James Potter Lily Evans
General Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 08/31/2002
Updated: 12/08/2002
Words: 125,714
Chapters: 8
Hits: 24,782

Harry Potter and the Time Potion

Lily Granger

Story Summary:
Harry and Malfoy go back in time to when Harry's parents were at Hogwarts! In the devastating search for a way to get back to their time, Harry finds some feelings he has for a certain girl... exciting!

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
Harry and Draco have been gone for a week, and every thinks they're dead? See some reactions!
Author's Note:
Hi ppl! I am soooooooo sorry this chapter is so short, but I am suffering major writer's block!!! Until God decides that he wants to be good to me, I'll just post chapters as soon as I can come up with good ideas, okay? Now, Isabelle so kindly nominated me for two awards ::wipes tear:: and I would love it if you'd vote for me!!! If you really like my story, you can go to

And now, on with the fic!

* * * * *


Sirius shook his head. "No," he whispered. "Harry can't be dead. He can't be."

Remus sat down next to him. They were in a room set aside for their use, behind the bookshelf in Dumbledore's office. There were tears in his eyes also. "Calm down, Padfoot. Everything will be all right."

"Everything won't be all right, Remus," Sirius choked. "Harry's dead. Dead! I'll never see him again. He's dead. And it's all my fault."

"No, it's not. How could it be your fault?"

"I'm not sure, but give me a minute and I'll think of something."

Remus smiled grimly. "It's not your fault. And if Harry were here right now he would cry to see you like this."

"But he's not here, Remus, and that's what's wrong."

Ron stared blankly out into the haze. He was sitting by the lake, staring into it, as if it would console him. It didn't of course. It was sprinkling lightly, but Ron didn't care.

Over the last week, he had found he didn't care about a lot of things. Every corner had a painful memory of Harry. Harry had always been there for him. He had always been there for Harry. Hermione had always been there for both of them. Even as he sat thinking about how Harry was dead, and how he would never see him again, he couldn't help but remember the time Harry had saved him from the merpeople. I meant the most to Harry, he thought, and vice-versa.

He had only actually realized how much Harry really meant to him that week. Everything was empty without him. He didn't know if he could go on without Harry much longer.

He heard voices coming behind him. He didn't look up. Two people sat next to him. He really didn't care who they were, so he just kept staring into the water.

"Ron?" came a choky voice, "Are you all right?"

"No, Professor," Ron said, looking up at last. Professor Lupin (A/N: You have no idea how wrong that sounds after all those 'Remus's I have written...) and Hermione were sitting next to him. "Harry's gone. Dead. Lost."

Hermione hugged him. "How's Sirius?" Ron asked blandly. It was just a topic of conversation, because he truthfully didn't care.

"Worse than you," Professor Lupin said silently. "If he were any worse he'd do a James."

"What?" said he and Hermione together. The professor's expression turned grave.

"Nothing," he said, looking away. "It's long past."

"Tell us, Professor. Tell us what happened," Hermione said. That's Hermione, Ron thought. Even when she's just about to collapse from grief, she still has time to think of others.

"No," Lupin said. "No, it's too horrible."

"Please, Professor?"

"Fine," the professor sighed, "but it's not pretty.

"One day we- as in the Marauders- pranked Snape. He -er- wanted to get revenge on us, so he mixed up this love potion and gave it to Lily."

Ron and Hermione gasped at the same time. Remus continued.

"For a whole week she dissed us and was Snape's girlfriend."

"YUCK!" they cried together.

"I know, isn't it? Anyway, James was heartbroken. Really heartbroken. One day he had had enough. He and Lily went out for a stroll.

"Now, from what Lily told me, James was really upset. He tried to- he tried to kill himself." Remus gulped. "And then Lily snapped out of it and stopped him. Someone... who was it? Sirius, I think, was really mad."

"I had no idea how deeply they loved each other," Hermione said quietly.

"It's like that with Harry. Well, not exactly like that, but basically. Sirius loves Harry more than you could imagine. That's what I'm worried about."

Ron suddenly felt angry. "You don't seem that sad, Professor," he snapped. "Don't you even care that Harry's gone?"

Hermione kicked Ron. Lupin stared at the lake. He choked back a sob. "Of course I care, Ron," he cried. "I feel so helpless, like there's nothing I could have done. Here I am, failing Lily and James for the second time. I wish I could just die."

Ron hadn't really expected that reaction. But still, it didn't mean anything. Harry wasn't there.

"I wish I could see Harry," Ron choked. "I wish I could just see him one more time."

"So do I, Ron," Lupin said. "So do I."

Narcissa felt like her stomach was going to turn inside out. Her head was bursting with thoughts. No not Draco anyone but Draco not him not him not him not my son and Harry Harry's gone they're both dead they're dead how can they be dead and Harry was James all over again and I don't even know him and Draco is dead too and Frank's son killed them and they were in Potions class and oh hell I miss them how can this happen how can this happen why why WHY?

She didn't say any of this out loud, however. How could she? Her own voice had said nothing for twenty years.

Narcissa sighed. How could this happen? She could have stopped it, but she wasn't strong enough, she couldn't fight this stupid potion. She had failed herself. She had failed Lily and James. Again.

Narcissa's thoughts turned to Lily. Lily had been her best friend, the only girl friend she had ever had. Sure, she spent most of her time with the Marauders, but she couldn't ask them how her hair looked, or tell them how she felt about things, how she felt about Sirius...


