Lily Evans Severus Snape
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 10/05/2001
Updated: 10/05/2001
Words: 141,156
Chapters: 20
Hits: 18,533

Least Likely Of All


Story Summary:
First set in the Lily/James Hogwarts Era, he's abusive and she can't let go. Who helps her? The Least Likely Of All... in more ways than one.

Chapter 17

Author's Note:
I worked on this story for about eighty days, and the end result was 100 chapters. Lucky for all of you guys, I contained that to twenty. Started May 20th, ended July 31st, 2001, the Least Likely Of All. Feel free to email me or IM me at AngelBornInHe11. I don't bite.

Chapter Seventee, Parts 81 - 85

Chapter Seventeen, Part One: Moment Of A Lifetime (Fever)

She didn't know where she was. The unfamiliarity of the situation ran through her veins like ice; her eyes searched frantically for some sort of handle to hold on to... Anything.

The room was white one moment, black the next. He was there one moment, gone the next. However, between the visions of Him and her changing surroundings, she could just make out two other faces;


Yes, it had to be... His blue eyes were bright, only as they were when the moon was new. Otherwise, his eyes were amber, just as hers were slowly turning.

But... Another. Who was it?

Pain immediately entered her body as she saw who it was. He also had blue eyes; however, they were not warm and caring as Remus' had been, they were cold and distant, as she remembered them.


What was his purpose here? Surely he didn't want to see her... Their relationship had ended fifteen years ago.

He was dead.

If course he was dead... But why?

Pain filled her body once more as she tried to close her eyes, only to find out they were held open by an invisible force she was not aware of, forcing her to look.

James... He had forced her.

Severus... He had loved her.

Remus... Had he loved her too?

Severus once more... Did he still love her?

Of course. Why wouldn't he? She could feel it deep in her mind; she could hear his thoughts, sense his feelings, all those good and of love. The hatred he felt for James had been buried deep inside of his mind, but as the colors changed once more, she was suddenly surrounded by images through his mind.

His mother... She had been beautiful. Death had preserved her beauty, and his mind remembered each detail exactly.

His father... The bastard.

His first glimpse at Hogwarts... He had been amazed. The ceiling, the students, the teachers, the atmosphere... He saw her.

He saw her being Sorted: her hair standing out among the others. He felt a sense of warmness wash over him, but didn't dare act upon it.

She was a Gryffindor, after all.

He had attempted to become friends with Remus on the Hogwarts Express -- funny how neither party mentioned it at any point.

Then... the moment of realization. The moment his anger and hatred towards James Potter intensified to ten times the amount he already had.

She saw herself walking with Sirius Black at her side. He threw his arm around her shoulder and she could see herself wince, even from perhaps five hundred feet away.

Ahh... So he knew.

Their first kiss... their first true date... their first time...

The day he became a Death Eater.

He had been branded; it was more pain than Lily had ever experienced, even through a memory.

The courage it took to show her one the Express back to Hogwarts... Perhaps he belonged in Gryffindor, after all?

When she told him about their daughter... The room filled with light. Why?

He was happy. The only times in his memory where he had been truly happy were with her.

Why though? What did it all mean?

The day their daughter was taken from them... Anger, hatred, fear.

The days following... December 26th, 1977.

The moment they were pronounced husband and wife.


Their last night together.

Of course, they were just memories.

Their nights together in the Leaky Cauldron... France... The love and hope that came with these memories filled her to the core.

Harry... he had been born... God, how it had hurt... But it was worth it. Severus still loved her.

When James died. He had been happy... They were together, they didn't have to hide it.

Ethan's birth... Kaylee... Dea... Drake, then Dakota.

Pain... Immense pain. Remus. His amber eyes... It wasn't the new moon, he was looking at her with such need and want... Who was she to resist him?

No, she had forced him. The need, the want, the love... It was all a spell brought on by the mind.

The door opening... Severus stepping in... He had seen them. The hurt that passed through his body, his heart, his soul...

She was unworthy.

The pain that followed. She deserved it... She deserved to die. She deserved to never be loved again... She deserved to be hated. She was hated.

He came back... The love was still there... but why?

She was pregnant. God, how was she ever going to explain this to Severus? He was furious but never let on... Perhaps scared.

Of course. He was terrified.

The bite... How it had hurt... So painful. She saw Sirius protect her.

She should thank him.

The pain... Remus... Severus... Papa... it was terrible.

