Harry Potter
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Quidditch Through the Ages
Published: 05/03/2007
Updated: 05/03/2007
Words: 656
Chapters: 1
Hits: 266

Watch It

mushroom fiend

Story Summary:
In baseball you need to keep your eye on the ball. In quidditch you have to keep your eye on the bludger. When trying to watch the snitch this proves almost impossible. Thats why a good beater knows when to tell you to Watch It!

Chapter 01


Watch It

Harry was the seeker. One of Gryffindor's most important positions, as the seeker was the only one who would be able to end the game. When the snitch was caught that earned the seeker's team one hundred and fifty points. Whichever team got the snitch they almost always won the game. And right now Harry's chief job was to stop Malfoy from catching that evasive golden ball. It was no bigger than a walnut and painfully hard to find on days that didn't have a lot of sun to cause a glint on the metallic surface.

He pulled his broom up so he was up just a couple feet higher and those few feet were all he needed to get a better view of the pitch. Slowly he turned his broom around to scan all sides and noticing Draco Malfoy doing the same. Harry and Draco locked eyes and a sneer graced Draco's features.

'You know. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he looked in the mirror one morning and found his face frozen like that.' Harry thought with a chuckle continuing his surveying of the pitch. 'I can just imagine the Quibbler issue that would follow Luna finding out about it. She'd probably work with Colin Creevey to get pictures for her dad.' Another chuckle as this thought entered his head unbidden. He shook his head this wasn't the time to be thinking about Luna and Colin running around the school as an interviewing team capturing harmless student's expressions as she asked them incredibly stupid questions. Harry needed to be alert for the snitch or bludgers that might try and attack him.

He made his sweep back around and watched as a bludger passed through the spot where Draco Malfoy's head was seconds ago. Draco leveled his broom back with Harry's smirking at the green-eyed boy. Harry looked around for teachers watching him and then gave Draco the bird before moving to a different spot.

Fred and George Weasley were knocking a bludger back and forth between themselves and the Slytherin Beaters. Each team sending it back with as much force as they could muster. Occasionally catching a random Chaser in the middle. Sometimes Gryffindor and sometimes Slytherin. The continuous chant of 'Go Go Gryffindor' was only interrupted when one of Gryffindor's Chasers scored a goal. Then there would be a loud cheer breaking into the chanting for several seconds. A particularly hard hit sent the Bludger whizzing past Fred and George, the latter of which gave chase. George sped after the violent ball slowly closing the distance.

The Slytherin Beater that had hit the ball, however, wound up getting a startling surprise. He was so busy laughing at the Weasley twins that he failed to notice the bludger that was headed towards him. It struck a glancing blow on his shoulder sending him head over heels on the broomstick while suspended in mid-air. The Gryffindors in the stands started cheering and laughing at the sight. He slowly stopped spinning and was starting to look a little green by the time he stopped.

George was in front of the bludger and in position to hit it off upwards and towards the rest of the game. Just as he hit it Harry saw the snitch and started off after it. It also brought him right in the path of the bludger. He wasn't paying attention to this though. His only thought was to get the snitch. And that was what he was planning to do. Fred saw the bludger head into a crash course with their seeker and yelled out.

"Harry! Watch it!" Harry looked up as his fingers closed around the cold metal ball and instantly pulled into a barrel roll as the bludger passed right where his chest had been only seconds before. Almost instantaneously his teammates surrounded him as they flew towards the ground. Cheering the only sound filling their ears.