Narcissa closed her eyes. She thought about Sirius every waking moment. She dreamt of him. She wished he would come and rescue her.


It's always times like these when I think of you,

And I wonder if you ever think of me.

'Cuz everything's so wrong, and I don't belong

Living in your precious memory.

And I need you.

And I miss you.

And now I wonder.

If I could fall

Into the sky

Do you think time would pass me by?

'Cuz you know I'd walk a thousand miles

If I could just see you


And I, I

Don't wanna let you know.

I, I dwell in your memory.

I, I don't wanna let this go,

I, I don't.

Making my way downtown, walking fast,

Faces pass and I'm homebound.

Staring blankly ahead, just making my way,

Making my way through the crowds.

And I still need you.

And I still miss you.

And now I wonder.

If I could fall

Into the sky,

Do you think time

Would pass us by?

'Cuz you know I'd walk a thousand miles

If I could just see you.

If I could fall into the sky,

Do you think time

Would pass me by?

'Cuz you know I'd walk a thousand miles

If I could just see you,

If I could just hold you,


Vanessa Carlton- A Thousand Miles


Her dream never came true.

Sirius probably didn't even remember her.

Still, she could dream.

Her head suddenly exploded with thoughts of Sirius. He was so strong so nice I hope he remembers me I'm crazy I'm never going to see him again so what does it matter he's probably crying because he loves Harry so much and Harry's dead and I wish he still loved me that way because he's Sirius and he makes everything okay and I love him so much and I wish I could see him again and Draco and Harry and James and Lily and Remus and maybe even the git Wormtail I wish things could just be the way they were before and I miss him so much and I'll never see him again and I think I'm going to explode because he doesn't love me anymore and I hurt him I hurt him so bad and he's so cute and I love him and I wonder if he has a girlfriend no that can't be he's on the run he doesn't have time for a girlfriend he's freaking 30 and he probably hates me and he hates Draco and he loves Harry and I hurt him I hurt him so bad and I'll never see him again and I STILL LOVE HIM!

Narcissa took a deep breath. She knew she was never going to see Sirius again, but it just wouldn't sink in. She would never see Sirius or Remus or Lily or James or Harry or Draco or anyone else she loved again.

She had almost forgotten what it was like to be loved.

She had forgotten a lot of things.

But she still knew that she loved Sirius, and that was all that mattered.

But Sirius- he probably hated her. He probably hated her for hurting him. He either hated her or he had forgotten all about her, and she couldn't decide which one was worse.

Her whole life was one routine, one endless cycle- during the day; she got up and walked around like a zombie all day. Nar2, as she called the mask that had hidden her for twenty years, took over her body. Nar2 was in love with that git Lucius. This disgusted Narcissa. She had actually slept with him. YUCK! And then she'd had Draco, and he was so perfect in every way. He, too, had been put under the potion, but he had fought it, she knew on the inside. He was going to turn spy for the Light. Nar2 didn't even know he was under the influence of the same potion she was under. She didn't know the other charm was under, either.

Narcissa choked. Yes, Nar1 knew that Draco was under the Retanytullibibius Charm. She wanted to help him.

She also knew it was impossible. The Retanytullibibius Charm had no reversal.

Every full or new moon she would watch Draco painfully from her window. She wanted to go down and help him, tell him everything would be all right. But she couldn't.

She couldn't do a lot of things nowadays.

Every night she would come back to this horror world, where everyone she had ever loved was tortured. Lily and James had been killed. Remus was a werewolf. Sirius was on the run. She would never see Sirius again.

Which brought her right back to what she had been thinking before. Draco and Harry were dead.



Dead was a strange word, Narcissa thought. She had always thought dead meant that someone had no life anymore, or someone whose body never moved.

So, in a way, she was dead.

Her own body never moved. Nar2's did. Nar1 did nothing but think. What kind of life is that?

Her social life was a dud. She had had no social life for twenty years.

Her personal life was gone. Everything she did was monotonous.

Her love life was in shreds. She was forced to be with a man- no, less than a man, a creature, whom she hated, the man she loved hated her, and everyone whom she had ever cared for was dead or hated her, except Remus, who was tortured on a monthly basis.


Maybe Remus would save her. Remus had always been so- well- Remus. He had been a wonderful friend. He was a good person.

And Draco had hated him, too.

Or maybe Draco2 had.

She had no idea.

This just wasn't fair.

She knew from Draco that Remus had taught DADA- how many years ago had it been? Two? Yes, two sounded about right. She knew Draco knew he was a werewolf. And Draco hated him for it.

Gee, you'd think that even Draco2 would have some sympathy.

But Draco couldn't feel sympathy now. He couldn't feel anything. He was dead.


Narcissa hated the word dead. That one single word had ruined her whole life. There were only two things she hated more than the word dead, and they were people.

No, they weren't people, they were sabotages.

Narcissa gritted her teeth. The only two things she hated more than dead were Voldemort and Wormtail. For she, unlike the rest of the world, knew that Sirius was innocent. Even if Lucius hadn't told her so, she would have known it. Sirius was Sirius, and he would die before giving James a paper cut.

Wormtail was just a worthless bit of scum. But still, she wished she could see him again, almost as much as she wanted to see Sirius again.

Boy, did that sound wrong.

