Lily's Charm


Story Summary:
In a story that spans two decades, Lily and Severus attempt to dispel the power of the Dark Mark after her life is threatened by Eileen Prince. Seventeen years later, Harry uncovers a long-buried truth which changes the course of his life. AU. Complete.

Chapter 33 - Desperate Times



"Harry Snape!"

Severus looked up just as he was about to place the small vial of Stomach Calming Draught onto the correct shelf in his storage cupboard at their newly secured Highlands Cottage. Fighting the urge to smile at his wife's exasperated tone, he walked into the parlor, still holding the vial. Lily looked up from where she was standing over their son; Harry was covered from head to toe in glittery, green Floo Powder. And instead of looking forlorn at his mother's stern demeanor, he was grinning impishly up at her.

Lily shook her head, pursing her lips and Severus knew she was trying not to laugh at the little boy's antics. Harry looked up to see what his mother was looking. His smile widened; even his teeth were filled with the sooty powder.

"Daddy!" the little boy cried happily, holding up the little--now empty--box of Floo powder for Severus' inspection. Severus attempted to direct a frown toward his little miscreant, but his lips wouldn't obey.

"What happened?" he asked, turning his gaze back to his wife. Lily sighed, putting her hands on her hips.

"He's been wanting that since we got here," she told him, pointing to the box.

"Bah," Harry explained happily, waving his trophy in the air. Severus fought down another smile. He took a few more steps toward his son. He crouched down and with a wave of his wand, the spilled powder was vanished away. A quick charm took care of the powder which was ground into Harry's teeth. Severus shook his head in amusement at his son. He scooped him up as he stood up again.

"You, my son, are entirely too precocious for your own good," Severus informed him seriously. Harry just smiled at his father as he pulled the little box greedily into his chest.

"Sev, this entire house needs to be Harry-proofed," Lily told him, smiling a little. Severus nodded in agreement.

"I've finished with the potions. I will tend to it," he assured her, but Lily shook her head.

"I'll take care of it. Why don't you take Harry outside? James is already out there--on his broom."

Severus shook his head. The other man was so childish sometimes. "Would you like to go outside, Harry?" he inquired anyway, smoothing his little boy's fringe from his face. Harry nodded, still grinning and then his face fell as Lily plucked the empty box from his fingers. His lower lip began to quiver. He reached out for the box.

"Bahhhh," he cried, tears filling his previously mischievous green eyes. Lily shook her head at her son.

"No, Harry," she said firmly. "Go outside with Daddy, sweetie," she soothed. Harry began to cry in earnest.

Casting a quick charm over the vial he was still holding so that it couldn't break, Severus jiggled it in front of Harry's scrunched face. The bright liquid attracted his son's attention immediately; his lips formed a delighted O as he grasped it in his chubby little fingers.

Lily smiled as she stood on her toes to give Severus a kiss on his cheek while she ruffled Harry's dark hair. Severus smiled a little at her, enjoying the feeling of her delight in his care for their son.

"Both of you, shoo," she ordered, giving Severus a light shove toward the door. Severus turned his gaze to Harry, raising his eyebrow.

"We had best do as your mother says, then, Harry," he said gravely as he moved away from the fireplace. Harry giggled up at him, shaking his new vial with enthusiasm.

"Don't forget his jacket, Sev," Lily called as she fiddled with the box. Severus, with a quick wave of his wand, transferred Harry's jacket from the hook next to the door, and onto the little boy. Harry took no notice as he continued to talk to his vial.

As soon as they stepped out the door, James swooped down from where he was circling around the house.

"Harry!" he called. Harry looked up, startled. But then his face melted into a grin and he squealed in delight as he watched James maneuvering his broom so that he was tumbling over himself above their heads. James grinned in response before heading back to the earth, braking just before he would have crashed into them. Severus frowned at him.

"You are going to break your neck on that thing," he disapproved. James scowled at him.

