The Dark Arts
Fred Weasley George Weasley
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 08/29/2004
Updated: 10/17/2004
Words: 6,402
Chapters: 4
Hits: 2,240

Double Splinch

Night Song

Story Summary:
All had thought the two were indifferent; that there wasn't a freckle laid upon their face, or a strand of hair on top their head that was different, that their personalities were exactly the same, and the only real difference was their names. One was Fred. The other was George. The Weasley Twins. Nothing more, nothing less. ``How very wrong they were.

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
All had thought the two were indifferent; that there wasn't a freckle laid upon their face, or a strand of hair on top their head that was different, that their personalities were exactly the same, and the only real difference was their names. One was Fred. The other was George. The Weasley Twins. Nothing more, nothing less.

    When Harry Potter arrived at Grimmauld for the summer before his 5th year, he did not expect it to be what it was. Sirius Black's home, headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix - all more dull than he thought they would be. But tension hung in the air here, tension that did not come from the members of the Order's stress, nor Sirius' wanting to get free. It came from but two over looked brothers who were sick of one another after nearly 17 long years of being exactly the same. The two were, of course, Fred and George Weasley.

    Before this, all had thought the two were indifferent; that there wasn't a freckle laid upon their face, or a strand of hair on top their head that was different, that their personalities were exactly the same, and the only real difference was their names. One was Fred. The other was George. The Weasley Twins. Nothing more, nothing less. How very wrong they were.

    Over the years, the twins had grown a strong bond, and with it they also shared a distinct loathing. A disliking that would, eventually, eat away and come out to the light, show itself and cause the two to split apart in a fight no one would quite forget, and in result never think of the twins as one again.

    The whole thing started one night shortly after Harry's arrival some days before. The dinner table was covered in food, and everyone was having a good old time. Or so it seemed. Two boys, the age of 16, sitting side by side, known as Fred and George, were unusually quiet. They hardly spoke, hardly talked, and each mashed their potatoes so viciously that they ended up everywhere but on the plates they had started on.

    Few took notice to this strange behavior, and those who did hardly considered it at all. Molly Weasley was too busy lecturing Mundungus, and Sirius, Ron, Hermione, and Harry were engaged in a lengthy conversation. The others present either did not know the twins well enough to suspect something, or didn't care about them in the first place.

    "I'm going to bed," the twins declared at once, standing at the same time, and glared at one another. They shook their heads at the odd moment, and walked side by side, all the way up the stairs, through the door, and to opposite sides of the room. Sitting on their beds, the two began to converse about their latest prank, and what they would plan for the current occupants of the house the next morning. Back downstairs, people did begin to notice the absence of the twins, who normally would be cracking some joke or getting scolded by Mrs. Weasley by this time.

    "Was it just me, or have Fred and George been acting strange lately?" Harry asked no one imparticular.

    "Yeah, they've been weird all summer now that I think about it," Ron said thoughtfully.

    "Those two have always been strange," Hermione muttered in a disproving way.

    "I meant more than normal," Ron replied. "They've only pulled half as many pranks this year as they did last year."

    "But they've acted almost normal," Ginny added. "I mean, sure there were a few strange moments where they would act all funny. Other than that, though, nothing seems wrong."

    "For all we know it could be another plan for a prank," Ron said. "Though, I don't know why they would want to act like they were in a big argument or something."

    "Or maybe," Hermione said. "It's none of our business and we shouldn't meddle with other people's doings, hmm?"

    "'Mione, when has that ever stopped us?" Harry said teasingly with a grin.

    "Never," Hermione answered curtly. "Which is why it is now. Even if Fred and George were fighting, I'm sure they'll get over it soon." This must have signaled the end of the discussion, for all four fell silent, and the night went on as usual, the conversation in the back of their minds.


    Platform 9 3/4 was crowded with students rushing about, parents crying about their babies being all grown-up, nervous muggles wanting to leave once their child was on the train to learn something they never knew existed. A mob of red stood out amongst the bustle tailed by a blob of black and brown. The Weasleys were on their way to Hogwarts.

    Things were normal for the most part, save for the thick tension that hung over the usually cheery group. Fred and George said nothing to anyone as they loaded their trunks onto the Hogwarts Express. Waving their goodbyes, the twins set out to find their friends as the train lurched off. It didn't take them long to find the compartment containing Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, and Lee Jordan, all 7th years, all Gryffindor.

    "Hey you two," Alicia said, scooting over to make room for George, while Angelina did the same.


    "'Ello Fred, George," Lee said with a nod. Alicia gave a wave.

    "Hey guys," the two replied, putting on their identical grins.

