Mistaken Love


Story Summary:
Hogwarts isn't reopening and Voldemort is back and more alive then ever. Sirius is gone and so is Dumbledore. Living through the heartbreak from Ginny and the pain from the deaths, Harry is left to find the Horcruxes with Ron and Hermione by his side. What happens when he meets a girl that has a surprising past which has a lot to do with Harry?

Chapter 10 - Roars and Silence

Chapter Summary:
The storm is coming in fast and choices have been made and set. Harry and Ginny have the conversation about what they mean to each other and Ron and Hermione are on slippery slopes. Bethany spaced out on Harry earlier, find out where she went for salvation. What the hell does Snape want? Maybe Alecto and Lucius will find out once their dispute takes place. In the end it all comes down to the parting of ways. Who will go where?
Author's Note:
I hope you enjoy this chapter!


"I'm going to miss this place," Harry said as he swept his eyes around the Gryffindor common room. "Hey, do you remember? This is the exact spot where we had our first kiss." Harry stood a few feet in front of the portrait hole, staring at Ginny who was sitting in one of the armchairs nearby.

"Yeah," Ginny grinned. "I can't believe you did it in front of everyone."

"Well, I don't recall you pulling away from me when I did."

Harry heard Ginny giggle as he walked towards her and sat in the armchair next to her. He watched her play with strands of her fiery red hair in between her fingers as she smiled and caught his stare. The gaze between them held for seconds before Ginny turned away. Harry then shifted his eyes and looked at the clock above the fireplace to check the time.

It was a little past nine and everyone remained in the Great Hall, chatting and sipping coffee after the end-of-year feast. Rumbling and roars were heard through the windows of the common room. They were loud, threatening to split the sky open and allow fire to fall from above. The rain did not lighten. It fell heavier by second, adding inches of water to the flooded grounds of Hogwarts.

"How's Bill?" Harry asked, not yet ready to mention the unavoidable subject of his feelings toward Ginny.

"He's doing great," Ginny replied. "He left the hospital wing to attend the feast. Mum wasn't too happy."

"Makes sense," Harry laughed. "So, why did you leave dinner so early?"

"Oh, I wasn't that hungry," Ginny said discreetly.

"You didn't eat anything the whole day, how weren't you hungry?"

Ginny shrugged her shoulders. "I just wasn't."

Harry scrunched his eyebrows at her, giving Ginny an awkward look. He knew something was off about her, but Harry did not want to ask. Another fight was not what he needed right now.

"Where did you come from before you spotted me in the corridor?" asked Ginny, taking the spotlight off her.

"I was at the Quidditch field flying my Firebolt. I wanted some air after being in the hospital wing for so long."

"Wasn't that kind of dangerous? I mean, you broke two of your ribs and you decided to go fly at night alone?"

"I wasn't alone," Harry assured. "I was with Bethany."

"Oh ..."

Harry took Ginny's "oh" as a sign to drop the topic of Bethany. Two hours had passed since he and Ginny had entered the common room, and they had not exchanged one word about their relationship. Moments of silence presented themselves, but every time Harry wanted to say what was on his mind he simply choked.

Harry inhaled, hoping his voice wouldn't crack on him this time. "Ginny ... I think −"

"I know," Ginny said, not allowing Harry to finish. "I saw it in your eyes when you came to me and told me you wanted to talk. You've been avoiding it ever since we got here."

"You saw what?"

"I read your eyes, Harry. You're the kind of person who looks for redemption in everything."

Harry smiled for a second at the fact that Ginny knew him so well. He then sighed softly and said, "I just feel as though we've been through so much, and I want you to know that you mean everything to me, Ginny."

Minutes passed and Ginny did not say anything. Harry began to breathe shorter breaths, thinking Ginny did not feel the same way he did. It was then after she spoke that Harry felt a sense of relief and warmth, happiness.