"Thing?" he echoed in outrage. "This is the finest broom ever made, and well you know it, Severus!" He ignored Severus' deepening frown to ask Harry, "Wanna ride?"

Severus pulled Harry into his chest. "Certainly not," he refused, appalled at James' audacity. James rolled his eyes. "I won't do any flips," he promised.


"Come on, Severus, I'll go really slow," James wheedled.

"James," Severus warned, which prompted the other man to hop off his broom.

"All right, then. You take him," he suggested, his face splitting into a huge grin. Severus stared at him.

"Have you lost your mind?" he demanded.

"Oh, come on, Sev. Harry will love it," Lily's voice interjected. Severus turned toward the door, where Lily had come to watch. She smiled at him, her emerald eyes bright. She looked almost eager and as he was well aware how much she enjoyed flying, he nodded. It wasn't as though he didn't know how to fly one of the horrid contraptions; he just wasn't particularly fond of heights...

Ignoring James' smirk, Severus took the broom from his hand and settled himself on it, Harry still tucked into his chest. "Shall we fly, Harry?" he asked his son. Harry tried to clap his hands in excitement, though the vial thwarted his efforts. Severus nodded solemnly and with a gentle tug on the broom handle, he and Harry took off from the ground.

"Uhhh," Harry cried, delighted as they moved away from the ground. Severus smiled.



Harry fiddled with the corner of one of the boxes as he sat next to it, not yet ready to open it. Remus was watching him and after a few minutes of silence, Harry asked, "What was the other Horcrux that Dumbledore found?" When Remus hesitated, Harry turned to look at his friend. "Remus," he said with exasperation, "there really isn't any reason for secrets anymore."

Remus sighed. "It was a cup...Tonks and Moody retrieved it," he revealed. Harry looked at him in confusion.

"But then, what were you doing with Dumbledore when you got hurt?" Remus hesitated again. Harry huffed impatiently. "Just tell me, Remus," he insisted. Remus gave him a look of slight disapproval at his tone but instead of backing down, Harry folded his arms across his chest and waited. He was tired of being treated like a child.

"We were looking for the locket," Remus answered him after a silent minute, his voice distinctly uncomfortable. Harry studied his friend, wondering if perhaps he didn't want to talk about what had obviously been a traumatic experience.

"Is Dumbledore still looking for them, then?" he asked finally, deciding not to pursue whatever had happened to Remus. Remus nodded, relaxing a little. Harry considered that before sighing. "Is he close to finding any of them?"

"He has some leads, but nothing's been like piecing together a extremely complex puzzle," Remus explained. Harry nodded thoughtfully.

"Won't they be almost impossible to find, though...especially if Voldemort hid them?"

"Not impossible," Remus corrected, "but yes it has been a challenge."

Harry sighed. "It would just be easier to try the Charm," he decided, "rather than running around trying to find every little bit of Voldemort."

"Harry, we don't even know if it would work," Remus reminded him, shaking his head a little.

"We might never know, Dumbledore said," Harry countered and Remus shrugged a little, though Harry could tell that the gesture was for his benefit only. He latched onto it. "You think we should try the Charm as well, don't you?" he asked eagerly.

"I think, Harry, that you should let your father do what he thinks is best," Remus replied pointedly.

Harry just stopped himself from pointing out that that was exactly what had caused the problem in the first place...his father's decision to wait to activate the Charm. But then, as he realized that if he was indeed the one who could activate the Charm, an attempt seventeen years ago would have failed anyway. He let his shoulders sag.

"I think he's in denial though, Remus," he sighed. "Even without the Charm, I'm still going to have to face Voldemort."

"I am not in denial," came the deep and unexpected reply. Harry and Remus spun around. Harry gaped at his father. Severus narrowed his eyes a bit as he said firmly, his voice holding a trace of a rebuke, "I am well aware that you will have to face Voldemort, Harry."

Harry could clearly feel his father's offense.

He bit his lip, but before he could say anything, Remus spoke up, "I should get back to Hogwarts."

