If Love is a Game...

Lanni Weasley

Story Summary:
It's the Marauders' final year at Hogwarts and they have everything - and that includes a few big problems. James matures and finally wins over Lily; Remus falls head over heels for Lucius Malfoy's cousin; and Sirius finally gets the girls of his dreams. But that girl is supposed to marry Malfoy and her parents hate Sirius and her friends. Soon, she must choose between being the next Mrs. Lucius Malfoy or the early deaths of Sirius and her friends. Deep trouble is on the horizon of bliss.

Chapter 16

Chapter Summary:
It's James' and Sirius' Seventh Year at Hogwarts and they have everything: brains, talent, skill, brawns, friends, and even the ladies. While James finally matures and wins over Lily; the girl Sirius has his eyes on is finally starting to realize that she has come to like him too. But what happens when Lucius Malfoy likes her, too, and her parents disapprove of him and her friends intensely? SB/OC/LM, J/L, RL/OC; Chapter 16: Lorena has problems with Brandon again while Krystyna has problems with Lucius. Sirius and James are having problems with Petunia.
Author's Note:
Sorry it took so long, but I've been busy.

Chapter Sixteen

Boy Problems

The café was full, but there was one table left when they got there. Krystyna stopped to look around; she was the first one in her group to arrive. She still looked around. Maybe Lorena had left already and she was too late to see her...

But then, Krystyna saw the brilliant bright blond hair that could only belong to a few people. And sitting on the curb alone with a glowering look on her face was Lorena. Krystyna couldn't see what could make Lorena look so hatefully. Lucius was nowhere in sight and Marcus was nowhere to be found. She looked a little depressed as she watched her friend comb her fingers through her vivid blond hair.

And that's when Krystyna saw Lorena's source of anger. She watched as a boy, Hemmingway, with the regular smirk on his face stand behind her lazily. Lorena appeared to not have noticed his presence as she stared languidly across the street at a store. He combed his own fingers in her hair and grabbed her hands, which caused an immediate uproar from Lorena. She jumped to her feet and retched her hands out of his, glaring at him hatefully and saying something furious. She went to turn around when Hemmingway snaked his arms around her waist quickly and pulled her close to him. Lorena looked disgusted and enraged as she tried to get out. Feeling a sense of unhappiness, Krystyna walked over to disturb him.

"Hey, Lorena, what's up?" Krystyna called out loudly. Hearing her name, Hemmingway let go of her quickly and she looked over, slightly red in the face.

"Krystyna, hey," Lorena said breathlessly. She tore her eyes off of Hemmingway and beamed at her, rather gratefully. She walked off of the sidewalk and over to her. Krystyna glanced at Hemmingway, who was watching them curiously.

"Who's he?" Krystyna asked quietly. Lorena glimpsed at Hemmingway and frowned as she looked back at Krystyna. She rolled her eyes.

"That's Brandon Hemmingway from Durmstrang," Lorena replied miserably. "He's a good friend of Malfoy's and one annoying prat." Krystyna laughed and Lorena rolled her eyes again. She shook her head and exhaled.

"I'm guessing he's been giving you a rough time?" Krystyna said with a sly grin. Lorena gave a short laugh and shook her head.

"Rough doesn't even touch it," Lorena replied rather exasperatedly. Krystyna's grin broadened and she held in her laughter. Lorena looked around suspiciously, as if looking for someone, and then looked back at Krystyna sharply. "We'd better talk somewhere else unless you want to run into--"

"Krystyna, I didn't know you were going to be here!" an annoyingly familiar voice called from behind her, interrupting Lorena. She sighed unhappily and frowned.

"--Malfoy," Lorena ended, scowling madly. Krystyna turned around just in time to jump out of Lucius' way and dodge an unwanted hug from him. He grinned mischievously.

"Did you miss me this badly already?" Lucius asked her teasingly.

"No," Krystyna replied truthfully. Lorena sniggered, but Lucius paid no attention to her, although he felt like kicking her; he knew she felt the same way about him. He'd better not say something bad in front of her. Krystyna saw his nervousness. "Actually, my holiday has been ruined by seeing you this early."