Had she done all of this? Why? Surely no one deserved it?

No one did. It was all in her mind.

The room changed colors once more, and she wondered... Which was worse? The darkness or the nightmares that filled it?

Where had she heard that before? Many times, she had... Where? She tried to think when she realized something.

It was all in her head.

Severus awoke to heavy breathing and a light moaning sound coming from his wife who lay next to him. Touching her cheek gently, he felt the fever that was raging inside of her.

He shifted his body for a moment before he felt it; wetness. No... It couldn't have been time. She wasn't due for another week... It was too early.

Dakota had been a month early, he realized.

Oh God...

Severus sighed, standing up and pulling on his robes.

It was time.


Chapter Seventeen, Part Two: Shadow Of Death

Harry awoke to a muffled cry, followed by heavy footsteps and the sounds of a door opening. He closed his eyes once more and sighed, but was once again disturbed by a pounding on his door.

"Yeah?" He mumbled sleepily, slipping on his glasses and walking to the door, opening it.

"Harry... Your Mum, she's going to have the babies." Severus was breathing hard and his face was pale.

"Is she ok?" Harry asked immediately; Severus had never waited around to tell him before.

"I'm not sure." He admitted, glancing over to the doorway of the Master Bedroom. "Listen... the children, they can take care of themselves. Do you want to come?"

Harry nodded vigorously, "Yeah, let me get dressed."

"Be ready in two minutes... No more." With that, Severus turned around and nearly ran into the Master Bedroom, leaving Harry to change.

After dressing Lily as carefully as he could, Severus went back to Harry's room, finding the boy already ready and waiting for him. He beckoned his son to follow him as he walked into the Master Bedroom once more, taking his wife's arm in one hand and Harry's in his other. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on the three bodies at St. Mungo's, and a moment later the walls of the mansion disappeared, replaced by bright white walls and a busty witch at an information desk.

"Maternity." Severus said to her, supporting Lily in his arms. Harry watched in awe as they were suddenly surrounded by three different witches and a doctor, one of which helped Severus set Lily on a conjured stretcher.

"Dad?" Harry asked, his eyes darting from the stretcher to his mother to Severus and back again.

"Come with us." Severus said quietly and surprisingly calmly as he started to follow the entourage.

Harry followed numbly, his eyes wide with amazement as the nurses and doctor worked on his mother.

It seemed like an eternity, but they finally reached a room big enough to hold all of them. Severus walked right in but Harry lingered behind, almost afraid to step in.

Before he could back away any further, Severus looked at his son and forced a smile.

"It'll be all right, Harry. Come on in, you won't be in the way."

Harry nervously stepped in, sighing as his father's hand touched his shoulder gently.

"Will she be ok?"

Severus nodded, "Yes, she will."

There was a pause before Harry dared to speak again. "What about Remus?"

For the first time that night, Harry saw a flicker of pain ignite in his father's eyes. However, as soon as it had shown, it had disappeared.

"Stay here."

A moment later, Severus had disappeared with a pop, leaving Harry feeling very much alone in the large white room with the nurses and doctors trying to revive his mother. Why though? Why couldn't they just let her be?

The bulge in her belly was moving slightly, and even though she was unconscious, Harry could see his mother's face flinch with pain. He backed up against the wall, not knowing what to do.

Severus arrive at his destination with a satisfied pop. He knocked on the door urgently, knowing Remus had to be in there.

Remus opened the door in a pair of boxers and a robe flowing loosely from his shoulders. "Severus? What's wrong? Lily... Is she ok?"

Severus shook her head, "She's gone in to labor."

Remus shook his head, "How far along?"

"A half hour, perhaps. I need you to come with me."

Remus sighed and looked over his shoulder, "Severus, I --"

"Lupin, you'd bloody well better listen to me." Severus hissed before Remus had the chance to finish his sentence. "You have as much of a chance as I do as being the --"

Before he could finish, his eyes fell upon a woman who had approached Remus from behind, wrapping her long arms around his torso. She eyed him warningly, her blonde hair unnaturally neat.

"Hello." She extended her right hand. "Narcissa Martin. And you are?"

Severus eyed her hand and refused to take it. Slightly startled, the woman withdrew her hand to the safety of Remus' midsection.

"Severus, listen to me, I... Really. This is a bad time." Remus looked so helpless, his now blue eyes darting from Narcissa to Severus nervously.

"Did she really mean that little to you?" Severus said quietly, "She'd want you there."

