James Potter Lily Evans
General Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 08/31/2002
Updated: 12/08/2002
Words: 125,714
Chapters: 8
Hits: 24,782

Harry Potter and the Time Potion

Lily Granger

Story Summary:
Harry and Malfoy go back in time to when Harry's parents were at Hogwarts! In the devastating search for a way to get back to their time, Harry finds some feelings he has for a certain girl... exciting!

Chapter 08

Chapter Summary:
Draco and Harry go back in time and meet their parents ay Hoggy Warty Hogwarts! Lots of mix-ups, lots of break-ups, lots of make-ups, lots of surprises, lots of unexpected endings, and HEADACHES GALORE!
Author's Note:
Hey. ::awkward silence:: Yea, I know it's been a while, but I was on vacation in Vermont!!! And I did accomplish one great thing: I ACTUALLY KNOW HOW MANY CHAPS UNTIL THE END!!! Yes, there will be a sequel, Happily Ever After?, but still... THIS IS A HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT!!! The # is very small... see bottom for details. Some of you may think that this chap goes by a little too fast & that things are too rushed... but that's the way it's supposed to be. Everyone is really confused and not sure of what to do, so they just do the thing that will get it over with the quickest, okay? OK. On with the fic!

Birthdays, Potions, and Victories

Sirius groaned. "Pass the walnuts, Draco," he moaned. "I am going to be stuck like this forever!"

"Well, that's optimistic of you," Lily snapped. "Great, you look like Snape, you complain like Malfoy."

"I DO NOT!!!" Sirius screamed. He ran his fingers through his greasy hair. "YECH!" he said loudly. His fingers were dripping with grease. "I," he said, standing up, "am going to take a shower. Who knows - maybe Snape will look remotely less revolting with clean hair. Only remotely, of course. He's still got that huge honker." He walked out of the room, still staring at his hand in disgust.

"Poor, poor Sirius," Lily said solemnly. "I never thought I'd say that."

"Draco Malfoy, you are the stupidest twit I know," Laura said. "That's extremely advanced Transfiguration! It's almost as difficult as the Animagi transformation spell! And you can't even change him back!"

Draco smirked despite himself. "Really?" he asked, knowing the answer.

"Yes, really!" Laura said. "You're such a - such a - a - a - BASTARD!"

"Laura," Harry said gently. "Don't..."

Laura glared at Harry. She was mad. "Oh, and now I suppose you're going to tell me that he's a - "

Harry raised a finger to his lips urgently. This was too much for two people.

"You ALL are?" Laura screamed.

"You told her EVERYTHING?" James screamed.

"Yes and no," Harry said. "We all, well, not Remus, Lily, or Arabella, but the rest of us are, and no, I didn't tell her EVERYTHING. Most of it, though," he added quickly, glancing at Laura, who raised an eyebrow. "Just not - you know. That stuff." He stared intently at Remus and Draco.

"Good," they all sighed, relaxing visibly.

"But I guess you didn't..." Draco said out loud.

Tell her about us?

"Partly," Harry said.

"Which part?" Lily asked quickly.

"The part about... Harry Finnigan," Harry said.

"Not..." Draco lifted up his hand, where the entwining brass ring sat on his finger. Harry shook his head.

No. No one. Never.

Draco's face lit. "I hoped so."

Laura looked at them and shook her head. "Your minds have been demented," she said sadly. "You've spent too much time around Sirius."

"I HEARD THAT!" Sirius yelled from upstairs.

"SHUT UP!" shouted James, Remus, Lily, and Arabella.

"Our minds have not been demented," Harry said. "Well - Draco's mind has, but that was a while ago..."

Draco glared. "Shut up, Harry."

"Why don't you, it'd make us oh so happy," Arabella said.

"ANYWAY," Lily said loudly, "Sirius is suffering the most terrible punishment one could suffer. Even if he does deserve it a teeny tiny bit."

"A teeny tiny bit?" Draco asked. "Sure, I didn't mean to do that, but HE MESSED UP MY HAIR!"

"Oh shut up!" Harry said. "Unless you don't want me to take that chain off you..."

Draco ground his teeth. "I hate you," he said in the tone most people say "Good morning," with.

"This is Draco's good side," Harry guaranteed the rest of them.

"He's still a slinking bastard," Laura mumbled.

"He's much worse at home," Harry assured her.

"Harry, if you don't shut up, you're going to find out what my fist tastes like," Draco said.

"AHEM!" Arabella shouted. "What about Sirius?"

"What about him?" Draco asked. Harry slapped his forehead.

"To you, listening is just something that happens to other people, isn't it, Boa?" Harry asked.

"Harry, you're a daft git," Draco said solemnly.

"Oh, by the way, Happy Birthday Remus," Laura said.

"It's your birthday?" Arabella asked, bewildered.

"No, it's Hindu Christmas," came Snape's voice. Harry watched in horror as Sirius came down in a pink bathrobe. "What?" Sirius said.

"Now I know why Snape always wears black," Harry said, disgusted. He looked away. "It burns!"

"Come on, Sir, you poor, poor thing, we need to fix you up," James said, shaking his head. He and Remus led Sirius up the stairs. "YOU'RE COMING TOO, DRACO MALFOY!" James yelled back down. Draco sighed and slunk up the stairs after them.

"I've got to leave tonight," Arabella groaned, suddenly remembering. "I've still got to pack..."

"Come on, Arabella, I'll help you," Lily said, accompanying her up the stairs. Harry and Laura were alone now.

"What did you keep secret, Harry?" Laura asked. "What - " Harry cut her off by placing a finger over her mouth. He kissed her.

"It's not my place to tell you," Harry said. "I respect Remus's and Draco's privacy, you know."

Laura raised an eyebrow. "So, it's the two of them, eh? What'd they do? Blow up a building in Yugoslavia and flee the country?"

Harry shook his head and grinned. "Nope. That's for them to know and you not to find out. Don't go snooping, Laura."

"I won't," Laura sighed. "Why do you have to be so noble, Harry?"

"Noble? Me? I'm not noble," Harry said.

"You are, Harry."

"No I'm not."

"Yes, you are. You're noble and gorgeous and downright handsome."

"Well, when you put it that way..." Harry said, kissing her. She smiled at him as they broke apart.

"Can't you tell me?"



"Hmm, let me think about that long and hard. Okay, I'm done. Negative."

Laura rolled her eyes. He's so much like James, she thought.

"Why thank you," Harry said.

"Psycho," she muttered.

"If I'm a psycho why are you kissing me?"

"Hmm... I don't know," Laura said thoughtfully. "Probably because you're an absolute gorgeous psycho."

"And you're a beautiful know-it-all," Harry said, smiling at her. She smiled back.

"Maybe if you tried you could pass Potions..."

"It's not my fault!" Harry said. "Snape's my teacher, are you expecting him to pass me?"

Laura's jaw dropped. "How'd an idiot like that get to be a professor?"

"One of the greatest mysteries of all time."

"Poor you. Poor Sirius. What if we can't change him back?"

Harry chuckled. "We will. Or at least I hope we will, for Sirius's sake."

"BOA!!!!!!!" yelled Snape's voice. Harry and Laura exchanged worried glances.

"I'll go check it out," Harry said. "If I don't come back, make my epitaph 'He who doesn't get turned into Snape wins, except for if the not-Snape kills him.'" Harry bounded up the stairs just in time to pull Sirius off of Draco.

"I owe you my life, Beaky," Draco said, looking at Sirius in horror. Sirius roared and jumped on him again.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Harry said, pointing at Sirius. He froze.

Harry picked him up, lifted him over his head, and walked to the corner. He leaned Sirius against the wall. "Draco, get over here... help me..." Draco walked over to him. "Now concentrate hard on Sirius - the real Sirius - and if you don't I'll choke you with that chain."

"Yea, yea, yea, I've heard it all before," Draco sighed. He raised his hand in Sirius's direction and closed his eyes. Harry followed suit. He concentrated hard on Sirius - his laugh, his evil grin, his voice, and his hair - and kept his eyes screwed shut. There was a sudden pop. Harry grinned and opened his eyes. Sirius was standing there.

"I LOVE you, Harry!" Sirius said, swooping him into a bear hug.

"Sirius..." Harry choked. "Need - to - breathe..."

"Oh... sorry." Sirius let him go. Harry massaged his throat.

"Ugh... that was unnecessary."

Sirius gave him an innocent smile. "Wasn't me!"

"Oh, then I guess you're arms just happened to be around my neck when I started to choke."

"Umm... yea?"

Harry sighed. "Well, at least we know its really you, Padfoot. No one else is that stupid."

"If it weren't for the fact that you just saved me, I would slap you."

"How touching. Thanks for letting me know you care."

"You're welcome," Sirius said cheerfully.

Meanwhile, Draco was easing himself behind a chair slowly, in hopes that Sirius wouldn't see him. Sirius, however, saw him. He smirked. Suddenly he turned his head around swiftly and said, "Silencio!" Draco opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He started to wave his hand to take it off, but Harry stopped him by muttering the Silencing Charm as well.

Draco glared at both of them. You are so... mean.

"Yes, well, you deserve it," Harry shrugged.

"HARRY!" Lily yelled. "WHAT DID YOU DO?"


Am I supposed to believe that? Because if I am, it's not gonna happen.

Ugh... Harry, I'm going to - pass the walnuts.

Would you like walnuts with that, Draco?

I'm allergic to walnuts.

Of course.

If you two are cracking jokes it can't be that bad.

"AHEM!" Sirius yelled. "HELLO, ARE YOU THERE?"

"No, I'm over there," Harry said, pointing to a corner.

"Ha! You can't fool me!"

"We can't?" Draco mouthed.

"You're right there!"

"Well spotted," Harry said sarcastically. "I have two questions for you. One; where are Remus and James and two; do I really want to know?"

"Oh, right..." Sirius opened the bathroom door. Remus and James ran out, fanning their noses. Remus opened his mouth and tried to say something, but nothing came out. Harry waved his hand. And Remus started shouting. "-IRIUS BLACK I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU LOCKED US IN A BATHROOM WHERE YOU FARTED!"

"Did I do that?" Sirius said.

"Yes, you did," James said, plugging his nose. "Who knows if my nose will ever recover?"

Draco kicked Harry. Harold James Potter, take this off me or I'll hex you.


"Thanks a lot, Draco," Harry said as he walked towards the door. "Now you've gotten me in trouble."

Always glad to be of service.

"Shut up, Malfoy."