"Harry, when they carried you into the hospital wing from the forest, I thought I had lost you. What I felt was the worst feeling in the world, and I never knew how much you meant to me until that moment. We're more than friends; our relationship is more than just being girlfriend and boyfriend. Harry, I want you to know that I know who I am to you, even though you can't explain it."

Harry dragged his eyes over Ginny's face and realised she was beaming at him. He grinned and leaned over to her. As he reached and touched her cheek, Harry kissed her lightly on the forehead.

"I was never good enough for you anyway," Harry amused. "I never deserved you."

Ginny shook her head gently. "No, we just didn't fit."


Alecto turned and faced her husband, watching him make his way towards her and Lucius. Her mind began racing when Snape finally approached her. He held a nasty look of fury, causing him to seem fierce and angry. But then again, he always looked that way, Alecto mused. Images of Snape watching her and Lucius made her sick to the stomach. All she thought about was what Snape would do. He had never loved her and she knew it. So he wouldn't be jealous, would he? Alecto asked herself.

Jealousy was not what Alecto worried about. Snape would not care about what she did or with whom she did it as long as she made the potions he asked her to. What she did worry about was one person in particular, the person who did care about what she did and especially who she did it with. Alecto's brother, Amycus, had his reasons that forced her with Snape against her own will and she never had the courage to stand up to someone who carries her own blood.

Then why is he here? Alecto wondered as she stared at Snape closely, trying to interpret the suspicion in his eyes. She felt Lucius take her by the arm and move her behind him as though he was afraid Snape would hurt her.

At that moment, Snape smirked and scoffed, "May I remind you, Lucius, that is my dear wife behind you."

"I never knew you were so smart, Severus. I guess the hair makes you look a bit unintelligent," Lucius replied flatly.

"How is Narcissa?" Snape asked rhetorically. "You have been in a cell before in Azkaban; you should know how it feels."

"Alecto should also; she has been married to you for quite sometime," Lucius shot back.

Azkaban? What is Narcissa doing in Azkaban? Alecto wondered. She remembered Lucius telling her that the Dark Lord has taken her captive, but to put her in Azkaban? Alecto felt the wrongness in the whole situation. Narcissa has done nothing but mother Lucius's son, and for that she is punished? The injustice Narcissa faced pained Alecto, but she knew she was powerless in helping her in any way.

"Ah, I see that Alecto still comes first to you." Snape paced around Lucius and Alecto with his arms across his chest. "Once Alecto and I were married you chose Narcissa as your second and she is still your second. What a shame. I wonder what your son will think about his own father abandoning his mother in Azkaban."

As Snape stepped past Alecto, she awoke from her thoughts. She saw a glitter of pink in the pocket of his coat, which caused her to realise who Snape was searching for, but she still did not understand why he was at the Malfoy Manor.

"The time is ticking, Lucius. The Dark Lord does not have the patience to wait for his orders to be done. Let's hope you find Draco before I do or it would be back to Azkaban to join your wife." Snape turned his back toward Lucius and Alecto and walked back down the hall. "Oh, and Alecto, I'll be seeing your brother very soon," Snape said cautiously, and as he faced her for a split second and with another crack, he was gone.

A feeling of anxiety was at the pit of Alecto's stomach when she watched Snape disappear. It was only a matter of time before Amycus would find her and force her to do what she hated to do the most. She looked over at Lucius, glancing at his expression. His face was ridged and serious, not pained or worried. The colour in his cheeks were drained of pink and replaced with a kind of whiteness. There was a long silence before Alecto spoke.

"Why would he be looking for Draco?" she asked, not expecting an answer from Lucius.

"I must find him," said Lucius sternly, walking away from Alecto and toward the staircase.

"For his own well-being or your own?"

Alecto watched Lucius stop and turn back around. She saw Lucius's eyes light up and strike a grim stare at her. They were cold and sinister, not as they were before. She could not help to think how easily it was for Lucius to change himself completely right in front of her eyes. Minutes ago, he was the man she loved, and now he was just like all the other Death Eaters.

