Fred Weasley George Weasley James Potter Sirius Black
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 05/24/2002
Updated: 04/26/2003
Words: 13,525
Chapters: 5
Hits: 7,050

The Prank Wars


Story Summary:
Fred and George are faced with two great pranksters from the past. The great pranksters challenge them, and the prank wars begin. Who wins? Fred and George, or these great pranksters? Find out by reading.

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Fred and George against two very well known pranksters from the past. The next prank is up. What will happen

The Prank Wars

Part 3

By: Lavander Blues and Violet Rose

Disclaimer: You all know the drill.

A/N: Umm… sorry we haven’t worked on this story in a while but we’ve been really busy. So R/R!

Later that night, after the school had gotten used to the fact that two of the infamous marauders were staying at their school, not that the school knew or anything. Just the fact that it was a younger version of Harry’s father and the infamous escapee of Azkaban. Well, anyways after they were settled in, they set to work with their hanging-Snape’s-underwear-from-a-flagpole prank. Since there wasn’t a flagpole in the school or near it, they stranded it up around the Great Hall on strings. They were holding it all at a far distance away from themselves as they carried into the Great Hall.

Sirius: Ewie, I can’t believe I’m actually hold Snape’s underwear. And knowing his washing habits, they probably haven’t… been… washed… since…. 1969….


They both dropped the underwear like it was a ticking bomb.

James: Oh God that’s gross.

Sirius: I know… how bout we just magic to the Great Hall…

James: Okay.

They magicked it to the Great Hall and started stringing it up around the room. When they finished, they stood back and admired their work.

James: Well done, don’t you think Sirius.

Sirius: Yeah, know all we have to do is get back to Gryffindor tower without being caught.

James: Don’t worry about that. I have something that a certain son of mine lent me…

He pulled out the Invisibility Cloak from his pocket.

Sirius: You’re worse than I am, James. Now let’s get out before we are caught.

A voice: Ahem!?

James and Sirius: Crud, we’re dead.

It was McGonnagall, of course, on information she got from a ‘secret source’ which was not Fred and George, or so she said.

McGonnagall: You two, my office, now! (A/N: What else needs to be said)

James: You know, technically, since we are not from this time, you cannot get us in trouble.

McGonnagall: Keep wishing, Potter. Now get up to my office, NOW!!!

Sirius and James: ACKKK!!! We’re going, we’re going!

Sirius: No need to be bitchy about it!

McGonnagall: SIRIUS BLACK!!!!

Sirius: You rang?

Bunch of staff and students ran down to the Great Hall, screaming: WHERE?!?!?!?!?

McGonnagall: *sighing* Dear Lord. Where will you people learn that I was talking about the child?

Sirius: Child?! What do you mean child?!?! I’m sixteen.

James: *under his breath* You don’t act it.

McGonnagall: *giving Sirius a pointed look* Child.

Sirius: Okay, okay, point taken.

The students and stuff were all about to leave when Snape came running in the hall to see what all the commotion was about. He looked around, saw McGonnagall getting Sirius and James in trouble, then saw the walls and went paler than Professor Lupin, if that was possible. The students looked at him, looked around the room and saw why his face had gone so remarkably pale, for his underwear was still streamed around the Great Hall. There was a snort from one of the students, which was seemingly Ron Weasley, then everyone burst out laughing. Snape turned red, magicked all of his underwear into his hands and ran off, almost in tears. Sirius and James high-fived.

Sirius: Oh yeah!

James: We are da’ bomb, baby!!

Sirius: *does a little jig* Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh, uh-huh, Uh-huh!

James: *joins Sirius in his little jig* Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah!

McGonnagall: GET TO MY OFFICE NOW!!!!!

Sirius: Woah, no need to bellow! We’re standing right here!

James: Sirius, you’re gonna get us into more trouble than we are already in…. *He pointed at the fuming McGonnagall, getting angrier by the minute.*

Sirius: Oops. Me and my big mouth.

James: *mutters* Understatement.

Sirius: What was that?

James: Nothing.

Meanwhile, Fred and George have made their way to the front of the great hall to where Sirius and James were standing with McGonnagall. They gaped at them for a moment, wondering how they managed to do it. No wonder they were the great aids to magical mischief-makers, they were the best ever. Sirius finally looked away from James for a moment to see the two boys standing there, gaping at them.

Sirius: Might wanna close your mouths before you let the flies in.

George: How-how-how did you do that?

James: Easily. We said Accio Snape’s underwear, and it came to us.

Sirius: WE magicked it down here…

James: And magicked it up onto the walls.

Sirius: WE were about to sneak back up to the great halls when McGonnagall caught us.

James: And speaking of which, did you two have anything to do with that?

Fred: Of course not. We would never snitch on fellow mischief-makers.

George: Even if we were having a contest with them to see who was the better pair of pranksters.

Sirius: Well, someone did, and I’m intending to find out whom.

Fred: Probably one of the goody-two-shoes….

Sirius: Hey, one of my best friends is a goody-two-shoes. Don’t insult them. I mean, sure, he always did come up with the best pranks and all… but that’s only cause he’s the most… mysterious.

Fred: Riiiiggghhhtttt…

Sirius: But I’m telling the truth. Aren’t I, James?

James: Actually, yes he is. And whenever got caught with any of Remus’ pranks, did we?

Sirius: Yeah, because they were the most un-obvious ones of all. I mean, whoever thought of making the Slytherins think they had drank bad pumpkin juice which made their hair green on St. Patrick's day.

James: And he one where we made the teachers think that it was a Saturday.

Sirius: Or the one where we…

McGonnagall: What?!?!?! You made us ‘think’ it was a Saturday.

Sirius: It was Remus’ idea. Don’t get us in trouble!!!

