Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
Humor General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/11/2003
Updated: 02/23/2006
Words: 14,760
Chapters: 16
Hits: 12,841

Survey Time

Lily the hobbit

Story Summary:
Do you know those highly irritating surveys that some people insist on emailing to us all the time? What happens when Harry Potter gets a hold of one? Craziness and silliness as the whole HP crew fills it out, along with some surprises along the way. Please read and review!

Chapter 02


Survey Time

~Chapter 2- Ron Weasley ~

It was morning and Ron Weasley had just woken up. He was just kind of laying in his bed, because he knew that as soon as he went downstairs his mother would force him to do a million chores. Just as Ron's eyes were closing he heard a tapping on the window pane. Glancing up he saw Hedwig. Smiling he let her in and took off the piece of parchment Harry had sent.


How are you? I'm ok, the Dursleys aren't treating me nearly as bad. Anyways what I am writing you about is this survey thing I found on Dudley's computer. Copy the questions down and put your own answers and add it to mine. Then send it on.



Are you left handed or right handed?: left

Are you smart?: uh...sure I am.

What's your middle name?: Carl

How many personalities do you have?: I don't know

How many piercings do you have?: None...my brother Bill does though.

Tattoos?: Nope

Can you do a cartwheel?: No

Do you have bangs?: Yes

Do you have contact lenses?: I have good vision! Unlike "blind as bat" Harry.

Can you drive?: Yes I can, though I crash landed the one time I did.

What do you drive?: Ford Anglia

Do you snore?: *Blushes* Yes

Do you drool in your sleep?: No

Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge?: Lick em.

What's the best awards show?: What's an award show? Harry is that a muggle thing.

Do you like onions?: Nope.

Do you like cotton candy?: Sounds good, whatever it is.

What instruments can you play?: None.

What words do you overuse?: I don't overuse words.

What do you sleep in?: Pajamas

What's your bedtime?: 9 bloody 30.

How many pillows do you have?: 3

Do you like to dance?: NO

Do you like to sing?: No

Are you any good at it?: I think my singing is worse that Harry's.

How many cds do you have?: What's a cd? Is that another muggle thing?

How many times have you moved houses?: Never have.

Do you like where you live?: For the most part.

Do you like to finger-paint?: Huh?

Do u sleep with stuffed animals?: *Blushes* Yes

Do you sleep with socks on?: Yep

Are you ticklish?: Um...no?

Are you shy?: Nope

Do you talk to yourself?: Sometimes

Are you a morning person?: No I'm not.

What's your favorite outfit?: I don't have a favorite.

Do you believe in ghosts?: Of course I do!

Do you believe in bigfoot?: Yes, he's actually a really nice guy. Not a monster at all.

What's your favorite feature?: My least favorite features are my hair and nose.

What do you do when you're nervous?: Go really pale.

Who's your role model?: Bill and Charlie. But not Percy...never Percy.

What celebrities do you act like?: Huh? I don't act like those stupid celebrities. No offense Harry, you weren't included!


*Called You?: Muggle thing?

*Slept In Your Bed?: Me

*Saw You Cry?: Mom

*Made You Cry?: George

*Spent The Night?: Harry

At Your House:

*Shared A Drink With?: Pig

*You Went To The Movies with?: What on earth is a movie?

*You Went To The Mall With?: Is that ANOTHER muggle thing!

*Yelled At You?: Mom

*Sent You An Owl?: Harry

*Said They Were Gonna Kill You?: Gred and Forge.


Been To New York?: Where is that?

Been To Florida?: Probably not since I don't even know where that is!

California?: Same as above

Hawaii?: Not a clue.

China?: Ooh finally a place I have heard of...never been there though.

Canada?: Nope

Danced?: Been to a dance...but didn't dance.

Stalked Someone?: No

Had A Mud Bath?: The twins insisted on giving me one when I was 7.

Have you been close to death before?: Being best friends with Harry.of course.

Wished You Were The Opposite sex?: Yep

Had An Imaginary Friend?: Hey don't insult Max!

What Are You Going To Do After You Finish This Survey?: Sleep some more, until mom yells at me.

What was your last meal?: Chicken

"RON, TIME FOR BREAKFAST" his mother's voice echoed upstairs. Ron hastily wrote a quick note and put it with his survey and sent Pig to Hermione. "RONALD WEASLEY GET YOUR REAR DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!" Wincing with every step, Ron went downstairs to endure his mother's wrath.

Author notes: I was absolutely SHOCKED by the amount of response I got on this fic! Those of you who reviewed are TERRIFIC! Thank you so much! You guys were all curious about who was next and yes first it's the trio, but after that... I said in the summary that there would be surprises and there will be people you may not expect, but many you do! I hope you enjoy!