Things Aren't Always Black and White


Story Summary:
Add together one ladies' man, one Quidditch player, one extremely caring individual and one soon to be traitor. Mix them together with one imaginative idiot, one fiery red head, one scarily intelligent Ravenclaw and one blonde artist. Make sure to stir counterclockwise until trouble occurs and you are dealing with one of the best loved 'gangs' in Hogwarts' History. In Things Aren't Always Black and White we follow the story of four boys, the marauders, and four equally troublesome girls. We see them deal with their first encounters of love, sorrow, heartache and Death Eaters. How will these eight soon to be order members cope with the ordeals that life throws at them?

Chapter 01 - Chapter One - The Gathering

Chapter Summary:
The Hogwarts express is on its way. Friends become reaquanted as a new year begins.
Author's Note:
This is the continuation of the 'Things Aren't Always Black and White' summary: Our story begins in 'the gangs' last year of Hogwarts, so we begin to wonder after seven years worth of trying if James Potter will finally get his girl? Will a well kept secret shatter the foundations of a seven year friendship? Can a crush ever become anything more? Will love blossom in what was once thought a highly unlikely place? And what do you do when the person you care most about in the world doesn't seem to notice you at all? What challenges will present themselves as we follow our characters right through from their last year at school to the dramatic final battle in Harry's seventh year.

Murky. Dark and grey and eurghhh! Typical! Bloody Typical! SPLASH! A rather annoyed-looking girl looked up as a little mischievous rain drop splashed onto her nose.

"Wonderful," she muttered under her breath, "what a wonderful start to the year." The girl was standing alone, leisurely leaning on a stone pillar that was supporting the roof of an old-fashioned station.

This girl was a witch and she was waiting for an old-fashioned, scarlet steam engine that would take her to the best witchcraft and wizardry school known to the world. Hogwarts! She attended this school with the best young witches and wizards in the country. At Hogwarts students were placed into four different houses depending on their own personal traits. The four Hogwarts houses were Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. The girl had been lucky enough to get sorted into Gryffindor, the house for the noble and heroic. She was in her seventh and final year of Hogwarts, and couldn't wait for her friends to arrive so they could start their ascent into adulthood and dreaded maturity!

The girl herself was quite tall, and her friends all hoped that she had finally stopped growing. She had shoulder length, dark brown hair, which was sometimes mistaken for being black, and brown eyes.

"Hey Kirst!" came a lad's voice. Kirsty looked up and brushed her overhanging dark brown hair away from her face. She had to suppress a laugh, however, when she saw who it was that had just shouted her. It was Sam!

"Hi!" she quickly replied. Sam North was also a Gryffindor seventh year. He was burly, handsome and had a dashing smile and according to her friend Emma, he was the smartest, funniest, sexiest, kindest, friendliest, sweetest guy EVER! She practically worshipped him, but he hadn't worked it out yet, and even if he had he wasn't letting on! Sam was actually something of a fixation for many of the Hogwarts ladies as he was of medium height and build, and had the voice of a charmer.

Kirsty looked inquisitively at Sam, who seemed to have momentarily forgotten what he came over for. Suddenly his memory kicked in and he asked politely, pointing at the peacock quill that Kirsty had just been idly doodling with on a scrap piece of parchment, "Can I borrow that quill?"

"Sure!" she replied and handed over her quill to Sam, who took it and walked off, waving his thanks.

Kirsty often seemed to make people feel uncomfortable as they never knew what she was going to do next. One minute she was as quiet as a mouse and the next she was singing, dancing and yelling at the top of her voice. Sometimes she didn't respond to the remarks made by Slytherins but more often than not, she would be an almighty bitch right back at them!

Her ways of entertaining herself would also take extreme changes. Some days she would just sit quietly and read, maybe talk quietly in a corner with Emma, Lily or Hayley, but at other times she would be off pulling pranks with the infamous Marauders.

