Astronomy Tower
Severus Snape
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 06/05/2003
Updated: 01/15/2004
Words: 37,355
Chapters: 18
Hits: 5,936

A Life Half Lived


Story Summary:
This is the second book in the trilogy about the de Lisle sisters (the first is "Once in a Blue Moon"). Here we meet Morgan Winter, the youngest sister, and an Auror.````Morgan knows that in her line of work she will have to do things that she dislikes, but never would have guessed that one of them would be to pose as the lover of Severus Snape. And neither of them expected that they would have so much in common - or their reaction to each other.````Both of these people have deep scars on their souls, and live their lives in fear of the past.````They have to learn how to trust each other, and trust that loving doesn't mean pain.

Chapter 16

Chapter Summary:
Morgan chats with Molly Weasley about Ginny. Snape and Morgan finallly have their meeting with Hawden, and spend some time "fumigating" her apartment.


Morgan was exhausted by the time Friday afternoon came. She was, however, satisfied with her actions that week.

Ginny Weasley had made a good start, although Morgan had not enjoyed the discussion she had with Molly Weasley.

Molly was disinclined to like her to start with, after all, she and Bill had a most enjoyable fling and Molly had never believed that their breakup had been mutually agreed upon. Molly persisted in believing that Morgan was a man-eater who had ruined her oldest son.

"So now you want my daughter too?" she asked bitterly.

"No. The school wants her."

Molly snorted. "School my foot. You just want her for use by those Slytherin boys you favour."

"Molly, grow up! If you can't recognize a Royal then you're blind. Ginny is so obviously a Royal that it was hard not to notice her. You know like calls to like. You know a Queen will always recognize another of her own house.

"And Ginny was noticed not only by Narcissa and I, but also by Lucius and Severus," Morgan held up her hands as Molly opened her mouth again. "I know what you think of them, but you have to admit they are both powerful wizards. I've seen your reaction to them. I know you have a lion tattoo somewhere. Why won't you admit that Ginny has merely inherited what you are?"

"Because she's Gryffindor not Slytherin."

"She's both. And it's the Slytherin that needs her, not Gryffindor. Molly, Ginny has the ability to be a very powerful witch. I already want her to apprentice as an Auror when she leaves school. But she can do equally valuable work whilst still at school.

"She could be one of the people who makes a difference in this war. But only if she's prepared and trained. Ginny is willing. I am willing to train her, and she will always have Severus watching over her. Nothing at all will happen to her."

"What about Harry?"

"What about Harry? Ginny knows that nothing is stopping her loving him, having him as her consort or whatever she wants."

"But she'll be a Slytherin."

"No. She's still in Gryffindor. What she is, is the Queen Slyth. You know that a Royal doesn't get to choose their house."

"Usually they come from that house though."

"True. But I can think of a dozen examples through history where that hasn't happened. And all happened in a time of crisis. Like now."

"You have to promise she won't get hurt."

"Severus and I will do our best. And don't forget - she'll have Harry and Draco supporting her. Not to mention that once she is known as Queen Slyth there won't be a Slytherin male who will not be there to protect her."

Molly suddenly grinned. "What's it like having all that protection?" she asked. "I was only part of the court, never a Queen."

Morgan looked chagrined. "Confining. And it's worse when you have a male emotionally attached. During last weekend every time I even felt the least bit distressed about anything, I had Severus wanting to know what was the matter."

Molly shook her head. "That's love," she said, "you'll have to get used to that."

"Still the same. You can't turn around without there being a male there."

"That can be useful."

"Not when they gang up on you it's not."

"Oh well. Being a Queen has its little problems."

"Shut up Molly."

Her other work had also been satisfying. It had been some time since she had gone on a raid, and she had truly enjoyed this one.

A whole Cell of DeathEaters taken.

She had been careful to keep the hood of her robes up - this was not the time to be revealed - but had not been happy about having to wear robes in the first place.

That dammed 400-year-old act had to be repealed. It was time for Wizard and Muggle to co-exist.

Severus had arrived on Friday afternoon and she was surprised at the joy they had both felt at being together again.

She had missed him by her side when she was working.

For his part, he was struck each time he saw her at how this woman had taken hold of his heart.

The week had been full for him. Ginny Weasley had started exerting her influence over the Slytherin students immediately, surprising both them and her with the extent of that influence.

Snape had been amused, and had, in an unobtrusive way, helped her on her way. It had taken some explaining to Dumbledore, but both he and McGonagall had realized finally and were also assisting.