"Want you where?" Narcissa interrupted, "What's going on?"

"'Cissa... Listen, Lily Snape. You remember me telling you about her, right?"

"Yes... your friend." Narcissa's eyes narrowed a bit. "What's wrong?"

"My wife just went in to labour and your boyfriend here is refusing to come with me." Severus interjected, his eyes bearing into Remus'.

"Why should he?"


"He has certain obligations he should attend to." Severus glared at the woman. Where on Earth had he seen her before?

"Remus?" Narcissa asked.

Remus just shook his head, "It's important, 'Cissa."

"What's so important?" Narcissa asked, "Can't you go when the sun's up? It's not even four in the morning."

"Remus!" Severus hissed, crossing his arms. "Do you ever want to see them? Ever?"

Something snapped inside of Remus as he shook Narcissa off of him and kissed her apologetically.

"I'll explain later." With a furious look at Severus, the two exited with a small pop, leaving a stunned Narcissa soon-to-be Lupin standing in her fiance's doorway.

Harry sighed with relief as two figures appeared in front of his once more; his father and Remus Lupin, looking rather flustered as he quickly transfigured a set of robes for himself to wear.

Once Remus had pulled the robes over his head, he took a look around him in the room they were in; the doctor had left, satisfied with his role, while the nurses still worked on Lily, who was pale and now trembling.

"God damn it, Severus... You didn't say she was fucking unconscious!" Remus exclaimed in a fairly low voice, backing up against the same wall Harry had before.

"I didn't think it was necessary." Severus responded in the same cold voice he had used with Narcissa. "Seeing as how you are a friend and all. I thought you'd come, no questions asked."

Harry sensed the tension between the two as Remus fell silent, his gaze upon Lily's form.

"Dad..." Harry said quietly, "Is she going to be ok?"

"I don't know." Severus admitted softly, "I guess we're going to have to wait."

And wait they did. After nearly an hour of standing and waiting, Severus asked Remus in a rather forced voice to take Harry out in to the hall to sit for a while; Severus would call the two in if there was any change.

Harry and Remus sat side by side in a pair of chairs Harry supposed was specifically designed for things such as this; a son whose mother was unconscious and in labour while the possible father who wasn't his mother's husband sat next to him.

Or maybe his situation was unique. Either way, the chairs were extremely uncomfortable.

"Hello, Harry."

They were the first words Remus had spoken to Harry that night. Harry looked up at him with surprise.

"Hi Professor Lupin."

This received a rather small smile from the tired looking man next to Harry.

"How are you doing?"

Harry shrugged, "As good as possible, I guess."

Before another word was spoken, Remus sighed. "I'm sorry, Harry."

Harry just starred. "For what?"

He knew damn well what.

"For... For this." Remus tried to explain with a wave of his hands. "For perhaps putting your mother in such a compromising situation."

Harry shrugged, "I suppose it's not your fault."

"It is." Remus said, "Perhaps not directly... Hopefully not directly. However, I'm sure what ever is wrong with her..."

"Nothing's wrong with her!" Harry exclaimed a bit louder than he supposed he should have. Feeling slightly embarrassed as many pairs of eyes turned to him and Remus sitting in those uncomfortable blue chairs, he shrank down a bit before continuing.

"Nothing's wrong with Mum."

Remus sighed and leaned back, closing his eyes slightly. "God, I hope you're right."

Seconds seemed to pass as if they were minutes; Minutes as if they were hours and hours... Hours were eternity. Harry couldn't bring himself to fall asleep, less he miss something important.

After what seemed like forever, Severus finally stuck his head out of the room, his tired black eyes scanning the halls until he found Remus and his son. Beckoning them to enter the room, Harry and Remus immediately obliged.

Lily was still out cold; however, the doctor looked as if he was preparing to put some sort of a spell on her. Harry looked up at his father, a curious expression resting on his face, but Severus chose to look over at Lily and ignore Harry for the time being.

The scene that followed was one Harry would never forget; without warning, the doctor took his wand and sliced through Lily's belly, blood seeping out of the incision.

Quickly and carefully, the doctor reached in and turned his back towards Harry so he was no longer able to see anything. A moment later, the sounds of a baby's cries were heard.

"It's a boy!" a nurse exclaimed, taking the wrinkled infant from the doctor's reddened hands. Harry watched with amazement as the nurse worked to clean the bundle off, wrapping him in a blanket and handing him to Severus, who looked down in slight interest. His mind, however, was still on his wife.