"You're just hiding your true colors," Lucius said softly. She rolled her eyes and put her hands in her pockets calmly. She eyed him with mockery in her eyes.

"You know, for the first time in your life, you're right about something about me," Krystyna said coolly, grinning largely. He looked a little taken aback.

"I am?" Lucius replied bemusedly. And then, he grinned. "Of course, I am. You know, I'm always right about you." She was holding in her laughter while Lorena was looking a little confused. Lucius grinned haughtily at Lorena, who glared at him furiously. He chose not to look at her again; he'd almost crossed the line right there.

"Yeah, I am holding my true colors," Krystyna replied smoothly, still grinning at him. "What I really meant is that you are making me sick by just standing there. I should've said it right out instead of being a little polite, but I guess I thought you might have some feelings left."

Lucius' grin immediately turned into a disappointed frown as Lorena burst out laughing. Krystyna was still grinning cockily at him as she looked back. She saw Mrs. Melanie, Marlena, and Andrew finally catching up. She threw Andrew a caveat glance, which he caught quickly. Andrew and Lucius hadn't gotten along either, and considering that he had been one of those people who had been on the fight on the train, they didn't mix well--especially since Andrew looked up at James Potter and Sirius Black. Lucius had never let the chance slip to tease him. Krystyna was definitely not looking forward to seeing her mother and sister see Lucius and Mrs. Malfoy here.

"Oh, my mum's going to be absolutely revolting," Krystyna muttered to Lorena, who nodded her head knowingly. Lorena glared at Lucius forebodingly, who got the picture immediately. Mrs. Melanie saw them standing together and quickened her pace for them.

"Lucius Malfoy, what a wonderful surprise to see you here," Mrs. Melanie exclaimed, smiling at him in a way that made Krystyna feel sick. She glanced at Krystyna, who immediately turned her disgusted look into a false joyful expression. Lorena rolled her eyes and bowed her head to look down at her shoes, but her eyes looking at them and her hands behind her back.

"Hello, Mrs. Melanie, it is a pleasure to see you and your daughter," Lucius said formally, glancing back at Krystyna who still had that cheerful expression on her face, but a look of hate in her eyes. He grinned and shook Mrs. Melanie's hand. She looked absolutely delighted to hear that.

"Ah... Of course, is your mother here?" Mrs. Melanie asked. He nodded his head courteously and she sighed with relief.

"Yes, she's over there, talking to Mrs. Black," Lucius answered politely. The false cheerfulness on Krystyna's face was abruptly wiped off after hearing that last bit. Even the hate in her eyes changed in full surprise. She glanced furtively over where Mrs. Malfoy was. Lorena was already looking that way with a look of shock on her face.

"That is Sirius' old mum!" Lorena hissed, completely flabbergasted. They both stared as Mrs. Malfoy talked to Mrs. Black, a stern woman with flowing black hair and tanned skin with hazel eyes. Sirius had dark green eyes like his father. There was a hint of beauty amidst the look of glee on her face--they were obviously talking about something she liked. Perhaps it was Regulus Black, her "only" son. Krystyna felt her blood bubble as she thought of what they could be saying.

"Well, they're evidently not talking about Sirius," Krystyna muttered angrily. "She can't look that happy when talking about him, the evil old hag." Lorena tried to muffle her snickers, but failed terribly and shook her head instead.

"No, no, she can look happy while talking about him," Lorena murmured vaguely. "I've seen her do it before. She'll be bashing his name and thinking of what might happen to him when he gets older, painful deaths of course. She's truly a wicked one, that woman."

"Their house is creepier than all of Knockturn Alley," Krystyna whispered with a shudder. She'd been in there when she was younger for business meetings with her father and Sirius' father. They had never been fun, but she and Sirius had always been forced to act like they enjoyed them while there or suffer the consequences. Call it bonding times, but once they got to Hogwarts, Sirius showed how he really acted while those business meetings weren't in order. The House of the Most Noble Blacks had been very freaky and dark to her. She really didn't know how Sirius could've lived there for fifteen years.

"You've been there?" Lorena asked, looking more surprised, and now gaping at her friend. She nodded her head slowly and looked at Lorena.