But I didn't say anything!

"Then just... shut up anyway," Harry called over his shoulder. He bounded down the stairs.

"Sirius started it," Harry said before Lily could say anything. "I just helped him along."

"SIRIUS!" Lily screamed. "GET DOWN HERE!" Sirius came down the stairs. Laura gasped.

"Sirius, you're Sirius!" she said.

"Yes, I noticed, Laura," Sirius said gleefully.

Lily! Help me!

Help you do what?

Beaky put a Silencing Charm on me and I can't take it off!

I did not!

Oh, of course you didn't. My mouth just decided to stop working all by itself.

"Harry!" Lily said. "You march your little butt right up there and say sorry!"

Suddenly Harry grinned. "Okay," he said. He ran up the stairs and opened the door. "Sorry," he said to Draco. He closed the door again and ran down the stairs. "I said sorry," he informed Lily.


"And what?"

"Did you take it off him?"

"You never said I had to do that."

Lily groaned. "Harry!"

"Oh fine," Harry grumbled. Too lazy to get up, he waved his hand in the direction of the boys' dorm and said, "Finite Incantantem."





"MINE'S UNDER MY BED!" Sirius yelled. "I would come up, but Lily is glaring at me... oh, if looks could kill!"

"If looks could kill," Lily said, "you would have died a long time ago. And I am not glaring, I am just wondering why in the world I put up with you."

"Cuz I'm handsome?"

Everyone in the room snorted. "HEY!" Sirius said loudly.

Remus and James came down suddenly, James carrying one package and Remus carrying two. Remus dropped them on the table sullenly.

"I didn't want you guys to get me anything!" he groaned.

"Oh, I'll be right back!" Lily said. Remus groaned louder and collapsed onto the couch.

"Happy Birthday, Remus," Laura said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Ugh," Remus said. "You guys weren't supposed to get me anything!"

"Yes, well, too bad," Sirius said. "Do I ever follow the rules?"

"No," Harry said quickly.

"Only in my dreams," Arabella sighed. Draco suddenly came down bearing another gift. Remus moaned loudly.

"You should be happy," Draco said. "This is the first gift I've ever given someone in my life."

"Ugh. You guys really didn't have to get me anything..."

"Yes we did," Lily said, coming down the stairs, gift in tow.

"Yup-dee-doo," Sirius chimed in.

"Drat," Remus said. "You guys have ears like tea strainers."

"What was that?" James said.

Remus groaned. "Open mine first, open mine first!" Sirius begged.

"Oh fine if it'll get you to shut up..." Remus said, but his eyes were smiling. He picked it up and ripped it open.

"What's the betting it's from Zonko's?" Laura said, watching Remus open the box.

"How did you know?" Sirius pouted.

"Took a wild guess," Lily said sarcastically.

"Stab in the dark," Arabella sighed.

"Dungbombs," Remus said, smiling. "Value pack. Thanks, Sir, I was running low..."

"And there are Fizzing Whizbees in there too," Sirius said.

"Wow, I love these..." Remus said, taking one and popping it in his mouth.

"I thought you vowed never to eat one of those again after you read that they're made from dried Billywig stings," Lily said.

"I can't resist," Remus sighed.

"Mine next!" James pouted.

"Okay, okay, Prongs..." Remus opened the package and smiled. "Wow! You must have raided Honeydukes, Prongs!"

"Well... I try," James sighed.

"Whoa," Arabella said. "There's Jelly Slugs, those little sherbert balls, Sugar Quills, fudge, Chocolate Frogs, Drooble's Best, Ice Mice, and... ugh, what'd you get those for? Bertie Bott's, Cockroach Clusters, and... blood-flavored lollipops?" Arabella snorted in disgust.

"I'm not a vampire, Prongs," Remus said, holding them out at arm's length.

"Wait, they're not strawberry?" James said, going very white. "Excuse me... I think I have to... wash my mouth out with soap..."

They all laughed as James ran into the bathroom. "THANKS!" Remus yelled after him. "Strawberry... that's a laugh..."

"LOSER!" Sirius yelled.

"SHUT UP!" James shouted.

"Open mine next, Moony..." Harry said, shoving it in front of him.

"Ugh... Beaky, it stinks."

"Well... Boa's socks got under there somehow too..." Harry trailed off.

"BEAKY! My feet don't stink!" Draco insisted.

"Yea, they do!" Harry said. "Either that or a skunk sprayed them!"

"I am going to drain all the blood out of you and use it as maple syrup," Draco said, advancing on Harry.

"That's not very nice, Boa," Sirius scolded. "Step three; Instead of that, say, 'Here's some walnut juice.'"

"I don't think there is such a thing as walnut juice, Padfoot," Remus said.

"There is now."

"Open it all ready!" Harry said. Remus sighed and opened the box.

"More Zonko's," he smiled. "Biting teacup, Frog Spawn Soap, Hiccup Sweets, ooh, even more Dungbombs... what's this?" Remus pulled out a bun. Harry snorted.

"How'd that get in there? I was going to give that to Snape before we left... ah, well, you can have it. I've got an extra."

"What is it?" Sirius asked, thrilled. "A new Zonko's product?"

"Nope," Harry said, shaking his head. "Actually, it's a Weasley's Wizard Wheezes product. Er... actually it wasn't invented yet," Harry lowered his voice, "but I had a couple in my pocket, so..."

"WHAT IS IT?" Sirius and Remus screamed.

"It's a Canary Cream," Harry said, smiling slightly. Draco backed farther away.

"They gave me one of those once," he said. "It was horrible."

"What does it do?" Arabella asked.

"Here, I'll show you." Harry broke a tiny piece off of the Canary Cream and stuffed it in Sirius's mouth. He swallowed it forebodingly.

"Hey, it's good!" Sirius said. "What does it- BAWK!" There was a poof of feathers, and behold! Sirius was a canary!

"Twice in one day," Draco said, shaking his head. "Poor, poor Sirius." There was another burst of feathers and Sirius reappeared, glaring daggers at Harry.

"Pass the walnuts," he said shortly.

"Sorry, I don't have any walnuts," Harry said sadly.

"Shut up, Beaky."

"Thanks, Harry," Remus said, grinning widely. "I'm going to have a lot of fun with that..."

James came out of the bathroom, looking disgusted. "Aww, you missed it!" Arabella said sadly.

"Missed what? What'd I miss?"

"The Canary Cream!" Draco said.

"The what?"


"Oh, but - " Lily said.


Draco explained Canary Creams in brief to James while Remus opened Lily's present. His jaw dropped when he saw it. It was a chessboard, made of gold and bronze (silver was left out for obvious reasons). Its pieces were clear crystal for white and some kind of smooth black rock for black. Remus's mouth hung open as he stared at it. "Thank you so much, Lils," he said finally. "It's awesome."

"I made it," Lily said proudly.

"You MADE it?" said the whole room in wonder.

"It wasn't that hard, really," Lily shrugged. "I just had to look up the charm to make them active."

"I always knew you were a genius," James said.

"It probably would have looked better with silver," Laura said. The rest of them glanced at Remus, who was staring at her blankly.

"Remus?" Arabella asked.

"It's okay," Remus said quietly. "She can know."

"Moony, are you sure?" James asked. "You don't have to..."

"Know what?" Laura said, looking confused.

"About Yugoslavia," Harry told her. The rest of them looked at Harry strangely.

"Long story," he said shaking his head.

"I don't think I want to know..." Lily said.

"Are you sure, Moony?" Draco asked, staring at him intently. Remus, never taking his eyes off Laura, nodded.

"What are you talking about?" Laura asked. "All I said was..."

"Not here," James said. "Come on... secret room. They all got up and led Laura to the Marauders' secret room. Her eyes widened.

"This is amazing," she said.

"Well, don't just stand there," Draco said. "Sit down."

Laura sat down between Harry and Sirius. Remus closed his eyes. James squeezed his hands. "You're positive, Moony?" he said quietly.

"She would have found out anyway, Prongs," Remus whispered.


"Dad," Harry said. "Just let him say it and get it over with."

James nodded, but did not let go of Remus's hand. "There's a reason everyone calls me Moony," Remus said quietly. "I'm - I'm - I'm - " Remus's voice faltered.

"You're what?" Laura asked, apparently very confused at this point. Remus took a deep breath and just said it.

"I'm a werewolf."

Laura stared at him in shock. "You're a - you're a what?"

"Don't make him say it again," Sirius snapped.

Remus stared at his knees, as if he was suddenly very interested in them. Harry stared intently at her. Don't be hard on him... please, he thought. "And you - you all know this?" Laura asked, staring at the rest of them. They all nodded. Laura shook her head. "No. This is not happening. This is just not happening."

"Laura," Harry said gently. "It's our choices that make us what we are, far more than our abilities."

Laura's eyes filled with tears. "How could you? I trusted you! All of you!" Remus put his face in his hands. James, Lily, Arabella, and Draco tried to comfort Remus. Sirius made a dive at Laura. Laura tore out of the room, leaving Sirius sprawled on the floor. Harry tore after her, thinking of nothing but his seething rage. His eyes were wet with angry tears.

Harry grabbed the back of Laura's robes and pulled her back. "I can't believe you," he hissed. "If you can't accept Remus for what he is, then it is over with us, Laura. And if you tell a single living soul, I'll hex you into next month. You'll wish you were never born. And for the record, Hillman, I dumped you." Harry shoved Laura onto the floor and heard a satisfying thump as he rushed back to reassure his friend.

Laura sat on the ground, not daring to move. Her eyes were still wet with tears. Her left arm was throbbing - it might even have been broken. But it was nothing to what Laura felt inside. I trusted them, she thought. All of them. And Harry... I thought I loved him. Am I just being stupid?

No, said a fierce voice in her head. It was that stupid little devil that sits on your shoulder. Think. One of them killed Bobby. You can't let that off lightly, can you?

But Harry trusted him. He isn't that naïve.

Harry's a fool. He lied to you, don't you remember?

But -

No buts! You can't be friends with one of them!

Laura choked. "But they're my friends," she said in a small voice. "What am I supposed to do?"

Remus shook his head. "Remus, don't you take it to heart," Lily scolded. "She just doesn't understand."

"No, she understands, Lily," Remus said very softly. "You don't understand."

"Remus, don't start that again!" Sirius said. "There are four words I want you to take to heart; WE COULDN'T CARE LESS!" Sirius screamed the last part at the top of his lungs.

Remus looked up at Sirius, tears in his eyes. "I just want to be alone for a little while," he said quietly.