Minutes later, another small bundle containing a baby boy was placed into Remus' arms. His face pale, Remus immediately handed the baby to Harry. He took the bundle without complaint, look at the baby's dark hair and pink skin. He had ceased to cry at the touch of his brother's fingers brushing across his forehead.

The moment was abruptly ended as a loud beeping overtook the room. The doctors had wrapped a band around Lily's arm, monitoring her heartbeat in a small orb that was suspended about a foot over Lily's body, a red glow throbbing with each continuous beat.

"Dad... What's going on?" Harry looked up at Severus, who was watching the scene unfold in front of his with shock. Before Severus could even acknowledge the fact Harry had spoken to him, a dreadful whine filled the room, making Harry want to cover his ears. He couldn't, however. The baby was still resting peacefully in his arms.

Before Harry could register what was happening, two other doctors rushed into the room, nurses in tow. A flurry of activity occurred as the witches and wizards blocked Harry's view from his mother, who was no longer trembling.

After a minute, the doctors backed up, each sighing in their own turn. The whining stopped, but the pulsing did not sound as Harry expected it to.

One of the doctors -- the one who had delivered the two little infants lying in Harry and Severus' arms -- turned towards the five of them, standing there in shock.

"I'm sorry." He spoke. "She's dead."


Chapter Seventeen, Part Three: Love's Sweet Charity

She's dead.

The words didn't quite register as Harry heard them. However, Remus, who was standing next to him, gasped and Severus stepped forward, handing Remus the baby he was holding, and Remus in turn gave the wrinkled thing to Harry, who was now holding both of the twins.

His mind numb, he looked down at the two of them; one with black hair and green eyes, the other with red hair and blue eyes barely open. In the back of his mind, Harry sighed, knowing it would be impossible to tell now; the babies had features of both men.

She's dead.

Harry shook his head, his mind entering reality once more.

Your mother's dead. She just died. She's gone. She's lying there, on the bed, dead. Her body's there, but she's gone. Her mind's gone. She's dead.

Harry let out a small sob, sinking to the floor. He did so with slight care, making sure both of the twins were supported in his trembling arms.

She's dead. Gone forever. What are you going to do now? James Potter is dead. Lily Snape is dead. They were your parents. They're dead. You have no one.

No... I have Dad...

He's not your real Dad.

I don't care... He's still there... Oh God.

The tears started flowing now, and Harry choked on his sobs, sighing with relief as he blacked out.

Severus let out a small gasp and quickly handed Remus the baby he was holding. Shaking his head and massaging his temples, his mind screamed out.

Lily... Love... PLEASE say you can hear me... Please.

The longest moment of Severus' life past in that period of time, waiting for Lily's voice to reach him... any sign... she couldn't be dead. It was impossible.

Severus shook his head, anger raging in his eyes. Pushing the nurses and doctors aside, he walked over to his wife's body, his hands trembling. Looking down at her pale face, he allowed his fingers to slowly graze over her check before violently slamming his fist down on her chest.

"DAMNIT, Lily... Wake up. Please..." he begged, slamming his fist down once, twice, three times more. He vaguely thought of the bruise his fist was going to leave before the seriousness of the situation overtook him.

"God f-cking damnit..."

Lily... listen... Love, please hear me. Please... I'm begging you... Be in there... I love you, please...

He slammed his fist down four times, five times, six.

You have to... You're not gone, you can't be... I'm here. Please, it's Severus... Listen to me.

Seven times, eight times, nine.

I can't... Lily, you have to be there... Please, love... You have to be... I can't live without you... Please. I'll die. You're NOT dead... Please...

Ten times, eleven times, twelve.

On the twelfth time, a gasping sound was heard throughout the room, followed by a choking sound.

Sev? Sev... Sev? What... Sev?

Lily...? Oh God, hold on baby...

"She's alive!" Severus shouted as he turned towards the doctors and nurses, who were all rushing towards the table once more. "She's ok..."

He backed away slowly, his mind numb.

Sev? What happened?

Oh God... Lily, love. You just died.

What...? Sev?

Lily... You're ok now. You're alive... You just died... God, you're ok.

Where am I?

You're here, baby. You're here...

What happened? Sev... Where are you?

Behind the doctors, love... You died, but... Oh God, you're ok.


I don't know, love.

The twins?

Alive and well.


