Harry Potter
Humor Parody
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/13/2005
Updated: 09/13/2005
Words: 866
Chapters: 1
Hits: 176

The Kingdom of the Bored, the One-eyed Man is Bored.


Story Summary:
Well now, it's been a while, but the parody kings of fanfic are back, with another random fic of pointlessness. From the team that brought you 'You Asked for It', 'Okay It Had to Be Done', and that sandwich you had the other day, be sure to check out this exciting fun-filled piece of excellently written work, coming to a monitor near you. Especially if you can read French.

Chapter Summary:
New Version! Included: Dumbledore! Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy! Even better writing skills! Comprehension! The parody kings of fanfic are back, with another random fic of pointlessness. From the team that brought you 'You asked for it', 'Ok it had to be done', and that sandwich you had the other day, be sure to check out this exciting fun-filled piece of excellently written work, coming to a monitor near you. Especially if you can read French.
Author's Note:
This is a better version of the piece that I recently wrote, which was amazingly similar to this one, but even better. Stuff taken/borrowed/influenced from: Kill Bill, Black Books, Big Brother 5 (Australia), Dylan Moran, Pink Panther, Weakest Link, Doctor Who, Alice in Wonderland, Eddie Izzard, Bill Bailey. If anyone spots anything taken from somewhere, tell me and I'll add it.

Bored: I'm bored.

Ron: No you aren't. You're Harry.

Harry: True.

Ron: What a lovely day it is here in the Hogwarts Great Hall.

Hermione: What's so great about it?

Ron: Oh Hermione, ever since you finished that relationship with your wand, things haven't been the same for you have they?

Hermione: How did you know about that?

Ron: Your walls aren't exactly sound-proof.

Harry: The thickness of the walls didn't bother me.

Hermione: Huh?

Harry: I transfigured myself into your wand.

Hermione: Eww...

Ron: And I transfigured myself into your...

Harry: Anyway, I'm bored.

Hermione: You could do your homework.

Ron: Practise for Quidditch.

Hermione: Tidy your room.

Ron: Wallpaper the roof.

Hermione: Play on your musical sponges.

Ron: Laminate your giraffe-shaped quill.

Hermione: Give Ron a full-body rubdown.

Ron: Wear Hermione's corset for a day.

Hermione: Go after Voldemort.

Ron: Don't say stupid things. Life's too short.

Hermione: But...

Harry: Speaking of going after Voldemort, who feels like having a mint?

Hermione & Ron: Ok.

All three take one.

Harry: Ha ha ha! I put a love potion in 90 of these hundred mints! Nyah ha ha! These mints will cause havoc around school.

Hermione: Didn't you eat one as well?

Harry: Just to confuse you!

Hermione: How do you know which ones are which?

Harry: Um.


Hermione: You want a mint?

Hotdog Guy: Sure.

Hermione kisses Hotdog-y guy, giving him the mint.

Hot-dog Vendor: These Hotdogs... they sparkle like your eyes.

Quentin Tarantino: Perfect! Now, Harry, gouge out his eyes!

Uma Thurman: Harry! Marry me!

Harry: Oh Quentin! Marry me!

Quentin: Ron!

Ron: Hermione!

Hermione: Malfoy!

Malfoy: Harry! Ginny! Pansy! Hermione! Ron! Crabbe! Goyle! Gollum! David Brent! Mongolia! Mr Spoon! Twitter! Memeheremfiggle...

Can-Can girls: Now for something completely different! A deleted scene from POA!

Chorus girls can-can off.

Clouseau!Committee Member: Hagrid, does your Hippogriff attack?

Hagrid: No, my Hippogriff does not attack.

Attack of the Hippogriff on the Committee member.

Committee Member: I thought you said your Hippogriff did not attack.

Hagrid: That is not my Hippogriff.

In a very-much-making sense way of things, we find ourselves in a deleted scene from HBP. With subtitles and author's commentary.

Anne Robinson!Voldemort: Malfoy, what is the correct spelling of Inaccurate?

Anne Robinson! Voldemort: Malfoy, comment orthographiez-vous imprécis?

Malfoy: Umm, I-N-A-C-C-U-R-A-T?

Malfoy: Erm, I-M-P-R-E-C-I-S?

Voldemort: Incorrect, there is an 'e' on the end.

Voldemort: Incorrect, il y a un accent aigu sur le 'E' '

Author: This scene actually took thrity-seven retakes because Malfoy kept getting the right answer. Then a dog started barking in the background, and we had to get it to play the floor during the Doctor Who bit.

Voldemort: Wormtail,

Voldemort: La queue du ver,

Wormtail: Bank!

Wormtail: Banque!

Voldemort: Who played Jack the Ripper in 'Alice in Wonderland'?

Voldemort: Me daterez-vous si je parle 'Jack le ripper' dans voir 'Alice au pays des merveilles'?

Wormtail: Denzel Washington?

Wormtail: Placez vos visages à Keanu Reeves?

Author: Very tricking bowling there from the green team.

Voldemort: Correct!

Voldemort: Être ou ne pas être, pour I a laissé mon coeur à San Francisco, le capital de partie de l'Antarctique. Les ours blancs sont verts. Si vous pouvez lire ceci, obtenez une vie.

Some time later.

Voldemort: R.A.B., you are the weakest link. Avada Kedavra!

R.A.B: Argle argle argle...


Snape: I hate you Dumbledore! Avada Kedavra!

Cedric: Argle argle argle...

Snape: Damn! Missed the bugger.

Dumbledore: Snape, if you swear, Voldemort will strike you down for Death Eater Blasphemy!

Snape: Shut up Dumbledore! Avada Kedavra!

Father Ted: Argle argle argle y'eejit.

Snape: Damn! Missed the bugger!

Dumbledore: Snape, if you swear again, Voldemort will strike you down for Death Eater Blasphemy!


A green flash of light fills the room.

Guide!Author: At this point, the Universe splits into two alternate realities, one with all the punchlines, one without any. Let's look at the latter first:

UNIVERSE 1: No punchlines

The flash hits Snape.

Dumbledore: Nice shot! 3 points to the dark evil snake lover!

James Morrison: I have nothing to do with this.

Meanwhile, in Hermione's Room; the one she has all to herself because she's prefect...

Hermione: Ron! What are you doing?

Ron: I'm tied up naked in your closet! Don't you remember?

Hermione: Oh yeah... he he he.

Ron: Care for a Blood Cookie?

Hermione: I'll ask Harry.

Hermione opens bedside drawer. Cartwoman explodes out of drawer.

Cartwoman: I am Catwoman! Hear me roar! Roar!

Harry surreptitiously congregates out of the serendipitous drawer.

Harry: Well that's that taken of. Anyone care to carve milk blocks? I like chip shops. Ship Shops. Chop SHIPs.

Butcher: Steak! I love you!

Steven Segal: Karate move which involves a slashing movement of an arm! I love you!

Dyslexic: I'm personally against relationships with Pyramids.

Harry: KKCCKKHH! Come in! KKCCKKHH! Alpha Charlie Foxtrot! Kwadanga danga! Nine please, Carol. The Mukwa. The pheasant has no agenda. Fetch the love dust of the Hoopy-Hoopy lobster-pen.

Harry Beatboxes some more.

Hermione: Let's all have a mint.

This is done.

All: I Love you!


Universe 2: Punchlines aplenty!

It hits Dumbledore.

Voldemort: Damn! Missed the bugger!


Author notes: Author notes: Move your eyes upwards. There is the review thread. Click it. Who knows what might happen?
I don't.
Neither does he ----->