Mistaken Love


Story Summary:
Hogwarts isn't reopening and Voldemort is back and more alive then ever. Sirius is gone and so is Dumbledore. Living through the heartbreak from Ginny and the pain from the deaths, Harry is left to find the Horcruxes with Ron and Hermione by his side. What happens when he meets a girl that has a surprising past which has a lot to do with Harry?

Chapter 01



Harry stood, watching the white tomb lower down into the ground. He grasped his hand tightly around the fake locket that rested in his hand. A tear trickled down his cheek and he continued to stare at the tomb that held the greatest man he ever knew.

The funeral was over and everyone started to head back into the castle, hoping they would be able to feel at home again. Dumbledore was gone and so was the spirit of Hogwarts. Saddened faces entered through the great oak doors and walked the hallways. All students were to return home the following day, a week earlier than expected. Certain circumstances caused parents to send owls to the new headmistress, Minerva McGonagall, complaining that Hogwarts was no longer safe without Dumbledore.

Harry remained behind and witnessed the final burial of the mentor he had now lost. Teachers did a sweeping motion with their wands and all the seats vanished from sight. The flowers that once rested at the side of the tomb were now neatly placed above the grave. It was all over and the feeling finally sunk into Harry. He was all alone and had no one else to help him through the toughest part of his life. Ron and Hermione were back in the Gryffindor common room, by the request of Harry. He needed time to himself; he needed time to grieve.

When Harry felt that he was completely alone, he walked over to Dumbledore's grave and sat on the grass beside the newly added mound of dirt. He carefully swept his hand over the soil and began to cry. Harry buried his face into his hands and hid his tears from the world around him.

Twenty minutes passed and Harry was laying on his back, staring into the sky. The sun was bright, which made his eyes water. Tears stopped falling and he wiped his eyes one last time. Harry only allowed grief to take over him for twenty minutes, no more, no less. He knew keeping his emotions in would allow the pain to swallow him whole. Lifting himself up by his arms, Harry stood and decided to head back to meet his two best friends, which are probably worried about him.

'He will only be gone from the school when none here are loyal to him,' this thought ran through Harry's head as he walked the halls of Hogwarts, his home. Harry made his way toward the moving staircases that would lead him to the Gryffindor common room. Still lost in his thoughts, he wasn't paying full attention to the things or people that surrounded him. Before he knew it, Harry ran into a girl, whom he knocked down.

"I'm so sorry," Harry apologized and offered his hand to help her up.

He noticed that she had puffy red eyes and tears streaming down her face. Harry didn't recognize her nor did he know who she was, but she looked incredibly beautiful. Her long brown hair was to her shoulders and covered her face purposely. Behind the forming tears, you were able to catch a glimpse of her dark, honey-brown eyes. She was around Harry's age and yet Harry had never seen her around Hogwarts before.

"It's okay," she replied, wiping the tears from her cheeks. She took his hand and was lifted onto her feet by Harry's strength.

"Do you go to Hogwarts?" Harry asked, curious to know why she was here.

"No, I don't," she said, not wanting to stick around to talk to Harry.

"Why are you here?" Harry tired not to be rude, but she was giving him a slight attitude.

"You know what, I should get going. I'll see you around, Harry."

By the time Harry was able to say another word she was out of sight. He wondered who she was and how she knew his name. It was common for strangers to know Harry's name, but she left an impression that made Harry follow her back out of Hogwarts.

'She couldn't have gone that far,' Harry thought as he wandered out to the grass area. Spotting her by Dumbledore's grave, Harry moved slowly toward her and glanced around to see if anyone could identify her. When he turned his attention back, she was gone. Harry spun around, scanning the lake and the grass fields, trying to see if she was anywhere close to the school. Apart from some students enjoying their last day at Hogwarts, Harry saw no one. She completely disappeared, which made no sense; apparating wasn't possible.

One place he didn't look was the forbidden forest. It was the only escape other than jumping into the lake. Harry made his way into the forest, glancing back at Hogwarts in hesitation. She was only a girl, but something about her was odd and he wanted to find out what.


"I wonder where Harry is," Ron said as he placed his cleansweep into his trunk.

"He should have been here by now," Hermione stood by the window, searching for Harry on the grounds of Hogwarts.