She wanted to see Wormtail again because she hated him so much she had almost broken free of the potion. Wormtail had come to a Death Eater meeting at their manor only a few weeks ago. Lucius had made him leave immediately, though. Damn.

There were four things she hated, in this order: Wormtail, Voldemort, dead, and Lucius.

Lucius was worse than Snape. She had used to think that there was no one worse than Snape, but she had been young and naive.

Next to Lucius, Snape was an angel.

That sounded really, really wrong.

Draco had liked Snape. She had wanted to yell at him and ask him when he had hit his head, but she couldn't. And now, by marriage, she was related to Snape.


But Draco didn't like Snape any more. He didn't like anyone anymore. Why? Because he was dead.



She wanted to be dead too. That way she could join Lily, James, Harry, and Draco. But she couldn't kill herself. Not when there was even the slimmest hope that she might see Sirius again.

After all, she had thought she would never see Harry, but she had.

Narcissa closed her eyes. When she had seen him at the Quidditch World Cup, she had wanted to jump for joy. But she couldn't. But Draco and Harry had seemed to hate each other. But they couldn't now, because they were dead.



She had seen Arthur at the Quidditch World Cup also. She missed Arthur too. And Molly. They had so many more children now, it was hard to count. She had counted seven, but she might have missed a few. They were Harry's friends.

There had been another girl there too. Narcissa recalled her name was Hermione. She had seemed nice. She had seemed a lot like Lily, hanging around with two boys. She had also kicked them when the veela had come on.

She remembered Draco had rolled his eyes at the three of them when that happened. Since he was part veela, he was immune from their charm.

But he wasn't anymore. Because he was dead.



She missed him so much. She missed everyone so much.

She had never even spoken to Harry, and she missed him just as much as she missed Draco.

That sounded wrong.

Everything sounded wrong.

Nothing was right.

Nothing was ever going to be right again.

She started to think about Harry and Draco again. They're too young to die too young to die like Lily and James they're only children they don't deserve to die but they did they're dead dead dead dead dead!

If someone's going to rescue me, she thought miserably, they'd better do it soon.

The next morning Narcissa woke up, surprised that she had even fallen asleep. Her terrible thoughts were enough to keep anyone awake all night.

Still, she was used to it.

"NARCISSA!" bellowed Lucius's voice. "COME MAKE BREAKFAST!"

Nar1 scowled. Lucius was acting like Draco had never existed. His own son!

Nar2, however, was untroubled. She walked down the stairs icily and, with a few flicks of her wand, made breakfast.

Gee, you think even a lazy bastard like him would be able to flick his wrist a few times, Narcissa thought. Nar2 brought Lucius's breakfast to the table. "Thank you, darling," said Lucius. Nar2 kissed him lightly on the mouth.


"What are you going to do today, love?"

"Oh, clean the house," Nar2 stated. And curse your putrid feet.

"That's nice." Nice my butt.

"What else is new?"

Oh, I don't know. Our son died a week ago??????? "Not much."

"Good. I'm off to the Ministry, dear, Weasley messing things up again..."

Nar1 scowled. More like you are.



Lucius left without another word. Narcissa sat down in a huff. It was only a matter of time before... yes, here it came!

Lucius had left the manor grounds. She felt free for the first time in years. Since the Ministry was over ten miles away from here, she was free until Lucius came home.

What really scared her was the fact that she hadn't been ten miles from Lucius in twenty years.

While she was still unable to do anything that would make Lucius angry without fighting the potion, she was freer than she had been in ages.

Nar smiled to herself. But what was different was that her smile showed on her face for the first time in twenty years.

I killed them, Neville thought. I killed them. Killed them. Killed them.

Neville was on the verge of having a nervous breakdown.

They're dead because of me. Dead. Dead. Dead. I'm a murderer.

Neville wiped away his tears. They were for Harry, of course. He would have gone to a shrink if he had been crying for Malfoy. That just wasn't right.

I killed Harry. Harry's dead. I killed him.

He rolled over in bed. From the sound of it, Ron wasn't asleep either. Neither of them had slept a wink for the last week. Since he had murdered Harry.

I murdered him. I killed him. Harry's dead. Dead. Dead. I killed him. I'm a murderer.

Neville sighed. Everyone had said it hadn't been his fault, but they were wrong. It was his fault. He had added to much Wolfsbane. Stupid Wolfsbane. He would never go to a Potions class again.

Well, said a voice in his head, at least you won't have Snape to worry about.

How can you be happy at a time like this? The other side of his brain said. You killed Harry!

Neville sulked. You never had parents to care for you, and you never had any friends either. Now that you have some, you start killing them!

Shut up! You're so annoying, even if you're right.

Neville drifted to sleep uneasily, the two sides of his brain fighting worse than before.

Professor Lupin, Ron, and Hermione sat in silence for a while, staring at the lake. Suddenly Ron spoke up. "Tell us more about when you were at Hogwarts, Professor."

Lupin looked at him like he had three heads. Hermione caught on quickly, as usual. "Yea, it'd get Harry off our minds for at least a little while."

The professor sighed, and then nodded. "Right. Well, there was this one time, when we were on the Hogwarts Express in the beginning of fifth year. We were minding our own business when Malfoy -that is, Malfoy Senior- burst in. He got all Malfoy-ish and tried to get Lily with the Serpent's Charm. Then someone- damn, who was it? I think it was James, got all mushy and saved her. Then, when they-"

"They?" Ron said. "Where were you?"

"Er- full moon."