And he had finally admitted to himself that he loved Morgan Winter. Loved her in a way that frightened him. It wasn't lust, nor was it the reaction of a Slytherin male to his Queen.

He loved the person that Morgan was. Missed her presence in his daily life. Missed her sleeping next to him - even though they had only spent one night together, it had felt so natural for her to be there.

He knew that this past week had been a nightmare for his students and colleagues. Without her, his temper had been on edge and he had been more harsh than usual.

Remus Lupin had been openly amused and suggested he go into Hogsmeade and telephone Morgan for a chat, explaining that it helped him when he missed Pilar.

Snape had ignored the suggestion at the time, not yet ready to admit his feelings for the darling girl.

And then he caught himself at it again. Thinking of her in his mind as his darling girl. Recalling every action, taste and smell of her. Reveling in the memory of how his name sounded on her lips.

And he was terrified that something would happen to his love. That the darkness inside of him would taint it and make it rotten.

Like all the good things that he had corrupted in his life.

As for Morgan, she only knew she missed him terribly. The week apart had been hard, and she found herself counting the days until his arrival.

She knew she loved him, but worried what his reaction would be when he found out the whole truth about her.

Fearful that he would truly be disgusted when he found that she was the assassin known as Nox.

Their meeting with Hawden was at nine in his office, and regretfully Severus and Morgan confined their reunion to a major snuggling session, rather than the sex they both craved.

Tonight, the sexual tension between them would be an asset, heightening their senses. In the meantime, however, they had to steel themselves for tension of a much less pleasant sort.

Precisely at nine they were admitted. Hawden was all business, although in his eyes was still the lust that disturbed them both.

"I have a proposition for you, Professor Snape," he said, coming straight to the point.

"Go on."

"You are, no doubt, aware of certain changes coming?"


"Well, I am in a position to see that these changes benefit..." Hawden paused, to favor Snape with a thin-lipped smile. "Certain persons." He moved his hand to lightly touch his left forearm.

'Hawden, I am well aware who you mean," and Snape took off his jacket and rolled up his shirtsleeve, revealing the dark mark on his forearm.

Much to the discomfiture of both Snape and Morgan, Hawden did the same. "Glad to see we understand each other. You are acknowledged as the best Potions Master in the world at this time."

Morgan glowed with pride despite knowing Hawden's true intentions. Any compliment to Severus made her glad.

"I have certain Potions that I need brewed. Potions that only a Master can make. Potions that are worth a great deal of money."

"I see," said Snape slowly. "Just what sort of deal are you proposing?"

"You'll find I can be rather charitable. For brewing the potions I see no reason you shouldn't get as much as 50% of the sales."

"And what of the price of ingredients? Just what potions are these?"

Hawden held out a sheet of paper, a list of potions written on it. "The expenses would naturally come out of your portion of the sales."

Snape looked down the list and handed it to Morgan, who tucked it away in her handbag. "I think not," he snarled. "The ingredients required are expensive. 50% of sales is hardly sufficient."

Hawden's face remained impassive and Snape calmed himself, his voice reverting to its usual silky tones. "Expenses have to come off the top of the sales. I am sure you would have factored in a cost price before you set your selling price."

"Your portion would have to decrease."

"No, Hawden," said Snape, his voice at it's most menacing. "You need my help. I don't need yours. As you said, you need a Potions Master for these. And I happen to be the only one who can make all of them."


Morgan spoke then. "60 for whom and 40 for whom?"

"60 for me and 40 for you," Hawden's voice took on a dangerous tone, "I have to cover costs. "

"For you to want those potions made, then you must have a market," pointed out Morgan, "and if you are the only supplier, then you can set whatever price you want and get it," her own face took on a closed look, her voice becoming soft and almost as silky as Snape's. "After all, those particular potions are completely illegal under Wizarding laws and are highly addictive to both Wizards and Muggles they are. I'm sure your clientele consists of both - and given the difficulty in obtaining these potions, I am sure your clientele has the money to pay whatever you ask."

Snape broke in at this point. "Indeed, given the risks I am taking, I'm not sure that the original deal of 50% is enough. After all, if I get caught making them, I'm the one who will go to Azkaban."

Hawden's face betrayed a grudging respect. Snape and Morgan had evidently not been the pushover he was hoping for. "Very well," he said grudgingly, narrowing his eyes. "50/50. Expenses come off the top. When can you have the first batch made up?"