Ron was in the boys' dormitory packing at last minute with Hermione keeping him company. During the funeral, they were, of course, there for Harry, but they didn't seem to help much through his pain. Harry asked them to give him time alone after the funeral and they respected what he wanted. Hermione didn't want to leave Harry's side, though Ron knew it was for the best.

"Harry's probably taking a walk around the school, you know, to say good-bye," Ron assumed, denying the fact Harry might be missing.

"Maybe you're right, but Harry never left us hanging like this before." Hermione let out a sigh and continued, "I know we said we're going with him back to Godric's Hollow, but not returning to Hogwarts? Don't you think that's kind of... rash?"

"Hermione, it's Harry, he knows what he's doing. No one asked you to come with us."

"Ron! Don't be ridiculous, of course I'm coming! I'm just--"

"Scared?" Ron finished.

Hermione fell silent and turned her attention back out the window. 'Who wouldn't be scared if they were going to hunt down Voldemort? I'm with Harry and Ron and that's all that matters, then why am I so scared? It's not about Voldemort, it's something else, but what?' All these thoughts were flowing through her head as she stared into the pink and orange sky.

Taking the silence as a yes, Ron closed his trunk and went over to Hermione. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close.

"It's going to be okay," he whispered into her ear and kissed her softly on the cheek.

She pulled away from Ron. "Is it really? Everything is chaotic right now; with Harry, with Hogwarts, and with us. How is it going to be okay?"

"What's wrong with us?" Ron retorted, slightly confused.

After the whole incident with Lavender and him, Ron acknowledged that he always had feelings for Hermione. Although he was rude to her and acted as a jerk, he somehow developed an attachment to her.

"We aren't even together! You never told me how you felt about me nor did I to you. And now we're acting like we're a couple? It doesn't work this way, Ron."

"You want to know what I'm feeling? We were just in a near death situation when we were fighting those Death Eaters. I was so scared of losing you. I don't want to regret not telling..." Ron broke off, unsure of what to say.

"Tell me what?"

"I love you, Hermione. I always have," Ron moved closer to her, wanting to hold her in his arms.

Hermione stared into his eyes, letting his affections for her sink in. Ron has always been a good liar and she was always able to tell when he lied, but this time Hermione knew he wasn't. She couldn't let this happen, not here, not now.

"Ron, we can't be together. Harry needs both of us. Starting a relationship right now would be selfish and more dangerous than you know." Her voice sounded soft and sad, her heart was breaking from the confession she was holding in. She loves him too.

"I understand. I just don't want us to be too late. What if something happens to you? I won't be able to live without you." Ron turned away from Hermione and paced the room with his head down.

"You won't lose me, not ever." Hermione walked over to him and held his hand.

"I'll wait for you, Hermione. As long as it takes, after Voldemort is gone, we can be together."

Hermione smiled and fell into Ron's arms. Ron embraced her with his warmth and comfort, letting her know he will love her forever.


The sun was slowly setting above the dark forest as Harry ran faster through the trees. He still wasn't able to see her, but he sensed which way she went. Darkness was now taking over and soon enough the forest became black. Harry stopped running and took out his wand.

"Lumos," his wand tip lit up with a bright light. Breathing heavily, he looked over his surroundings to choose another way to go.

Four paths stood in front of Harry, all having no difference among each other. He looked hastily over the paths, trying to distinguish any movement up ahead. Once Harry had no luck, he took out his map and pointed the light toward it. Searching for anyone walking in the forest, he spotted a dot moving through the third path just ahead of him. Above the dot it showed a name floating upon it, Bethany Taylor.

'Bethany Taylor? Who the bloody hell is that?' These questions ran through Harry's head, thinking if he ever heard that name before, but nothing came to mind. His attention was back on the map and he watched to dot move further down the path. He ran his finger up the second path on the map and saw a connection to the third path. It was much shorter then the one this girl, Bethany, took, so he decided he would be able to catch up to her by taking it.


Bethany continued to travel down the path with a blind sight. She had no wand, meaning she had no light. Taking this journey more then once, Bethany basically memorized where she was going, so she had no worries of getting lost. What concerned her was if someone or something attacks her. Her wand disappeared after Harry ran into her, leading to the conclusion of it falling out when she was on the ground. Bethany noticed it was gone when it became dark and she wasn't able to find it for use.

