Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
Humor General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/11/2003
Updated: 02/23/2006
Words: 14,760
Chapters: 16
Hits: 12,841

Survey Time

Lily the hobbit

Story Summary:
Do you know those highly irritating surveys that some people insist on emailing to us all the time? What happens when Harry Potter gets a hold of one? Craziness and silliness as the whole HP crew fills it out, along with some surprises along the way. Please read and review!

Chapter 08

Chapter Summary:
Do you know those highly irritating surveys that some people insist on emailing to us all the time? What happens when Harry Potter gets ahold of one? Craziness and silliness as the whole HP crew fills it out, along with some surprises along the way. In this chapter: McGonagall.

Survey Time

~Chapter 8-Minerva McGonagall ~

McGonagall was a bit surprised. She never would have expected Snape of all people to give her some little childish survey to fill. Looking through it she found out that Dumbledore had also done it. Giving in with a sigh, she started to fill it out.


Are you left handed or right handed?: I am right handed.

Are you smart?: I was Head Girl here and I am now a professor at Hogwarts.

What's your middle name?: Marie

How many personalities do you have?: I'm have the one I was born with.

How many piercing do you have?: I don't put those foolish pieces of metal on my body.

Tattoos?: Same here.

Can you do a cartwheel?:Not since I was a little girl...those were the days.

Do you have bangs?: Not really.

Do you have contact lenses?: I'm not going to use a Muggle device in my eyes, regular glasses work just fine.

Can you drive?: I'm with Severus, I apparate.

What do you drive?: No wonder Severus looked so annoyed and ready to kill. These questions are impossible.

Do you snore?: No

Do you drool in your sleep?: Of course not.

Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge?: I use the Hogwarts seal on letters.

What languages do you know?: English and German.

What's the best awards show?: Ridiculous Muggle amusement, that's what thoser>
Do you like onions?: Sometimes.

Do you like cotton candy?: Never heard of it, but I'm sure Albus would have.

What instruments can you play?: Trumpet...but I haven't played since the 1940s!

What words do you overuse?: I don't overuse words.

What do you sleep in?: A flannel nightgown.

What's your bedtime?: I don't have one.

How many pillows do you have?: 3 I believe.

Do you like to dance?: Every once and a while.

Do you like to sing?: Not really.

Are you any good at it?: Of course not.

How many cds do you have?: Another Muggle object Albus?

How many times have you moved houses?: 6

Do you like where you live?: Of course, it is Hogwarts after all.

Do you like to finger-paint?: I am almost 80 years old, please don't ask childish questions.

Do u sleep with stuffed animals?: Oh come on!

Do you sleep with socks on?: So that's why Severus gave me this, he wanted to drive me insane. He's just mad because Slytherin STILL hasn't beaten Gryffindor!

Are you ticklish?: Yes, but anyone who uses this information (that means you Fred and George) will find themselves transfigured into a throw rug.

Are you shy?: I'm a teacher, how can I be shy?

Do you talk to yourself?: No

Are you a morning person?: I've always woken with the sun.

What's your favorite outfit?: Any of my robes.

Do you believe in ghosts?: I do, they exist.

What's your favorite feature?: I'm not vain, I like my features equally.

What do you do when you're nervous?: I don't remember the last time I was nervous..oh yes it was last year.

Who's your role model?: Albus Dumbledore

What celebrities do you act like?:
I'm very happy being my own person; I don't try to act like anyone else.


*Called You?: I'm confused by this question. How did someone call me?

*Slept In Your Bed?: Me of course

*Saw Yu Cry?: Albus

*Made You Cry?: You-Know-Who

*Spent The Night?: I live in a school, what does this matter.

At Your House: I haven't lived in a real house for 30 years.

*Shared A Drink With?: Sharing drinks is certainly not proper.

*You Went To The Movies with?: Movie? Oh yes Muggle amusement again.

*You Went To The Mall With?: I prefer not shopping, and when I do its at Diagon Alley.

*Yelled At You?: No one would dare.

*Sent You An Owl?: Fred and George Weasley, but I expect they assumed I wouldn't figure out it was them.

*Said They Were Gonna Kill You?: Nobody has in the last 18 years, seriously meaning it anyways.


Been To New York?: Oh yes. I passed through this New York when I went to a Transfiguration conference at the Salem Institute.

Been To Florida?: No California?: No

Hawaii?: No

China?: No

Canada?: Oh for goodness sakes!

Danced?: At the Yule Ball last year.

Stalked Someone?: This is utterly ridiculous.

Had A Mud Bath?: I'm not going to bathe in dirt, I have more sense than that.

Have you been close to death before?: Teaching children Transfiguration? Of course I have.

Wished You Were The Opposite sex?: No

Had An Imaginary Friend?: Another question you ask to a child, not a grown up woman.

What Are You Going To Do After You Finish This Survey?: Send this to my oh so favorite colleague Sybil.

What was your last meal?: Not sure.

After McGonagall had completed the survey she sealed it and went to the owlery. Attaching it to an owl's leg, it took off flying towards the North Tower.

Author notes: Sorry it took me sooo long to update these chapters, life has been busy lately. Work and college really slow a person down from writing. But my beta Luna (thanks!) has already looked over the next chapter and so as soon as this is up the next one will come. And for that one, there will be a surprise! Until then, review for that will only make me update sooner. Byes!