Hero With A Thousand Faces by Lori
03/31/2008As Harry and Hermione's wedding day approaches, they have to get to the bottom of the mysterious reapparance in their lives of... Ron? For any newcomers who are happening upon this story by accident, don't read it unless you've read the two that came before it, "The Paradigm of Uncertainty" followed by "The Show that Never Ends."
All Things Considered by Lori
11/29/2003On a peaceful evening at home, Harry and Hermione's daughter Helen reflects on life as a Potter.
The Caretaker by Lori
11/29/2003Harry's second wife reflects upon life with him and the memories of his first wife, the late Hermione Granger. Inspired by "Rebecca" by Daphne DuMaurier
A Theory of Letters by Lori
12/01/2002While Hermione is away on a dangerous mission, she and her husband Harry stay in touch via owl post.
The Show That Never Ends by Lori
03/22/2002The Sequel to The Paradigm of Uncertainty``January 25, 2008...five months later...
The Paradigm Of Uncertainty by Lori
07/14/2001Nine years after graduating from Hogwarts, Charms fellow Hermione Granger again finds herself caught up in Harry Potter's mysterious life.