"Yeah, our dads' old business meetings before Hogwarts," Krystyna simply answered. She watched her mother bustle off to join the two women in the conversation. Marlena walked over to them slowly as she picked up a menu off of a table.

"Hello, Lucius," Marlena said absentmindedly as she perused the menu. Lorena gawked at her for a second and then raised an eyebrow. She hadn't seen Marlena since she'd went to Hogwarts. She glanced at Krystyna, who rolled her eyes.

"Hello, Marlena, I haven't seen you for a long time," Lucius said conversationally, glancing at Krystyna rather questioningly. She wasn't paying attention to him.

"No, how's Marcus doing?" Marlena asked as she sat the menu down, clearly having picked something out to eat. Krystyna felt Lorena shift her position apprehensively. She glanced over and saw Brandon finally making his way for them.

"Oh, he's"--Lucius gave Lorena a fleeting look--"doing fabulous in his work. I hear he's been working with Samuel lately." Marlena nodded her head. Krystyna glanced at Lucius and Marlena from the corner of her eyes and then rolled them.

"Yes, William's been working with them too," Marlena said lightly. Lucius nodded his head. "They've both told me it's going wonderful. Has Marcus said anything about Odin Lawson?" Lucius frowned and pondered about it.

"Yeah, yeah, I hear he's getting really good now," Lucius said quietly. "I hear he's getting in real deep and dark." Marlena nodded her head. Lorena glowered at them both furiously and she turned her head away as Lucius glanced at her again, almost guiltily. Krystyna didn't know what that look meant, but chose not to reply. She looked at Lorena, who slipped her hands in her robe pockets quickly.

"Well, tell Marcus I said 'hello'," Marlena noted wearily. "Good day, Lucius."

"I will and good day, Marlena," Lucius replied properly. Marlena nodded her head and walked over to the table where Mrs. Melanie, Mrs. Malfoy, and Mrs. Black sat in an avid conversation. Andrew walked passed them without saying a word or anything, but glared at Lucius hatefully who glared right back at him. He walked into the café alone. Brandon Hemmingway hissed something in Lucius' ear.

"Right, this is Brandon Hemmingway from Durmstrang," Lucius told Krystyna, though he didn't have to because she already knew. "Brandon, this is Krystyna Melanie from Hogwarts." He smirked and punched Lucius in the arm jokingly. He grinned and nodded his head.

"'Ello, you wouldn't happen to know if this gal over here is taken or not, would you?" Brandon asked with a large grin, jerking his head at Lorena, who was still glowering. "She got a letter from a boy named Remus Lupin and she's really jerky about him. Is he her boyfriend or what?"

Lucius looked eager to find out and Brandon looked hopeful that he wasn't, in his own twisted way. She rolled her eyes. They must really think she was stupid to tell them something like that. She shook her head slowly.

"Sorry, but Lorena's not dating Remus," Krystyna said. Brandon looked absolutely delighted. "But I don't think she's going to date you either, Hemmingway."

"But I like her," Brandon said with a smirk. Lorena fumed at him and glared at him.

"I'll be in the Quidditch Supply Store when you're finished with them," Lorena muttered heatedly, not at her but at Brandon. She stalked away, seething.

"What is it with her?" Brandon asked curiously as he watched her disappear into the Quidditch Supply Store angrily. Krystyna shook her head. He was just as much as an idiot as Lucius was.

"Reading between the lines, I'd say she thinks you're an arrogant berk," Krystyna noted coolly. And without further ado, she laughed and walked away, leaving both Brandon and Lucius confused. She walked into the store and found Lorena looking at a play book on the Chudley Cannons. Krystyna peered in on the book.

"Hey, I got a letter from Remus," Lorena sighed, putting the book up rather reluctantly. She was a huge fan of the Chudley Cannons. She pulled out a letter that was larger than Krystyna's. She grinned unconsciously, but Lorena didn't see.

"Yeah, I got one too," Krystyna sighed, pulling out hers. "He's seems a little bored and lonely. He sent one to Sirius, Lily, and James too..."