"He's not just my son, Alecto. He is more valuable than that, and when the Dark Lord gets him in his possession, Draco will no longer be known as my son or a Malfoy," Lucius conveyed.

"I don't understand," Alecto said with a confused tone.

"You do not need to. What I need you to do is to help me find him. Please, Alecto, right now it isn't about me and you or even Narcissa, it's about Draco."

Alecto gazed at Lucius and watched him hold his hand up, waiting for her to take it. She felt herself walk over to him, not having the control over her body. The thoughts of her brother flowed out of her mind as if she chose Lucius over him. Alecto then approached him and gripped firmly onto his hand as she stared into his eyes that reflected a man she knew not of, but yet loved unconditionally. Then, they were gone.


The room was quiet and peaceful just like she remembered it the first day she walked in. It was large and circular, full of whizzing noises and tinkling caused by the odd objects on the shelves and tables. She spotted the enormous, claw-footed desk in the middle of the floor where an emerald chair was placed behind it, empty and bare. Her stare drifted around the room, catching sights of the Sorting Hat and Gryffindor's gleaming sword upon the shelves she once dusted and cleaned. Beyond her gazes, her eyes fell on the wall that held the portraits of old headmasters and headmistresses.

She made her way toward the portraits and stood in front of one in particular, the most recent one. As she ran her hands down the frame, she touched the golden plate engraved with the name: "Albus Dumbledore." Tears slowly fell from her eyes and drifted off her cheeks to her chin.

"I miss you, Gramps," Bethany whispered softly to herself.

Bethany turned away, no longer wanting to see the twinkle in her grandfather's eyes. She approached the empty golden perch where Fawkes once stood when he was flaming a beautiful red and orange as a phoenix should. After some time, Bethany made her way to one side of the circular room and placed the palm of her hand on a specific spot on the wall. Silently, stairs unfolded step by step from midair, leading to a doorway that had just appeared.

As Bethany walked up the stairs, each step after her disappeared, leaving no traces of another room above the office. Once she entered through the doorway, she found herself in the room she had lived in most of her life. It contained a large bed, centred in the middle, and many shelves of books. A number of the books were of potions and spells, but the others were recommended to be read by her grandfather. Nearby her bed was a small table where pictures were placed of her parents and herself as a baby. One of the many was of the three of them outside of Hogwarts, smiling and waving.

Bethany went over to her bed and sat down. It was then when she heard voices echo from the office below her.

"Now, Remus, are you sure about this? The Ministry will not be too happy."

"Minerva, you must understand what will happen if he is turned in to the Ministry. "

"Ah, yes, when was the last time the Ministry ever took our side."

"Mad-Eye, they have good reason to doubt us. What we are doing is plain and simple. We are allowing a prisoner to go free."

"Well, I think he has a better chance surviving in front of the Ministry than wandering free and waiting for the evil bastard to hunt him down. You know as well as I, Remus, no one can escape death if Voldemort wants you dead."

"Alastor has a point; he needs to be in hiding."

"Do not worry, Minerva. Someone has already stepped forward with an offer. You are now head councilwomen of the Order; we need you to direct the voting. All you have to do is say yes."

The voices stopped and silence was present. Bethany only heard the sounds of the silver instruments whirling down below. She began to panic, thinking they must have discovered someone was listening in on them somehow. Minutes passed of stillness until she heard Professor McGonagall speak.

"Albus had a reason to offer help to him before he died. I believe he saw some kind of good within him."

"Say no more, Minerva. I'm on my way to the roof. Alastor, are you coming?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, sorry, Remus, my mind was somewhere else. I'm coming."

"I'll inform the others it is time to leave Hogwarts. Molly has been eager to get her children home after the whole ordeal. Remus, please stay alert with the storm. It has been growing heavy rapidly, most unusual."

Bethany heard their footsteps exit the office and slowly die away. She waited a few minutes before descending from her room and slipping out of the office. As she walked through the halls abruptly, trying to find Harry, she could not help but have thoughts of Draco floating around in her mind and wonder whether or not it was him they were talking about.