"Remus..." James said.

"Come on, Moony, cheer up..." Draco said.

"Please," Remus choked. "I just want to be alone." He got up to leave. "Thanks again, Lily."

"No problem," Lily said, squeezing his hand.

"Don't take it to heart, Remus," Arabella said, looking at him in concern.

"Really, I'm all right," Remus said as he closed the door. He bumped into someone.

"Remus..." It was Harry.

"I'm all right. Really," he added, watching the look of disbelief on Harry's face. "I just want to be alone. Please."

"Okay," Harry said, watching him uneasily. "Moony... don't take anything that b**** does to heart."

"Great," Remus said softly. "Now I have officially broken up two relationships in less than a month. I wonder if I'll get a trophy."

"It has nothing to do with you, Moony."

"Oh really?"

"Okay, it does. But - "

"Whatever." Remus walked out of Harry's sight. Harry sighed.

"This is not the best day I've had," he muttered.

Remus sat down by the lake and stared into it. Why did it have to be me? He thought. Why me, why me...?

"Remus?" said a small voice. Remus looked up and saw Patricia sitting next to him. He looked away quickly.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm not crying," Remus said stiffly, wiping his face and looking at her. "I'm all right."

"No, you're not," Patricia said, taking his hand. "What happened?"

Remus explained what had happened in a solemn voice. Patricia growled, but then softened her face as she looked at Remus. "Remus, remember what I told you. The people who can't see who you really are aren't worth bothering with."

Remus broke down. "I thought she was my friend, Ricky. I mean, she said she was my friend. That's what I don't understand. Why people aren't true to what they say."

"Remus... don't take her seriously. She's not worth it."

"But she's right," Remus said quietly.

"Let's not start that again," Patricia said. "You're just you, Remus, and I love you."

Remus didn't say anything. He just stared into the lake. "Sometimes I wonder what I ever did to deserve you," he said quietly. "And I always get stuck."

"Remus, you're so - I don't know what you'd call it. (A/N: Neither do I. Well, let me try to put into words...) Insecure, maybe. Drat, I can't find a word that really describes you. You don't think you're worthy to be yourself. And it's probably the only thing about you that bugs me. Because it's a downright lie."

Remus still didn't say anything. He stared at his hands. You could notice that the index finger was slightly longer than a normal person's. That was the only clue to what Remus was. Remus closed his eyes. Oh God, I'm a horrible person, he thought. No, strike that. I'm a horrible... not-person-thingy. I deserve to die...

Something hit Remus in the head. Remus looked up, startled. He didn't see anything. He scowled.

"HARRY!" he yelled. "Stop doing that! I told you I wanted to be alone, and it's just plain freaky!"

Harry appeared out of nowhere as he pulled the Cloak off. "How'd you know it was me?"

"Hmm, let's see. Who never listens, can read minds, and has access to James's Cloak? Let me think..."

Harry made a face. "Okay, so you knew it was me."

"Yea, I did," Remus said, rubbing his head. "That hurt, you idiot..."

"You shouldn't think like that, Moony," Harry grumbled. "She's not worth it."

"Thank you for reminding me I have successfully broken you and Laura up," Remus said. Patricia raised eyebrows at both of them.

"Oh," Harry said, as if just noticing Patricia was there. "Gee, I guess you really wanted to be alone, Moony."

Remus glared at Harry before putting his face in his hands again. Patricia kissed Remus on the cheek and asked, "You broke up with Laura?"

"Yea, well, what would you have done?" Harry snapped. "Everyone should respect everyone else for who or what they are, and not what people want them to be. Unless we're talking about Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Crabbe, or Goyle, of course..."

Someone cleared their throat behind the three of them. They looked up. It was Laura. Harry turned away quickly. "I'll talk to you later, Moony," he mumbled, elbowing Laura out of the way. He marched up to the castle.

Patricia glared at Laura angrily. Remus just stared into the lake. "Remus, can I talk to you?" she said in a small voice.

Remus didn't look at her. He said, "I guess so. I'll see you later, Patricia."

Still scowling at Laura, Patricia kissed Remus on the cheek and said, "Happy Birthday, Remus." She then glowered at Laura one last time and set out for the castle. Laura sat down a safe distance from Remus.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly. Remus didn't make any sign he had heard her, even though he had. "I'm really, really sorry," she said a little louder. Remus looked up and stared at her.

"Why?" he asked in a tiny voice.

"Its just - well - it wasn't really what I was expecting," Laura said. "And I - my brother was killed by a werewolf last year." Laura paused. "And I know that's not your fault, but I just - well, I don't know what I thought," Laura ended lamely.

Remus just looked her in the eye. "It's okay," he said finally. "I - I understand."

"I'm really, really, really sorry."

"It's okay," Remus said, staring back into the depths of the lake. "Well, now the list of reasons why everyone should hate me is a little bit longer."

"No one should hate you," Laura said quietly.

"You of all people have the right to."

"But I don't," Laura said. "Oh god, I don't know what I was thinking..."

"No, you're the only one who got it right," Remus said very, very quietly. "The others think they can tame me. But they can't. I'm just a monster."

"No, you're not," Laura said. "Please, I didn't mean what I said."

Remus didn't answer, he just continued to stare into the lake. "Whatever."

Laura sighed. Well, that's one problem solved, she thought. But what about Harry? Her stomach lurched. Harry. Harry was never going to forgive her for this, no matter what Remus said.

"This stinks," she mumbled under her breath.

"All of life stinks, Laura," Remus said. "What are we supposed to do about it?"

"No, not that, it's just that - "

"Harry," Remus said. "Yea, I know. Whoop-dee-doo, now I've broken up two relationships in less than a month. An owl should be dropping a trophy on my head any time now."

"It has nothing to do with you."

"Then who does it have to do with?"


"My point exactly." Remus buried his face in his hands.

"Really, it's not your fault, it's... well, it's my fault, actually, for being such a git," Laura mumbled. "I'm going to go - well, I'm going to go try to talk to him."

"If he hexes you, slap him for me," Remus said. "I hate it when he does that... gr..."

"I'm sorry, Remus. Happy Birthday." Laura ran up to the castle. In the middle of the Entrance Hall someone ran into her.

"Watch it!" she said.

It was Arabella. She made a face at her. "Well, if it isn't Miss I-Don't-Care-One-Bit-If-I-Break-Someone's-Heart..."

"I'm sorry, really," Laura moaned. "I didn't mean it that way... ugh... why doesn't anyone understand? I made up with Remus. I'm going to try to make up with Harry. Bye." Laura tried to leave, but Arabella caught the end of her robes.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"You don't believe one word I say, do you?"

"I didn't say that," Arabella smiled. "But, well, Harry is thoroughly pissed off at you. And you really don't want him to be pissed at you. It's not good, especially when it's about... you know... Remus. Believe me, I know."

"Well, what am I supposed to do, wait for him to come and try to behead me?"

"I didn't say that either." Arabella smiled. "I've got a plan. Follow me."

"Well, now only Lily, James, Sirius, Draco and Harry are mad at me," Laura said thoughtfully as she followed Arabella. "Wait, I forgot Patricia. My bad."

"Harry's in the library," Arabella explained as they got to the door. "Go in."

Laura took a deep breath, and stretched her handle out to the door. She jerked it away and turned around. "Arabella, I can't do this," she pleaded.

"Look, I've been on the receiving end of Harry's wrath before, so I don't blame you," Arabella sighed. "If we're lucky, this will have the same results, but through different means. Harry sure can throw a hex..."

"Arabella, you are not building my self-confidence."

"Oh, really? Sorry. Look, I'll be right behind you." Arabella held up an Invisibility Cloak. "If you want me to leave cough."

"Ugh... do I really have to do this? Wait, never mind, I know what you're going to say... this sucks."

"Just go!" Arabella said, pushing her into the library. Laura scowled behind her back. Harry looked up, made a face, and started towards the door.

"Harry, you can't keep running away from me forever!" Laura said, her eyes glistening. Harry looked up at her - his eyes were raw.

"Watch me," he said, opening the door.

"Harry, please... just give me one minute to explain..."

"Fine," Harry said. "You know what, I'm feeling generous today, so I'll give you twenty seconds. And then if my good mood digresses I'll hex you. You can start now."

Laura took a deep breath and said, "Harry, I'm sorry, I'm really, really, really sorry, I didn't mean to hurt his feelings, I don't know what I was thinking... I would never want to hurt any of you, Harry, I apologized to Remus and now he thinks that it's his fault we broke up and I love you." Laura said all of that in one breath. Then she turned around to run in case he hexed her.

"Stop," Harry said. Laura stopped and looked at him.

"I didn't mean it," she said, her eyes glistening.

"Why would you say something like that?" Harry asked quietly. "What possessed you?"

"My - my brother was killed by a werewolf last year," Laura said. Her eyes watered, thinking of Bobby. "And I realize that that's beyond Remus's control, but - I don't know what I thought. I was being stupid."

Harry stared at her for a long time. Suddenly he hugged her. It took a minute for Laura's shock to wear off, and then she hugged him back.

"I'm sorry I was such a smug git," Harry said.

"I'm sorry I was so stupid," Laura said.

"I really love you."

Laura heard someone clear her throat. She coughed, waited for Arabella to have time to leave, and then said, "I love you so much."

"I know." Harry kissed her lightly. "Is - is Remus all right?"

"He should be now," Laura smiled. "He was just upset because he thought we broke up because of him. He gave me permission to slap you for him if you hexed me. He hates it when you stand up for him."

"I hate that..." Harry said. "Damn, does that annoy me..."

"I really didn't mean it, Harry," Laura whispered.

"I know," Harry said quietly. "I know. It's okay. We're together."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Laura."

Laura kissed Harry. She was so glad to have him in her arms again. "Oh... I need to tell Arabella something," Laura said.

"What?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. Suddenly he made a face. "She was wearing the Invisibility Cloak? Is she still in here?"

"Psycho," Laura said, smiling. "Arabella left, I hope."

"Someone call my name?" Arabella said, opening the door. She was visible and grinning widely.

"Never do that again," Harry scolded. "I shall hex you like there's no tomorrow. And don't think I won't."

"Oh, I believe you all right, Harry," Arabella said, making a face. "You have absolutely no idea how much that snake scared me..."

"Snake?" Laura asked blankly.

"That was Draco," Harry said. "I just got rid of it, Arabella."

"It still scared the living daylights out of me."