Severus slid his eyes from Harry's as he pointed to a lone box away from the rest. "James' possessions; take them," he said curtly and Harry almost flinched at the harsh tone. Remus' eyes widened slightly.

"Are you certain you don't want them, Severus?" he asked slowly.

Severus' mouth stretched until it was almost a sneer. "No doubt James would want you to have them."

Harry stared at his father, wondering if it was hurt he was feeling from his father's flame but the flame had dimmed in the last minute so he couldn't be certain. Remus was also staring, his eyes distinctly sad.

"Perhaps you'd like to have a look before-"

Severus' irritation was unmistakable then and before he could snap at Remus, Harry intervened, "I'd like to see James' things." Neither his father nor Remus answered as Harry looked between them. "I'll bring them to you in class on Monday, all right?" he asked. Remus finally nodded.

"Of course, Harry," he said softly. Harry nodded quickly, still perched on the floor, his elbow now leaning against his mum's box as he watched the two men. Remus smiled down at him. "Good night." He pivoted a bit to face Severus. "Good night, Severus," he offered and Severus nodded smoothly, as though he hadn't been affected at all by the exchange.

Harry watched his friend leaving and then he and Severus were silent as they listened to the Floo flaring up and dying down again. Hoping for a nice fresh subject, Harry asked, "How can Remus open the Floo powder?" His father looked down at him, as though he'd been startled out of his thoughts.

"Your mother put a Charm on it which only allows a wizard who is of age to open it," he answered, taking a few steps toward Harry and sitting quietly on the rollaway bed next to where Harry sat on the floor.

"Oh," Harry murmured, forgetting to be amused, or perhaps annoyed at that development. Harry considered his next question carefully, nervous about his father's mood. "Did you sleep in here?" He gestured to the rollaway bed.

"I did."

Harry shifted his hip so the corner of the box no longer dug into it. "Are you going over your lecture in your head?" he asked curiously after another minute had passed. He could feel his father's surprise. Severus shook his head though, his lips quirking.

"I would not call it a lecture," he returned evenly. Harry waited. Severus leaned forward and took Harry's chin. He moved his face back and forth slowly, examining Harry's nose again. "Any pain?" he inquired.

"No, it's all right now," Harry told him. "Thanks for the potions." His dad nodded as he moved his other hand up to tap gently around Harry's nose, the movements precise and extremely gentle. Harry could feel the flame flickering with guilt. Realizing now that his father was oversensitive because of Tobias, Harry said quietly, "You didn't hurt me."

His father frowned down at him.

"I should have been more careful."

"You were trying to keep me out of danger," Harry told him reasonably. His father raised an eyebrow.

"If you realized that, then why did you try to return?"

Harry shrugged, feeling less nervous about the question then maybe he ought to. "I didn't know what was happening to you," he explained. "I couldn't just sit here if I could help."

Severus shook his head, his jaw set.

"I have told you before, Harry, that you cannot always help. There was nothing you could have done tonight," he insisted as he leaned forward so that his eyes were locked with Harry's. "There may be other instances in the future that you will need to simply obey my instructions, no matter how much you do not want to," he continued. Harry wanted to look away as he was quietly scolded, but his father was still holding his chin, and he seemed disinclined to let him go.

"I don't think I can do that," he protested softly, the words tumbling out without his permission. His father's eyes narrowed.

"I am not merely making a suggestion to you, Harry," he said, his tone darkening. He leaned in a little more. "You will not disregard my instructions again." Severus was piercing him with a look of such black intensity that Harry found himself nodding and he realized, almost meaning it. Almost. Sensing his indecision, his father said sternly, "I want your word, Harry."

Severus held his gaze and squirming slightly, Harry finally deflated a little. It was pointless to protest. His dad could always out-glare him. "All right," he finally agreed, sighing the words more than saying them. Satisfied, his father nodded. He dropped his fingers and gestured toward the box on the floor.

"Do you still wish to find your mother's book?"