"Oh. Sorry."

"It's all right. Anyway, from what Sirius told me, Peeves dropped a huge water balloon over- Lily, was it? Can't remember... anyway, James pushed her out of the way. We used to tease him about it, saying that was his 'hero day.' He didn't think it was so funny." Lupin almost laughed for the first time in days. Almost, that is. He didn't.

"Who were some of your other friends?" Hermione asked.

"Hmm, let's see... there was Narcissa..."

Ron choked. "Nar-Narcissa?"

"Yea, why?" said the professor, looking confused.

"Narcissa Harlem?"

"Ron, what are you talking about?" Hermione asked.

"Yea, that was it. Why?"

"Because- because Harlem was Malfoy's mom's maiden name."

Professor Lupin choked and Hermione gasped. "How'd you know that?" she asked.

"Dad," Ron shrugged. "You were friends with a Slytherin?"

Lupin shook his head in shock. "No, that's not it, Ron- Narcissa was a Gryffindor."

Ron and Hermione both gasped. "Lucius Malfoy married a Gryffindor?" Hermione asked. "That sooooooooooo does not sound right."

"She was Sirius's girlfriend. I remember the day when they broke up. It was- well, about the same time Snape and Lily were together. Damn, that sounded really wrong. Anyway, they- got in a fight. About me."

"What about you?" Ron asked.

"Snape told Nar that I had a secret, but not what it was. Then she got all mad at Sirius for not telling her. Then a couple of days later Sirius tried to make up with her. She ran off and fell. Then Malfoy danced in and helped her up, and they started kissing."


"Had she been showing any signs of insanity before that point?" Hermione asked.

"No, not really, Hermione. We never found out what had happened. Still, I didn't think she was that stupid, if she married the bastard."

"You know, Professor-" Ron said. Lupin held up a hand.

"Please, Ron, Remus. Sirius cracks up every time he hears you say Professor."

"All right then -er- Remus," Ron said uncomfortably. "What if she's under the Imperius Curse?"

"She can't be. We checked." Remus shook his head. "Sirius really misses her."

"I thought you said he dated half the school," Hermione said.

"Never dated again after that," Remus said sadly. "He was really in love."

Ron nodded. Hermione sighed. "Pro- I mean Remus, this isn't helping. I can't stop thinking of Harry."

"Neither can I, Hermione." Remus sighed. "Neither can I."

Petunia screamed. On her head was dropped a letter. The owl that had delivered it squawked and flew out the window. Vernon yelled.

"If this is about the boy again I'll-"

Petunia carefully slit open the letter and looked inside. You could never be too careful around all these freaks. Inside was a piece of parchment. She pulled it out and unfolded it.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dursley:

We regret to inform you that your nephew, Mr. Harry J. Potter, is dead.

If you would like to come to his funeral, come to King's Cross Station at 11:00 AM tomorrow, October 7. We will have a guide waiting for you to escort you to Platform 9 ¾.

We are sorry for your loss.

Minerva McGonagall

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Petunia almost smiled. But she didn't.

Lily was dead.

Lily's son was dead.

What wasn't there to be happy about?

You know you miss her, said a voice in her head. You miss the way she was before she went to that freak school.

Petunia sighed inwardly. She did miss Lily. She had never mourned for her at her death. She had only attended her funeral for the free food. But she still missed her.

She mourned for the sister she had lost to Hogwarts.

Harry, on the other hand, had been a pain in the butt since the day they had got landed with him. It was only the little compassion she had left for Lily that kept him under their roof.

Now he was dead.

She handed the letter to Vernon in a flourish. He jumped out of his seat with glee.

"FINALLY!" he boomed. "AT LAST, AT LONG LAST!"

There was a knock on the door. Vernon answered it in a flourish. It was Mrs. Figg.

"Hello Mrs. Figg," Petunia said. "How are you?"

"May I inquire what the noise is all about?" said the old woman politely.

"The boy is dead! The boy is dead!" said Vernon, skipping around the room. Mrs. Figg paled considerably.

"Harry is- Harry is dead?" she said quietly. "Damn! I knew I should have kept the subscription..."

Petunia looked at her funnily. Mrs. Figg excused herself quickly and hurried back to her house. Harry was dead, Harry was dead... why hadn't she kept her subscription to the Daily Prophet?

Arabella reached for her wand as she stepped inside. She pointed it at her lamp. "Lumos," she whispered. It turned on.

Arabella threw some powder into her fire. "Albus!"

Dumbledore's head appeared. His eyes were red: he had been crying. "I guess you've heard the news."

"How could this happen, Albus? How can he be dead? It doesn't make any sense!" Arabella's eyes were tearing now.

"It was an accident."

"An accident? Voldemort is no accident."

"It's wasn't Voldemort, Arabella. It was a mistake in Potions class."

"A- a mistake in Potions class?" Arabella cried. "Did he drink something?"

"Only splashed. Got Mr. Malfoy too."

"Albus, I thought you would know better! There is no potion strong enough to kill someone with a splash!"

Dumbledore looked mildly surprised. "Really? I -er- tried to ask Servus, but he was dancing for joy."

Arabella scowled. Snape would do that. "That means Harry's alive, Albus! And Malfoy too! The only question is- where are they?"


Sirius's head snapped up. "Yes Sir?"

Dumbledore stepped into the room he and Remus shared. "Harry's not dead, Sirius."