"Wait, Arabella - you're leaving tonight, right?" Harry lowered his voice.

"Yea," Arabella said. "So?"

"We need to erase your memory."

"Oh yea..."

"I was talking with Lily, and we can just modify it so that you'll only remember me as Harry Finnigan," Harry said, his voice lower still.

"Great... listen, I've got to go pack... and you guys had better go get Remus. Draco's been going ballistic because Remus hasn't opened his present yet. Later." Arabella walked out of the room, tossing the Invisibility Cloak on a chair as she left.

Harry grinned. "I should have known. Ugh - where'd the Marauders' Map go? I had it just a second ago... Accio!" A piece of parchment flew from Harry's pocket and hit him square in the eyes. "Ouch," he said lamely. Laura giggled.

"What is that?" she asked.

Harry grinned. "Oh, I haven't shown it to you yet? Behold the Marauders' Map." Harry held the piece of parchment out proudly.

It was blank.

Laura raised an eyebrow. "Right, did you eat one of those little Zonko's Illusion Tablets? I ate one once and thought I saw Snape in his underwear riding a hippogriff with no legs, and I was scarred for life..."

"What are you talking about? Look, it's... oops," Harry said, looking at the map. "I forgot, I wiped it. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." Harry tapped his wand on the parchment. Laura's jaw dropped as the castle unfolded. All of the secret passageways appeared, and little dots started to move all around it. "It shows the whole school," Harry explained. "Remus drew it. See those little dots? They show where people are."

"Am I supposed to know all this?"

"Lily does," Harry shrugged. "I'm pretty sure Nar did too... never mind. Remus, Remus... DANG IT! He isn't here. As in, he's not on the map." Harry made a face, but then it dawned on him. "Right... yes, well... I'll go get him, Laura, and you could try to go talk to the rest of them without getting killed... they're in the common room," Harry said, checking the map. "I'll - er - be right there."

"What - "

"Please, Laura. Just go. Tell them I believe you," Harry said. "Hopefully that will stop them from hexing you."

"Okay," Laura said. "Tell Remus I'm sorry. Again."

"Actually, I won't," Harry said, picking up his cloak. "It'll make him feel worse."


"No," Harry said firmly. "I'll see you in a bit." Harry kissed her cheek and headed out the door. He rounded around again and entered the closest room, which happened to be a bathroom. He looked around for a place the crest might be when suddenly he realized what bathroom he was in.

"Oh, er... hello Myrtle."

"This is a girls' toilet," Moaning Myrtle proclaimed. "You are not a girl."

"Er - yes, I noticed," Harry said. "It was - nice to see you, Myrtle... I'll just go find a gender-appropriate toilet..." Harry began to walk out, but paused by the sink. He looked at the tap. He could just barely see the snake etched into it. He ran his hand over it. He could go in there right now, and Ginny would never - no, he thought fiercely. I mustn't interfere. Harry scowled at the tap and headed out of the bathroom.

Before opening the next door along the corridor, Harry checked to make sure it wasn't another girls' lavatory. It wasn't. He opened the door. It was an unused classroom. Harry pointed his wand at the blackboard and said, "Alohomora." The crest appeared, glowed, and a door appeared. Harry opened it and saw Remus sitting on the couch.

"Great," Remus said. "We might as well put this place on the Marauders' Map. You just now that if I'm not on there, I'm here. Did you make up or did Laura have to slap you for me?"

"The first one," Harry grinned.


"Draco's mad because you didn't open his present. And an angry Draco is not good."

Remus winced. "I am quite happy not being Snape, thanks," he said, getting up quickly.

"We'd better go through the dorm, though... imagine if someone saw us coming through..."

"Yea," Remus said, opening the door that said 5th year Gryffindor boys. "That would be horrible."

They went through the dorm and got out in their dorm. They walked down the stairs and found James, Sirius, Arabella, Lily, and Draco sitting there.

"Come on, Arabella, tell us what happened!" Lily begged.

"Nope," Arabella said stiffly. "Nope, ask them yourself."

"Pleeeeease?" Sirius said. He gave her puppy dog eyes.

"Ask them yourself, you weirdos!" Arabella said.

"Ask us what?" Harry said, flopping down on the couch. Draco glared at Remus.

"You'd better open my present, or there's going to be an accident," he said. Remus nodded slightly, picking it up gingerly and sitting in the seat farthest away from Draco.

"Ask us what?" Harry repeated.

"It can wait a minute," Draco assured him. "OPEN IT!"

Remus tore open the paper and opened the box in record time. "Better, Boa?"

"Much," Draco said, leaning back. Remus looked inside the box and his mouth formed an "O" of surprise. Then he smiled.

"You didn't have to."

"I wanted to."

Remus took a bottle out of the box. It looked like about three sips would drain it. It was labeled, Wolfsbane Potion.

"It's the last I've got," Draco said quietly. Remus looked at him guiltily.

"You need this more than I do," he said, pushing it into Draco's hands.

"No," Draco said, giving it back. "I want you to have it."

"Then I guess there's no hope in me trying to make you take it?"


Remus smiled slightly. "Thanks."

"You're welcome."

"Ask us what?" Harry said again. Lily opened her mouth to say something, but the portrait door opened. They turned around and saw Laura. Her jaw dropped at seeing Harry and Remus there.

"How did you - what - " she stuttered.

Harry shrugged. "It's magic," he said mysteriously.

"Hmm... does that answer the 'What happened?' question?" Arabella said.

"Ask us WHAT?" Harry said.

"What happened and why in Merlin's name are you speaking to that thing?" Sirius asked, glowering at Laura, who backed away a little bit.

"Padfoot, stop," Remus said. "Just drop it."

"What - " James said.

"How - "Lily said.

"Why - " Draco started.

"JUST DROP IT!" Harry and Remus screamed as one.

"NO!" James, Lily, Draco, and Sirius screamed.



"SHUT UP!" Arabella screamed. Everyone froze. Laura was ducking behind Harry and Sirius and James had been trying to grab her. "Everything is OK," Arabella said. "Just shut up and things will be even better."

James and Sirius opened their mouths to speak, but Harry covered them up. Draco said, "Will someone PLEASE explain what is going on here?"

"And would someone PLEASE explain to me why that thing is here?" James said.

"Laura's not a thing, she's a person," Harry said. He nodded at Laura, who took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I have no idea why I'm apologizing to you since it's really none of your business, it's Remus's, but - "

"It's our business all right," Lily said nastily.

"You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us," James said. Remus groaned.

"I hate this," he said. "You just find it SO hard to understand that I don't want you to do this for me."

"And you find it SO hard to understand that no matter what you say, we're going to do it anyway," Sirius said.

"Are you people deaf or something?" Harry said. "Laura just said she's sorry."

"So?" James, Draco, and Sirius said as one.

"What else is she supposed to do, buy me flowers?" Remus snapped. "She only did what most people would do. It's instinct."

"That doesn't make it right," Draco snapped.

"There are some things you just can't forgive," Sirius said. Laura stared at her feet.

"I'll just - go," she said quietly.

"You do that," Lily said angrily. "The longer you're gone, the better."

Arabella stared at Lily, James, Sirius, and Draco in disbelief. "Laura, stay," she said. "You four are probably the worst excuse for human beings I've seen since I met since Snape. You have to forgive and forget."

"You have to respect others for what they are," Harry said. "But you also have to respect others for what they aren't. And nobody's perfect."

There was silence. "If I can forgive her, why can't you?" Remus said quietly.

Laura looked up. She watched everyone stare at her. Her eyes filled with tears. Harry pulled her down next to him. "It's okay," he said, hugging her. "It's okay."

Laura pushed away her tears, but more of them came. She just stared at all of them through the solid wall of tears. "I'm sorry," she said once more. "You just don't understand."

"Maybe we don't," Draco said. "Then again, maybe we understand better than you do."

Stop it. Just stop it.

How could you even touch that thing?

She's not a thing, she's a person.

Harry, don't you remember what she said to Remus?

"Yes, I do," Harry said out loud. "And I also remember forgiving it. You can't hold people's mistakes against them, especially if they're sorry. It's only a bigger mistake on your part."

There was silence. Remus, Harry, and Arabella stared at the rest of them intently. Laura just put her face in her hands. Sirius, James, Lily, and Draco just looked at each other.

"Sorry," James said suddenly.

"I don't know what I was thinking," Lily said.

"It was a stupid thing to say," Draco admitted.

"Er... what they said," Sirius said.

Laura smiled slightly. "Well, now only one person hates me. No, make that three. I forgot Snape and Malfoy."

"They hate everyone," Harry said. "I'm not sure they can be counted as people."

"Snape? A person? Are you mad?" Sirius said disgustedly. "With that honker, he might be part elephant."

"His hair he might be part oil well," James said.

"Hey, now I've got a business card in mind," Draco said. "Severus Snape - Part elephant, part oil well, all stupid git."

The room exploded with laughter. "I ought to write that down," Harry said thoughtfully.

"Already on it," Sirius said, picking up a piece of parchment and a quill. "Let's see..."

"Well," Laura sighed. "It's true. One actual person, not Slytherin, hates me."

"Patricia," Arabella said quietly.

"Er... I'll talk to her," Remus said. "She might - you know - do something unpleasant to you... she's worse than Sirius..."

Before Sirius could say anything, Remus was out the portrait door. A split second later he was back in. Harry held up the Marauders' Map. "Thanks," Remus said, heading out of the portrait again.

"I take it that wasn't meant to be a compliment," Sirius called after him.

"Nope!" Remus said, closing the door. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." The map drew itself. Remus scanned it for Patricia. When he found her, he groaned. "Great, just great, she has to go to the Ravenclaw common room, doesn't she? And I can't even go through the lobby... drat! This stinks. Come on, Patty, move, move!"

Remus just kept jabbing his wand at the little dot that was Patricia, as if that would convince her to move. It didn't. It was a good twenty minutes before she moved towards the exit of the Ravenclaw common room. "Yes!" Remus said. "Finally!"

Patricia was heading in Remus's direction (he was now near the library), so he just paced the corridor, watching his feet. "Remus?" came Patricia's voice. Remus looked up. It was her. "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you," Remus said. He took a deep breath and explained the whole Laura situation.

Patricia stared at him blankly. "And you believed her?"

"Yes. God, you're worse than Sirius and James put together."

"Was that supposed to be a compliment?"

"It could be mutated into one."

"Good. Now if this was so important, why didn't Laura come talk to me?"

"Frankly, I wouldn't let her."