Harry turned to the box, grateful for the change of subject. His stomach danced as he lifted the lid. Interwoven Bodily Charms of the Fifteenth Century, the same book Hermione had gotten from Flitwick, was on right on top. His mum's book.

Harry picked it up, reveling in the fact that his mum had touched this book once. He glanced up at his father. His eyes were warmer now, a small smile resting on his lips. Harry smiled in return before setting the book on the floor and turning back to the box. He lifted out a few other books, giving their titles only cursory glances.

There were photos under the little stack of books and Harry eagerly pulled them out. His heart clutched in his chest. Sirius was smiling out at him, his arms lightly bouncing a laughing Harry; the little boy's fist was tangled up in Sirius' hair. Immediately, Harry began to shadow the flame in his mind, but his father's voice stopped him.

"There is no need to hide your grief, Harry," he said quietly, though his voice was firm. "I know how much Black meant to you." Harry didn't look up, but he did leave the flame alone as he flipped to the next picture. He smiled.

His mum was holding him now, though he was much younger than he had been in the picture with Sirius. His mum was grasping his wrist and waving it at the camera, her lips moving. Harry squinted, trying to decipher what she was saying.

"Hi Daddy."

Harry looked up quickly at his father's interjection. Severus was watching him, his eyes still filled with warmth, though the mirth was unmistakable as well.

"You remember that?" Harry asked, his voice coming out with a bit of a tremor in it. Severus nodded. Harry turned back to his pictures, putting his mum in the back of the pile. He laughed.

His father's face and shirt were dotted with orange. His face scrunched as Harry's baby self flung a spoonful of purred something at him, his lips parted in delight.

"You look good in orange," Harry told his father, who shook his head.

"You hated carrots," he said seriously.

"I still do," Harry agreed. After a hesitant pause, he asked, "Can I have these?"

"Of course."

Harry continued to flip through the photos, smiling as he found himself engaged in various mischievous acts; he could feel his father's mirth as well and Harry felt incredibly happy sitting there, going through his mums' things. After he finally set the pictures aside, he dug through the rest of the box. A glint of light caught his eye. He peered down, his eyes widening in surprise at what he saw--a diamond ring.

Harry quickly pulled the ring up and almost as soon as it had cleared the box, his father reached over and plucked it from Harry's fingers.

Harry blinked up at him, feeling both surprised and uncertain. "Was it mum's?" he asked quietly. Seeming lost in his thoughts, it took a moment for his father to nod as he nudged the gem with his thumbnail.

"I had no idea Albus had saved this..." he mused.

"You didn't put this stuff in here?" Harry asked. Severus turned his gaze down again toward Harry.

"Albus brought the boxes here," he explained. "I only got as far as Filius' book..." Harry could feel his father's grief as his fingers curled over Lily's ring.

Severus stood abruptly. "Did you go upstairs?" he asked, as he placed the ring in one of his waistcoat pockets. When Harry shook his head, his father inquired, "Would you like to?"

Harry nodded eagerly. Severus reached a hand down and when Harry accepted it, his father pulled him up. They stood there, looking at one another for a silent moment. His father's lips parted once, but then closed again. He smiled the smallest smile before turning toward the sitting room. Harry furrowed his brow in confusion, wondering what his father had wanted to say, as he followed his father.

Once they reached the top of the stairs, Severus pointed to one of the closed doors. "Your room."

Harry hesitated. "Can I go in?" he asked. His father stepped past him and opened the door. Harry walked in slowly. He stared at the cot. "It's awfully small," he told his father critically.

"So were you," Severus returned lightly. Harry smiled. It was hard to believe he'd ever been that small. He took the few steps over to the cot, reaching over the bars to pluck a soft lion from the mattress.

"James gave that to you."

Harry looked up in surprise. "Did we come here often?" he asked, but his father shook his head.

"You only came once. We took a holiday here shortly after it was constructed," he explained. "I took you flying," he added. Harry stared at him.


