Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
Humor General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/11/2003
Updated: 02/23/2006
Words: 14,760
Chapters: 16
Hits: 12,841

Survey Time

Lily the hobbit

Story Summary:
Do you know those highly irritating surveys that some people insist on emailing to us all the time? What happens when Harry Potter gets a hold of one? Craziness and silliness as the whole HP crew fills it out, along with some surprises along the way. Please read and review!

Survey Time 01


Survey Time

~Chapter 1-Harry Potter~

Harry Potter was once again back at the Dursleys for the summer. Harry was still a bit traumatized about the events of the third task, and Harry supposed that was why the Dursleys were treating him a bit better. They still hated him, but now they didn't snap at him quite so often.

One day during this long summer, the Dursley family decided to go into London and get Dudley some new clothes. Dudley had lost very little weight due to his cheating his diet, so now the Dursleys had to tailor everything he wore. When his Uncle Vernon backed out of the drive Harry couldn't believe how lucky he was. His uncle had warned him to do nothing and not destroy the house, but now Harry could do what he really wanted to do. And now he walked over to Dudley's computer he noticed it was already on. He looked at the top of the sheet and saw the word survey. Looking over it, Harry printed it up and Started filling it in.


Are you left-handed or right-handed?: Right

Are you smart?: Not nearly as smart as Hermione.

What's your middle name? : James

How many personalities do you have?: This is a stupid question, one I believe.

How many piercings do you have?: Guys shouldn't get a piercing!

Tattoos?: No tattoos, unless you count my lightning bolt-shaped scar.

Can you do a cartwheel?:>Do you have bangs?: Yes and they are always getting in the way.

Do you have contact lenses?: I wish I did.

Can you drive?: Not a car, but if you count flying a broom like the wizards car, then I can drive very well, thank you.

What do you drive?: A Firebolt

Do you snore?: No but Neville does...really loudly.

Do you drool in your sleep?: Er.yes

Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge?: Lick envelopes.or use one of those fun wax seal things.

What languages do you know?: English and I guess Parseltongue.

What's the best awards show?: I almost never watch tv.

Do you like onions?: Sure

Do you like cotton candy?: Never had any. I was such a deprived child. Though cotton candy IS one of the things that mad Dudley the fat pig he is today.

What instruments can you play?: None, unless you count that funky little flute Hagrid gave me.

What words do you overuse?: Er... umm. I guess I say "er" a lot.

What do you sleep in?: My bed

What's your bedtime?: Pretty much when I want to.

How many pillows do you have?: One at Hogwarts, one at the Dursleys.

Do you like to dance?: No... but I was forced to once.

Do you like to sing?: No

Are you any good at it?: I sound like a mermaid above water.

How many cds do you have?: None.

How many times have you moved houses?: Hmm.twice I think. When I lived with my parents and where I live now, with the Dursleys.

Do you like where you live?: No, I want to live with Sirius, or be at Hogwarts. Stupid Peter!!!

Is your room messy?: Kind of.

Do you like to finger-paint?: Never have before.

Do u sleep with stuffed animals?: Never had a stuffed animal, except a raggedy old teddy bear with one eye and one limb.

Do you sleep with socks on?: No

Are you ticklish?: Yes, but I'm not telling where.

Are you shy?: To my friends no, to Voldemort no, to my enemies no, around girls other than Hermione yes.

Do you talk to yourself?: Sometimes, but not often.

Are you a morning person?: No, but Oliver Wood sure was.

What's your favorite outfit?: A Hogwarts uniform.

Do you believe in ghosts?: If someone who went to Hogwarts said they weren't, then they should get a cat scan. Of course they are real.

Do you believe in bigfoot?: Yeps

What's your favorite feature?: Well before I knew I was a wizard I would say my scar, but due to certain "incidents" now it would probably be my eyes.

What do you do when you're nervous?: Stutter like Quirrell

Who's your role model?: My late parents.

What celebrities do you act like?: I am a celebrity, but I wouldn't know who I act like.


*Called You?: Ron

*Slept In Your Bed?: Myself

*Saw You Cry?: Not sure

*Made You Cry?: Voldie Moldie

*Spent The Night?: No one, I would be a fool to invite someone.

At Your House:

*Shared A Drink With?: I don't like sharing drinks.

*You Went To The Movies with?: Never been to one.

*You Went To The Mall With?: Does Diagon Alley count?

*Yelled At You?: Uncle Vernon

*Sent You An Email?: I am going to change the question to sent you an owl, because this is going to wizards. My last own was from Sirius.

*Said They Were Gonna Kill You?: Voldemort


Been To New York?: Is that in the United States?

Been To Florida?: Isn't that in the U.S. as well?



China?: Man this getting really annoying.

Canada?: No

Danced?: Yule Ball, last year. *shudders*

Stalked Someone?: No, but I've been stalked.

Had A Mud Bath?: No

Have you been close to death before?: Way too many times to count! Voldemort alone tried to kill me what. 4 times already, then there is Fluffy, my bucking broomstick, the troll, the car wreak in the willow, the rogue bludger, Aragog's children, falling 50 feet from my broom, the dementors, and the tasks of the Triwizard tournament. It think that's about all of it, but I might have missed something.

Wished You Were The Opposite sex?: Every once and awhile.

Had An Imaginary Friend?: No

What Are You Going To Do After You Finish This Survey?: Get some breakfast, I am starving

What was your last meal?: A sandwich. Need food now.

After Harry got some much needed nourishment, he gave Hedwig the survey and a little note of explanation and sent her to Ron.

Author notes: There you go! The first story I have ever posted on this site, I hope you like. Please review if you enjoyed, then I will post the next chapter for you guys. Until then, see you!