The Dark Arts
Fred Weasley George Weasley
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 08/29/2004
Updated: 10/17/2004
Words: 6,402
Chapters: 4
Hits: 2,240

Double Splinch

Night Song

Story Summary:
All had thought the two were indifferent; that there wasn't a freckle laid upon their face, or a strand of hair on top their head that was different, that their personalities were exactly the same, and the only real difference was their names. One was Fred. The other was George. The Weasley Twins. Nothing more, nothing less. ``How very wrong they were.

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
All had thought the two were indifferent; that there wasn't a freckle laid upon their face, or a strand of hair on top their head that was different, that their personalities were exactly the same, and the only real difference was their names. One was Fred. The other was George. The Weasley Twins. Nothing more, nothing less.

Sick of it. That's what he was - sick of it. Absolutely nothing made him feel more hatred, more loathe, more anything, than him. The same voice, the same thin red hair, the same freckles, the same blue eyes, the same height of six foot, the same cheerful voice. It was sickening. All of it. The only problem was, he had it too. The same looks and appearance as him. George Weasley wanted to disappear.

Changing the way he looked could work too.

But it was the mere fact everyone thought he was exactly the same as Fred was what he really hated. The fact they never had time to themselves, and no one ever reffered to them as two seperate people. It was always 'FredandGeorge', heck even 'FredGeorge' was heard on occassion. But that was only one of his problems.

There was also the fact that they thought the same. If George thought one thing was great, Fred probably did too. If Fred came up with half of a witty come back to McGonagall, George had the other end finished before you could say quiddditch. Speaking of quidditch, they even played the same position! Believe it or not, it wasn't the 'twin ESP' thing everyone thought they had. No, they were just enough alike, it was easy to figure out what the other was thinking.

George sat on his bed in the boys dorm, seething after his ugly arguement with Fred. He pondered all the reasons he hated his twin, and the 'look-alike-act-alike' bit seemed only the half of it. Was being the same really bothering them that much? His friends said it was just a phase, but he didn't think so. Something brushed at the back of his thoughts. It felt like a long forgotten secret, but it escaped before he could concentrate on it. Were they forgetting something that was tearing them apart?

Shaking his head, George stood and walked over to the mirrior. He fingered the strands of his hair and sighed. Nothing would change it. Ever. He'd have to be magic or something... duh. How dense could you get? Reaching for his wand, he took another glance in the mirrior. Bye-bye Georgie.


Fred walked along side the lake, muttering random curses he was plotting to use on George in the near future. Well, not that he could pull it off... After all, George thought out all the details.... No. He couldn't think that way. The Troublesome Two were out of business, out of the count, over. Dead. Not coming back, not now, not ever. End of story.

He stopped, peering out over the water. He could see a few first years looking uneasily at the water as the giant squid propelled himself accross the lake. He smiled, remembering when he, George, and Lee had first saw the squid.... He shook his head. George was gone now. He could feel it, and to tell the truth, he wasn't sorry in the least bit.

Like George, however, he felt the nagging thought in the back of his mind, but it too disappeared. Was he hiding something from himself? Something he didn't want to remember? He shook his head, forgetting his strange thoughts, and instead turned and made way for the quidditch pitch. Nothing like a quick flight to calm your nerves.

Of course, who would have thunk it? The Slytherin team practices and tryouts began today. Of course, that meant every 7th year Gryffindor's worst enemy. No, not Malfoy. Flint. Marcus Flint. The most disgusting, vile scum on the pond. Not to mention the worst quidditch player in the school.....

"Aw, ickle Weasley got an ouchie, does he?" The taunting voice of Marcus Flint called out, while the rest of the Slytherins snickered behind him.

"Shut it, Flint," Fred growled without turning around. He was now moving away from the pitch. No sense getting involved in something stupid. Which was bound to happen, if he stuck around.

"I'd watch your mouth if I were you," Flint warned, taking a step closer. Fred kept walking, ears red.

"Well, thank the lord you aren't," he said, just loud enough for the grimy Slytherin to hear. Flint growled, and began moving towards him, but Fred was faster.

"Petrificus Totalus!" He cried, pointing his wand at Flint, who promptly stopped and fell backwards, stiff as a board. However, there were more Slytherins. Several more.

"30 points from Gryffindor," Malfoy the 'prefect' said, stepping foward. "For attacking a student. Do it again, Weasley, and I'll report to Professor Snape." Fred glared, lip curling into a snarl. But he turned and stormed off, leaving an enraged group of Slytherins behind.


It wasn't until dinner that night that Fred and George would be forced to put up with one another. They had both skivved out on classes, not wanting to bother with it all. But still, neither of them wanted to go hungry, even if they weren't in the mood. It was now stormy, and it was likely the night's astronomy class would be cancelled.

Fred met up with Alicia before dinner, and the two headed down to the Great Hall together, talking about this and that. He seemed to have forgotten about his problems with George, and Alicia was glad. She lead his mind off to other things, as not to awaken his bad mood. She didn't like him when he was angry. A bit scary, in her opinion.

They marched into the hall, Fred sending a look to the Slytherins that could rival the clouds above them, before taking his seat beside Alicia at the Gryffindor table. Lee and Angelina, who had been talking animatedly, ceased conversation, glancing nervously between Alicia and Fred.

"Hey Leesh, Fred," Angelina said, nodding at the two. Lee waved, and Fred grinned in response, piling various food onto his plate. Alicia followed, though she didn't eat quite as much, but instead chatted with Angelina, while Fred and Lee conversed, rather quietly for a change. There didn't seem to be half the noise without the third member of the terrible trio.

Sometime later, Katie entered the hall looking rather worried, blue eyes searching hurriedly over the table. As she neared her face flooded in relief upon seeing her four friends. She headed over, a calm, small smile on her face.

".....Fred!" Alicia exclaimed easily, causing Katie's grin to fade.

"Oh no," she murmured, sitting down beside Angelina. "Oh no..."

"What is it?" Angelina asked, turning to her friend.

"I thought...it's...well...George...he...," she stuttered, unable to finish anything she began to say. Fred 'hmphed', and stared angrily at his plate, stirring his food with his fork.

"Fred...," Alicia said quietly, placing her hand on his arm. "Who's that?" Looking up, Fred saw a boy around his own height enter the hall, dressed in Gryffindor robes. The boy's hair was a raven black, and his face was a bit pale. He grinned, marching up to the group and sitting beside them as if he had known them forever.

"Hey guys," he said, scooping potatoes onto his plate.

"Oh...," Katie moaned, looking away to the ground. The boy looked up at Fred and smirked, blue eyes glinting brightly in the light. Lee, Angelina, and Alicia looked startled. Fred's eyes narrowed, and his mouth contorted once more in a snarl.

"Hello, George."

Author notes: Well, I hope you enjoyed chapter three! I really enjoyed writing it. I just had to add the last bit, and I think it will definantly add an extra twist to this story. I really don't have much of a plot, but I can tell you, it might get a little weird. That's all I'm saying. Ciao, for now!