General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/19/2002
Updated: 05/10/2004
Words: 139,838
Chapters: 43
Hits: 25,261

The Diary

Phoenix SilverWind

Story Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now.``Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to``solve... Who was his mother?

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now. Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to solve... Who was his mother?

Next Day

The sun was shining and the birds were singing, but not all was perfect at Hogwarts. Young Thomas Potter lay awake in his bed, pondering the new information he had learned form the Sorting Hat.

*My mother was a Slytherin? How can it be possible? Why didn’t anyone tell me? I have to owl my dad… no I’ll owl my granddad first. He’s my best chance to find out what I want to know,” he thought and with that he got out of bed and got ready for breakfast and his first day of classes.

Great Hall~ Breakfast

“Morning sleepy head. I got your timetable for you,” greeted Rhiannon as she handed him a piece of parchment.

“Thanks Rhiannon. What do we have first?” Thomas asked as he took his seat and grabbed a slice of toast.

“Well today is an easy day. We only have History of Magic with Ravenclaw and double DADA with the Slytherins,” answered Will with a mouth full half chewed food.

“Well let’s get to History then. We don’t want to keep Aunt Hermione waiting,” Rhiannon commented putting a phony sweet smile.

“You just love rubbing that in don’t you?” Will sighed in frustration.

“Of course,” she replied as they walked out of the Great Hall and towards the History classroom.

History of Magic Classroom

“Welcome History of Magic for first years. I am Professor Weasley and this year I am going to do things a little different then Professor Binns. Instead of learning about the Goblin Rebellions, we will learn about the most important event in recent history. Can anyone tell me what I am speaking of?” began Professor Hermione Weasley who was just appointed to the position after Professor Binns decided to call it quits. “What? No one knows the answer? I am sure someone knows, Miss Malfoy?”

“Um, when Harry Potter defeated Lord Voldemort?” she answered.

“Correct! Five points to Gryffindor!” Hermione awarded, “We will be studying the fall of the dark wizard, Lord Voldemort.”

“Why?” asked a small blonde Ravenclaw girl.

“Well Miss Callahan, some us would not be sitting here if it weren’t for the tireless efforts of many wizards and witches who battled the dark lord. And this is what brings me to the topic of your first essay,” groans could be heard throughout the class, but the Professor Weasley continued on as if she had not heard them, “I want all of you to chose someone who had an impact in the fall. I would like three feet of parchment and you will be making an oral presentation in front of the class on the subject you have chosen. You must also give an explanation as to why you chose your topic at the end of your speech. The essays are due in two weeks and the speeches will begin the following week. Any questions? No? Ok on with the lesson.”

And the lesson went on. The students were fascinated with her explanation of the early life of Tom Riddle, the boy who would later rename himself Lord Voldemort. Sure they all dreaded the essay they were assigned, but at least the subject matter was interesting. And to Will, its suddenly didn’t seem so bad to have your mum as a professor, especially since most of the student population liked her.

Somewhere in Hogwarts

“So what do you want to do till lunch?” asked Will.

“I dunno,” answered Thomas, “maybe the library or the common room?”

“I know where we can go!” Rhiannon yelled as she grabbed the guys’ hands and took off running down the corridor.

“Where are we?” asked Thomas.

“The Trophy Room. My dad told me about it,” she said looking around, “Over here!” she called as she pressed her nose to the glass of the display case.

“Hey guys look at this,” Will called from a little ways down. They walked over and looked at the photograph that will was pointing at.

It was a photograph, of two 17-year-old teenagers, one boy and one girl, surrounded by a gold cup and a mounted gold medal. The people in the picture were smiling and laughing and the boy his arm around the girl’s waist, they look truly happy. Under the photograph was a caption… “Harry Potter, co-winner of the Tri-Wizard Tournament in 1995 and Kali Lupin, winner of the first ever Tri-Wizard Dueling Competition in 1998.”

