Astronomy Tower
Severus Snape
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 06/05/2003
Updated: 01/15/2004
Words: 37,355
Chapters: 18
Hits: 5,936

A Life Half Lived


Story Summary:
This is the second book in the trilogy about the de Lisle sisters (the first is "Once in a Blue Moon"). Here we meet Morgan Winter, the youngest sister, and an Auror.````Morgan knows that in her line of work she will have to do things that she dislikes, but never would have guessed that one of them would be to pose as the lover of Severus Snape. And neither of them expected that they would have so much in common - or their reaction to each other.````Both of these people have deep scars on their souls, and live their lives in fear of the past.````They have to learn how to trust each other, and trust that loving doesn't mean pain.

Chapter 15

Chapter Summary:
Ginny Weasley discovers something about Morgan and Snape - and something about herself that she would never have expected.


They spent that afternoon partly together and partly apart. He had work to do - and had shown her the huge pile of essays he had to look at. She smiled and kissed him. "I bet they hated every word they had to write," she said. "I always did."

He smirked. "I don't set the work for them to enjoy it. What are your plans whilst I wreak havoc on these attempts at good writing?"

"I want to meet Ginny Weasley. The girl has such potential, that I want to get her started as soon as I can. After all, she will have only two years to influence them."

"Are you sure she will accept?"

Morgan nodded. "She felt all four of our probes last night. AND was able to identify us. She may not know what she felt, but she'll accept." Morgan giggled again. "I hope that the boys stamina is up to her. I have the feeling that when she lets herself loose, sexually speaking, she's going to be a handful."

"Will you warn Draco?"

"Nope. Nor Harry. I suspect that they will be her choices. Harry from genuine love, and Draco for the power. And perhaps you had better start putting wards around your chambers again."

He laughed suddenly, the sound would have surprised almost everybody who knew him, and grabbed Morgan close to him. "I have absolutely no interest in Ginny Weasley - even if she wasn't young enough to be my daughter! Why would I want any other woman when I have you? Frankly, Morgan, I don't think I could cope with a second woman."

Morgan blushed as the implications of what he said penetrated her mind. "Severus!"

He let her go and as he sat at his desk she heard him chuckle. Damn. He'd just managed to tease her AGAIN! Well, two could play at this game.

She leant over his desk, ensuring he had a good view down her shirt and kissed him. "Who said that I wanted you to ward against Ginny Weasley?" she asked naughtily and left the room. "You'll know when we are ready for you," she said as she left.

It had not taken her long to find the girl - it did, however, take her a while to persuade Remus that she was not up to no good - as he put it.

As they walked around the castle, Morgan reminisced about her own schooldays. Ginny chattered happily with her, but Morgan could feel the curiosity.

Finally, they came to the Slytherin common room, and Morgan said the password that opened it.

She led the girl in, and Ginny looked around curiously. She had never been here before. "Why are we here?" she asked.

"I need to show you something."

"In the Slytherin common room? Is that allowed?"

"In this case, it's encouraged."

She heard the door open behind them, and Snape glided in, acknowledging them both, and surprising Ginny by removing coat and shirt.

Morgan removed her shirt and Ginny took a step back. "I hope you don't think I'm going to play with you," she said firmly.

"Are you sure she's the one, Morgan?" asked Snape. "She sounds like any other horny little Gryffindor to me."

"She's the one. Have you ensured we won't be interrupted?"

"I've promised detention for the rest of their school careers for anybody who enters here in the next hour."

"That should do it."

They both looked at Ginny, and Morgan spoke. "Ginny, we are going to show you something that will surprise you. If you are agreeable, you are going to learn how it's done, and why it's done."

"Is it anything to do with your probing me last night?"

Morgan looked gleefully at Snape. "I told you she was bright."

"I already know Miss Weasley's intelligence, Morgan. Can we get on with it?"

Ginny looked at them - Morgan seemed joyful about whatever it was, whilst Snape was - there was no other word for it - submissive. She'd never thought she would see him actually submit to a woman, but he was. As she watched her eyes widened as a snake appeared on both of their torsos, winding its way around them. They both raised their left arm, and Ginny watched in fascination as the head of the snakes came to rest on the palm of their hands.

"This is the mark of the Court of Slytherin," said Morgan. "Each school house has - or rather had - it's courts. Your own would have had a lion."

"Had? Would?"

