lessons. Do you know who teaches it?” asked Rhiannon.

“Yeah, Oliver Wood,” answered Will, “but I don’t see why that’s a big… oh no tell me this isn’t true.”

“What isn’t true?” asked Thomas.

“Rhiannon, I thought you got over your little hero worship,” sighed Will as he checked the time, “we better go, we don’t wasn’t to be late.”

Hogwarts Courtyard

“OK class, I am Professor Wood and I am your flying instructor and the quidditch official. Flying is an art form that requires patience and lots of practice if you want to be good at it,” stated Professor Wood, “I know that many of you want to be on you respective house quidditch teams, but Gryffindor only has three places open and Slytherin has one opening, but you will be competing against your fellow housemates and there hasn’t been a first year player since Harry Potter became the Gryffindor’s seeker. Now everyone stand on the left side of your broomstick, place your right hand over it and say ‘up’ and don’t forget to say it with feeling.”

“UP!” shouted the class, but only a few were able to get it on the first try and two of them were Thomas and Rhiannon.

“Mister Potter, Miss Malfoy, can I see you for a moment,” called the professor.

“You wanted to see us?” asked Rhiannon.

“Yes, Miss Malfoy. Am I correct to assume that you two are quite skilled at flying?” he asked.

“Well, I don’t know if we are skilled, but our fathers did teach us how to fly,” responded Thomas.

“Well if they thought you than you two must be good,” smiled Oliver, “will you two like to do a demonstration?”

“A demonstration? What kind of demonstration?” inquired Rhiannon.

“Well I assume you both know how to play quidditch,” smirked Wood.

“OK listen up everyone!” shouted Professor Wood, “Miss Malfoy and Mister Potter have agreed to perform a demonstration for us, but we will have to fly to the quidditch pitch. Now fly steady and if you have any trouble yell. OK? Then lets head out,” he spoke.

Quidditch Pitch

“Everyone here?” he asked before he continued, “Good, now Mister Potter and Miss Malfoy will be playing a one on one-quidditch seekers’ game. Everyone know what that is?” There some mumbled no’s throughout the group so Oliver Wood began to explain the game. “Well, in a seekers’ game, there are no Quaffles, only bludgers and the golden snitch. In this game a seeker goes against a seeker and tries to catch the snitch before the other. The one who catches it wins. Understand? OK, lets get started,” he said as he kicked the box and the bludgers and snitch were released, “Ready, set, GO!”

And they were off. They hovered in the air searching for the golden snitch.