Snape rose, holding out his hand for Morgan's. "I'll be in touch," he said. "By the way, Hawden, I was not impressed with your propositioning Morgan. Keep away from her. I don't share my property with anyone."

Hawden scowled. "I'll remember that."

Snape laughed unpleasantly. "Of course, when I've finished with her, it's another matter."

Hawden raised his eyes speculatively and smiled. This man was probably more evil than he had originally been informed. "I'll remember that, too."

The meeting had gone better than Snape had expected, although he privately suspected that Hawden would find a way to renege on his part of the deal. A more pressing concern, however, was Morgan's reaction to his final exchange with Hawden.

Snape dragged her out of the building; he could feel her fury and knew that there would be an unpleasant explosion shortly unless he could defuse her. "Not here," he hissed. "Wait until we get back to your place."

They arrived home and she opened her mouth, only to be stopped by his kiss. Despite everything, she reveled in it, and was startled when she felt his mouth on her ear, especially since no kiss was involved in it.

"You've had visitors while we were out," he said softly, nuzzling her neck.

Morgan stiffened. She should have noticed herself, but had allowed her anger at him to cloud everything else. She knew that this had been a bad move. She knew that entering into a relationship with Snape when they were on the mission had been dangerous.

Now she had to work around that and try to rescue the situation, she did admit that he was not so much of an amateur as she had thought. But how had he known? She twined her arm around his neck, and moved her mouth to his jaw line. "How did you know?"

"The "Times" is missing," he whispered.


He kissed her again and moved them over to the couch, sinking down with her in his arms, seeming to be just about to take their loving further.

Nothing was further from his mind at that time, no matter how much he enjoyed kissing Morgan. Morgan knew it too, and felt her frustration growing. Damn the man for making her feel like this.

"While you were getting dressed I was doing the crossword in the Times and left it here. It's gone."

He lifted his head and spoke aloud. "Make a cup of coffee, Morgan."

She pouted, but decided to play along. "Don't want coffee."

"I do. Make it." His voice was hard, unyielding. Morgan looked at him covertly. He looked completely different to the Severus she knew. His face was as hard as his voice, and she remembered that hardness. Knew the terror he could cause.

There was definitely something more than the pampered Professor she had originally thought him.

She didn't like the tone of his voice, but the excuse of making coffee would give them both an opportunity to check the apartment.

Morgan found the first bug, her experience leading her right to it. She was grim. It was both video and audio. She was impressed with his instincts and observation. If he had not acted when they came in the door, then their cover would have been blown immediately.

In the kitchen, she obviously made coffee, having found another bug in there. Severus roamed through the rest of the flat. More bugs in both bedrooms and the bathroom.

The entire apartment was rigged so that their every move was under scrutiny.

Morgan laughed softly to herself.

A week ago, the bugs would have blown their cover. But now, they would have seen him in bed with her.

She thanked god that she and Severus had succumbed, and that their plans for the weekend had included at least 24 hours straight in bed together. If they had not found the bugs when they did, it may have been only those plans that saved their lives.

He came up behind her and kissed her, and whispered into her ear a plan he had. Morgan smiled. It was so simple that it was perfect.

It was obvious Hawden had bugged them. They had already established that he was reliant on them. Now to let him know that they would not be spied upon.

Severus and she went through the apartment tearing out the bugs in all but the living area. They took them in their hands and stood directly in front of the remaining device.

"Not happy, Hawden," said Severus. "Morgan and I like our privacy. Do this again and I may have to re-think our agreement."

He reached out and ripped the remaining bug out, taking the whole lot to the window and throwing them out.

He looked at Morgan. "Do you think we got them all?"

"Let me check," and Morgan stood in the centre of the apartment, her eyes closed and her arms stretched on either side of herself. She allowed her mind to reach out, checking for the change in feel that signified a magical device, and found another two. Smiling slightly, she sent spells through them, destroying them, and, she knew, causing great pain to the people who had planted them.

"All gone now."

"That's my wonderful darling girl," he said, taking her in his arms and kissing her proudly.

Morgan kissed him back, enjoying the feel of his tongue sliding over hers, his hands caressing her. Loving the way he called her his darling girl. She knew the endearment was genuine - every time he used it he blushed. And the thought that she could make Professor Severus Snape blush made her feel rather naughty.

And hopelessly in love with the idiot.

"Don't you want your coffee?" she asked wickedly.

He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom, "Right now, all I want is Morgan."

Morgan kissed him. "Then you had better have your fill now," she said.

"I fully intend to."