"Come on, Hermione, you can't be mad at me forever," Ron said as he followed her around the corner of a corridor. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take Harry's side."

"So you don't mean to take Harry's all the time?

Ron sighed and finally reached for Hermione's arm and swung her around gently. He caught her waist and brought her close to him. Then, he kissed her gently on the lips and smiled. Ron stared into Hermione's eyes, hoping they would change from anger to forgiveness, but they didn't. That was when he realised kissing a girl does not make an argument disappear as it used to with Lavender. Ron felt Hermione push away from him with much force.

She stormed up the stairs to the portrait of the Fat Lady and turned to face Ron before entering the common room. "I can't believe you!" she said in a furious tone and then she stepped inside, slamming the portrait closed quite hard.

Ron chased after Hermione, miserably climbing the stairs. Once he reached the Fat Lady, he gave the password and waited for her to open.

"Men never seem to learn," she said, swinging outward, allowing Ron to enter.

Ron became irritated as he walked through the portrait hole, mumbling and cursing to himself. He did not seem to notice who was in the common room when he had gone in until he heard Harry.

"I see you and Hermione still didn't make up."

"And I see you and Ginny did," Ron said, spotting Ginny sitting in an armchair next to Harry. "Did you guys see −"

"She went up to her dormitory," Ginny answered before Ron was able to finish. "She did not seem happy at all."

"A bit of advice, Ron, the girl is always right," said Harry humorously.

Ron nodded slightly. "Oh, I almost forgot, Lupin was looking for you, Ginny. He asked me to tell you to meet him at the staircase near the entrance to the roof."

"Hmm, I better get going then," said Ginny, waving goodbye to Harry and Ron.

"I wonder what that is about."

"Who cares, Harry," Ron exclaimed. "I'm in a crisis here."

"Just tell her she was right and do it quick. I want to leave to you-know-where soon."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Ron replied dispassionately. "We'll get there, don't worry. And do you really think Hermione will be so stubborn and refuse to go just because she's angry at me?"

"Well ..."

"Never mind, forget I asked," Ron said, knowing what Harry would say to annoy him.

Right then, Ron heard an unfamiliar voice come up from behind him.


Ron turned around and spotted Bethany just entering through the portrait hole. "How did you get in here?"

"I came in when Ginny left," she pointed out in a soft, quiet voice.

Ron watched her scan the common room with her eyes. He knew she was looking for Harry and he had the urge to push her back out the portrait hole. It bothered him that Bethany and Harry were spending a lot more time together. Ron barely knew her and the fact that Harry didn't know her well either bothered him most. What does Harry see in her? Ron thought, suspicious that Bethany had more to her than what she is letting on.

"Maybe you should go talk to Hermione, Ron," Harry said, causing Ron to drop his thoughts about Bethany and turn to look at Harry.

"Oh ... yeah, I'm going ..."

Ron slowly climbed up the stairs to the girls' dormitory. He winded around the corner only slightly and came to a stop. He stood there silently, waiting for Harry to say something.

"So, are you ready to go?" Harry asked Bethany.

A burst of anger inflamed Ron's heart as he coiled his hand into a fist. How can Harry trust her to come with us?

"Yeah, there's just one more thing I have to do before we leave," Bethany answered.

"Okay, well, Ron and Hermione are coming too. Everyone else is going back to the Burrow, so we'll see them when we get there. Bethany, are you sure you're okay with coming? I know I asked you to, but you still don't have to go."

"Harry, I want to go and I'm just not saying it because I feel that you're forcing me to. I want to be there for you like you were for me when my grandfather died."

Ron finally heard enough. He had an impulse to sneak a peek at Harry and Bethany to see if they were hugging or having an "intimate" moment. It made him sick just to think of it, let alone see it. Ron decided for the sake of not being caught, he continued upstairs with his hand still tightened into a fist of anger.


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