Over time, people had also learnt that the outfit she was wearing determined her mood. Today she was obviously feeling sarcastic as her t-shirt was bright green with the words, 'I can't read, I can't write, so how the bloody hell did I make this t-shirt?' emblazoned across the front of it. In addition, she was also wearing dark blue jeans, black boots and a fair bit of jewelry. Her nails had been painted with neat letters on each hand spelling out the word 'MUGLE' on one hand, and 'LOVER' on the other. It had plainly been written by Emma as Kirsty's handwriting was hardly ever that neat, especially if she was writing with her left hand. She knew the spelling was wrong but that had been the only way it would fit. The words were in yellow, making her nails Gryffindor colours with the red in the background. She had asked Lily to write it but she had point blank refused.

Kirsty had a blue denim shoulder bag loosely hanging over her right shoulder, which had been decorated, rather messily, with different coloured scrawls of writing, which at timed intervals would disappear completely and be replaced with entirely different words and doodles.

The bag was just one of many benefits of a Hogwarts education. There were at least eight different scrawls on the bag and each one possessed with it its own sentiment and personality. The messier writing, which tended to consist of immature rants and doodles, belonged to Messrs Padfoot and Prongs but occasionally Emma's neat writing would appear and join in with the conversations. The incredibly neat flowing writing belonged to Lily, Remus and Hayley, a Ravenclaw student with whom they got along with extremely well. They were usually writing on the bag to tell them to 'Pay attention' and 'get on with your bloody work already!' The small, mismatched scrawl belonged to Peter who would normally just agree with what every one else was saying. Finally the fairly small, almost neat scrawl belonged to Kirsty herself, usually making fun of Sirius and James, but mostly Sirius, simply because he got annoyed so easily. Occasionally she would write random film quotes, song lyrics or just doodle!

Eventually Sam came wandering back over to Kirsty, quill in hand. He stated his thanks and they began chatting eagerly about Quidditch. They were both on the Gryffindor Quidditch team; Sam was the Keeper and Kirsty the Seeker. He had just started to tell Kirsty about a Quidditch move he had been practicing during the summer, when a well-muscled arm draped around his shoulder.

"Hey Northy!" cheered James. James Potter famous for his talent on the Quidditch pitch was the object of many girls' fixations, with his messy mop of black hair, hazel eyes that were framed by a pair of black glasses and a mischievous grin that was to die for. He pretty much had his own fan base amongst the girls of the school. He was, quite plainly, a bit of a catch.

"James," replied Sam, nodding to his fellow Gryffindor.

"No, no, no!" corrected James, shaking his finger back and forth. "It's captain to you now, mate!" He asserted with a grin.

"Oh yeah, well done, James!" replied Sam. This was actually a sore subject as Sam had been hoping to be made captain for his final year.

"I always knew you were a queer James!" came a girl's voice, suddenly, James and Sam turned round to find a familiar girl standing there, with her right knee slightly bent and her hands on her hips, not looking amused as her curly, dark brown hair was getting wet! As soon as Emma saw Sam, she went bright red and mumbled a hello. It didn't help that Kirsty was standing behind Sam making kissing faces until she almost collapsed in a fit of silent giggles.

Just as she was about to fall over from laughing at herself and Emma, a young lad, with medium length dark brown hair and dazzling brown eyes walked up behind her and caught her under the arms to stop her from falling.

Sirius Black, notorious heartbreaker and full time mischief maker, had finally arrived. He looked inquisitively over to James and Emma and was obviously silently conveying, 'What the hell happened to her?' Kirsty seemed to have suddenly noticed that she was being held up by someone and tried to spin around to see who it was while they were still holding her up. This didn't end too well, as it resulted in her falling comically on her arse!

She looked round at Sirius and gave him a smile. "Sirius Black has entered the station, fan girls will round up in approximately 0.05 seconds, over!" she teased, miming as though she was talking into a radio.

"Shut up 'Mugle Lover!'" Sirius laughed, noticing her nails.

Kirsty winked. "Hey you know I'm stupid, so don't take the piss!"

Sirius, as though suddenly realizing that Sam was there, looked at Emma, who was bright red, and raised one eyebrow until it was in danger of disappearing into his dark brown hair.

I hope you enjoyed my first chapter. Please give me feedback so i can make my story so much better. xxx