Harry and Remus --

Harry's here? Remus' here?

Yes, love.

Where? I want to see you... I want to see them... I can't move though... help?

Lie still, Lily... It'll be ok... They're working on you. You're gonna be ok.

I feel empty.

You'll be ok... God, I love you Lily.

I died?

Yes, you died. But you're ok now... You're alive.

I saw Papa.

You saw... when?

Just now... Before... I don't know. He was there, with my Mum and Dad. He hugged me, but then... I don't know.

You're ok now...

Tell them to get off me. It hurts..

You just had the twins, love. It's going to hurt.

I want to sleep.

Let them work on you.

I hurt, James...

Severus froze, his eyes widening.

I'm not James.


Yes, Lil... I'm Severus.


Calm down, take a deep breath.

They're all around me... Tell them to leave.

I can't, love.

Why not?

They're helping you.

They're making it worse.

It'll get better.

It hurts... Please, Sev.

Love... Lily... I can't.

What's happening?

They're backing away... Are you ok?

I don't know.

As soon as the doctors and nurses started backing away, Severus reached for Lily's cold hand. Turning to the nearest doctor, he choked a bit.

"Is she going to be ok?"

The doctor nodded, "What ever you just did, Mr. Snape... You saved her."

Severus breathed in deeply, "What happened to her? Why did she do that?"

"We're not sure." Another doctor replied. "However, her heartbeat's steady and her breathing pattern seems normal."

"Is she going to live?" Severus asked quietly, looking down at his wife's ashen face.

"Unless something else happens beyond our control... yes."

Severus breathed in a sigh of relief. "Harry?"

"I think he fainted." Remus said quietly from the back wall of the room, wiping the back of his hand against his red eyes.

"God damn it..." Severus grumbled slightly, turning towards his son holding the twins. "And the twins?"

"Healthy." The doctor that had delivered them answered, "Two healthy baby boys."

"Could someone please take them and wake Harry up?" Severus asked quietly as the doctors bid farewell. Two nurses obliged, one taking the twins and another taping Harry with her wand.

"Wha-" Harry started, throwing his torso forward. "Mum?"

"She's ok." Severus said as Remus helped the boy up. "She's alive."

"I thought..." Harry teared up once more, causing Severus to sniff slightly.

"She's ok now."

Harry didn't waste any time getting over to the bed and taking his mother's right hand. Severus touched her cheek softly, fighting against the tears.

She's ok now...

Of course I am... I'm so tired though... Is that Harry?

Yes, he's on your right. I'm on your left.

Where's Remus?

You only have two hands, love.

Where is he?

P> Severus turned towards Remus once more, beckoning him forward. "She wants to know you're here."

"You're talking to her?" Harry asked softly. Severus nodded.

Tell Harry I love him.

"She says she loves you."

Harry beamed, clasping her hand tighter in his own. "I love you too, Mum."

What about the twins? Are they yours? Please say they are.

I'm not sure, love.

"Harry, Remus. Did you happen to notice the twins' features?" Severus asked carefully, avoiding Remus' gaze.

"One with black hair and green eyes, the other a red head with blue eyes." Harry said softly.

"Shit..." Severus swore, closing his eyes tightly.

Oh God... I'm sorry, Sev.


Chapter Seventeen, Part Four: Twins, Colours, And Sex (James Bond)

Harry, on his father's command, had gone to get a bit of breakfast for Severus, Remus, and himself, leaving the two grown men alone in Lily's company.

"Red hair, blue eyes... Your hair and Remus' eyes." Severus was still shaking his head, "Black hair and green eyes... My hair, your eyes."

"I'm sorry." Remus said quietly; they were some of the first words to come out of his mouth since Lily's revival.

"Is there anyone in your family with black hair?" Severus asked stiffly, as if he was afraid of the answer.

Remus nodded mutely. "My mother. I got my brown hair from my father and grandfather before him, but my mother's side... All raven."

"My mother and father had blue eyes." Lily said softly. "And Papa."

"My mother had blonde hair and blue eyes." Severus said, not feeling any better.

"So, as you said when we first found out... they're yours until proven otherwise." Remus said quietly. "I can live with that."

"Are you?" Lily said so softly Severus had to strain to hear her. "You sure don't look it."

She was right; he hadn't counted on holding one of the babies. In that short time, he had gazed down at the baby's blue eyes and a the possibility of the baby he was holding being his suddenly came to life.