Sirius jumped up. "WHAT?" he shouted. "WHERE IS HE?"

"We do not know," Dumbledore calmly. "But he is not dead."


"Arabella has so kindly informed us that no potion can kill someone with just a splash."


"Calm down, Sirius!" Dumbledore said. "I have sent for Remus, Hermione, and Ron. I'll let you explain it to them. I am going to inform the Ministry." Dumbledore hurried out the door.

Sirius sighed. "I'll never understand that man," he said out loud. "Theorax taught us that first year!"

Remus, Ron, and Hermione were talking quietly when Hannah Abbot came walking up to them.

"You're all to speak to someone in Dumbledore's office," she said firmly.

"Do you have a name, Hannah?" Remus asked politely.

"Nickname Padfoot, Professor Lupin."

They all exchanged looks. "Thank you, Hannah," Remus said quickly. "Ron, Hermione, we'd better go."

They followed him quickly towards the stone gargoyle. "Milky Way," Remus said. The gargoyle leapt aside. They hurried down the staircase. Remus pulled Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them off the shelf, and a door appeared. They walked through the door to see Sirius jumping up and down on the bed.

"Padfoot, of all the times..." Remus trailed away. His eyes followed Sirius through the air. "When James's son dies, you jump on the bed. How sympathetic."

Sirius screeched with glee. He jumped off the bed and landed in front of them. "Harry's not dead!"

"Are you feeling okay, Sirius?" Hermione asked, feeling his head.

"Hey, she's finally learned sarcasm!" Ron exclaimed.

"Padfoot," Remus said slowly, "Harry's been dead for a week."

"Nope, nope!" Sirius said cheerfully. "There ain't a potion that can kill with a splash!"

"IT WAS A SPLASH???" Remus cried. "Why didn't you guys tell us?"

Ron shrugged "It didn't seem important."

"Bloody hell it's important!" Remus cried. "No potion can kill with just a splash! It's called first year Potions!"

"You think I haven't got better things to do in Potions than listen to Snape?" Ron said.

"I remember!" Hermione exclaimed. "I was so busy studying for OWLs it didn't occur to me!"

"If only you could have met Lily," Sirius sighed. "You two would have been two peas in a pod."

"I get it from my mum's side." (A/N: Remember that... it's important later- much later!)

"OWLs are in June, Hermione," Remus enforced.

"Honestly," Ron said.

"You can never be too prepared," Hermione snapped. "That's what Mum always says. So- Harry's alive? Are you- are you sure, Sirius?"

"Arabella has yet to be wrong," Remus said firmly. "You should meet her too, Hermione."

"She can," Sirius said. "Arabella's coming to Hogwarts."

"Really?" Remus asked. "Damn, it'll be good to see her again. Haven't seen her since graduation."

"Whoa, freeze," Ron said. "Two questions: Who in bloody hell is Arabella, and how does she know Harry?"

"Arabella is Harry's neighbor," Remus said calmly.

"I had no idea how deeply they loved each other," Hermione said quietly.

"It's like that with Harry. Well, not exactly like that, but basically. Sirius loves Harry more than you could imagine. That's what I'm worried about."

Ron suddenly felt angry. "You don't seem that sad, Professor," he snapped. "Don't you even care that Harry's gone?"

Hermione kicked Ron. Lupin stared at the lake. He choked back a sob. "Of course I care, Ron," he cried. "I feel so helpless, like there's nothing I could have done. Here I am, failing Lily and James for the second time. I wish I could just die."

Ron hadn't really expected that reaction. But still, it didn't mean anything. Harry wasn't there.

"I wish I could see Harry," Ron choked. "I wish I could just see him one more time."

"So do I, Ron," Lupin said. "So do I."

Narcissa felt like her stomach was going to turn inside out. Her head was bursting with thoughts. No not Draco anyone but Draco not him not him not him not my son and Harry Harry's gone they're both dead they're dead how can they be dead and Harry was James all over again and I don't even know him and Draco is dead too and Frank's son killed them and they were in Potions class and oh hell I miss them how can this happen how can this happen why why WHY?

She didn't say any of this out loud, however. How could she? Her own voice had said nothing for twenty years.

Narcissa sighed. How could this happen? She could have stopped it, but she wasn't strong enough, she couldn't fight this stupid potion. She had failed herself. She had failed Lily and James. Again.

Narcissa's thoughts turned to Lily. Lily had been her best friend, the only girl friend she had ever had. Sure, she spent most of her time with the Marauders, but she couldn't ask them how her hair looked, or tell them how she felt about things, how she felt about Sirius...

"WHAT???" Hermione and Ron cried as one.

"Yes, she is. Used to baby-sit him, too," Sirius said. "Dumbledore found out she was living next door and asked her to look after him."

"This is just a little weird," Ron muttered.

"And the answer to your other question," Remus said, "is that we met Arabella Figg at a Founder's Day Ball in fifth year. (A/N: Hint, hint.) She was playing guitar for Celestina Warbeck, who was singing. She stayed in Lil's dormitory and we- you know, got to know her."

"Whoa," Hermione said. "Cool."

"Bloody brilliant!" Ron roared. "But there's one thing I don't get. If Harry's alive- where is he?"

"We don't know, Ron," Sirius said sadly. "We just don't know."

At that moment there was the lurch of the bookshelf opening.

"Sirius, quick!" Remus hissed. "We don't know who it could be..."