James: Yeah, he practically insisted it, after we kept on telling him it wouldn’t work.

Sirius: I was the day exams started, and he needed more studying time!!!

Sirius and James: *begging on hand and knee* DON’T KILL US!!!!!!!

McGonnagall: MY OFFICE NOW!!!!!

James: Eep…

Sirius: Double eep.

Fred: Nice pranks.

George: *turning around to walk away* Yeah, your in for it this time. Have fun cleaning the trophies.

Fred: *joins George* Yeah, they haven’t been cleaned in quite a while.

George: Two whole weeks, actually.

They made their way back through the crowd and went back up to the Gryffindor Tower for a little more sleep. Once they were out and walking up the stairs, they let out the frustration.

George: Oh, geeze, how can we beat them with a better prank?

Fred: I have no clue. Why don’t we sleep on it?

George: Good idea.


Meanwhile in McGonnagall’s office.

McGonnagall: I can’t believe you two. You did the most horrible prank ever on Professor Snape, and you just sit there snickering. He won’t come out of his office for a month. Blah, blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Sirius: *droning P. McGonnagall out* Yes Professor.

James: *also droning P. McGonnagall out* Of course Professor.

Sirius: Yes, the trophies will be sparkling.

McGonnagall: You boys may not be use to this, but, you can’t use any magic while cleaning these trophies.

James and Sirius: WHAT?!

McGonnagall: *smiling slightly* Yes, we’ve changed the rules a bit after you two left school. You got off with it way to easy, so now every detention served cleaning trophies has to be done by hand.

James: Not fair, Professor.

McGonnagall: Yes, it’s perfectly fair. Now go back up to your dormitory for a little sleep.

Sirius: Fine…

The two boys got up and left, scowling.

Sirius: I cannot believe her!

James: Really, who does she think she is?

Sirius: Besides the head of Gryffindor…

James: And the Deputy Head Mistress….

Sirius: Drat. She knows who she is…

James: Double drat.

Sirius: Come on, lets go to sleep.

James: Okay, we can plan our next prank in the morning.


The next morning at breakfast, Gryffindor table.

Fred: *growling* Grrr… they beat us at our favourite prank idea!!

George: *depressed* I know….

Fred: What do we do now?

George: I have no clue…

Fred: We could… nah….

George: Or maybe… no…

Both in Unison: How About?!

Fred: You first.

George: No, you.

Fred: No, I insist.

George: Okay, if you say so. *suddenly brightening up* How about we turn all of the teachers hair neon colours!

Fred: *also brightening* Wow, I was thinking the same thing, but do the Slytherins hair too!!

George: Hey, we really must have some kind of mind link then!

Fred: Yeah but now is not the time to go into any depth on that.

George: Good point… So, how are we gonna do this?

Fred: Hmmm… I think we should... nah, too obvious.

George: How about we just something in their drinks?

Fred: That would be brilliant. WE have access to the kitchens and the house elves would do anything for us loyal visitors!

George: Yup. So, what colours should we use?

Fred: Definitely red.

George: But that’s our trademark colour. They’ll know it was us.

Fred: It’s also James and Sirius’ trademark colour.

George: Good point.

Fred: I know.

George: And green for McGonnagall. Ooo… how about orange for Snape?

Fred: Yeah. Neon orange, electric blue, hot pink…

The boys went on for about twenty minutes thinking up as many different colours as they could and came out with a list of over 200. It ranged from the neons to the ugly army colours. And just for Ron and Harry’s delightment, they had something really special in store for Draco Malfoy. A special Gryffindor red and gold polka dot pattern was going to be done just for him.


A figure standing outside the door close to the Gryffindor house table overheard Fred and George’s ‘evil’ plans for the Slytherins and teachers.

Figure: Hmmm… what shall I do to them. Which teacher should I get them in trouble with? Hmmmm…


Sirius: *asking for the 20th time* Dang, why did we have to get caught?

James: *answering for the 20th time* I have no clue.

Sirius: *gloomily* Too bad Remus wasn’t here, he always came up with the best pranks.

James: Yeah I know. Well, we have to think of something.

Sirius: I’m fresh out of ideas. We can’t do any of our old pranks, the teachers know them all already…

James: Darn, eh? And look at those two Weasley’s. They seem like they have something big and sinister planned. We need another head for this.

Sirius: James that’s brilliant!

James: What’s brilliant? All I said is that we need another he…. OH!

Sirius: We get a recruit… who can help us now, and carry out our work after we leave.

James: But who could we get who is smart, can help us not get in trouble and knows Fred and George’s pranks?

Sirius: Isn’t it obvious James?

James: No, not really.

Sirius: Ugh. No wonder all your pranks get us caught all the time. It’s because you’re absolutely dense.

James: *upset with Sirius’ comment* What’s that supposed to mean?

Sirius: Exactly what I just said.

James: Okay, fine then Mr. Smartie-Pants! Who should we get as our recruit?

Sirius: *annoyed with James* Your future son, dimwit!

James: Oh yeah, I never thought of that!

Sirius: *whispering* That’s obvious. *Speaking up* Why don’t we ask him about it at lunch today,

James: Okay. Now, I wonder if we have to go to the Gryffindor 7th year classes.

Voice from behind: No you do not.

They turned around to see McGonnagall, then cheered: ALL RIGHT!!!

McGonnagall: Instead you have to clean the trophies. Now, get!

Both of them: Awww…

They got up and left the great hall heading for the trophy room.



A voice in the background: Hehehehe, I can’t wait to see the looks on their faces when they find out what's waiting for them there… hehehehehe *psycho laughter*


-Do Fred and George get caught?

-Is Harry recruited?

-What surprise waits James and Sirius in the Trophy room?

-And who is that danged shadowy figure in the background?

Find out this and more, in the Prank Wars, Part 4!