“Wow! I knew your dad won the tournament, but I never knew your mum won the Dueling competition,” Rhiannon exclaimed.

“Neither did I,” Thomas answered in a soft voice as he stared at the picture. It was one of the few pictures he had ever seen of his mum. She wasn’t extremely beautiful. She was plain, but pretty. Her blue eyes seemed to sparkle just for his dad as he brushed back a loose strand of straight, dark brown hair behind her ear.

“Well Rhiannon, we better get to lunch before all the food is gone,” Will said, sensing that his best friend needed a moment alone. Rhiannon silently followed Will’s retreating figure and left Thomas alone with his thoughts.

“So, you’re my mum,” Thomas said to the picture and as if responding to his statement the girl turned and waved at him. “I always wanted to see what you looked like. I don’t really remember you. You died when I was just a baby, so I never got to know you and Dad seems to be in a lot of pain whenever I ask him about you, but I will find out about who you were,” he promised. And with that he left the room and headed down the hallway to meet his friends in the Great Hall for lunch. Lunch was eaten in silence, because Thomas was lost in his own world and Will and Rhiannon were at a loss of words.

“We better start heading up to the DADA classroom,” Thomas commented, which startled his friends.

“Ok,” Rhiannon agreed as she grabbed her bag and followed her friends out of the hall and down the corridor to the stairs that would lead to their next class, double Defense Against the Dark Arts with Slytherins.

DADA Classroom

The students filed in and took their seats. Thomas, Will and Rhiannon found three open seats towards the front. They all waited for the new professor to arrive. Since this was the first DADA class for anyone, no one had heard anything about the newest member of the Hogwarts staff.

“He’s late,” Will commented.

“How do you know it’s a man?” asked Rhiannon.

“Well lets see,” Will started, “In the last twenty or so years, there has been one female teacher out of about… twenty or so professors and she didn’t even last a full year. I think that women just can’t handle the job. It being jinxed only makes it worse.”

“Are you saying that women and weaker than men?” she asked as her normally pale blue eyes flashed red with anger.

“Well no, er you see… um I meant to say…” Will stammered but luckily for him, the professor finally entered.

A middle aged woman with long charcoal black hair with silver bangs framing her face and kind hazel eyes strode up to the front of the room and hopped up on the desk looked over the class.

“See!” Rhiannon whispered as she shot Will a smug look.

“Allo class, I am Kay Covington, Professor Covington to all of you, and I am your new Defense professor,” she addressed the class as she surveyed the class, “Why does everyone seem so glum?” A hand gingerly rose into the air and the professor motioned for her to speak.

“Well, I suspect it is because both houses had History of Magic this morning and Professor Weasley already assigned us a major essay due in two weeks,” the boy said as he stared at the top of his desk. No one was expecting Professor Covington’s reaction.

“Just like Hermione to do that,” she laughed, “She was always very studious. So what it the topic? Does anyone want to talk? No one? Fine, I’ll just randomly have to pick a victim, I mean student. Umm…. Mister Potter.”

“We are suppose to write about someone who had an impact on the fall of Lord Voldemort,” he answered.

“Great! I can help each of you think of a topic and tell you where to go to do research. So anyone already have a topic?” she asked as she was once again met with silence, “Do you people just hate talking? Geez, Mister Goyle suggest a possible subject please.”

“Harry Potter,” he grumbled.

“Good!” she smiled as she enchanted a marker to write it on the new white marker board behind her, “Now chose a fellow classmate and they will suggest a new topic.”

“Malfoy,” he sneered as the class looked in the blonde’s direction.

“Um, Albus Dumbledore,” she said.

“Great!” Professor Covington exclaimed as Headmaster Dumbledore’s name was added to the board, “Now chose the next speaker.”

“Crabbe,” she said with a triumphant smirk.

“Professor Snape,” he mumbled, “Weasley.”

“Excellent, now we are getting the hang of it,” beamed the professor.

“Sirus Black,” said Will, “ Sarah Callahan.”