"It's ok if you want to see them." Lily said quietly, looking at Severus for support. He squeezed her hand gently, neither of them having to read the other's thoughts to know what they were thinking.

"Would you like to be a Godfather to one?" Severus asked. "Sirius Black staked his claim on one quite a few months ago."

Remus thought for a moment, then nodded. "If not a father one way, then the other is just fine."

Lily smiled and looked at Severus, noticing his downcast gaze and stiff stance.

You're mad.

Of course not, why would I be?

There's no guarantee.

There's never a guarantee.

Then why are you so mad about this? They're still your sons -- nothing's ever going to change that.

I've just got a bad feeling, that's all.

I know -- I can feel it.

I'm sure you can, Lily.

Have I really offended you that much?


You called me Lily.

Sorry, love.

Don't say it like that... Makes it sound a bit forced.

I can't help it right now, Lil.

I'm sorry, Sev... You know I am.

You're been apologizing for the past nine months, Lily. Give it up.

I can't.

And why is that?

You're still hurting.

I'm going to be hurt for quite a while... Nothing's going to change that.

I know, and once again, I'm sorry.

Yes, I'm quite aware of that.

If it makes you feel any better... It's very common for babies to be born with blue eyes and then have the color change later in life.

That still doesn't guarantee anything.

Nothing will, Sev. You know that. Even for the other children, the only way we can be sure is that you were my only partner --

Until Remus came along, which makes thing completely different.

Yes, I suppose it does.

I've never slept with another woman, Lil. Never.

You haven't?

Of course not. I had few girlfriends before you... I didn't care enough about them to even conceive of sleeping with them.

You... James... and Remus. That's all.

Remus wasn't necessary.

I forced Remus... James forced me. I wanted to -- needed to -- with you.

Even the first time?

Especially the first time.

It just seemed like a step more than anything, at first.

We were sixteen... But I knew it was real.

You were sixteen, Lil. I was seventeen.

Ok, so you were older than me by a few months -- big deal.

Half a year.


Your boyfriend's starting to look at us strangely.

Don't call him that!

Why not? It's funny. You're turning red.

Am not.

Are too.

Am not.

Are too.

"Am not!" Lily said, her face blushing a deep scarlet.

"Are too." Severus smirked, then looked over and Remus. "Isn't she blushing?"

Remus looked wide eyed from Lily to Severus, then back to Lily once more. "What ever it was you two were talking about, I'm sure I don't want to know."

"Normal stuff." Severus waved his hand as to dismiss the topic. Lily, however, grinned.

"Yeah, like twins and colours and sex."

Remus laughed in spite of himself. "Put the three together and you've got yourself a rather interesting horror movie."

"Horror?" Lily questioned, shaking her head in disagreement. "I thought it was more like a James Bond movie myself."

"James Bond?" Severus asked, "Movies?"

Lily turned towards her husband, her tired eyes twinkling slightly. "Muggle stuff, dear. Don't worry your pretty little head about any of it."

"When was the last time you touched anything Muggle?" Severus grinned, "Twenty years, perhaps?"

"Seventeen." Lily glared, "I am not thirty seven yet."

"Nor am I." Severus agreed.

"Or I, for that matter." Remus interjected. "Although, I do believe I'm a bit younger than you two, so I'll just step out of this conversation."

"Your birthday's in February, Remus." Lily scoffed, "I was born in June."

"And I in December." Severus nodded, "The twenty-seventh."

Remus thought about this for a moment, then winced involuntarily. "Sorry."

"It wasn't your fault." Severus sighed slightly, "Although, I must admit -- finding you two together was one of the most shocking things that's ever happened to me on my birthday."

"In ten years, we might be able to laugh at the whole situation." Lily shrugged, "You never know... It could happen."

"The only reason I'm so... ok with it is the fact I know exactly how uncomfortable you are right now, Remus, and how much Lily hates saying the word 'sex' around you."

Remus looked up, surprised. "And how do you know that?"

"Well, it's easy -- sensing emotions. And Lily did say sex, and she immediately thought 'oh shit, why did I say that?'" Severus smiled rather innocently.

"Bastard." Lily murmured playfully, squeezing his hand. "You're quite evil."

"I know, love." Severus grinned, his eyes meeting Remus'.

They're so happy... Thank God that didn't screw up their relationship any.