"Why not?"

"I know you. You would probably bite her head off, which would result in Harry biting both of our heads off, which would make Lily bite Harry's head off, which would make James bite Lily's head off... well, I think you get the picture. In the end, everyone could join the Headless Hunt."

"Good point."

"Do you just believe a word I said?"

"Er... sort of."

"How can you sort of understand it?"

"I don't know. I just... do."

"Okay... do you forgive her? Because if you don't, I might have to bite your head off, and then your friends would bite my head off, and then my friends would have to bite your friends' heads off, which would cause Dumbledore to expel all of them, which would cause James's parents to..."

"I get it, Remus."

"Good. I'm running out of people to behead."

Patricia smiled at him. "Tell her I'm sorry, okay?"

"And I'll tell her she can keep her head. It probably wouldn't taste very good anyway."

Patricia laughed. "Love you."

"Love you too. I have to go... they'll think you bit my head off, and then they'll bite your head off, which would result in..."

"Just go!" Patricia laughed.

Remus smiled to himself as he walked away. That went well, he thought. Better than I thought it would, anyway.

When he got to the Fat Lady, he said, "Ugly monkeys." It opened. There was silence as he entered the room.

"Well?" Laura asked tensely.

"You may all keep your heads," Remus said solemnly.

This earned him a couple of raised eyebrows. "She told me to tell you she's sorry," Remus said to Laura, who sighed in relief.

"What does that have to do with our heads?" Sirius asked.

"Loooooooooooooooong story," Remus said, flopping down on the couch. "A quite complicated one, too."

"Pleeeeease?" James said, giving him puppy dog eyes.


Suddenly Sirius stood up. "Whoa, I almost forgot... hey James, remember that thing we have to do?"

"What?" asked James.

"That thing," Sirius persisted. "In the kitchens..."

"OH!" James said loudly, jumping up. "Yes, that thing, that very important thing... we'd better go do that right away... We'll catch up with you in a little while, guys, okay?"

Remus smiled slyly. "Sure," he said. Sirius and James walked out of the common room.

"How stupid do you guys think I am?" Remus said.

"You know everything?" Lily groaned.


"You even now about the biting hairy polka dots?" Harry asked, sounding disappointed. Remus stared at him.

"You know, I've asked you about this for almost a month now, but you just won't tell me, will you? I'm going to ask you this one more time, and I'm not going to ask you this again. Do you understand?"

Harry nodded slightly. Remus cleared his throat and put his hand out. "You're still not taking your medication. Fork - over - the - prescription."

Harry pulled a piece of parchment out of his pocket. "Never!" he shouted valiantly.

"Then you must suffer dire consequences!" Remus started to tickle Harry.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Harry shouted, laughing hysterically. "SOMEONE SAVE ME!!!"

"Do we have to?" Draco asked, smiling slightly.


"No, you don't," Remus assured Draco. "Leave him to me." Remus hit him with a Tickling Charm.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Harry shouted. "TRAITOR!!!!"

The group was kept amused for a while by watching Harry suffer. Suddenly Sirius and James came in, carrying... wonder of wonders... a cake!

"I guess this is what I get for telling you guys not to do anything for my birthday," Remus sighed.

"Nope," James said. "We would have done it anyway."

"Hmm... I suppose that's true..." Remus said.

"Open wide!" Sirius said. Remus opened his mouth to protest, but Sirius stuffed it with cake. Remus immediately spit it out.

"Are you trying to poison me, Padfoot?" Remus choked. "Water..."

"I made it myself," Sirius said proudly. Everyone watched it, as if waiting for it to explode.

"You are trying to poison me!" Remus gagged.

"I thought the house-elves made it," James said, eyeing the cake fearfully.

"Did I say that?" Sirius said.

"Yes," James said firmly.

"Ah, well... my cakes aren't that bad!"

"Are you kidding or something?" Lily said. "My birthday. Last year. You came over to my house and brought a seemingly harmless chocolate cake. All my Muggle friends went home barfing. The rest of us had cabbages coming out of our ears. Petunia was sick for a month. Do you recall that?"

"Er... no?" Sirius said meekly.

"I remember that," Laura said. "I smelled like cabbage for weeks."

Draco, Harry, and Arabella, not having experience with Sirius's cakes, watched it apprehensively. "It looks... edible," Arabella said.

"It isn't," Remus assured her, conjuring a glass of water. "Ahh... much better..."

"Hey!" Sirius said. "I resent that! You know, if I'm so 'crazy' why don't you help me?"

"We tried," Remus sighed.

"We failed," James said.

"Haha," Draco said.

Suddenly the common room door opened. Ratboy walked in. "Dumbledore wants to see the two of you," he said, nodding at Harry and Draco. "Oh, and happy birthday, Moony."

"Why'd he want to see us?" Draco asked. "We haven't done anything... for awhile... unless you count last night..."

"He said something about going back to Beauxbatons early..." Peter said impatiently. Harry and Draco's jaws dropped. So did just about everyone else's.

"They can't!" Laura and Remus said.

"No!" Lily and James said.

Arabella and Sirius were speechless. Draco nudged Harry, and they both got up.

"Yea..." Harry said weakly. "Yea, we'd better go..."

Draco and Harry walked through the portrait door. Harry went very pale.

"This is awful," Harry said.

"What are you talking about? We get to go back!" Draco said.

Harry gave Draco one of those Looks. "Exactly," Harry said. "I'm never going to see them again after we leave, Boa. Ever."

Draco's shoulders sagged. "You can still talk to their memories."

"Not mum's. She doesn't have one." Harry stared at the wall as they walked by.

Draco stopped and took Harry's hand. "Don't do that."

"Do what?"


"I'm not sulking."

"Yes, you are."

"Fine, I am. Why do you care?"

"Beaky, I've never had a friend before in my life. And you know what? I don't need another one. You're all I need. And you know what else? I don't like to see you like that. It makes me feel like that, in some bizarre way, it's my fault. I don't know why. So just don't feel sorry for yourself."

"I'm not feeling sorry for myself, Boa," Harry sighed. "It's just - I've never known my parents, and - "

"I get it, Harry," Draco said, starting to walk again. "But just don't sulk. Besides, Ratboy probably got it wrong anyway. We're probably going to be stuck here for an extra month. There's no way we'll be able to go back today."

"You're right, Boa," Harry sighed. "It can't be ready yet."

When they got to Dumbledore's office, he was sitting behind his desk. "Ah, yes," Dumbledore said. "I have asked you here to tell you that the potion for your return is ready. You can cast the final spells, cast the Memory Charms, and go back to your own time."

"WHAT?" Draco and Harry screamed.

"I am sure you are most anxious to return to your own time," Dumbledore said.

"Yea," Harry said in a high-pitched voice. "Yea, right."

There was silence. "We - we have to go say good-bye," Draco said quietly.

"Wait - cast the final spell first." Dumbledore said, gesturing towards a cauldron in the corner. "It is Tarragona Meritorious Asstarious Jocumpius Edematous la Ganglia Esker."

"Bless you," Harry said.

"Shut up, Harry, I've heard the spell before," Draco said. "I thought it was 'lo' not 'la.'"

"I am quite certain it is 'la,'" Dumbledore said impatiently.

"Right," Harry said. "Come on, Boa, let's get this over with..." Harry held his hand out. So did Draco. Draco said the words clearly, while Harry just mumbled under his breath, "Just work, please. Pretty please?"

The potion turned bright blue and started to sizzle. "That's just how it's supposed to come out," Dumbledore said happily. "Bring everyone that needs to be Memory Charmed here and then you can do it all at once."

Harry sighed as he walked out. "This is it," he said vaguely. "I'm never going to see them again."

"Lighten up, Harry," Draco said.

"I still don't believe that thing worked," Harry said. "I just asked it to work."

"Apparently it did," Draco said. "Oh god, how are we going to tell the others... Ugly monkeys."

The Fat Lady opened and Draco and Harry walked in. "What happened?" Arabella asked. "When are you going to leave?"

"Today," Harry said weakly.

The others looked at each other. "We're supposed to bring you guys and Patricia to Dumbledore's office so we can Memory Charm you and go," Draco said.

"You're leaving?" Laura asked faintly.

"Yea," Harry said. "Yea, we are." Laura's eyes filled with tears. "Please don't cry," Harry begged. "Please."

"I'm going to miss you," Laura choked.

"I'm going to miss you too. A lot." Harry kissed her and she kissed him back. Harry held her for a few minutes. Then he let go.

"Bye, Laura," Draco said. "It was nice meeting you."

"It was nice to meet you too, Draco," Laura smiled.

"We're going to miss you, dudes," Sirius said, swiping them both up in a big hug.

"Somehow you'll manage," Harry sighed.

"Padfoot, breathing is nice," Draco informed him. Sirius let them go and frowned at them.

"And I never got to teaching you manners!" Sirius said. "Bad boy!"

"At least you taught us walnuts," Harry said. "Bye. I'll miss you waking me up every morning - no, strike that. That's the one thing I won't miss."

Sirius glowered at him and grumbled something under his breath. "Drat," Draco said. "Harry can still wake me up. That stinks." Draco hugged Sirius and whispered in his ear, "I'll get her back. I promise." Sirius bit his lip and nodded.

"Thanks," he whispered back.

Harry turned to Remus. "Bye," he said.

"At least you don't have to eat any of Sirius's cake," Remus said, trying to cheer him up.

"I wouldn't have done that anyway."

"Good point."

"Anyway, I'll - well, I'll see you soon, actually, but you won't see me for a while."

"True." Remus hugged Harry and then Draco. Draco squeezed him tightly.

"Bye," Draco said. "I'll miss you a lot."

"Bye, Boa," Remus said, smiling slightly. "And thanks again for that potion."

"Take one sip two days before, another the day before, and the last one right before the moon rises," Draco said quietly. "Happy Birthday."

"It was nice meeting you two," Arabella said to them. "Maybe I'll be there when you get back."

"Maybe," Harry smiled, "Mrs. Figg."

Arabella smiled back at him. "Don't get into too much trouble, okay? And that goes for you too, Draco."

"We will," Harry and Draco chorused. They turned around. Draco gave a hug to each Lily and James and said, "I'll miss you guys a lot." Then Draco, Lily, Laura, Arabella, Sirius, and Remus backed away a little bit, leaving Harry, James, and Lily alone.

Harry's eyes filled with tears. "I'll miss you both," he said quietly. "A lot."

