Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
Humor General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/11/2003
Updated: 02/23/2006
Words: 14,760
Chapters: 16
Hits: 12,841

Survey Time

Lily the hobbit

Story Summary:
Do you know those highly irritating surveys that some people insist on emailing to us all the time? What happens when Harry Potter gets a hold of one? Craziness and silliness as the whole HP crew fills it out, along with some surprises along the way. Please read and review!

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Do you know those highly irritating surveys that some people insist on emailing to us all the time? What happens when Harry Potter gets a hold of one? Craziness and silliness as the whole HP crew fills it out, along with some surprises along the way. In this chapter we finally see what Hermione has to say.

Survey Time

~Chapter 3-Hermione Granger~

Hermione Granger was reading the note Ron Weasley had sent her. For one she was pretty annoyed, she always ignored those stupid surveys on the web, and now her friends were sending it to her. She turned away from it in disgust.
Twenty minutes passed and Hermione was now reading a book. Unfortunately she couldn't keep it out of her mind. She felt guilty for not doing it. So with a bit of annoyance, Hermione started filling it in.


Are you left handed or right handed?: I'm a rightie thank you very much.

Are you smart?: Well I would think that being called "know it all" qualifies as very smart.

What's your middle name?: Athena , the goddess of wisdom

How many personalities do you have?: I have one very distinctive personality.

How many piercings do you have?: I refuse to puncture my skin for beauty, thank you very much!

Tattoos?: No thanks

Can you do a cartwheel?: Yes as a matter of fact...not very well though

Do you have bangs?: Yes

Do you have contact lenses?: No I can see perfectly fine

Can you drive?: My dad did let me drive around the parking lot once. My mom wasn't pleased.

What do you drive?: A station wagon.ugh!

Do you snore?: No...Lavender does though

Do you drool in your sleep?: Once I did

Do yelopes or use a sponge?: I use a sponge. Have you heard that there can be several microorganisms and even cockroach eggs in the glue for envelopes.

What languages do you know?: 2: English and French. And I am learning Spanish right now.

What's the best awards show?: Award shows are overrated and only a popularity contest. I never watch them.

Do you like onions?: Not really

Do you like cotton candy?: Of course...I did go to carnivals.

What instruments can you play?: Trumpet, clarinet, and piano. Unfortunately I can only practice them during the summer.

What words do you overuse?: Honestly I don't overuse words!! Ok maybe I do overuse "honestly"

What do you sleep in?: My comfortable day bed.

What's your bedtime?: Any time I feel like sleeping, which is early evening.

How many pillows do you have?: 5

Do you like to dance?: Yes I do as a matter of fact.

Do you like to sing?: Sometimes

Are you any good at it?: My mother says I am, but I disagree.

How many cds do you have?: More than I can count.I am from a muggle home!

How many times have you moved houses?: 3 times I believe.

Do you like where you live?: Very much.

Do you like to finger-paint?: I did when I was 5.

Do u sleep with stuffed animals?: Yes I do!

Do you sleep with socks on?: No

Are you ticklish?: Yes, very. This better not return to haunt me Ron, Harry!

Are you shy?: Around most people, not around Harry and Ron.

Do you talk to yourself?: No, I'm not like that Gollum from my favorite book series.

Are you a morning person?: Why yes I am.

What's your favorite outfit?: My blue dress robes.

Do you believe in ghosts?: Of course I do! They are real!

Do you believe in bigfoot?: Bigfoot or Sasquatch is a real person.

What's your favorite feature?: My newly improved teeth!

What do you do when you're nervous?: Spazz out.

Who's your role model?: Professor McGonagall

What celebrities do you act like?: None that I know of. I'm an individual and proud of it.


*Called You?: One of those annoying phone salesmen.

*Slept In Your Bed?: Crookshanks

*Saw You Cry?: My mom

*Made You Cry?: Voldemort

*Spent The Night?: My friend Christina (AN: Hint, look at my pen-name, lol)

At Your House: My grandparents.

*Shared A Drink With?: It's unhealthy to share drinks.

*You Went To The Movies with?: My parents.

*You Went To The Mall With?: My mom.

*Yelled At You?: My dad.

*Sent You An Owl?: Ron

*Said They Were Gonna Kill You?: This weird dude I met in an internet chat room. I think he will reconsider killing me when I hex him good!


Been To New York?: Yes actually...7 years ago. Strange place!

Been To Florida?: No, but I do want to go to Disney World someday.

California?: No...too many earthquakes.

Hawaii?: Nope

China?: I refuse to go to a communist country!

Canada?: No

Danced?: Yes...with Victor

Stalked Someone?: No

Had A Mud Bath?: Well, if you include making mudpies, then yes. When I was 4.

Have you been close to death before?: Ha! Of course I have...enough times that would seriously make my parents rethink letting me attend Hogwarts or being friends with Harry.

Wished You Were The Opposite sex?: No, I like who I am thanks

Had An Imaginary Friend?: No, I but I'm not surprised Ron did.

What Are You Going To Do After You Finish This Survey?: Read my new textbooks.

What was your last meal?: Spaghetti

With a smile Hermione finished the survey, but then had the problem of deciding who to send it too next. Then she thought of someone who might be bored, and need something to keep him busy. With a flourish she addressed it to Remus Lupin, and Pig took off.

Author notes: Here is chapter 3! Thank you to all my reviewers and as soon as I get some more I will post the next chapter. Byes