Sirius nodded and transformed into a dog with a small pop. The door opened. A lady about sixty walked in.

"Arabella!" Remus said, giving the woman a hug. "It's good to see you again!"

"Good to see you too, Remus," Arabella said, putting her hand on his shoulder. "How have you been?"

"Oh, same as ever. You?"

"Fine. Who are you?" Arabella said, turning to Ron and Hermione.

"I'm Hermione Granger," Hermione said, holding out her hand. "I'm Harry's friend."

"Nice to meet you, Hermione," said Arabella, taking her hand. "And you- you're a Weasley," she said, turning to Ron. "Are you Molly's son?"

Ron nodded, looking at her funnily. "Ron Weasley."

"Oh, I remember your mum so well. How is she?"

"How do you know my mum?" Ron asked.

"Are you kidding? Remus and the guys always used to complain about how much homework your mum gave them."

"H-homework?" Ron gasped. "Pro- er, Remus- is there something you haven't told me?"

"Oh, um..." Remus trailed off. The dog that was Sirius barked.

"Oh, is that your dog?" Arabella asked.

"Oh, uh, yes," Remus answered quickly, shooting a look at Padfoot. He whined.

"It's just that he looks a lot like- you know," Arabella said, looking at Ron and Hermione.

"You told her?" Hermione exclaimed.

"You know?" Arabella exclaimed. The dog gave Remus a pleading look and nuzzled his leg. Remus sighed.

"All right, all right, Snuffles. Er- Arabella, has Dumbledore ever talked to you about what happened on Halloween fourteen years ago?"

"Oh- that," Arabella sighed. "Yea, he did. Poor Sirius. That's why I said- it'd really be nice to see him again, if he was here."

Remus nodded at the dog. While they were talking, Padfoot snuck up behind Arabella and with a pop transformed into a man. Ron gave him a thumbs-up.

"So- you really missed me?" Sirius said. Arabella whirled around.

"Sirius!" she said, giving him a hug. "It's so good to see you again!"

"I heard."

"How are you?"

"Well, considering the whole world is looking for me, I'm pretty good. You?"

"No worse than usual. Damn, people do change over twenty years! Look at you!"

"Yea, well, Azkaban does that to you." Ron studied Sirius carefully for the first time. He had cut his hair short- or shorter, it was still pretty long, but it was neatly brushed. He was wearing new, black robes. All in all, he looked much better.

"Who would have thought the little boy could grow up so fast!" Arabella sighed.

"Ah!" Sirius said, looking offended. "I was not a little boy. I was fifteen!"

"So was I," Remus added, "but I acted my age. You acted like a seven-year-old."

"Agreed, Remus," Arabella said firmly. "It's so good to see you both again... even under the circumstances..."

"Speaking of Harry," Hermione said, "do you have any idea where he might be?"

"Well, dear, I have a theory, no more..." Arabella trailed off.

"Tell us!" Ron said.

"Well, you were making Energy Elixirs that day, correct?"

Hermione nodded quickly, but Ron shrugged. "With Snape teaching, its all part of one big torture plan."

"I still don't believe Dumbledore hired Snape," Arabella said in awe. "Did he hit his head or something?"

"See?" Sirius said proudly. "She only stayed with us a couple days, but we got her to see sense."

"Sense? Anyone who hung out with you, Sirius, had no sense. No offense meant, Remus."

"None taken."

"Is the only thing you people do degrade me?" Sirius asked.

"Only when there's nothing better to do," Remus said. "Besides, it's so much fun."

"This is important, Remus!" Hermione insisted. Ron nodded feverently.

"See?" Sirius said. "Ron and Hermione don't think I'm crazy!"

"Well, we didn't say that," Ron said, smiling.

"RON!" Hermione cried. "This is important!"

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted," Arabella said, shooting Sirius a glare, "I have a theory."

"Which is...?" said Sirius, smile fading at last.

"The component-"

"The what?" Ron asked.

"Honestly, Ron, component sort of means sister potion," Hermione sighed. "You never listen in Potions, do you?"

"There's no point, it's Snape talking."

"Excellent point, Ron," Arabella said. "Anyway, the component of the Energy Elixir is the Time Potion for going back in time."

"Arabella, you are the best!" Sirius cried, giving her a hug. "And Theorax always said going forward in time takes more magic than going backward, so Harry might just be storing up enough magic to come back!"

"Right! Except for one thing."

"Which is?" Remus said.

"The Time Potion should only have been strong enough to go back a few hours, or a day at most."

"Well, Harry isn't an ordinary wizard. He's powerfully magical," Sirius said proudly.

"Yes, but just going back one year would take Bade power, and there hasn't been a Bade since Godric Gryffindor, as you know. (A/N: Obviously, they don't know Harry and Draco are Bades...) That is, if you listened to Professor Binns." Ron, Sirius, and Remus sighed. "I suspected as much. Anyway, unless there was another powerfully magical person brewing the potion, our only lead is toast."

"No," Ron said. "Harry was teamed up with Neville, who couldn't brew a potion if his life depended on it, and Malfoy, who's pretty good at Potions, but if he's powerful I'm a hippogriff."

"We were just talking about the Malfoys," Remus said, rounding on Sirius. "Seems Lucius married an old friend of ours. Care to guess?"

Sirius looked confused. "Who?"

"One guess."

"She wouldn't."

"She did."

Sirius sunk onto the bed. He put his face in his hands. "No," he croaked. "No."

