Astronomy Tower
Cho Chang
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 07/10/2002
Updated: 08/12/2002
Words: 2,263
Chapters: 2
Hits: 3,717

Quidditch Rendevouz


Story Summary:
She couldn't fall asleep. It was 3 o'clock in the morning...she decided to go for a fly. Little did she know that she wasn't the only one with that problem. Romance...a bit of humor...probably a lot of fluff... come read it and find out what happens.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
So...Cho and Oliver are going to Hogsmeade? What trouble can ensue? Where did Jennifer disappear to? Read on!
Author's Note:
Thanx to all my reviewers in the first chapter. You're support encourgaed me to go on with this rare ship. :D Thanx to Mione Granger, Charisse Jade Ling, AJC, hotpepper567, kathena, jhlseaz, Sáre, oliverwoodluver,Sugar Quill, Liz R., and LilAeroAngel909. Thanks all of you!

            The next day, Cho woke up surprisingly refreshed.  After all, she had only gotten, at most, four hours of sleep.  Since it was Saturday, she didn´t have any classes or Quidditch practice so, basically, Saturdays were her "free days."  Cho tied her shiny black hair up in a ponytail and changed into a pair of jean and a royal blue t-shirt.

            Cho made her way down the spiral staircase into the Ravenclaw common room.  Seeing that no one was there, she figured that everyone must have gone to the Great Hall.  As she headed to the Great Hall for breakfast, she ran into Hermione.

            "Hey, Hermione.  Good morning," Cho said. 

            "Good morning, Cho.  How are you?  When are you going to be taking your final NEWTS?"  Hermione said, looking around.

            "It´s mostly all right.  My NEWTS? In a couple of weeks, but I´ve been preparing for three months so I should be fine."

            "I know what you mean.  I finished studying for my final exams two weeks ago.  Too bad we can´t say the same for Harry and Ron," Hermione added with a chuckle.  She craned her neck to look past Cho.

            "Looking for Harry?" Cho asked, smiling.

            "Yeah," Hermione answered.

            "Well, knowing that Harry is a guy, I´ll bet that he´s probably already in the Great Hall eating."

            "Probably," Hermione said, walking towards the Great Hall. "Are you heading in, too?" Cho nodded and they both made their way into the Great Hall.

            "Have you heard that Oliver Wood is back for a visit?" Cho asked as Hermione sat down next to Harry, who was stuffing scrambled eggs into his mouth.

            "Oh really?" Hermione asked.  "No, I didn´t.  So I´m guessing that it´s not a Quidditch thing or else Harry would have known about it." Hermione nudged Harry in his side.

            "What?" he asked, swallowing quickly.

            "Aren´t you going to say `good morning´ or something?" Hermione scolded.

            "No, not really," Harry said, pretending not to care.  Hermione raised her hand to hit him, but he raised his hand and caught her wrist without looking up and turned to kiss her in one swift motion.  Ron looked up at Cho and rolled his eyes.  She laughed.

            "I´ll see you in the library on Monday," Cho said.  Hermione just waved at her without looking up because her forehead was pressed up against Harry´s.

            Cho walked over the Ravenclaw table and sat down.  She scanned the Hall as she took a sip of her orange juice.  Her eyes fell upon Oliver.  He was sitting next to Madam Hooch and they appeared to be in deep conversation, probably about Quidditch.  Cho nudged her friend and teammate Jennifer Ling.  Jennifer straightened her glasses and looked up from the Daily Prophet

            "Hey, why are you so late?" she asked.

            "I didn´t sleep too much last night," Cho answered.

            "What were you doing?" Jennifer asked.

            "Did you know Oliver Wood came back?"

            "THE Oliver Wood? How did you know?" Jennifer asked, almost chocking on her glass of pumpkin juice.

            "I couldn´t sleep last night, so I went for a fly.  I sat down by the lake and he walked into the little grassy hill I was at."

            "Just like that? What did you do?" Jennifer asked, completely forgetting how hungry she was.

            "Well, at first, I couldn´t recognize him.  It has been four year since I´ve seen him, after all. Plus, I never really was a close acquaintance or anything."

            "What did you do?" Jennifer asked again.

            "Nothing, we just talked," Cho answered taking the forgotten copy of the Daily Prophet.

            "So what is he doing here?  Is it a Quidditch thing?" Jennifer asked.

            "I asked him.  He said that he was just back for a visit," Cho replied.

            "So there weren´t any sparks? Is he single?"

            "He is single...what are you talking about with the sparks?"

            "I mean you have to be attracted to him.  He´s Oliver Wood!" Jennifer exclaimed.

            "I don´t think you know what you´re talking about, Jen," Cho said.  "He did fly me back to my room, although I don´t think that you should get all worked up about that."

            "Ooooo... he likes you," Jennifer said dreamily.

            "You´re boy-crazy, you know that?"

            "Probably, hey, where did he go?"  Cho and Jennifer looked at where Oliver was before and his seat was empty.

            "Oh well, I´m sure we´ll see him around," Jennifer said, finally snapping out of her daydreaming state.

            After breakfast, Jennifer disappeared.  Cho decided to go to the library to catch up on some quiet time and work on Quidditch plays.  She smiled at Madam Pince as she silently entered the library.  Cho went to the Quidditch section and pulled out some of her favorites.

            She flipped through some pages as she was walking to her usual table tucked away in a quiet corner of the library.  When she got there, she noticed there were books, quills, and parchment strewn out on half of the table.  For a split second, she thought it might have been Hermione but she knew that Hermione could not possibly be so unorganized.  She put down her bag and books on the empty side of the table and sat down.  She continued flipping through pages until she heard footsteps.

            "You again," the voice said.

            " And YOU again," Cho said, turning around.  Oliver smiled and put a book on the existing stack.  "Why is it that you always invade in my private hideaways?"

            "I don´t know.  Have you ever thought they were MY private hideaways first?  But I can leave if you want," Oliver said, beginning to stand up.

            "Oh I was just kidding," Cho said. 

            "Me too, Oliver said, as he scooted his chair in.  "Besides, I was here first."

"Were you serious about the `your hideaways first´ thing?" Cho asked.

"Wouldn´t you like to know?" Oliver joked.

"What are you doing inside on a day like this?" Cho asked, pointing to the window.

"I´m thinking of Quidditch plays," he replied, showing her his parchments.

"I could ask the same of you."

"Well, I was supposed to go to Hogsmeade with my friend Jennifer, but she disappeared after breakfast, so I came here to strategize too."

"I see."

Oliver and Cho flipped through books and scratched away on parchment with X´s, O´s and squiggles and arrows.  Oliver finally let out a frustrated sigh and balled up a piece f parchment Cho was still writing so he thought it would be amusing to throw the parchment ball at her.

"Hey!" Cho exclaimed.  "What was that for?"

"I don´t know.  Have you gotten anywhere on you plays?" Oliver asked.

"No, none of them seem to work."

"You too, eh?"

Cho closed her book and tossed her quill on the table.

"It´s still pretty early," Oliver said, looking out the window.  "Do you want to go to Hogsmeade?"

"Sure.  That sounds like fun.  Besides, for once in my life, I want to get my mind off of Quidditch."  Oliver just laughed and they both packed up their things and put the books back on the shelves.

"I have to put my things away.  Meet me in the Great Hall?" Cho asked.

"I have to put my stuff down, too.  That sounds like a good plan."

"Okay, I´ll see you later."

They parted ways and Cho made her way towards Ravenclaw Tower.