James hugged his son tightly. "I love you, Beaky. Don't blame yourself. Please. I might just have to come back to life for a couple minutes so that I can strangle you."

Harry smiled weakly. He gave his mother a huge hug. "Bye," he said quietly.

"We love you, Harry," Lily said. "Never forget that."

"I won't," Harry said quietly. He rubbed the SUFAMS ring on his mother's finger. "You think you'll keep this?"

"Of course I will," Lily said quietly. "It's beautiful."

There was silence amongst the three of them. "Bye," they all said as one. They took several deep breaths and joined the rest of them. Harry kissed Laura on the cheek one last time.

"I'd better go get Patricia," Remus said quietly. "I'll meet you outside Dumbledore's office, okay?"

"Okay," Draco said. They all walked out of the portrait hole. Draco did a double take. "I'm never going to see that room again," he said thoughtfully.

"Yes, we all know, it's much better than the Slytherin common room, blah, blah, blah," Harry said, smiling. "You'll learn to live."

They walked to Dumbledore's office in silence. When they got to the door, they waited for Remus and Patricia. Suddenly James gasped. "I almost forgot..." he said, pulling two very thick parchment envelopes out of his pockets. "These are for you," he said, giving them each the one with their names on it. "From all of us. Don't read them until you get back."

"Which will be in a couple minutes," Draco said. "Look, they're here."

Remus and Patricia joined the group. "It was nice meeting you," she said to Harry and Draco. "Maybe we'll see each other again someday."

"Count on it," Harry smiled.

"We'll miss you too," Draco said. "Come on, let's get this over with... Chocolate Frog." The gargoyle leapt aside and they all walked down the spiral staircase.

Harry and Draco pocketed their envelopes as they entered. Dumbledore was waiting for them. "I think this way will be best," he informed them. "I put an Invisibility Charm on these two, they perform the Memory Charms and drink the potion right away."

"That sounds like it would work," Arabella said.

"All right then... Invisiblius!"

Harry and Draco looked at each other and then at the rest of the room. "I thought you put an Invisibility Charm on us," Draco said.

"You can see each other, we can't see you," Lily informed them. "Where are you?"

"Right here," Harry said, poking her.

"Harry, stop, let's just get this over with," Draco said.

"Right...bye," he said to all of them.

"Bye," Draco said.

"Bye," they all said together.

"It's Obliviate Particulus," Harry whispered in Draco's ear. "We only want them to forget we're from the future."

"Are you sure that will work?"

"Trust me."

"Okay..." Draco took a cup of the sizzling blue potion off Dumbledore's desk, and Harry followed suit. They each held the potion in one hand, and their wand in the other.

"We'll miss you," Harry said. "One, two..."

"Three!" Draco said.

"Obliviate Particulus!" they said together. Without stopping to see if the Memory Charm worked, they both downed the potion and felt themselves whizzing through the air. They were going back.

Ron and Hermione were waiting impatiently in Dumbledore's office for Mrs. Weasley to show up.

"But if it was a Time Potion," Hermione was saying, "then they should have come back to the precise moment in time in which they left."

Ron opened his mouth to say something when there was a swish behind them. Before they had time to turn around, they heard a familiar voice say, "The answer to that question would be that the final spell was pronounced incorrectly."

"HARRY!" Hermione and Ron screamed. Sure enough, it was Harry, with Draco right next to him.

Pushing Draco aside, Hermione and Ron squeezed Harry so tight he turned purple. "Please..." Harry wheezed. "Can't... breathe... again..."

They let him go. Harry took a deep breath. Draco raised an eyebrow. "And everyone is so glad to see me. You're just so popular, Beaky."

"How long have we been gone?" Harry asked, ignoring him.

"A week," Ron said. "Harry, we thought you were dead."

"Yea," Harry said, remembering his vision. "I know."

"I told him it was lo!" Draco said. "I told him, but did he listen? No sir!"

"Just shut up and go somewhere you're wanted, Malfoy, if there is such a place," Ron snapped.

"HARRY!" Harry felt two more people squeezing him so tightly he almost burst.

"Remus, Sirius, I'm alive... I need to breathe you know..." Harry said weakly. Remus and Sirius let him go. "There is some force in the world that is trying to suffocate me today," Harry said, rubbing his throat. "I shall never take breathing for granted again."

"I'm glad to see you alive, Harry," said Arabella, coming out from behind the bookcase smiling.

"Hello, Arabella," Harry smiled. "I figured you'd be here."

"You did?" asked Arabella, Sirius, Remus, Hermione and Ron together.

"Of course I... oh. Duh. Of course you wouldn't remember. I hope not anyway..." Harry turned to Draco. "Do you think it worked?"

"How about we find out?" Draco said.

"Just go, Malfoy," Hermione said. "We don't want you here."

"Hermione, Ron, stop it," Harry said. "How to find out... ah." Harry ran his finger across a scar on Remus's throat and felt a pang of guilt. "Do you - do you remember where you got this?" Harry asked. Remus looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Some transfer from Beauxbatons - he was a friend of ours - had a silver necklace on..."

"Do you remember his name?" Harry persisted.

"Oh, what was it? Something Finnigan."

Harry's face broke into a grin. "It worked," said he and Draco as one.

"What worked?" Sirius asked. "Where were you?"

"Get over here, Boa, help me take this thing off..." Harry said. Draco walked over and they both pointed at Arabella, Sirius, and Remus.

"Etaivilbo," they said together. There was a flash of blinding light, and Remus, Sirius, and Arabella stumbled. When they looked up again they smiled knowingly.

"Ah, finally," Sirius said. "Took you guys long enough."

Remus said, "Oh god, Boa, I haven't seen you for two years..."

"Boa?" asked Ron and Hermione blankly.

"We were getting worried," Arabella said.

"Did you ever use that potion?" Draco asked Remus. Remus grinned.

"Yup," he said. "Didn't rightly know what I was doing, but it just seemed right."

"Good," Draco smiled.

"Hermione," Ron said loudly. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

"They're being civil to Malfoy," Hermione said faintly. "Will wonders never cease?"

"Just wanted to make sure I'm not hallucinating," Ron said, going red suddenly. "Harry, can I talk to you for a minute?" Ron started to grind his teeth, making rude faces at Draco.

Harry's heart sank. Ron's brother, Harry thought. His twin... Draco... "Sure," Harry said. "I - I guess so." Harry followed Ron into the hallway. He was terrified. He had never seen Ron this angry before.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" Harry asked, already knowing the answer.

"That is Malfoy in there," Ron hissed angrily. "Are you fully aware of the fact that you are acting friendly towards him?"

"Yea... listen, Ron - "

"Then you fully deserve this," Ron said. He brought his hand back and slapped Harry hard on the cheek. Harry put his hand on the rapidly forming bruise and stared at Ron in shock.

"What was that for?" Harry asked.

"That - that thing... do you know what he did?" Ron hissed.

"As a matter of fact, I do know about your twin, Ron," Harry said quietly. "And you know what? That was Lucius, not Draco."

"Like father like son!" Ron insisted furiously.

"No, it's not like that!" Harry said angrily. "Because Draco's a good person, unlike Lucius, and Draco's my friend."

"We're talking about Malfoy here, Harry!" Ron shouted. "You know, the Malfoy that hates us? The Malfoy that calls us Potty and Weasel? The Malfoy that almost got Hagrid fired?"

"He's changed!" Harry shouted back, holding his throbbing cheek. "IT WASN'T HIS FAULT!"



"I NEVER WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN!" Ron screamed. He ran as fast as he could away from Harry, who collapsed against the wall, holding his cheek. He didn't feel like fixing it. After a couple minutes he went back into Dumbledore's office, where Hermione was staring at the rest of them in pure shock as they talk like they were old friends (which, as a matter of fact, they were). Harry decided, because he didn't want another bruise to match the one Ron gave him, to explain things to Hermione before the shock wore off.

"Hermione," Harry said, "Draco's changed. He was being controlled before. It wasn't his fault. He's my friend, if you don't like it, Ron slapped me enough for the both of you, so..."

"Ron did that?" Sirius asked in shock.

"Yea..." Harry said. Draco made a face.

It was me, wasn't it?

"It's not your fault, Boa," Harry said.

Then who's is it?

"Ron's because he wouldn't listen to me."

"Whatever," Draco sighed. "Let me fix that for you..."

Harry lifted his hand off his cheek, and Draco rubbed his hand over it. When he lifted his hand, the bruise was gone. "Thanks," Harry said.

Hermione came out of her trance. "You're friends?" she said faintly.

"Yup," Draco said. "Gee, Weasley must have been working to give you a whopper like that one, Harry..."

"He's stronger than he looks," Harry said. "Really."

"Friends," Hermione repeated faintly.

"Yes," Harry said slowly. "If you want to know, Ron hates me because of it. And if you can't accept that Draco and I are friends, well, that's tough, isn't it?"

"Accept it?" Hermione asked. "Accept it? Give me a minute to think about that..." Hermione paused. "I - I guess it makes sense," she said finally. "Opposites attract, right? I'm - I'm not saying I like your family," she told Draco.

"What a coincidence!" Draco said. "I don't like my family either. Except Mum."

Sirius suddenly looked towards the wall. There was silence in the room.

"We promised we'd get her back, Padfoot," Harry said. "And we will."

"You guys still haven't told me where you were," Hermione said. Harry and Draco's faces broke into identical grins.

"Well," Harry said, "nineteen days ago - wait, sorry, a week ago - we turned up on Platform 9 ¾. In the year 1974."


"Yup," Draco said. "Twenty years ago."

"But - but that would take the power of at least two Bades to go back that far..."

"Take a hint," Arabella said.

"You mean you're both - you're both - " Hermione said weakly. Harry and Draco nodded. Hermione fainted.

"Ennervate," Harry said. Hermione looked up at them. "Now twenty years ago," Harry continued, "there was a group of Gryffindors in their fifth year that are known to us today as the Marauders."

"Hehe," Sirius said.

"And Lily, too," Remus said.

"You mean you met - you met -" Hermione said weakly.

Harry looked at his feet. "My parents," he said quietly.

You could have heard a pin drop in that room. There was complete silence. Harry looked down at his bulging pocket, where the letters lay. "I'm going to go take a walk," Harry said softly. "I'll see you guys later." Harry left the room.

Draco looked around at all of them. "I'm going to talk to him," he said.

"Maybe I should - " Hermione started, bu Draco held up his hand.