"Who? What are you talking about?" Arabella asked.

"There's got to be a way to get her back, Sirius," Hermione said, sitting next to him. "All spells have a reversal."

"Not all spells, Hermione," Arabella said.

"Not at all your usual standard," Remus said.

"All Light spells have a reversal," Arabella said, "but there are Dark spells that can go unchanged forever. The Killing Curse, for example."

"The Werewolf Curse," Remus said quietly.

"The Retanytullibibius Charm-"

"The what?" Ron asked.

"The Retanytullibibius Charm," Arabella said slowly. "Advanced Dark magic. Extremely rare, there are no records of a victim. Only a very few even know it exists. I found out the hard way."

"You mean..." Hermione gasped.

"I was almost put under the Retanytullibibius Charm," Arabella said gravely, "by You-Know-Who himself."

Remus glanced at her. "We promised not to tell."

"Someone would have found out anyway, Remus."

"That's no reason to tell."

"You shouldn't Arabella," Sirius gasped. "You really shouldn't..."

"Bloody hell, guys, you were there! And Dumbledore didn't even want to keep it a secret; he wanted to give me an Order of Merlin for it! It was I who told you I'd rip your throats out if you told a single soul you saw me like that!"

"True enough," Remus shrugged, giving up. "If you tell them, it'll save our skins."

"I think we're just getting a wee bit off subject," Hermione interrupted. "Arabella, what if there was another powerfully magical person? What then?"

"If you're suggesting that Malfoy is powerfully magical," Ron said slowly, "then I am owling St. Mungo's."

"Get out the parchment, then, Ron," Hermione said irritably. "If you want to destroy the one possible way we can find Harry again, fine."

Ron grumbled, "That's not what I meant."

"Sure sounded like it."

"Considering the possibility that another powerfully magical wizard helped brew the potion only widens our search area," Arabella sighed. "Two people got splashed, right? Well, depending on the amount applied, the Time Potion could even have put them somewhere else other than that dungeon. I'd say the maximum area traveled would be- oh, about London. And for the time range- anywhere between ten and twenty years."

"I had no idea how deeply they loved each other," Hermione said quietly.

"It's like that with Harry. Well, not exactly like that, but basically. Sirius loves Harry more than you could imagine. That's what I'm worried about."

Ron suddenly felt angry. "You don't seem that sad, Professor," he snapped. "Don't you even care that Harry's gone?"

Hermione kicked Ron. Lupin stared at the lake. He choked back a sob. "Of course I care, Ron," he cried. "I feel so helpless, like there's nothing I could have done. Here I am, failing Lily and James for the second time. I wish I could just die."

Ron hadn't really expected that reaction. But still, it didn't mean anything. Harry wasn't there.

"I wish I could see Harry," Ron choked. "I wish I could just see him one more time."

"So do I, Ron," Lupin said. "So do I."

Narcissa felt like her stomach was going to turn inside out. Her head was bursting with thoughts. No not Draco anyone but Draco not him not him not him not my son and Harry Harry's gone they're both dead they're dead how can they be dead and Harry was James all over again and I don't even know him and Draco is dead too and Frank's son killed them and they were in Potions class and oh hell I miss them how can this happen how can this happen why why WHY?

She didn't say any of this out loud, however. How could she? Her own voice had said nothing for twenty years.

Narcissa sighed. How could this happen? She could have stopped it, but she wasn't strong enough, she couldn't fight this stupid potion. She had failed herself. She had failed Lily and James. Again.

Narcissa's thoughts turned to Lily. Lily had been her best friend, the only girl friend she had ever had. Sure, she spent most of her time with the Marauders, but she couldn't ask them how her hair looked, or tell them how she felt about things, how she felt about Sirius...

"WHAT???" Hermione and Ron cried as one.

"Yes, she is. Used to baby-sit him, too," Sirius said. "Dumbledore found out she was living next door and asked her to look after him."

"This is just a little weird," Ron muttered.

"And the answer to your other question," Remus said, "is that we met Arabella Figg at a Founder's Day Ball in fifth year. (A/N: Hint, hint.) She was playing guitar for Celestina Warbeck, who was singing. She stayed in Lil's dormitory and we- you know, got to know her."

"Whoa," Hermione said. "Cool."

"Bloody brilliant!" Ron roared. "But there's one thing I don't get. If Harry's alive- where is he?"

"We don't know, Ron," Sirius said sadly. "We just don't know."

At that moment there was the lurch of the bookshelf opening.

"Sirius, quick!" Remus hissed. "We don't know who it could be..."

Sirius nodded and transformed into a dog with a small pop. The door opened. A lady about sixty walked in.

"Arabella!" Remus said, giving the woman a hug. "It's good to see you again!"

"It's totally possible, Ron," Sirius choked. "If Malfoy is Nar's son, don't underestimate a thing..."

"That's right," Remus agreed. "Never underestimate anyone."

"Twenty years is probably an overestimate," Arabella mused aloud. "Yes, that would be way too far back... you two were still at Hogwarts! ... It would take the power of two Bades to go back that far..."

"Good," Hermione said. "That narrows down our search area."

"Yea," said Sirius, wiping away his tears and standing up. "Let's go!"

"What- you mean now?" Hermione said.

"Well, I for one am not waiting," Remus snapped. "Harry could be in danger!"

"Don't you want to get Harry back?" Ron asked.