Morgan looked sorrowful. "Voldemort cut many bloodlines. As a result, it's been many years since there has been any Court at Hogwarts. Apparently I was the last Queen Slyth. I have no idea about the other houses."

"But why are you showing me a Slytherin mark?"

"Later. Watch and learn first." Morgan and Snape went to each side of the massive fireplace, the pillars holding the mantle had serpents wound around them. Snape went to the left, and Morgan to the right. "Everything in life, Ginny, has male and female. So it is here. The serpent on the left is male; the one on the right is female. Now, look closely and watch what happens when we lay our hand on the serpents."

Ginny watched, fascinated as they laid their outstretched palms lightly on the serpents. Suddenly, she saw the serpents on their skin merge with the stone ones, wakening them, the stone serpents coming to life and wrapping around their arms and torsos. Morgan and Snape gasped. Snape had never done this before, although he had known how. For Morgan, it had been many years since she had done this, and the thrill was almost sexual.

Catching their breath, they removed their hands, the pillars now devoid of decoration, and walked towards Ginny.

"Only the Queen Slyth and her chosen consort can do this," said Morgan. "The Queen can awaken the female serpent at any time, but the male can only be woken when a Queen and Slytherin Prince work in unison. Look at them closely and see the difference between the male and female."

They held out their arms, and Ginny could clearly see that the two snakes were different. "The female seems to be harder - more metallic than the male. Yet the male is clearly stronger," she said wonderingly.

"Touch them," said Snape.

Ginny reached out a finger and gently touched the head of the serpent on the back of his hand. It reared up and looked her in the eyes, it's golden gaze mesmerising. She could feel it enter her mind, and unconsciously she pushed back. Ginny was surprised when the serpent subsided onto Snape's palm hissing softly.

"Well done, Ginny," said Morgan, "now the female."

Ginny turned and touched the female serpent. The reaction here was stronger, and yet muted, and she could feel a second presence in her mind. She reached out and recognised the presence as Morgan, somehow she had wrapped her mind around the serpent to protect Ginny. And yet, she also had the feeling of recognition between the serpent and her.

She could hear Morgan's voice in her mind. "Welcome to the House of Slytherin, Ginny."

Ginny jerked her hand away. "No," she cried, "I can't change houses. I'm Gryffindor."

"We are not asking you to change houses," snapped Snape. "Merely to acknowledge what you are."

"And that is?"

Both Morgan and Snape chuckled. She may not know exactly what she was, but her attitude certainly was arrogant enough.

"Let us put these pets back, and we'll explain further."

Ginny watched them cross back to the fireplace, speaking to the serpents in soft tones, stroking them as they slithered back onto the pillars. She watched them encourage the other serpents out of the stone ones, and watched them coil themselves around the two adults.

"What are those?" she asked in wonder.

"Magical tattoos," said Morgan. "Worn only by the Royals of Slytherin. As I said, the Gryffindor Royals have lions."

As she spoke, Ginny watched the tattoos coil from the arms around the torsos and out of sight. Morgan and Snape both put shirts back on and sat Ginny down on the sofa in front of the fire.

"Have you ever heard of a Slyth-Chick?" asked Morgan.

"Sure. All the Slytherin girls call themselves that."

Snape snorted. "Tarts," he said acidly. "They wouldn't know a Slyth-Chick if she came up and bit them,"

"What an intriguing idea," said Morgan, "Except I'm afraid my little pet wouldn't like the taste."

Snape turned to Ginny, "That," he said pointing at Morgan, "is a true Slyth-Chick. More to the point, she's a Queen Slyth. In her day at school she would have ruled the house."

"Like Draco?"

"Not quite, but close. Tell me, Ginny, who runs your home. Your mother or father?"

"Definitely my mother, but the men don't really understand that."

"So it is with the Queen Slyth. Except for one point - certain males in the House know that, and she forms a Court. In that Court, she encourages the seeking out of their successors, and sees to their training. Some go further and give sexual instruction, but all Queens ensure that the members of the House embody the best traits of the house. It happens in all the houses. Usually, the Queen (although I believe in the other Houses they call her the Lady) is from that house. Rarely, however, she can be from another house."

"Why from another house? What's the sense in that?"

"Hogwarts is a very special place, Ginny. The school is a being in itself, and the job of the Royals of each House is to ensure that the school is protected. When students are sorted, it's often easy for the hat to place them," explained Snape, his voice earnest, "but sometimes the Hat will make a choice based upon other reasons. In your case, I feel that you were placed in Gryffindor not only because you have those talents, but also that the rest of your family are Gryffindors. If you had no family there, I assume that you would be in Slytherin."

