Sirius Black
Humor Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 02/14/2005
Updated: 08/16/2005
Words: 34,311
Chapters: 9
Hits: 3,762

The Resurrection of Sirius


Story Summary:
Harry, Ron, and Hermione are in their sixth years; Harry and Ron are going to be Aurors and Hermione, a member of the Department of Muggle Relations. Hermione is not in Harry's and Ron's DADA class, and is jealous when she finds out that the new DADA teacher is the most powerful witch in the world, Willow Rosenberg from Sunnydale, California. Harry still misses Sirius incredibly and wishes to bring him back, so he asks Willow if she can help... But when Willow says no, he tries to get revenge on Bellatrix Lestrange, getting himself hurt. So Willow decides to help Harry, Ron, and Hermione bring Sirius back through the veil... And discovers someone else who needs to be brought back...

The Resurrection of Sirius Epilogue

Chapter Summary:
It's the end of term, and Willow decides she's going to go back home. Harry, Ron, and Hermione return to King's Cross Station and the Dursleys are there to pick Harry up.


The return to Hogwarts was a quiet one. No one spoke as they flew along on their Thestrals. It was chilly in the wee hours of the morning, with the clouds barely tinted pink at the horizon in the east.

When they arrived, they quietly snuck into the castle.

"Well, you might as well get some sleep," Willow whispered as they approached the fifth floor.

"Are you kidding? It's nearly been twenty-four hours since we woke up! May as well make it a full day since I've slept," Ron replied.

"Okay, suit yourself... I'm exhausted."

"That's no surprise, that spell practically drained you," Hermione pointed out.

"Yeah. You were great, Willow. Thanks. For... For everything," Harry put in.

"You're welcome." They were now standing outside Willow's office, and the bed was calling to her. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Later today," Ron corrected.

The three of them walked along in silence as they headed up two floors to Gryffindor.

"Ron, are you sure you don't want to get some sleep?" Harry asked, about to go to his own bed.

"Yeah, I'll be okay. See you later, mate."

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

"What'd you get on your Potions final, guys?" asked Hermione.

It was the very last day of school, and everyone was getting and exchanging their marks.

"I got an E... That's amazing, isn't it?" said Ron.

"Never thought you would've done better than me, 'specially in Potions... I got an A," Harry said.

"That's brilliant!" Hermione remarked. "Let's see... I got an O in Transfigurations and Charms and an E in everything else. Anybody get a T?"

"Nah, worst I got was an A... But Willow gave me an O!" Ron exclaimed.

"I got all E's," Harry said.

"Hm, maybe Ron should give you some pointers in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Harry," Hermione said. Harry crumpled up his paper and threw it at Hermione's head.

The Thestral carriages were just pulling up to the doors when Willow walked out of the castle.

"I just wanted to say goodbye to you guys," she said.

"Aren't you coming back next year?" Ron asked.

"No, I thought I'd go to Italy for a bit. I haven't seen my best friend in almost a year, after all. And besides, I missed out on saving the world this year. Although I'm probably not really needed anymore, what with a couple hundred Slayers out there now..."

"Oh but we'll miss you!" Harry said.

"I know... I'll miss you too. But you can write, can't you?"

The three of them nodded glumly.

"So we can keep in touch. Look, you'd better hop on a carriage. You don't want to be left behind!" Willow hugged them all in turn. "Go!" she added.

"Bye, Willow!"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione waved to Willow out of their carriage window, and she waved back until they turned the corner and exited the grounds.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Never before had Harry been so anxious to go home for the summer holidays. But then, never before had Harry had the hopes of staying with Sirius as he stepped off the Hogwarts Express.

"Well, shall we?" Harry asked. The Trio walked through the wall and into the rest of King's Cross Station.

"Bye Harry!" Hermione threw her arms around Harry's neck.

"See you, Hermione," he said, patting her on the back.

"Later, mate," Ron said. He shook Harry's hand.

Hermione tutted. "Men... You never hug each other!" Then she hugged Ron goodbye.

"Have a good holiday!" Harry called as he exited the station, knowing that the Dursleys would not want to wait inside, where they might run into some wizards.

Sure enough, there was Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, who was resting her hand on Dudley's large shoulder.

"Harry," Uncle Vernon snarled.

"Hello," Harry answered brightly. "How was your year?"

The Dursleys looked at Harry, startled. "Why are you so chipper?" Dudley asked.

Harry shrugged. "I dunno. I guess it's because I'm going to leave you --" the Dursleys brightened -- "to stay with my godfather for the summer," he finished.


"Yes, Aunt Petunia, don't you remember? The one who was accused of mass murder, thirteen years ago."

Aunt Petunia looked disgusted, and Harry grinned to himself as he clicked in his seatbelt. Even if he didn't go to stay with Sirius, he could always be sure that he was alive and well, thanks to an American witch who was not much older than himself.