"I do know how to fly a broom. You have seen me, in fact," Severus informed him, almost haughtily and Harry had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. His father raised an eyebrow. "I can feel your amusement, you realize."

"Sorry," Harry said quickly, finally unable to still his lips. "It's just hard to picture you riding a broom for fun," he smirked.

"Yes, very amusing," his father drawled laconically.

"It is," Harry insisted, still grinning and then his face fell as Severus winced slightly and reached to put his palm over his left arm. Harry's eyes crinkled with concern. "The Mark?" he guessed. Severus nodded. "Does it hurt?" he asked anxiously. Severus shook his head.

"It is only a slight discomfort. It will not last long," he assured Harry as he turned slightly away. Harry frowned in thought.

"Didn't Voldemort just call his Death Eaters two days ago?" he questioned, though he already knew the answer.

"He did," his father answered, his voice tight. Harry tensed.

"Do you think Voldemort sensed something tonight? Maybe he could feel my scar burning."

Severus spun around, startling Harry. "Your scar hurt?" he repeated sharply. Harry stared at him in confusion.

"Er, yeah, didn't you-"

"When did it start?" he demanded harshly.

"Just before you threw me into the Floo," Harry answered slowly, unnerved by his father's tone.

"When did it stop?" Severus rapped out next. Harry furrowed his brow.

"I'm not sure. I only noticed it had stopped after I finally got up off the floor," he shrugged. Severus was staring at him and Harry's skin prickled against the wash of anxiety he felt. "What does it mean?"

There was a long pause.

"I do not know that it means anything," his father finally murmured. "The Horcrux affected Albus in a way that we could not have anticipated. I had not realized it had affected you as well."

"But I thought that's why you sent me away," Harry told him, bewildered. His father shook his head.

"I was concerned that Albus would try to hurt you," he explained. Harry found himself twisting his fingers in the cuff of his shirt.

"So, you do think Voldemort felt something, then?"

Severus stepped forward, his fingers moving to brush Harry's fringe aside, his eyes filled with sadness as he traced his thumb over Harry's scar. Then abruptly, his father dropped his hand. "Since the pain stopped when you were away from the Horcrux, it was likely not Voldemort trying to make a connection with you," he decided logically.

"But what if it was?" Harry pressed. His father shook his head again.

"Was your mind shielded?" he inquired, his voice sounding much more normal again. Harry nodded immediately.

"Of course it was," he answered, slightly indignant at the question.

"There is nothing to worry about then," his father said reasonably. Turning toward the door, he asked, "Would you like to see James' room?" Harry forgot all about his scar as they continued their explorations.


Although Harry knew his confinement to their quarters over the weekend was supposed to have been a punishment, it was difficult to think of it in that way. Once Harry had completed his assignments, which somehow seemed to take much less time without Ron around, he and his father spent the rest of Saturday either practicing with their connection or brewing together and Harry was beginning to find...well, enjoyment in the activity.

Harry hadn't had any success yet though in his attempts to project his storm outward to communicate with his father. His father, on the other hand, was enjoying the connection immensely. Harry was getting ready to go up to the Great Hall for dinner, when his father's flame fired against his storm. Put on something warm, it nudged him. Harry rolled his eyes, but he pulled on a sweatshirt anyway before heading out of his room again.

As he strolled back into the sitting room where his father was waiting near the door, he smirked. "Ginny was right; you do sound like Mrs. Weasley." His father raised an eyebrow at him.

"Do you really think it wise to insult the person who is about to take you to see your friends?"

Harry pretended to consider that. "Probably not." He shrugged, still smiling.

"Indeed," his father approved, keeping his face quite serious even as Harry felt his amusement.

They walked side by side through the dank corridors in a companionable silence until they neared the level of the dungeons near the Slytherin dormitory. "How are the Slytherins doing now?" Harry asked, referring back to a discussion they'd had before he and Severus had returned to classes.

