The Dark Arts
Original Female Witch/Severus Snape
Albus Dumbledore Original Female Witch Original Male Wizard Severus Snape
Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 02/05/2004
Updated: 12/17/2004
Words: 82,456
Chapters: 29
Hits: 14,548

The Necromancer Amulet


Story Summary:
The Dark Arts teacher at Durmstrang, Secessa Laburova, escapes the school after it has been attacked by Death Eaters. She seeks refuge at Hogwarts, but no matter how far she runs, she cannot escape her past. Even at a school like Hogwarts, strange things are afoot, and the teachers are less than trusting. Having delved too deeply into the Dark Arts, Secessa will eventually have to face the consequences of her actions. What will happen when the teachers find out that she has dabbled in the most dangerous and illegal of all magic –� Necromancy?

Durmstrang Institute is attacked by Death Eaters and within minutes, the school has a new rule. But Secessa Laburova, the Dark Arts teacher, has had her escape planned for months...

Words: 1,347
Hits: 1,645

As Secessa travels over snowy hills, excaping Durmstrang in the shape of a fox, she reminsces over her time at the school and her relationship with former Headmaster Igor Karkaroff.

Words: 2,210
Hits: 746

Secessa meets some Hogwarts teachers and students, and deals with them in proper Durmstrang fashion.

Words: 1,535
Hits: 610

Secessa is introduced to an English intestinal delicacy, and learns that disciplining Slytherins is not appreciated by their Head of House.

Words: 2,092
Hits: 446

Dumbledore puts his new teacher to the test, while Snape has already made his mind up.

Words: 2,231
Hits: 431

Secessa gets approval from an unexpected quarter after utilising some unusual teaching techniques.

Words: 2,405
Hits: 444

Unexpected events force Secessa to read up on her history, and she makes an unsettling discovery.

Words: 3,403
Hits: 511

It's Halloween, and Secessa faces a lengthy dinner sitting next to Snape the Death Eater. Sweet-pilfering, Necromancy, and too much wine.

Words: 2,178
Hits: 454

Secessa has a cursed dream, and Snape finds her in a corridor.

Words: 1,229
Hits: 494

Secessa follows Snape on a mysterious errand, and loses her way.

Words: 2,541
Hits: 453

Secessa receives a letter from Russia, and all secrets must come out if she is to save her friends.

Words: 3,162
Hits: 492

Secessa leads a duelling class, and Snape assists. They do not get on very well.

Words: 3,613
Hits: 510

Secessa returns to Russia to retrieve the amulet and her worst fears are realised.

Words: 3,144
Hits: 466

Secessa recovers from her injuries with the reluctant help of the Potions master.

Words: 1,827
Hits: 453

Secessa finds out which house she belongs in and Vladimir gives her a warning.

Words: 2,308
Hits: 455

Secessa uses forbidden magic to rid herself on an uncomfortable obligation.

Words: 2,225
Hits: 383
Chapter 16

The Dark Arts teacher at Durmstrang, Secessa Laburova, escapes the school after it has been attacked by Death Eaters. She seeks refuge at Hogwarts, but no matter how far she runs, she cannot escape her past. Even at a school like Hogwarts, strange things are afoot, and the teachers are less than trusting. Having delved too deeply into the Dark Arts, Secessa will eventually have to face the consequences of her actions. What will happen when the teachers find out that she has dabbled in the most dangerous and illegal of all magic – Necromancy?

Words: 1,864
Hits: 417

Secessa faces extradition, and goes into hiding.

Words: 3,910
Hits: 395
Chapter 18

The Dark Arts teacher at Durmstrang, Secessa Laburova, escapes the school after it has been attacked by Death Eaters. She seeks refuge at Hogwarts, but no matter how far she runs, she cannot escape her past. Even at a school like Hogwarts, strange things are afoot, and the teachers are less than trusting. Having delved too deeply into the Dark Arts, Secessa will eventually have to face the consequences of her actions. What will happen when the teachers find out that she has dabbled in the most dangerous and illegal of all magic – Necromancy?

Words: 2,750
Hits: 458

Secessa makes an almost fatal mistake.

Words: 4,240
Hits: 533

Secessa is hospitalised and admires a handsome Healer.

Words: 2,689
Hits: 469

Dumbledore chats with Secessa and Snape grumbles.

Words: 4,085
Hits: 415

Snape and Secessa 'have it out'.

Words: 3,491
Hits: 419

Secessa goes to no. 12 Grimmauld Place.

Words: 2,670
Hits: 409

It's party time!

Words: 3,269
Hits: 394

We get to know Secessa's home, family and friends, and someone pays her a visit.

Words: 5,451
Hits: 425

Who said Snape was easy to deal with?

Words: 4,506
Hits: 403

Secessa gets by with the help of a friend.

Words: 2,925
Hits: 387

Some things are worth waiting for.

Words: 3,156
Hits: 417