Lorena told Krystyna of her problems when the letter first came and Krystyna told Lorena about her problems, although Lorena's was much worse. Krystyna was still clutching Lorena's present in the bag, but had forgotten all about it. When her stomach rumbled, she realized she was hungry. They walked back to the café and found their own table, talking happily. Neither had been this happy since their holiday had started and were glad to see each other again.


Sirius pocketed the letter quickly in his coat pocket. After reading what Remus had to say about his holiday, he was wondering if he was next going to battle the giant squid or something. He had no idea what Remus was really going through at the moment. But right now, from where he was standing, four Muggle teenagers were looking at him and James with eager faces. Well, make that three eager faces; Sydney was looking as bored as usual.

"Who's the letter from, Sirius?" Wesley asked curiously.

"A friend," Sirius simply said, telling them nothing more than what they needed to know. Henry smirked and nodded his head.

"A girlfriend, obviously," Henry noted to Erika, who looked slight downfallen and frowned at him rather sadly.

I wish, Sirius thought.

"No way, man, he's a guy!" James exclaimed loudly, mortified at what Henry had just said and looking completely disgusted. This made Henry burst out laughing and fall back into the snow. "Bloody hell, what's your effing problem?!" Henry just howled with laughter.

"Oh, so it really is from a friend?" Erika said rather hopefully, looking at Sirius. He looked slightly puzzled and then something hit him. He nodded his head.

"Yeah, it's just from a friend from school," Sirius told her calmly.

"What instrument does he play?" Erika asked exuberantly, looking at Sirius with wide eyes. His mind was on the blank and he looked at James, who was looked more befuddled than he was.

"Oh, he plays the obo, but he's not in the Marching Band," Lily noted coolly. James looked at her oddly and raised his eyebrows.

"The obo? What's an obo, Lil?" James asked strangely. Lily gave him a warning look and he raised his eyebrows even further. "Ooh, that's an obo! Sorry, my mind spaced out for a second."

"I thought you were always spaced out," Henry sighed jokingly. Sirius and Wesley started laughing when James looked affronted. "But, hey, I guess I can't always be right."

He started laughing too and James grinned slyly. Lily beamed at him.

"But I still love you when you're spaced out," Lily said sweetly. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and his grin broadened and he turned red a little. They were just about to restart the snowball fight when Petunia walked out again. Immediately, Sirius ducked when she chucked a shoe at him. He stood back up and frowned at her.

"Hey, I said I was sorry!" Sirius exclaimed, slightly angry. "Give it a rest, will--"

This time, the shoe she threw at him conked him right on the head and he fell over into the snow from it hurting. He groaned on the ground while Henry, Wesley, and James burst out laughing wildly in the snow. James was doubled up with laughter.

"Dude, I think she's hitting on you!" James gasped, his side hurting so much from laughing hysterically. Sirius collapsed back in the snow while Petunia shrieked after she heard what James said. Lily shook her head and sighed.

"How dare you!" Petunia shrieked. James turned around, still laughing.


James stopped laughing and stumbled backwards. He accidentally stepped on Sirius' hand (he yelped painfully) and tripped over him, falling on his back into the snow. Lily gasped and ran over to her boyfriend to see if he was alright. Henry collapsed from laughing so badly. Wesley was howling with laughter. Erika looked shocked. Sydney looked tired; she yawned. Petunia looked very affronted and very livid with both James and Sirius. She put her hands on her hips and glared at all of Lily's friends.

"Hey, it's getting sort of late; don't you think you should all be heading home by now?" Petunia scolded harshly. Henry and Wesley stopped laughing and glanced at each other. Erika paid no attention to her and walked over to Sirius.

"Are you okay, Sirius?" Erika asked worriedly. "Do you need a hand? I can make you some hot coco if you like."

She pulled on his arm to help him up, but it was just causing him more trouble. She pulled him up on a piece of ice and he fell back down. "Oh, I'm sorry! Here, let me help you with that!" Erika exclaimed concernedly. She tried to pull him up again, but he was trying to fend her off.

"No, no--that's okay--I can do it myself--just--let go--I'm fine, really--Erika--I'm okay--" Sirius tried to tell her but she wasn't listening. He sighed and rolled his eyes. He let her help him up to his feet when she really didn't have to.