"The older students have yet to adjust," his father told him. "The younger Slytherins are more malleable and they are also still eager to please. There has been little trouble amongst them."

"Are you sure you're safe being around them?" Harry repeated the same question he'd already asked several times over the course of the past weeks. And again, his father nodded.

"The Slytherins find me just as intimidating as the rest of the Houses do," he said with a self-satisfied smirk. Harry glanced up at him, thinking of the times when he'd had the same thoughts about the dreaded Potions Master. And again, Harry marveled at the change--in both of them.

"Well, be careful, all the same," he said anyway, just as he had before.

"I will, Harry," his father assured him.

There was a group of first and second years gathered around the entrance to the Slytherin common room, chattering noisily. One of them spotted their Head of House coming upon them. He quieted instantly, and almost as one force, the little group stopped talking, watching Severus nervously.

"Good evening, Professor," one of them squeaked out, as though worried she'd be reprimanded for her silence. And then as her eyes moved over to Harry, she smiled shyly. Harry smiled in return.

"Ms. Jones." Severus nodded at the girl, slowing a bit though he didn't stop completely.

"Hi," Harry offered; the little clutch of students stared at him in awe. The one called Ms. Jones stepped forward and looked up at Harry, her eyes full of curiosity. Harry and Severus halted.

"Are you still Harry Potter?" she asked boldly, her neck craning at a ridiculous angle so that she could look up at him. Harry crouched down before he really had a chance to think about the motion. He nodded solemnly at her.


She squinted her brown eyes a little. "But shouldn't you be Harry Snape now...if Professor Snape is your father?" she inquired, her voice full of childish concern. Harry tried not to laugh, glancing quickly up at his father. Severus was watching the interaction warily.

"Good point," Harry agreed. She smiled at him again.

"I'm Felicity Jones," she told him and Harry grinned.

"Harry Snape," he returned. The little girl giggled.

The other students were mostly looking nervously between their professor and Harry, though a few were trying out tentative smiles in Harry's direction. He could feel his father's surprise and then immediately anger. Harry looked up. Filch was coming toward them and without pausing, Harry stood up.

Filch hesitated, looking straight at Harry and Severus. He took one careful step toward them and then they watched in fascination as Filch, as if he was being hefted by an invisible Hagrid, was slowly lifted up off the floor, his toes arching downward as he frantically tried to keep in contact with the stones; it was a fruitless effort. The invisible force continued to lift the caretaker.

"What's this?" he bawled and then he cried out in pain as Mrs. Norris began clawing wildly against his shoulder and neck in terror. The Slytherins all stared, watching intently as Filch was pulled in a wide circle around Harry and Severus, his arms flapping wildly as he squawked. "Let me down! Let me go!" he demanded but whatever had him in its grasp paid no attention until there was a wide berth between him and Harry and then Filch was deposited gently back to the floor.

Laughter broke out among the delighted Slytherins, pointing and chortling as the caretaker spluttered. Mrs. Norris hissed indignantly at them while Filch struggled back to his feet, glaring around at the students. But as soon as his gaze fell on Harry again, he stiffened and without wasting another moment, he gathered Mrs. Norris in his arms and hurried away, his head swinging about as he ran and it was obvious that he trying to make sure nothing was chasing him.

"What the-" Harry began. His father's flame interrupted him, not in front of the children, Harry. Harry closed his mouth immediately. The young Slytherins were sill laughing at Filch. Severus frowned down at them.

"All of you move along to the Great Hall," he commanded. The chattering ceased instantly. There was a few quick, "Yes sirs," as the students scurried away. Felicity spared a quick little wave and once Harry had waved back, she followed her friends.

"Maybe we should just get rid of all the upper level students," he said to his father as they continued on their way, only half-joking. His father glanced over at him.

"You are surprised at Ms. Jones' attitude toward you," he noted. Harry shrugged.

"It's hard to realize that not all Slytherins are pureblood-crazed fans of Voldemort," he answered.