Lily beckoned the man to her other side, holding out her hand. Remus winced as he felt how cold it was and briefly wondered if it was an after effect of --

"No, it's not an after effect of dying." Lily smiled up at him. "I'm just cold."

"Do you want another blanket?" Both Remus and Severus asked at the same time. A tense moment passed between the two before Severus chuckled, making Remus crack a smile.

"You two are such... idiots!" Lily exclaimed, grinning. "No, I'm fine. Thank you very much though."

"Are you sure?" Severus asked.

Lily nodded, "Quite sure. All I need right now are my two favorite people in the world and my babies... speaking of. Sev, choose a name, Remus, choose a name."

The two looked surprised for a moment, and then thought for a moment.

"Castor Denial." Severus said. "For the one with the green eyes."

"And Pollux Apollo, for the one with the red hair." Remus said quietly.

"Castor Denial and Pollux Apollo?" Lily said faintly, her eyes slightly glazed over. "Quite the mouthful... I like."

A moment later, Harry came back carrying two trays piled high with food. Remus immediately reached over to help the boy set them on a small, circular table pushed into the corner of a room.

"Now why on Earth would they put a circular table in a corner?" Remus asked, slightly bemused. Severus just shook his head and chuckled as Lily smiled and closed her eyes once more.

"I'm going to sleep... Keep it down."

"Good night, Mum." Harry said quietly as the two men started to rip through the food he had carried up six floors ever-so-carefully, never dropping them once.


Chapter Seventeen, Part Five: Homecoming

Remus arrived home later that evening, after Lily had gone to sleep. Emotions were running through him like he had never experienced; he was terrified, yet exhilarated at the same time. Seeing his best friend die hadn't been the highlight of his day, but it certainly stuck out in his mind.

"Remus!" Narcissa exclaimed, throwing her arms around her fiancee the moment he walked through the door. "Where on Earth have you been? I was about to go back home."

"So sorry, Cissa." Remus sighed, "Lily had the twins."

"Boys or girls?" Narcissa asked, letting Remus go and allowing him to sit down.

"Boys. Castor Denial and Pollux Apollo."

"Identical or can't you tell?" she asked casually, sitting down next to him.

"Red hair, blues eyes on Pollux, black hair and green eyes on Castor."

"Blue eyes?" a carefully manicured eyebrow shot up. "From whom? Doesn't Severus have black eyes?"

"Albus Dumbledore." Remus said carefully, not quite sure if he was lying or not. "Besides... Babies can be born with a different eye color, Cissa."

"Yes, I know." Narcissa said quietly. "Do you want to stay here for the night or go back to my place?"

"Is it ok if I have the night to myself?" Remus asked carefully. "Lily -- she gave us quite a scare."

"Of course, Remus... what kind of scare?"

"She died." Remus watched with a bemused expression on his face as Narcissa gasped. "But Severus somehow managed to revive her -- he pounded on her chest for a good minute, but something did it."

"Oh God." Narcissa said softly, "How is she?"

"Tired, slightly confused, and blissful." Remus answered honestly. "She wanted me to stay, but I figured her and Severus deserved a little alone time."

Not to mention the fact I was shaking so badly I could hardly stand up.

"I can imagine." Narcissa said softly. "I'm sorry, baby... I'm glad she made it."

"So am I." Remus hugged his fiancee gently. "Isn't Draco going to be worried?"

"I suppose so." Narcissa sighed, "I told him I'd be back sometime in the afternoon -- the sun's already set."

"Tell the boy I said hello." Remus kissed her goodbye and she Apparated, a smile on her face.

Standing up was difficult, but Remus somehow managed to and fix himself a cup of tea. Closing his eyes, he recapped the events of the day, the growing pit of anxiety growing within his chest.

She's ok... She's alive. The twins are fine... Nothing's going to hurt them.

Sighing deeply, Remus finished off his cup and banished it to the sink with a wave of his wand. Walking down the hall took effort; his boots seemed to be made of lead as he struggled to make his way to his bedroom, where the bed was still unmade and the hollow forms laying side by side were still visible.

"Jesus..." Remus sighed, collapsing onto the bed and quickly throwing off his boots and robes. "Out of all the things that could have happened today, it had to be that."

Shaking his head once more, he closed his eyes, relishing the scent of Narcissa's coconut shampoo as he drifted off into a heavy sleep.

Castor and Pollux were brought home a few days later, and they were greeted by a large surprise party Narcissa -- out of guilt and feeling of duty towards Remus -- had arranged for them.

