What I Never Knew

Miss Jennalee Aradia

Story Summary:
Hermione is her normal worrying self. She worries about Harry as he has shut down to everything around him. What will stop Hermione from crying every night? What will save her from the stress?

What I Never Knew 02

Chapter Summary:
In this chapter Harry says something, Ron is an idiot and I lied about the Lavender being revealed. Most sorry.

The days passed by quickly as Hermione took on even more responsibilities. She tried her best in everything, excelling in school work as always and now taking to sitting with Harry as he stared into the fireplace. Ron would switch off shifts, when Harry went up to bed, so did Ron. Hermione even managed a bit of Harry's homework, she didn't want him slacking. But it was to be expected at least some. It was another night in the common room that Hermione sat staring at Harry. He didn't blink, he didn't move, he just stared at the flames whipping about in the fireplace. Hermione watched him for several moments before she reached out at touched him. She immediately regretted it; for Harry jumped like he had been touched with a hot iron. Harry looked at her for a moment and Hermione's stomach plummeted when she looked into his eyes. They looked cold and alone.....almost vacant of anything Harry. Her eyebrows connected in confusion and Harry quickly got up and left for the dormitory. Ron leapt up after him, touching Hermione's shoulder lightly as he went.

What could make Harry look like that? It didn't seem like what someone would look like while mourning. He seemed far, far away not at all himself. Ron reentered the room and walked over to Hermione.

"He yelled at me." Ron sighed slumping down next to Hermione.

"He spoke?" Hermione was surprised and even slightly happy. Harry spoke..... After many months of saying mostly nothing....Harry spoke. "What did he say?"

"His voice was gruff but....he screamed at me to 'Go away.' I just left without saying anything." Hermione hit Ron hard.

"You should have fought with him!! Anything to get him to speak, even if he screamed....at least its some sort of emotion." Hermione sighed, it was useless and getting mad at Ron wouldn't change that. She leaned her head back against the couch and closed her eyes. "He hasn't said anything at all to you has he? Not a thing...."

Ron smiled weakly but Hermione knew the truth. Harry hadn't spoke at all. Not to Ron, not to Hermione, not to anyone. Hermione was getting so fed up with Harry she could run up the stairs and shake him. But her better judgment said to wait it out....just a little bit more.

"I'm going to bed. Go back up with Harry....." Ron started to say something. "I don't care what he says just get up there and stay with him, he shouldn't be left alone. I'm going to study a bit more."

Ron got up and left. Hermione sat still, not opening a book. The common room had no one else in it but her. Hermione looked around, it was so silent.....too silent.

"Harry?" Hermione asked the silence. "I know your there."

The sound of a cloak swishing made had Hermione up in a flash, she turned and caught something in midair and pulled. A silvery, slippery cloak was in her hands and in front of her was a very surprised Harry. Harry's hair was tousled with static. Hermione let the cloak slip from her hand as she rushed to hug him but Harry stepped away from her. He looked afraid and as if he was broken. Hermione sighed, what could she do?

"Go if you must....but don't do anything rash. I don't want to wake up to you gone.....I wouldn't be able to handle that after everything.....after all of this...." Hermione was surprised to find her voice steady and tear free. Harry looked at her, blinked a few times and sat down at an armchair. Hermione was a bit stunned but sat down opposite him. She picked up a book and continued to read, stealing glances at Harry every few moments. He continued to look at the fire without saying a word. They stayed like that until three the next morning, Harry never moved and Hermione felt as though she'd pass out if she didn't get some sleep but she wouldn't give up.

"Is Ginny alright?" Hermione jumped about a mile as she heard Harry speak. She looked over to him amazed. He hadn't spoke all year and now he was asking about Ginny. Hermione proceeded with caution.

"I believe she is....she misses you Harry. She wants to be around you but she knows your wishes and she respects them. And she really wants to help you. Ginny hasn't been with anyone else since you...." Hermione peered into Harry's eyes and the pain in them seemed to lessen some. Harry suddenly got up, took his cloak and dashed up the boys stairs. Hermione sighed and got up, dimming the lights. Her bed was calling.....

Author notes: Well.....I will be writing more very soon. I promise. The chapters have become a little shorter but I will be editing the ones I have on my computer to make them longer.