"Very few Slytherins are loyal to Voldemort," his father told him quietly, "and not all Slytherins are Purebloods."

"I know." Harry nodded, feeling stupid for thinking that way, although really he had never even considered that all Slytherins were not necessarily purebloods.

"Ms. Jones' mother is a Muggle," Severus added. Harry frowned as he took that in.

"That must be hard though, isn't it?" he asked. He was surprised when his father shook his head.

"You would be surprised at how cohesive a group Slytherin is," he informed him. "It is very rare to find the students fighting amongst themselves."

"Because they're sticking together against the unfair treatment?" Harry asked, remembering another conversation they'd had like this. His father nodded, his jaw stiff. Steering them away from a past that still haunted his father, Harry said lightly, "Felicity did have a good point though." And again he felt his father's surprise.

"Hmm," was the murmured response. Harry smiled as he heard the restrained enthusiasm in his voice.

"You are my father," he pointed out.

"Excellent observation, Harry," his father drawled. Harry nodded.

"I know," he agreed, "and you said yourself that this only concerns us."

"I did."

Harry almost laughed at his father's innocent answer.

"Good. So then, how soon can you contact someone about changing my name?"

His father stopped walking; he gazed down at Harry, his lips pressed together as he tried to still their movements. "Devious," he commented.

"I can't help it," Harry said with a shrug. "You bring out the Slytherin in me." Severus' lips curved slowly into a smile, his eyes glinting with mirth. "And you didn't answer me," Harry told him pointedly. His father shook his head, clearly still amused.

"I will look into it," he agreed after a moment, before turning again. Harry grinned as they moved on, only a few meters from the Potions classroom now.

Harry noticed the blond hair rounding the corner just as his father called sharply, "Mr. Malfoy!" Malfoy's spine stiffened and he looked as though he might try to run but after a pause, he turned around, looking decidedly nonchalant.

Severus took quick steps toward Malfoy. Malfoy's arms were dangling down by his sides as though he hadn't a care, but Harry could see that his hands were trembling. "You should be in the Great Hall," Severus told him, his mind filled with suspicion and Harry narrowed his own eyes in response.

"I was just on my way," Malfoy assured him, nodding his head. Severus glared down at him.

"The Great Hall is in the other direction, Mr. Malfoy," he informed the Slytherin boy icily. "And you've been told repeatedly not to go anywhere alone."

"I got separated from my friends," Malfoy informed him coolly.

"You are a dreadful liar, Mr. Malfoy," Severus returned, with a scowl. Malfoy narrowed his eyes.

"But you're an excellent liar, aren't you Severus?" he spat. "You fooled everyone, didn't you, including the Dark Lord himself and somehow you managed to survive." Malfoy's voice was rising quickly as he continued, "And I don't have much time left. It's only a matter of time before-"

"Silencio!" Severus directed his wand toward Malfoy and though the Slytherin's mouth kept moving, no more sound came out. Moving swiftly, Severus grabbed a very stunned Malfoy around his upper arm.

"Harry," his father snapped as he moved forward and though Harry knew the irritation was for Malfoy, his feet scrambled to obey automatically. He kept close to his father's side as they swept down the corridor and entered the Potions classroom. As soon as they'd cleared the door, Severus pushed Malfoy away, slammed the door closed and erected his Privacy Spells. Then he rounded on Malfoy. He ended his Silencing Spell with an angry swish.

"What do you mean, you have little time left?" he demanded. Malfoy sputtered momentarily as he gathered his wits about him. Then he glared defiantly at his Head of House.

"Doesn't anyone keep you informed anymore, Severus?" He sneered. "I'm supposed to kill Dumbledore," he drawled, but the tremor in his voice gave him away. Harry watched as his father tensed.

"Did your father contact you last night?" he demanded.

"What the hell do you care?" Malfoy asked, his voice filled with bitterness. Severus took one step toward Malfoy and grabbed his arm again.