"No," Draco said. "You weren't there. You don't know what this is about." Draco left the room, only to go through the next door he saw, which happened to be the (luckily empty) Transfiguration classroom. "Alohomora," he muttered. A quite familiar crest glowed green and Draco entered the lobby, shutting the door behind him. He saw Harry sitting in a chair.

"How'd you know I was here?" Harry asked.

"You want the truth? I didn't. I thought you Apparated up to our secret room and I was going to go look there."

"Oh." Harry sighed. "I miss them already."

"Me too." Draco collapsed onto one of the couches. "Me too." He pulled out his own envelope and stared at it. "Should we open them?"

"I guess so," Harry said quietly. They each opened their envelopes and started to read:

Dear Boa,

Hey. You have been a really good friend. I am really bummed that you and Harry have to go back early. Please make sure he doesn't blame himself too much. It would mean so much to me. Thanks.

You are a wonderful dude, as Padfoot would say. Could you do me a big favor? Talk to Harry's other friends and ask them to go easy on him for a while. I'll bet he's as bummed as I am right now, and them busting on him won't help. Thanks again.

Yours truly,



You've been a radical dude and a wonderful contribution to the Marauders. We'll miss you, dude.

Since your mum isn't here to say good-bye, I'll do it for her, since I know her best. I'm sure that she would tell you to be a good boy. Remember that comes from her, not me. From me you get this; get into lots of mischief - but don't get caught! Please get Nar back for me. I need her, and you need to know the real her. Thanks.



Thanks again for the Wolfsbane Potion. I'm not sure I'll remember what it's for, but... we can always hope, right?

I've only got a tiny scrap of parchment to write on, so I'll make this short. Don't let anyone get you down if they find out about your... condition. You can always come talk to me. Last but not least; you and Harry need each other. He needs you now because he's going to miss his parents & Laura and you need him on full and new moons. Just do what your heart tells you to do.



You are a wonderful boy. It's really too bad I'm dead. We could have gotten to know each other better.

Please don't desert Harry. He would be devastated. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't do that, but - your father is a powerful man, he might make you do it. You're strong, Draco. I know you can fight things like that. Stay as sweet as you are now.

-Lily Pad


You've been a sweetheart. Please do me a favor. Find me and then owl me. Tell me about that Hermione girl. I need to know. Thanks. It's too bad we couldn't have gotten to know each other better. Maybe we will someday.

Yours truly,


Dear Draco,

You are a huge sweetheart. ("I am not a sweetheart!") Could you do me a favor? ("Another one?") Could you go to the Ministry files sometime and look up Theodore Figg? Try to talk me into getting over it. Thanks. Hopefully we'll get to know each other better. Hopefully by then you'll grow up. Is that possible for a Marauder? I'm not sure.

Yours truly,



I love you so much. I am so proud that I'm your father. There's something I want you to have. Sometime over holiday ask Moony or Padfoot to bring you to the 'Hot Spot.' They'll know what you mean. You'll find a huge oak tree with 'JP + LE' carved in it. Take your wand and trace the letters. Say, 'Show me.' You'll find a black box that you won't be able to open. To open it, tap it slowly three times and say, 'G is R is to S is to H.' I want you to keep what you find in there and use it well.

I don't know what else to say. Always be the best you can be, and no one can say any less of you. Be proud of your Gryffindor blood. Live like a true Gryffindor should. Get into lots of mischief. Whatever you do, know that I'll always be proud of you, no matter what. I'm sure you will do great things. Just don't keep your old pop behind the times. I'm always in the lobby if you need me.

Your loving father,



Dude, you're a carbon copy of Prongs. He and Lils are so proud of you. So am I. We all are.

Harry, you said you're going to free me. Be my guest. BUT DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID WHILE YOU'RE AT IT, LIKE GET YOUSELF KILLED! It's a very simple thing to understand for most people. But like I said, you're a carbon copy of your father, so I'm not so sure if you got it the first time. I'll write it again. DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID WHILE YOU'RE AT IT, LIKE GET YOUSELF KILLED! OK? OK. Get into lots of trouble for me. Tell Dumbledore I told you to.

May walnuts stay away from you!



Beaky, I have absolutely no idea what to tell you. Er - wait, here's an idea! Don't tell anyone you and Draco are Animagi until after you graduate from Hogwarts. And then tell them you just figured it out. It's illegal for underage wizards. Umm... I guess that's it. I'm sure you'll do a lot of great things, Harry, so I'm proud of you in advance. That sounded really stupid. I guess you've already seen me, right? So just think of some really good advice and tell yourself I said it. Okay? Okay.



Your father and I are so proud of you. We love you. I have a surprise for you. Go to the lobby and look under the middle cushion on the black and white striped couch. You'll find a drawing of a lily. Tap it and say, 'Lily Pad.' It's my memory. James and I came back early from the Founders' Day Ball and put it in for you.

Harry, you are all I could hope for in a son. Always do what your heart tells you, and never regret your choice afterwards. Dwelling on the past doesn't help the present.

Your proud mother,


Harry stared at the parchment with his mouth open wide. Suddenly he got up. "Get up, Boa," he said urgently. "Now."

"What - " Draco asked, looking up from his letters.


Draco picked up his envelope quickly and got up. Harry took off the cushion he had been sitting on, drew his wand, and said, "Lily Pad." He watched in awe as his mother appeared.

"You found it," Lily smiled.

Harry stared at her. "Whoa."

"Yea. We did this just for you."

"You didn't have to."

"Yes, we did. You would have gone mad. It's bad enough we're dead - then you got to meet us for a little bit, and then you got swiped away. It wasn't fair for you."

"Harry," Draco said firmly. "You have gone off the deep end. You are now holding a one-sided conversation with a couch."

"It's Lily's memory," Harry said distractedly. "Remember? You can't see them."

Draco's mouth dropped. "It's your mum?"

"No, it's the other Lily's memory," Harry said sarcastically. "Mum - I want to talk to you and all, but I want to finish reading these." He held up his envelope. "How do I get rid of you?"

"Just say, 'Pad Lily.' I'm not going anywhere."

"Pad Lily," Harry smiled. He watched his mother disappear.

"Can I have my seat back now?" Draco asked tentatively.

"Yup," Harry said, sitting back down. He pulled out Arabella's letter.


You're a good kid. I can't believe I'm your neighbor. You stood up for Remus when I put him down. I respect that. Tell him I'm sorry again, would you? Thanks. I'm never going to forgive myself for that.

What else is there to say? I don't know. I'm running out of parchment, so I'll see you in twenty years, and you'll see me in a few minutes. That didn't sound right, did it?


Dearest Harry,

I love you with all my heart. This parchment is far too small for me to tell you how much, but I think you know. I don't want you to think you're too young for me. Find me. If I'm married hex me. I love you so much. I hope you love me just as much as I love you. I'd do anything for you, Harry. Even though we weren't even officially together for twenty-four hours, I loved you longer than that. I still love you. I will love you until the day I die, even if I don't remember. I love you. I can't write that enough times. You'll always be in my heart as the masked stranger. Whenever you are near the Hermione girl, think of me. For I'll always be thinking of you. I stink at writing love letters, don't I? Yes, I do. I hate this piece of parchment. It's the only one I could find and it's too small.

The one who loves you most,


Harry reread that letter three times and held it to his chest. Draco watched him. "Laura?" he asked. Harry nodded.

"You miss her."

"A lot," Harry said weakly.

They stared at each other for what seemed like eternity, but was actually only a few seconds. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Boa," Harry said quietly. "You're my best friend."

Draco looked down. "I'm sorry about Ron."

"It's not your fault." There was more silence. "Maybe we ought to go back," Harry said. "They might think we died."

"Or they might not think we died," Draco said. "Or maybe they couldn't care less. I don't know. But we should get back. Let's go through the Transfiguration classroom."

"And hope to high heavens that there isn't a class."

"Harry," Draco said slowly, "it's past dinnertime."

"Oh," Harry said. "Never mind, then."

Draco rolled his eyes and they walked out the Transfiguration door. When they came out of the Transfiguration door, they (literally) bumped into two people.

"Where were you?" Hermione demanded.

"Someone has an attitude," Draco said pointedly.

"We were just talking, Mione," Harry said.

"Well," Arabella said, "you were talking for quite a long time, you know."

"So?" Harry asked. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Dumbledore kicked us out of his office," Arabella sighed. "The twisted one and Remus are in there."

"Mrs. Weasley is here," Hermione told them.

"Where is she?" Harry asked tensely. "I don't know if I want to see her... if Ron took it that bad..."

"I talked to her," Arabella said. "Explained things a little bit. She's talking things over with Ron right now."

Harry let out a breath. "Well," he said, "at least I don't have to do it."

"Dumbledore wants to speak to you," Hermione said.

"See you guys, then," Harry sighed.

"Later, dudettes," Draco said sweetly. They rounded the corner and stood outside the gargoyle.

"Chocolate Frog?" Draco suggested.

"Cockroach Cluster?" Harry said tentatively.

"Let's see... Bertie Bott's!"

"No, Boa, he hates them... uh... lemon drop?"

The gargoyle remained stationary. "Fizzing Whizbees!"

"Jelly Slugs!"

"Ice Mice!"

"Sugar Quills!"

They rattled off all the wizarding candies they could think of. Then Harry resorted to Muggle sweets.

"Mars Bar! Milky Way! Twizzlers! Oh just open, will you? Please?" Harry begged.

"Wait, I've got one!" Draco said. "Open sesame!"

"Boa, that's never going to - well would you look at that!" Harry said remarkably as he watched the stone gargoyle leap aside. "Nice one."

"I know, I know..." Draco said proudly as they walked down the steps. They sat down silently as they entered the room. Dumbledore stared at them intently.

"We're not in trouble, are we?" asked Draco suspiciously.

Dumbledore grinned. "No, you are not in trouble, Mr. Malfoy. I am intensely happy to see you both."

"Would you look at that?" Draco said happily, clapping his hands together. "Somebody missed me!"

"Your parents have been notified," Dumbledore informed Draco. "So have Mr. and Mrs. Dursley."

"Aww," Harry said. "I'm sure they are so disappointed."

"Also," Dumbledore said, "as you know, the end of term is tomorrow. I have already notified the rest of the school that, because of dangerous construction going on in the school, everyone has to go home for Christmas."

There was silence. Harry looked faint. "Two extra weeks with them?" he said faintly. "No... anything but that... anything..."

"I'm sorry, but it will be far too dangerous for you to remain at school," Dumbledore said. "Mr. Malfoy, your mother and father will be here any minute now..."