Ginny's face contorted as she thought this through. "Harry told me, " she said slowly, "that the Hat told him he was placed in Gryffindor because he asked. Otherwise, he would have been Slytherin."

"Of course," said Snape dryly," he asked. Making my job to protect him harder than otherwise. Bloody Harry Bloody Potter!"

Morgan just chucked. "It's kept you on your toes, though."

"Just you wait, Morgan Winter. Just you wait until you have to take him on and then you'll completely understand what I mean."

Ginny's eyes narrowed. She had learned more in the last half an hour than she had in the whole of her school career. But was no closer to finding out why she was here. "Did you know I also asked the hat to make me Gryffindor?" she blurted.

"No, but from what you told us about Harry, and recognising you as Queen Slyth, it makes sense."

"Should I be a Slytherin?"

"Yes and No," said Morgan. "You are here because you are the current Queen Slyth."

Ginny opened her mouth to protest.

"Ginny, your presence was felt by both Narcissa and myself - both of who are Queens. AND by two very powerful Slytherin Princes - Mr Malfoy and Professor Snape. I've also seen the effect you have on the boys here. There's no doubt about it. Half the time you have no idea what you do to them," Morgan looked amused. "Have you never wondered why you are pursued by all the Slytherin males, and very few from the other houses?"

"Because the other houses know I love Harry."

"Everybody knows you love Potter, Miss Weasley," said Snape wearily. "I get tired of having to deduct points from your essays when you wander off into daydreams."

"The Slytherin males chase you because they want to be part of your court - even though they have no idea what they are doing. Ginny," continued Morgan earnestly, "you have the potential to be a very powerful witch, like your mother. Unlike your mother, however, I want to ensure that you use that potential. We're going to war, Ginny, and we need all the best on our side."

"That still doesn't explain things," the girl wailed.

"Slytherin is populated by and large by the children of Voldemort's supporters. They have no female strong enough to be their Queen - strong enough to ensure that this generation chooses correctly between good and evil. You, on the other hand, are. You are the true Queen Slyth for this generation. And I intend to ensure that you are leading the house around so closely to yourself that they won't be able to turn in the other direction," finished Morgan, looking into the girl's eyes.

"Do you now understand how important this is?" asked Snape.

Ginny nodded, her eyes still locked with Morgan's. "What do I have to do?" she asked finally.

Morgan stood and drew her up. "I intend to try to teach you what I can this afternoon. If you are quick enough (and I think you are), then you will have enough strength to make a start. Remember, you will be supported by Professor Snape and he will be able to summon me at a moment's notice should you need help."

Ginny looked at Snape, her eyes widening as she truly looked at him for the first time - a Queen Slyth looking at a Slytherin male. Morgan took her chin firmly in her hand. "Word to the wise Ginny - keep to your own generation. I know you know what I mean. That little Miss Innocent act doesn't work with me."

Ginny blushed. "Do I have to give Harry up?" she asked softly, "Because if I do, then you and Slytherin can go to hell."

Morgan laughed and hugged the girl. "I think you will find Harry will make you a very able consort," she said, "but I would also suggest that when you form your Court, you include Draco. As the ruling Prince at the moment, you will need his support."

Ginny looked interested. "I won't have to whore myself like the Slytherin girls?"

Morgan looked distressed at the word, and Ginny was surprised to see Snape reach across and caress her face, surprised as Morgan rested her cheek in his hand. "No," he said, "I would definitely discourage it. In fact, I would ask that you try to curb the tendency in the tartlets we have."

Ginny looked rueful. "And when do I have to save the world?"

Snape muttered to himself and looked up at Morgan. "Does it have to be her?" he asked, "Or am I just cursed with redheads?"

Morgan giggled, standing and moving to sit on his lap, kissing him hungrily. "Yes and Yes." He returned the kiss, and Ginny realised that they had, for the moment, forgotten her. She stood.

"I'll go now - after all it wouldn't do for the Slytherins to come back in and find me here yet."

Morgan reluctantly stood. "I'll come with you," she said firmly, "remember, you have some lessons this afternoon, and I know that Professor Snape has work to do." She left the room with Ginny, casting a regretful look back at her lover.

But if they were to have any chance of turning Slytherin back to the side of good, then this Girl that was to be their tool had to be prepared.