'This is taking too long. I should have hit the end of the path by now,' Bethany thought. She figured out that she was on the wrong path when too much time passed by. Bethany began to retrace her steps as she turned back around. A rustle of leaves was heard at the right of her. She focused her eye sight toward the darkness that was making the noise. Taking a step forward, she felt someone grab her by the arm and push her up against a nearby tree.

Trying to scream as loud as she could, Bethany's mouth was covered. Her muffled sounds weren't as loud as she wanted them to be. Bethany struggled to release her arm from the grip of the person holding her, but it was too tight. She started to attempt another scream until the person holding her spoke.

"Be quiet!"

A boy's voice whispered through Bethany's ears. Bethany recognized him at once, it was Harry. She gave him a confused look and felt his hand on her mouth lowering.

"Let go of my--" Bethany fought against Harry's strength to get free, but failed.

"Shut up!" Harry hissed, not letting Bethany finish.

The sound of rustling leaves continued just a few feet away. Someone was there and was making their way toward Harry and Bethany.

Bethany felt Harry move closer to her, forcing his body to hers. His breaths were heavy and slow, she felt his chest rise and fall as he inhaled and exhaled. Harry's hand was still pinning her arm to the tree. She sensed him turning his head, trying to get a better sight of where the noise was coming from. Bethany stood still, not wanting to get spotted.

Footsteps were coming nearer and her heart started beating faster. Bethany grasped her free hand onto his muscular shoulder. Harry's grip on her other arm began to loosen. She stared into Harry's eyes and lifted her arm to his chest, pulling him closer to her.

Two men burst through the shadowed bushes and paused in front of the tree Harry and Bethany were behind.

"I told you, Crabbe, no one's here. Are you sure the Dark Lord said this specific place?" one of the men spoke in a deep voice, muffled by a mask over his face; no doubt the mask of a Death Eater.

"Positive, he ordered for us to follow the second path up ahead until we hit this opening," the other man replied. "He could have mentioned the third path..."

"You idiot," Goyle hit Crabbe upside his head. "Is it the third or second path?"

"I don't remember!" Crabbe retorted angrily.

"If we get punished for this, I swear I'll kill you." Goyle stalked down another path and Crabbe followed miserably.

Harry pushed himself away from Bethany and started toward the opening.

"Harry, wait!" Bethany said, grabbing his arm. "They might still be around."

"I don't think so, if they are as dense as the Crabbe and Goyle I know, they would be gone." Harry jerked his arm away from Bethany and walked into the opening surrounded by trees.

"You know who they are, right?" Bethany asked, coming up into the opening after Harry.

"Death Eaters. Why would they be here?"

"How on Earth would I know? You're the famous Harry Potter, why don't you figure it out."

Bethany noticed that Harry wasn't paying attention to what she was saying. Instead, he was staring at her at her very oddly, in a creepy way.

"Why did you come in the forest alone?" Harry asked in suspicion.

"Funny, I was about to ask you the same question," Bethany answered coldly.

"Were you here to meet them?" Harry motioned to the path Crabbe and Goyle disappeared into.

"Are you seriously asking if I'm a Death Eater?"

"Maybe I am, Bethany," Harry replied. Bethany saw that he was gripping his wand rather tightly.

"How you know my name?" Bethany shot at Harry.

"Answer my question," he demanded, ignoring Bethany's question.

"If I was a Death Eater, which I'm not, wouldn't I have done something to you when you knocked me over at Hogwarts?"

"Exactly, we were at Hogwarts. That's why you didn't do anything."

'He really is paranoid,' Bethany thought, glaring at Harry in shock.

"I don't have to take this from you, I'm leaving." Bethany turned her back toward Harry and began to walk away.

Harry caught her left arm and pulled her to him. He lifted up her sleeve and saw it was bare.

"Are you happy now? Sorry if I couldn't be a Death Eater for you to capture and bring in to the Ministry. I guess you just have to find your glory somewhere else." Bethany forced her arm away from Harry's grasp and shoved him away from her. "Why are you always looking for something to fight?"

Harry felt embarrassed. Never once was he wrong about accusing someone of being evil or full of Dark Magic. Maybe it was the whole thing about trusting Snape and witnessing him kill Dumbledore in front of his own eyes.

"I'm sorry," Harry aggrieved. "I haven't been myself lately. After the death of―"

"I don't need to hear you're life story," Bethany interrupted. "Just pretend you didn't see me and we never met, okay?" Bethany walked off into the darkness, leaving Harry behind.