And the class continued like this till someone said Thomas Potter. As if woken up from a dream he looked around disorientated before letting his eyes fall on the board. After scanning the list he chose his response.

“Kali Lupin,” he said confidently. The professor’s smile disappeared, but was soon replaced with a phony one.

“Well I think we have enough names now. Why don’t we run through them and briefly discuss them,” she recommended, but there was one name that was not written down and the only one cared was Thomas. Class soon ended. Everyone was happy, because now they had a topic. Everyone but the young Mister Potter, that is. As they began to leave, the professor’s voice was heard.

“Mister Potter, please stay after class,” she called.

“I guess I’ll catch you guys later,” he said as his friends left and he was alone with Professor Covington, “You wanted to see me Professor?”

“Yes, I noticed that you are the only one without a topic. Why is that?” she asked.

“ I didn’t find anything interesting. Everyone knows those stories. What’s the use of repeating them?” he dully answered.

“Can you come to my office with me?” she demanded more than asked.

“Er, yes Professor,” he responded.

Professor Covington’s Office

Thomas entered the rather cluttered, medium sized room.

“Sorry about the mess. I am still unpacking,” she said as said as she walked behind the des. She leaned over and unlocked the bottom right hand drawer. She pulled and dusty plain brown box out, closed the drawer and set the box on the desktop. “I think I have something that can help you with your essay,” she said as she opened the box and pulled out a leather bound book.

“You want to give me a book?” Thomas asked skeptically.

“Not just any book Mister Potter. This is a very special book, one of a kind. Within the pages of this book lie the only written documentation of a girl’s own personal experience during and around the time of the fall of the dark lord. I was very lucky to have come across this rare and very valuable volume during my travels, but right now I feel that it would be best if you had it for the time being. And maybe you could make people know this person’s story. The saddest thing in this world is when someone’s story is left untold,” she explained to a now eager Thomas. She handed Thomas the book, “Here, take it and tell her story and help her be remembered.” With that, Thomas took the journal and muttered thanks and ran to dinner, but before he could fully exit out of the door, “One more thing Mister Potter, don’t tell anyone about the book and the information written within its pages.”

Great Hall~ Dinner

“Hey Thomas, over here!” shouted Will from across the hall. Thomas walked over to his friends with the book tucked in his bag.

“So, what did Professor Covington want?” Rhiannon asked as she took a sip of her pumpkin juice.

“It was nothing really. She just wanted to make sure I was ok with all the talk about the fall,” he answered dryly.

“Why would you have a problem with it?” Will stated with a mouthful of food.

“Because, Will, my mum died during the final battle!” Thomas yelled angrily as he picked up his bag and stormed out of the Great Hall.

“Will, you are suppose to be the smart one, but sometimes you amaze at how much of an idiot you really are,” Rhiannon sighed.

First Year Boys Dormitory

“I can’t believe Will asked that! He knows very well about that,” he shouted to the empty room as he threw his book bag across the room toward his bed. The small black leather bound journal fell out and caught his attention, “Might as well start reading the bloody thing.” He grabbed the book, sat on his bed and drew the curtains around him and began to read.

The Diary

The text you are about to read are about the events in my life that have lead me to the existence I have now. Why am I recording my story on these pages? Well, there is special person whom could benefit from know the complete truth. It is for him that I write this diary and I hope this book finds him well. Know this, I cannot and will not deny my actions, but I can hope that the ones I love can forgive me someday.