Harry and Draco exchanged raised eyebrows. At that moment the bookcase opened up and Remus stepped out. "Padfoot's almost-walnut is coming," Harry told him. Everyone stared at him. Draco got up.

"Come on, Harry, it's all right... mental hospital this way..."

"Almost-walnut?" Remus asked blankly. "I know walnuts, I remember that much, I even remember walnut juice, but almost-walnut doesn't ring a bell."

"Let me put it this way," Harry said, pushing Draco back into the seat. "She hurt Padfoot. She almost walnuted him."

"Walnuted?" Dumbledore asked blankly.

"Harry, you're scaring me," Remus said.

"She is also the mother of someone in this room..." Harry said frustrated, staring pointedly at Draco.

"OH!" said Remus and Draco together.

"Walnut juice?" Dumbledore asked Remus.

"Looooooong story."

"I see."

Suddenly the door burst open. Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy burst in. Remus's jaw dropped. Narcissa swept her son into a large hug.

"Mum, I'm fine..." Draco said, sounding muffled through his mother's arms. She let him go.

"We were so worried, Draco... we thought you were dead..."

Remus was staring at Narcissa absently. Suddenly she noticed he was there. She looked up at him and Harry noticed something. She looked... like she was struggling with something.

She's fighting it! Harry thought.

We need to get Remus to talk to her...

Leave it to me.

Harry angled his chair so that only Remus could see his hands. He made fists with his hands. Remus gave him a look that said quite clearly, 'What?' Harry sighed, and made it look like his hands were talking to each other. Lucius was staring at Remus, Dumbledore, and Harry disgustedly.

"Narcissa... may I talk to you alone for a minute?" Remus asked.

Say yes, say yes... Harry willed Narcissa. She opened her mouth and kept it open. Slowly she nodded, still struggling. She and Remus went out of the office. Lucius stared after them in disbelief.

Narcissa willed herself to fight. It was Remus. It was probably the last chance she would get to be rescued. She tried to say, "Help," but "What do you want," came out instead.

Remus looked at her intently. "I know this isn't you. Sirius is here, you know. He misses you. A lot."

Nar1 wanted to scream. Nar2 was getting fainter. Nar1 tried to move. Maybe she could - yes! She could control her actions! Now Nar2 was losing the battle. Nar2 only spoke.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Lupin," Nar2 said. Nar1 pulled out her wand and conjured a quill, ink, and parchment. She wrote, Help, he's controlling me! "Stop being an idiot." Nar1 held up the parchment. Remus's eyes widened.

"I knew it," Remus said. "Come on, Nar, you can fight it! I know you can! Draco did! Do it for Sirius!"

I'm trying, she wrote desperately. I'm trying.

Narcissa dropped the quill and parchment and fought. Stop, she told herself. Stop, stop, STOP! "And why would I want to do that?" Nar2 said. Nar1 shook her head furiously. Fight, fight, fight... she told herself. For Sirius, for Sirius, for Sirius, for Draco, for me...

It happened in an instant. In a blink of an eye it was over. Narcissa felt something she hadn't felt for a long time. She had almost forgotten what it had felt like.


She was free.

She looked up and smiled suddenly. She threw her arms around Remus, who was a bit surprised.

"I couldn't have done it without you," she told him quietly. It felt strange, to hear her own voice. "Is - is he really here?"

"Yes, but - you're not going to be able to talk to him with Lucius around," Remus said. "You believe it wasn't him, right?"

Nar almost laughed. "He would die before giving James a paper cut," she smiled. "As for Lucius... he's going down. Right now."

"I knew you could do it," Remus smiled. "Open sesame."

When Narcissa and Remus reentered the room, Lucius looked at her furiously. "We're going, Narcissa," he said nastily. "Draco's coming. Term's over anyway."

Narcissa trembled with anger as she saw him. Draco and Harry looked at her with wonder on their faces. "No," she said, not taking her eyes off me. "Enough is enough."

Lucius's eyes narrowed. "Now," he said viciously. "NOW!"

"NO!" Narcissa screamed. "Dumbledore, this maniac belongs in Azkaban for life! He should be charged with putting two people under the Imperius Potion, murder and torture of countless people, and being a top-priority Death Eater!"

"Well I never!" Lucius roared. "She's mad, Dumbledore, mad as can be..."

Dumbledore looked at Narcissa in surprise. "Is there anyone who can confirm that?" he asked. Harry could tell he believed her, though.

"I can," Draco said firmly.

"Draco!" Lucius said. "We're leaving!" He pulled his son up by the collar, but Draco just pushed him off roughly.

"No, we're not!" Draco said loudly. "It doesn't work on me anymore, Father! It hasn't for a while! You can just stop trying!"

Lucius opened his mouth to say something, but he was pushed down roughly. "That was for Ron's brother," Harry informed him. "This - " he kicked him, " - is for Narcissa, this - " Harry kicked him again, a little harder, " - is for hurting Sirius, and this - " Harry stomped on his leg so hard he jumped, " - is for Draco."

"That is enough, Harry," Dumbledore said sharply. He clapped his hands once and Lucius was gagged, bound, and unconscious, leaning against the wall. "I'll have Minerva and Severus bring him to Azkaban tonight," Dumbledore said. "This one doesn't need a trial."

"No," Harry said quietly. Everyone but Remus looked at him in surprise.

"No?" Draco said. "Why not?"

"Because there have been mistakes," Remus said. "They said Sirius didn't need a trial too, and he was innocent."

"The Ministry is known far and wide for making errors," Harry reminded them. "There was Hagrid too."

"Very well then," Dumbledore said, staring at them all intently. "He will be put into temporary custody until a trial can be arranged."

Suddenly the bookcase opened. Sirius stepped out. "What's going on out here?" Sirius saw Lucius unconscious and grinned widely. Then he looked around the room and smiled until he saw Narcissa. He stared at her expressionlessly. She stared at him. The room was full of tense silence.

"It's me," Narcissa said finally. "The real me."

Sirius just stared at her. "Is it - is it really?" he asked finally.

"Yes," she said quietly. "Really."

Sirius's eyes filled with tears. "I - I missed you."

Narcissa abruptly gave Sirius a suffocating hug. At that very moment Mrs. Weasley and Ron entered. They stared at the scene in front of them for a moment. Then Ron said, "Okay, what'd we miss?"

"Lucius is most likely going to Azkaban, Narcissa here got rid of an Imperius Charm, and Sirius and Narcissa are currently trying to suffocate each other," Harry said calmly. "Other than that, nothing much."

"Oh, I almost brought you in to Mungo's," Draco added happily. "Can't forget that."

Harry looked at Ron. "If you want to know, Draco thinks you've been working out," he said. Draco slapped him.

"Walnuts!" he said. "You're just jealous!"

"What's there to be jealous of?" Harry asked.

"Shut up," Draco grumbled.

"We're not suffocating each other, Harry," Sirius said.

"Not purposely, anyway," Narcissa added, giving Sirius another hug.

Harry stared at Ron again. "I understand if you still hate me," Harry said quietly.

Draco sighed and shook his head. He hated this.

"I - I guess it's - tolerable," Ron said painfully. "I'm not saying I can be friends with him."

"Good," Draco said. "Because frankly, you're not my favorite person either, Weasley."

"I don't want to be, Malfoy," Ron said. "That would turn my world upside-down."

"Well," Harry said happily. "I'm glad you don't have to slap me again, Ron."

Harry and Ron started to hug each other, but then stopped, grinned sheepishly, and shook hands. Draco and Mrs. Weasley rolled their eyes. Dumbledore cleared his throat.

"Molly, if you would like to take Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny home you may," he said. "Term is over, and as long as you're here... I have enough Floo powder for an army. And Narcissa - you can bring Draco home when you're ready. Sirius - go back in the room. I wouldn't doubt that there are at least twenty reporters trying to get into the school as we speak. Harry, I suggest you go pack, the train leaves early in the morning."

Narcissa went over and whispered something in Draco's ear. He nodded and grinned. "Okay," he said. "I'll see you then."

Narcissa, Remus, and Sirius went behind to bookcase. Ron whispered something in his mother's ear. "Of course," Mrs. Weasley said. "I'll see you tomorrow then." She left. Harry, Draco, and Ron followed her.

"What was that about?" Harry asked, looking at both of them.

"I'm going to take the train," Ron said.

"Mum wants a little - er - reunion time with Sirius," Draco said, smiling slightly.

"See you tomorrow, Boa," Harry said.

"Later, Beaky," Draco said as they separated.

"Beaky? Boa?" Ron asked blankly as the got to the Fat Lady. "Pig's feet."

"Long story," Harry said as they walked through the portrait. "I'm really tired. I'm going to bed."

"Me too," Ron yawned. "'Night, Harry."

"'Night, Ron."

>Time jump: Next morning in carriage on way to train station<

"Well," Harry sighed, "another holiday with the Dursleys. I hope they know I'm coming."

"Dumbledore will have let them know," Ron said. "He doesn't miss a trick."

"Yea... doesn't make it much better, though. I've still got two weeks with the monsters."

"Monsters?" Draco asked. "Hmm... that's a new one..."

"Add it to the ever-growing list," Harry said.

"I'll ask my mum if you guys can come stay at my house for a little while," Hermione said. "It'd get you away from the Dursleys, Harry." (A/N: Hermione's dad died over the summer.)

"Praise the Lord," Harry said. "I just hope Aunt Marge doesn't come..."

"Isn't she the one you blew up?" Hermione inquired suspiciously. Ron and Draco snorted.

"Yea... I don't think her dog likes me very much..." Harry said offhandedly. "Well, I always like to look on the bright side of things."

What bright side?

You're dad's going to jail. That's a good side.

Hmm... good point.

My points are always good.

Yea. Uh-huh.

"Shut up!" Harry said. Draco smirked.

"But I didn't say anything!" he said.

Ron and Hermione looked at them like they were crazy. Harry, do you think we should - you know - invite them into the Marauders?

I don't know... I don't think they'd take your... condition very well... so I guess it's just the two of us.

Draco smiled at him from across the carriage. I can think of worse things.

THE END (of part I)

Lily Granger

A/N: Yes, yes, this is the last chapter! I can almost hear all the hoots of joy. Sorry to get your hopes up, but I've already started the sequel, Happily Ever After? Hopefully it will be a lot better than this... now tell the truth. Did you really think they were going to go back early? Please R/R, your comments help me go faster... love you all mucho!!!