"There are very few people willing to help you, Mr. Malfoy. You will lose your attitude immediately or I will no longer be one of them," he growled, shaking the other boy once. "Is that clear?" he asked coldly. Malfoy continued to scowl, but he nodded. Severus released him sharply. "Did your father contact you last night?" he repeated. Malfoy nodded. Harry watched them with a knot in his stomach.

"Did Voldemort torture him again?" Severus asked. The other boy flinched at the name, but he nodded quickly. Severus studied him for a long minute before he asked, much more quietly, "What were you doing, Draco?"

Malfoy turned away, his face paling and without any warning, the air seemed to shimmer and Mad-Eye Moody appeared next to him. Malfoy yelped and even Harry couldn't stop the gasp at the unexpected guest. Severus seemed unmoved.

"Alastor, you are supposed to be keeping Malfoy out of trouble," he rebuked. Moody glowered at the blond boy.

"Not if he's determined to get himself into trouble, I won't," he growled. Severus' eyes narrowed into slits. Moody paid no attention as he continued on, "He was on his way to see the Headmaster...weren't you, boy?" he barked. Malfoy jumped, his eyes going wide.

"And you were going to allow him to go?" Severus bit out, his face taut with anger.

"All I needed was a little more evidence...anything to show he wanted to harm Albus, and we could have ended this problem once and for all," Moody returned.

"I wasn't going to do anything do him," Malfoy tried to deny, his voice wavering with tears.

"Then what was your plan?" Moody demanded. "Speak up, boy!"

Malfoy swallowed nervously. "I just wanted to make it look like I'd tried...."

"So, you admit to being a threat to Albus' life, do you?" he questioned harshly but even as Malfoy shook his head wildly, Moody nodded. "Your confession will make it much easier to get you a cell in Azkaban," he said firmly.

"No!" Harry protested before he could stop himself. All eyes turned to him. His cheeks lit in anger. "You can't do that to him," he said, modulating his tone as they stared, but Harry was looking only at Moody. "What do you expect him to do? His father's been tortured over and over again. Nobody could just sit by and watch that happen!" Moody gazed at him dispassionately.

"It was Lucius' own choice to become a Death Eater," he declared. Harry nodded.

"Yes, Lucius' choice. Not Draco's. Draco didn't choose this," he said with much more calm than he felt. Moody shook his head.

"Malfoy here didn't have to work for You Know Who."

"He's not working for Voldemort!" Harry shouted angrily. "He's trying to save his parents!" A hand fell on his shoulder and Harry almost shook it off but the light squeeze reassured him. He swallowed once, attempting to get his breathing under control again.

Malfoy's eyes were shining with anxious tears by now, his own breathing ragged and Harry felt sick as he watched him trembling. Harry turned to his father. "You're not going to let Moody take him, are you?" he implored.

"Harry," Severus said gently, "Draco is not going to Azkaban."

"That is not-" Moody began gruffly and Severus glared at him.

"You are not an Auror any longer, Alastor. You report to Albus," he interrupted harshly. Moody made a sort of snarling noise, which Severus ignored. Moody turned to glare once more at Malfoy.

"You'd better watch yourself, Malfoy," he growled before he stumped over to the Floo and called for his home. He went up in flames. As soon as he was gone, Severus turned to face the door. With whispered words that Harry couldn't make out, an elegant silver doe leapt from the tip of his father's wand and tripped gracefully through the wooden door.

Harry stared until it disappeared. He turned slowly back to his father. "But that's..." He trailed off as he remembered Malfoy was still with them. Your mother's Patronus, the flame confirmed. That hadn't been precisely what he was going to say, but Harry nodded anyway.

"Sit down, Draco," Severus finally ordered, using his wand to move a chair toward the boy. Malfoy didn't even hesitate, plopping heavily into the chair.

"I wasn't going to do anything," he repeated plaintively. Harry glanced at his father but Severus said nothing. Harry tried not to stare at the forlorn Slytherin as they waited for whoever his father had called.