I remember when I received my Hogwarts acceptance letter. I was one of the greatest moments of my life, for before that, my life consisted of being an unwanted outcast in a muggle orphanage on London’s Westside. Sure I’ve been adopted but I was always returned within a month with complaints of peculiar events happening when I was mad. I did well in school. I got perfect or near perfect marks. I guess I thought that if I were perfect my dad would come back for me. You see my mother died shortly after giving me life and my dad gave me up and disappeared. The only thing he left me was my mother’s necklace and a letter to be given to me upon my acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Dearest Kali,

I know life hasn’t been easy for you. By now you should know that you are a witch. I am sure that there have been some “odd” occurrences happening when you are mad or feel another strong emotion. But don’t worry it is natural and will go away once you learn how to control your gifts. And do not worry about how you will pay for your schooling supplies. I have set up an account for you at Gringotts, the Wizarding bank in Diagon Alley. On your eleventh birthday, you shall receive a package from me by owl, the wizards’ post. Contained within the package will be a key to your bank vault, your ticket for the Hogwarts express and the name of your guide who will take you shopping and give you a lift to King’s Cross. Remember that I, and your mother, love you and

I regret the decision I made, but it was for your own protection. These are dangerous times we live in and I want to make sure that you shall always be safe. Knowing that you are still alive brings me renewed hope to face the new day.

Love you always,

Remus Lupin, “Dad”

Back in the Dorm

“What?” Thomas said as he read and reread the sentence. *This is my mum’s diary. I can learn who my mum is from my mum. Now I can learn the facts, * he thought. He looked at his watch, which told him that dinner had ended and soon his housemates would return. He swiftly pulled the curtain back and hopped off the bed. He opened his trunk and reached for a cloak at the very bottom but it was not just any cloak. It was an invisibility cloak, a cloak that has been passed down from his father and his real grandfather, James Potter. He threw on the cloak and clutched the book close to him as headed out of the Gryffindor common room. He knew where he was going and hoped no one was there.

Trophy Room

He entered the darkened Trophy room.

“Lumos,” he said as the tip of his wand ignited and filled the room with its weak light. He walk from case to case until he found what he was looking for. “Harry Potter, Head Boy 1998 and Kali Lupin, Head Girl 1998,” he read out loud. He moved farther down the wall and once again stopped in front of another plaque, “James Potter, Head Boy 1975 and Lily Evans, Head Girl 1975. Is it just me or do the Head Boys and Girls tend to get married?” he jokingly asked himself, but then changed to a solemn tone, “Even if I am a Potter, I will never be Head Boy like my dad. Will is going to be the Head Boy for my class. I am the son of the perfect Harry Potter, the savoir of the Wizarding World. Why can’t I just be normal?” The soft thumps of footsteps could be heard and they were getting louder. “Nox,” he said as he pulled the cloak over himself and swiftly ran to a darkened corner as a figure entered the room.

“Lumos,” spoke the figure as the light shone upon the face of Professor Covington, “Now I know it’s around here somewhere. God, it’s been a long time since I’ve been back.” Thomas watched her as she walked passed each case until she exclaimed, “Eureka! I’ve found it.” She stood too far away for Thomas to see what she was searching for, but he knew it wasn’t a case and it was on the far side of the room. She started to speak but she was out of range so Thomas edged his way closer, “I miss you guys so much. Sometimes I wish we could all be back in seventh year when we all had fun and not a care in the world, but that can never be can it? We can never regain what we all lost during that horrible battle. No matter how much we want it,” she said softly. She lifted her hand and touched the object with her hand, “I miss you most of all.” She wiped a single tear from her cheek before she exited the room.

Seeing that it was, indeed, safe, Thomas removed his cloak and lighted his wand. He moved closer to the object that held Professor Covington’s interests. It was the picture of his parents with their friends surrounding them. He looked below the picture and saw a dusty caption. He used his sleeve and wiped away the years of dust.

“Taken May 10th 1998. Pictured From Right to Left- Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, Harry Potter, Kali Lupin and Draco Malfoy. Awarded commendations for displaying bravery and courage in Hogwarts’ darkest hour,” He said, “They all look so happy. Well Mister Malfoy kind of looks a little upset but still happy. Professor Covington must have known my parents. She seems like the right age to have gone to school with them. She must have been friends with my mum, because said she missed her because she’s… gone and there is no magic strong enough to return the dead.”