    "Have a nice summer?" Angelina asked everyone. "I was lucky enough to visit France."


    "Nah," Lee said. "Same 'ol, same 'ol here."

    "Pranks, angry little sisters-," Fred began.

    "-annoyed big-heads-er-brothers, screaming parents," George finished.

    "The usual," the twins chorused.

    "Summer goes by as usual back home for me," Katie said.

    "Nothing much," Alicia agreed. "Though I did manage to grab a new broom for our last quidditch season!"


    "Ooh," Angelina said. "'Lemme see!" And so the train ride went on as though it were any other year. The happy group of quidditch fanatics examined Alicia's broom over several times, talked of plans for the year, and whether or not Snape had managed to successfully wash his hair. Eventually, the group hopped up into the carriages and were carried safely away to a not-so-pleasant year at Hogwarts.


'...And we must unite inside her

Or we'll crumble from within

I have told you, I have warned you...

Let the Sorting now begin.'

    That was all Fred and George heard of the sorting song, and only then because the hair on the backs of their necks had bristled unwillingly at the end. However, the sorting itself was ignored completely, seeing as the twins were cracking jokes to Angelina, Alicia, Katie, and Lee about the new Defense teacher's appearance, which was quite toad-like, to say the least. And best.

    "To our newcomers," Dumbledore said, a large smile on his face, and his arms spread wide. "Welcome! To our old hands - welcome back! There is a time for speech making, but this is not it! Tuck in!" Fred, George, and Lee grinned and turned towards the table, now covered in various foods. They began hauling it onto their plates, and promptly began stuffing their faces.

    "How can you swallow that, let alone taste it," Angelina asked Fred in disgust as he shoveled a over-loaded fork into his mouth.

    "Et kavved etang," Fred replied smartly, though the girls couldn't understand him. ((It's called eating))

    "'At e aid," George said, jerking his thumb at Fred. ((What he said))

    "Yeh," Lee agreed. ((Yeah))


    "Why do I bother?" Angelina voiced as she, Alicia, and Katie rolled their eyes.

    "Because you ask us that every year, and we always answer the same way," Lee said.

    "Sounds like no respect whatsoever," Angelina said, glaring at them mockingly.

    "Aw, Angel, you know we love you," Fred said. It seemed that the group would take part in this every year, and every year they said exactly the same.

    "What are we going to do next year, when we don't come to Hogwarts anymore?" Alicia said sadly, breaking the silence, while rotating her fork around in her salad.

    "We'll stay in touch, you know it," George said reassuringly.

    "And if you can't find us," Lee said. "I highly doubt anything will stop us from finding you."

    "Besides that, if Katie and George are as love-sick as we think they are," Fred began, but George stuck out his tongue, and the group burst into laughter. Soon, Dumbledore stood, and the Hall fell quiet under his gaze.

    "Well, now that we are all digesting another magnificent feast, I beg a few moments of your attention for the usual start-of-term notices," Dumbledore said. "First years ought to know that the forest in the grounds is our of bounds to students - and a few of our older students ought to know by now too. Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me, for what he tells me is the four hundred and sixty-second time, to remind you all that magic is not permitted in corridors between classes, nor are a number of other things which can be checked on the extensive list now fastened to Mr. Filch's office door."

    "We have had two changes in staffing this year. We are very please to welcome back Professor Grubby-Plank, who will be taking Care of Magical Creatures lessons; we are also delighted to introduce Professor Umbridge, our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." There was some applause, but not much, from the crowd of students, and what came from the staff was less than enthusiastic. "Tryouts for the House Quidditch teams will take place on the -"

    He stopped then, and looked at Umbridge with a questioning look. Then, Fred and George realized that the new Professor was standing. However, Umbridge was intent on making a speech, and surprisingly, Dumbledore allowed, resulting in the twins nearly falling asleep on their plates. Eventually, the torture was over, and students were allowed to make way to their proper common rooms. The 7th years were the first to leave, and soon Fred and George were separated from their friends in the flurry of rushing Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, and Slytherins.

    Once the two were alone, they walked along the hallway, unusually quiet. Most would think they were in deep thought about their latest prank idea, or just very tired, but no one did notice. No one at all. It seemed, to them at least, that no one cared. They were just the Weasley Twins, just the funny boys, just the resident muggle-loving sorry excuses for wizards.

    But they weren't. They did have feelings, despite popular belief. They weren't just the pranksters and beaters with their heads in the clouds. No, they had secrets that no one knew, not even their close friends, and they intended on keeping it that way. They had every intention on letting the world think that Fred and George Weasley had nothing to hide, and were the happy-go-lucky twins everyone thought they were.