"Look, Petunia, just chill for a second, okay?" Sydney said coolly, trying to calm down a fuming Petunia, who was glaring at Sirius and Erika. Wesley started to back up.

"You know what, going home seems reasonable," Wesley said, giving a nervous laugh. "C'mon, Sydney, just leave her alone. Let's get out of here." Sydney rolled her eyes at Wesley's apprehensiveness and sighed. Henry scratched his head and his stomach rumbled.

"Actually, I'm getting kind of hungry myself..." Henry murmured contemplatively. He looked back at his house that had the chimney smoking and grinned. Lily was kneeling at James' side.

"James, are you alright?" Lily gasped nervously. James was groaning on the ground and the spot where Petunia had smacked him was bright red. "James, can you hear me? How many fingers am I holding up?" She held up two fingers in the air. James grabbed her hand awkwardly.

"Hey, Lil, when did your twin arrive?" James asked ridiculously, sniggering feebly. Petunia slapped rather hard. He squinted to see her clearer and grinned nonsensically. Lily rolled her eyes and touched James' cheek where Petunia hit him.

"And you're still here because?" Petunia scoffed. They looked at each other.

"Right, I'll be heading home now," Henry announced. "I'm starving and I bet dinner's almost ready, ya know. Buh bye!" He started walking for home and waved to them. Everyone except Petunia waved back in response.

"Yeah, it is getting late," Wesley chirped. "I'm out of here. Thanks for inviting me over, Lily. Later all!" He turned around and beginning walking down the street for his house. He stuck his hands in his pockets and kicked some slush off of the street. He stopped and turned back around.

"Hey, Sydney, are you coming or what?" Wesley called. "You promised you'd come over for some pizza and movies with some friends." She slapped her head and sighed.

"Yeah, I'll be there, you just go on ahead," Sydney rang with the most emotion so far Sirius had heard from her. "I just have to go home and take a shower and stuff."

He nodded his head and walked away. They all shouted "good bye" before Sydney ran across the street to her house, but not before getting sprayed by slush from a passing, speeding car. Some landed on James' face.

"Ooh, that effing freezing!" James yelped, jolting up and almost smacking into Lily, who jumped back just in time. He wiped it off of his face and shivered.

"Okay, well, I guess I have to go home too," Erika muttered unhappily. "Maybe you want to come over, Sirius. How about it?"

Well, he'd gotten himself stuck in another predicament with a girl. He gets out of one and dives head first into another. He sighed tiredly and frowned.

"Listen, Erika; you're a nice girl and everything, but..." Sirius began, frowning at her a little. She gave him her "puppy eyes" and beamed at him.

"But what Sirius?" Erika giggled girlishly. She walked up to him looking very coy and sly at the same time. James, reclaiming his sense once again, tried to muffle his sniggers and collapsed back in the snow so he wouldn't burst out laughing. When he came up, he'd stuck snow in his mouth. Lily looked up and shook her head.

"But I already have a girlfriend and I like her a lot," Sirius said, dropping the bomb and breaking the news to her. She suddenly frowned and blushed, looking slightly embarrassed. He sighed and shook his head, glancing at James, who had a large grin with snow stuffed in his mouth. "I'm sorry, Erika..."

"Oh, oh, this is embarrassing," Erika squealed, red in the face. "I think I'll leave now. Good bye, Lily; I'll see you... when you get back from school." She scurried for her house quickly. She gave them a fleeting peek when she was on her front porch and then disappeared inside. James spit the snow out of his mouth and started laughing again. Sirius gave him a warning glare, but he couldn't stop laughing. Lily sighed and shivered.

"It's getting cold; let's go inside," Lily chirped. James and Sirius agreed completely with her. They all walked inside and changed out of their snow clothing. Lily took a shower while Sirius and James changed into some nice warm Muggle clothes. When Lily got out, they all sat in front of the fire with some hot chocolate to talk about what might be happening at Hogwarts in hushed voices so Petunia wouldn't get agitated with them. They had no idea what terror Remus was going through...

Author notes: Thanks for reading and please review!