"Of course I do, Ron, but-"

"But nothing!" Arabella said. "If Harry's not dead, I'll stop at nothing to get him back!"

"Not for the first time, you're right Arabella," Sirius said.

"Wait," Ron said. "You still haven't told me about my mum."

"Molly didn't tell you?" Arabella said, surprised. "That's a surprise."

"She probably thought he'd turn against her," Sirius said. "Not a huge surprise."

"Ignore Padfoot, Ron," Remus said. "Molly Weasley was the Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts before Professor McGonagall."

"WHAT???" Ron cried. "No, that can't be right... that can't be... you're WRONG!"

"Told you, Moony," Sirius sighed. "Told you."

"I am not wrong, Ron," Remus said. "Believe me, I remember quite well all the homework she used to give us."

"Yea," Sirius sighed. "Probably worse than McGonagall."

"Homework isn't a bad thing!" Hermione cried. "It's extended study to see how well you can apply what you've learned!"

"That's Hermione for you," Ron sighed. "She can think of a way to make torture sound realistic. Get over it, Hermione. Teachers are evil."

"If I remember rightly, Lily thought Molly was a very good Transfiguration teacher," Arabella said.

"Yea well, Lily was always a bad liar," Sirius sighed. "We could see right through her. She really thought she was a bum."

"In your dreams, Padfoot," Remus sighed. "Lily and Molly were like this," he said, holding his hands together. "I haven't seen her in ages though... I think the last time was... the funeral..."

Remus wiped away his tear. "Anyway, that's all in the past. Right now, we're going to find Harry. Although you might want to contact your mum, Ron, because unless she's changed a lot, she'll be worried sick by now."

Ron nodded. "Agreed."

"Here, we've got a Floo connection in this room," Sirius said. "Take some."

Ron threw some powder in. "Mum?"

Molly Weasley's head appeared in the fireplace. "Ron? What are you- AHH! SIRIUS BLACK! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!"

"SHH!!!!" Remus said. "Professor, please, someone will hear..."


"MUM, SHUT UP!" Ron yelled. "It's okay!"

"Nice to see you again, Professor," Sirius said, putting on a very lame smile.

"Molly..." Arabella trailed off.

"Arabella!" Mrs. Weasley cried. "Marvelous to see you again... how's the guitar?"

"Put it away years ago, Molly, years ago... Molly, there's not much time to explain. We've got to go soon..."

"Go where?"

"Mrs. Weasley, Harry's a live," Hermione blurted out. "It was just a splash-"


"Join the club," Sirius said bluntly.

"Sirius- you - you - THING!"

"I've heard better."

"Mum, shut up!" Ron said. "Sirius is innocent! There's no time to explain... Harry's alive! We've got to find him..."

"Ron, Harry's dead," Mrs. Weasley said, tears falling down her cheeks. "He died a week ago."

"IT WAS JUST A SPLASH, PROFESSOR!" Remus roared. "Harry's alive! And we're going to find him! Just thought we'd let you know!"

"Well, if it was just a splash, what was it a splash of?"

"We're guessing a Time Potion, Molly," Arabella said. "But we could be wrong... still, it's our only lead, so..."

"WELL THEN, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GO!" Mrs. Weasley roared. "I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Mum, you really shouldn't..." Ron trailed.

"Don't tell me what to do, Ron! I'm coming, get used to it!" With a pop Mrs. Weasley was gone. (A/N: I like her attitude...)

"Never trust a professor, that's what I always say," Sirius said. "Worked then, works now."

"Oh God, what Mum would say if she saw us like this..." Hermione said anxiously.

"She'd probably say get a move on already!" Sirius roared. "We're wasting time! Harry's out there somewhere, and I for one am going to find him if it's the last thing I do!"

Lord Voldemort was having a very good day. It was the best day of his half-life.

Half an hour earlier, Wormtail had come up to him. "My Lord, Harry Potter is dead," he said nervously.

"Your humor does not amuse me."

"He is dead, My Lord."

"Hehe. Very funny. Go get Nagini."

"My Lord, Harry Potter is truly dead."

"And which fool, might I ask, would be stupid enough to take a life that belongs to Lord Voldemort?"

"Frank Longbottom's son, My Lord."

"I told you your humor does not amuse me."

"There is no humor."

"Prove it."

Wormtail took out apiece of paper and handed it to Voldemort. It was the front page of the Daily Prophet. It read:


At the age fifteen, Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, is dead.

In a horrible Potions accident, Harry Potter and one of his classmates, Master Draco Malfoy, died. A misconcoction by a certain Neville Longbottom, son of Frank Longbottom, the Auror who was tortured by supporters of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, led to the death of the two boys.

Will there ever be another like Harry Potter? Will there ever be another little boy with a lightning bolt scar? (See following pages for details.)

Voldemort screeched with happiness. "FINALLY!" he roared. "FINALLY! The idiot is dead! The idiot is dead! The idiot is dead!"

Wormtail squeaked, "Do you think it is possible, My Lordship? Harry Potter is no ordinary wizard."

"True," Voldemort mused, "but you can never underestimate a Longbottom. No one can stop me now!"

Like it? I'm really sorry it's so short, but I can't think of any more people to get reactions from. If you really like it and give me some more ideas (hint, hint), maybe I'll do another chapter like this one. I'm really sorry it's so short, but I ran out of ideas! The Voldemort one was my last result... Tootles!