    They didn't want anyone to worry, though neither were quite sure that anyone would. The two didn't want anything to happen to their friends, which is why they did not express their true feelings towards each other, or show them, for that matter. Lee, Alicia, Angelina, and Katie would try and help, therefore, make things worse. It was better to leave things be, just how they had always been. Right?

    By the time Fred and George reached the common room, the two realized they had forgotten the password. Well, they didn't know it in the first place. They supposed the prefects did, but they too were stuck safely away in their dorms. Surely someone would come out soon. Lee was bound to come looking for them, if they didn't arrive, and Angelina, Alicia, and Katie might just come along for the ride. But the twins waited, and waited, and no Lee came looking. No one came out.

    They tried convincing the Fat Lady, but to no avail. They also tried guessing the password, but they might as well have been telling Mrs. Weasley they had given up pranks and were bent on passing their N.E.W.T.s. Nonetheless, the twins set out to their favorite hiding place, which had a stash of Honeydukes chocolate, and two squishy, purple sleeping bags they had nicked in their 5th year, back when Sirius Black had escaped Azkaban. But Fred and George didn't get very far. First, they had a close run-in with Mrs. Norris, and that meant running from Filch. Eventually, they winded up clear across the school from where they had intended to go, and near Professor McGonagall's office.

    "Think we'll ever get into the common room tonight?" Fred asked as they meandered down the hall.

    "If McGonagall wakes up, or Filch gets to us, then yeah," George replied. "But, if they don't, then it isn't very likely." At that precise moment, Professor McGonagall did indeed wake up. To the sound of voices and running feet that were all too familiar. She sighed, rising from her bed, and dressed in her robe and night cap, made way to where she knew the twins would be waiting.

    "May I ask why you two are wandering the halls at this time of night?" McGonagall asked, looking them in the eye in turn. "Or do I even want to know what you two have been up to?"

    "Nothing," Fred and George replied at once. But both were to tired to glare at one another, as they felt they should have.


    "We just... lost track of time, Professor," George said.

    "Honestly, we weren't watching where we were going, and when we did get to the common room," Fred began.

    "We realized we didn't know the password," George finished.

    "And the Fat Lady wouldn't let us in."

    "No matter how much we tried to convince her we were the real George and Fred." This time, Fred managed a cold stare towards his twin.

    "Either way, I will be taking 10 house points, and you each will serve a detention with me on Monday, 7 'O Clock sharp," McGonagall said sternly. "Now, get back to the common room. The password is 'banana fritters'. I suggest you get some sleep." With that, she turned sharply on her heel, and headed back to bed.

    Fred and George sighed, turned, and began their long walk back to Gryffindor tower. It was quite dark out, and nothing could be seen through the windows. The halls were dimly lit, and seemed strangely hollow, where as in previous years, they seemed full of magic (quite literally), even when they were completely empty. Now, the atmosphere was gone, and replaced with hidden loathe as the twins moved on.


    Eventually, Fred and George did arrive at the common room, and at last arrived to their dorm. It was very quiet, as they entered, and the only sound was that of Lee's snores. The two looked at each other and rolled their eyes and glared at one another. They stood still like that for a moment, before shaking their heads, shooting the other a disgruntled look, and climbed into bed.

    "You know, you don't have to do everything I do," George grumbled from across the room.

    "Who said I was copying you?" Fred shot back. Both twins sat up in their beds.

    "I did. You always do it."

    "Maybe because we're twins?"

    "Not all twins do that!"

    "So! It's second nature to us!"

    "Doesn't mean you have to do it!"

    "Some habits are hard to break!"

    "Right, and stealing my ideas happens to be one of them?"

    "You're the one that takes my ideas and figures out how they work!"

    "Exactly! Without me, your ideas are a load of cock and bull!"

    "Right, and you can come up with a decent prank without them."

    "I can! And I will!"

    "I'd like to see you try!"

    By this time, the two were standing across the room from one another, next to their beds, and yelling at the top of their lungs.

    "What are you two doing?!?" Lee exclaimed, sitting up in bed.

    "Stay out of it!" The twins hollered together. "Shut up! No, you shut up!"

    "Both of you knock it off!!!!" Lee yelled. "Go back to bed! It's 2 in the morning!" Both twins snarled in frustration, but obeyed Lee's command nonetheless. Fuming, they eventually fell asleep, one void of any happy thought. It would be a rough morning, to say the least.

Author notes: Thank you for taking the time to read my story! This is my first fanfic, and constructive criticism is appreciated. You know the drill! ;)