Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
Humor General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/11/2003
Updated: 02/23/2006
Words: 14,760
Chapters: 16
Hits: 12,841

Survey Time

Lily the hobbit

Story Summary:
Do you know those highly irritating surveys that some people insist on emailing to us all the time? What happens when Harry Potter gets a hold of one? Craziness and silliness as the whole HP crew fills it out, along with some surprises along the way. Please read and review!

Chapter 16 - Chapter 16

Chapter Summary:
Ginny Weasley finally gets to answer the crazy survey.
Author's Note:
I know this story hasn't been updated in eons and I hope you all don't hate me now. I will let you know that this story WILL be finished one day, that I promise. I hope you enjoy the next chapter.

Survey Time

Chapter 16: Ginny Weasley

Ginny Weasley woke up to find a piece of parchment at the edge of her bed that had blown into her window the night before. After seeing her name written across the top of the parchment; she noticed it was a strange questionnaire. As it was an lazy Saturday morning; she decided to fill it out.


Are you left handed or right handed?: Right

Are you smart?: I'm tied for top of my class with Luna!

What's your middle name?: Molly

How many personalities do you have?: As far as I know I have four. The Shy Me, The Bold Me, The Angry Me, and The Ferret Attacker Me.

How many piercings do you have?: Just my ears.

Tattoos?: Nope, but I want one of the muggle fairy Tinkerbell!

Can you do a cartwheel?: Yes. And I can also do a Kickbox Cartwheel. Where you kick your opponent in the face during a cartwheel.

Do you have bangs?: No, I do not.

Do you have contact lenses?: Nope. I have perfect vision!

Can you drive?: No, but Ron drove a Ford Anglia once.

What do you drive?: A broom people!!!!

Do you snore?: No. I did, but I take a potion for it that I created.

Do you drool in your sleep?: No, I don't.

Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge?: I LICK 'EM!!!!!

What languages do you know?: English, Italian, French, Spanish, and German. If I want to be a famous singer, and to get the attention of many countries, I learned to sing and speak their language fluently...Who am I kidding? I only know English and some Gnomish that Bill taught me.

What's the best awards show?: I don't watch them, we don't have an operational Muggle Veletision. (But we do have a VT that my dad brought home)

Do you like onions?: Yes. I especially like to snog Dean after I've eaten a lot of them.

Do you like cotton candy?: Yes, I have. I still have a little bit which I'd love to shove in the Ferret's face, make his teeth rot with a MUGGLE confection!!!!!

*Runs off to taunt Malfoy.*

What instruments can you play?: Piano and Violin.

What words/sayings do you overuse?: Do you REALLY want to know what the Bat Bogey Hex feels like?

What do you sleep in?: My Chudley Cannons nightshirt. I stole it from Ron.

What's your bedtime?: Whenever I fall asleep.

How many pillows do you have?: 1 at home, and 2 at school, so 3.

Do you like to dance?: Of course I do!

Do you like to sing?: I believe this is the understatement of the year.

Are you any good at it?: Sure, I do want to be a famous singer after all...

How many cds do you have?: I don't have any. Hermione let me listen to one of hers on her......what was it again?.....Oh yes, her Discman.

How many times have you moved houses?: Never, I was born in the Burrow.

Do you like where you live?: Yes, most of the time, especially now that Percy's moved out. I can't stand the Mr. Thinks-He-Knows-Everything.

Do you like to finger-paint?: When the mood strikes. Last time I painted Mum and Dad. Not to good of a picture.

Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: (Blushes) Yes, a tattered bunny, named Mugglebunny. (NOT SNUGGLEBUNNY!)

Do you sleep with socks on?: Yes, my feet would freeze otherwise. Why? Don't you??

Are you ticklish?: You'll just have to figure that one out yourself. (Heheheheheeeeee)

Are you shy?: One might think so, but no, indeed I am not.

Do you talk to yourself?: Sometimes, when trying to figure out an answer to a homework question. Helps me figure things out better. Or when I'm stalking Ferret Boy. To figure out which curse to use of course! :-D

Are you a morning person?: Yes, I like to wake with the dawn, unlike Ron. That way, I have more time to do things I like.

What is your favorite outfit?: My purple muggle dress that Gred and Forge got me for my birthday, with their earnings from The 3W.

Do you believe in ghosts?: Yes, in fact I know many.

Do you believe in Bigfoot?: Why yes, I do. Only most muggles don't.

What's your favorite feature?: My red hair. It is a nice burgundy red, not carrot topped like my brothers and my parents.

What do you do when you are nervous?: Become one of my four personalities.

Who's your role model?: My dad. Mum can be a bit frightening. Especially with her howlers!

What celebrities do you act like?: None really. I want to BE a celebrity!

Called You?: Ron, from across the Common Room.

Slept In Your Bed?: Me.

Saw You Cry?: Luna.

Made You Cry?: Fred, he gave me a Crazed Crying Cow Candy. It turned me into a bloody berserk bovine!!!!

Spent The Night?: Harry and Hermione.

At Your House: Luna, Harry, and Hermione they came with us to school in the Ministry Car.

Shared A Drink With?: Michael Corner

Went To The Movies with?: Never been to a Muggle cinema.

Went To The Mall With?: Never been to a Muggle mall.

Yelled At You?: Ferret Boy will when I hit him with the New and Improved Bat Bogey Hex.

Sent You An Owl?: Charlie

Said They Were Gonna Kill You?: Bellatrix Lestrange


Been To New York?: Nope, but I want to.

Been To Florida?: Nope, not enough money to go.

California?: Nope, and don't want to. Too many Earthquakes.

Hawaii?: Same as Florida.

China?: Look above

Canada?: Nope.

Danced?: Yes, I LOVE to dance. I'm rather good at it too.

Stalked Someone: Yeah, Malfoy, so I know how to attack without warning.

Had A Mud Bath?: Yeah, when I was five. It was a birthday present from Ron.

Have you been close to death before?: In the Department of Ministries at the end of fourth year, and second year with the Chamber of Secrets and Tom MARVOLO (snickers) Riddle.

Wished You Were The Opposite sex?: Nope, I have too many brothers, I'd hate to become just another boy in the family. I'm bloody proud that I'm a girl.

Had An Imaginary Friend?: Yes, her name was Keahi Nixie. Fire Sprite!

What Are You Going To Do After You Finish This Survey?: Go attack Ferret Boy, for being so unmannered. Have no manners must be one of the first Malfoy Codes.

What was your last meal?: Bacon and eggs with orange juice to drink.

Ginny finished filling out the survey when a thought struck her. Charlie told her he had a day off coming up soon. She decided to send the survey to him, to annoy him of course. Putting it in an envelope, she went to the owlery and sent it to Romania.