
The Headmaster of Durmstrang Institute dies under suspicious circumstances, and a foreigner named Karkaroff takes over the school. A young woman is sent by the Russian Ministry to investigate, posing as an apprentice to the Dark Arts teacher. Against her stand a web of secrets old and new, the rebirth of Necromancy and a murderer who will stop at nothing to reach his goal ...

Words: 47,466
Chapters: 8
Hits: 1,366

He coldly regards their affair as a casual convenience, but she is nevertheless entranced. There can be no happy ending. Dark OC/Snape story, told in three voices.

Words: 5,488
Chapters: 3
Hits: 808

Forbidden thoughts form in the mind of a young Severus Snape, as the Dark Lord shows his ability to raise the dead at a Death Eater meeting.

Words: 1,444
Chapters: 1
Hits: 310

The Dark Arts teacher at Durmstrang, Secessa Laburova, escapes the school after it has been attacked by Death Eaters. She seeks refuge at Hogwarts, but no matter how far she runs, she cannot escape her past. Even at a school like Hogwarts, strange things are afoot, and the teachers are less than trusting. Having delved too deeply into the Dark Arts, Secessa will eventually have to face the consequences of her actions. What will happen when the teachers find out that she has dabbled in the most dangerous and illegal of all magic –� Necromancy?

Words: 82,456
Chapters: 29
Hits: 14,548