In attendance was the Snape family, of course, the Malfoys, Sirius, Remus, Arabella Figg, the Weasleys, Hermione Granger, many of the children's friends, and most of the Hogwarts staff. Quite a few Ministry of Magic members, many of which neither Severus nor Lily had ever met or heard of had shown up, including the Minister of Magic himself.

Lily had immediately found herself one of the more comfortable, unoccupied chairs to set herself down in while Severus greeted many of the guests, extending their thanks and gratitude for coming. Harry, Hermione, and Ron were huddled in a tight bunch, eyeing the adults warily as they passed. Lily took notice of the fact Harry was not putting his arm around Hermione, nor was he touching her in the least.

Much to her surprise, Draco Malfoy set down next to her after a train of people had passed by and congratulated her. Very few people knew about her brief encounter with death; she had preferred to keep it that way.

"Hello, Draco." Lily smiled in an exhausted sort of way, her green eyes gazing over the blonde boy's face.

"Hello, Mrs. Snape." Draco smiled graciously and took her hand -- his mother had been adamant in him learning his manners at an early age. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Lily smiled, looking over at one of the twins -- the red head, Pollux -- as he was being passed from faceless person to faceless person. "Quite the turnout... Your mother did a lovely job."

"Yes, she did." Draco said quietly, observing the room. "Speaking of, have you seen her lately?"

"No, I'm afraid I haven't." Lily admitted, glancing around the room in search of the blonde. "Why, did you want to talk to her?"

"No, no reason." Draco said, his eyes fixated upon Harry's group of friends. "She and Remus... I can't find either one of them, so I'm assuming they're off on their own, doing what ever it is they do."

Lily smiled, a wave of pity washing over her. "I'm sure they're around here somewhere."

"So am I." Draco responded just as another group of strangers Lily could barely remember seeing before came up to her. He waved and quickly made his way out of the crowd, coming face to face with Harry.

"Sorry." Draco muttered, his eyes downcast. He started to step in the other direction before Harry stopped him.

"Draco... If you want, you can come over here with Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and I." Harry offered, raising his hand in the direction of the other teenagers. "Unless you have something to do or someone else to hang out with."

Draco paused for a moment, brief thoughts flashing through his mind before he smiled faintly and nodded, following the raven haired boy back to the group.

"Hello, Draco." Hermione smiled and waved at the blonde boy, just as Ron grimaced and nodded curtly towards him. Draco nodded back, smiling towards Ginny, whom he'd never had a proper conversation with before.

"Enjoying yourselves?" He asked mildly, his eyes still scanning the room for any sign of his mother or Remus.

"Believe it or not, yeah." Harry responded, his eyes meeting with Draco's for a second, then casually looking over towards the black haired baby not ten feet from him. "They're adorable, aren't they?"

"How many siblings is this now?" Draco asked, "Six?"

"Seven." Harry corrected. "Ethan, Kaylee, Dea, Drake, Star, Castor, and Pollux."

Draco grinned, "Quite a mouthful."

"I'll say." Harry grinned back.

Music had started minutes before; a slow song was starting, and Draco noticed Ron offering his hand to Hermione. She stood up and accepted with nary a word spoken between them.

Both Harry and Draco watched wide eyed as the two made their way over to a large area where quite a few couples were dancing, and much to Draco's surprise, Ginny took off after one of her brothers, obviously bored with the conversation.

"Since when has that been happening?" Draco asked, astonished.

"Since she dumped me for him." Harry shook his head, "End of the school year."

"Great best friend you've got there, Harry." Draco smirked in spite of himself.

"I'll say." Harry shook his head once more, sighing. "Totally unexpected."

"Relationships at this age never last." Draco said quietly, tearing his eyes away from the happy couple. "I should know from experience."

"You and Pansy?" Harry asked. Draco wrinkled his nose and nodded.

"Before that, Blaise Zambini. She was quite the flake, however..."

"I can imagine." Harry grinned, "Although... I must say. Hermione's the only girl I've really dated."

"Really?" Draco asked, shocked. "The Boy Who Lived has only had one relationship in his life?"

"Yes..." Harry shot him a mock-nasty look. "By choice, believe me."

"Oh really?" Draco grinned, "And why should I believe you?"

"See the red head over there?" Harry nodded his head in Ginny's direction. "You would not believe how bad she wants to date me."

"So why don't you accept?" Draco asked, curious as to why the boy would turn down a perfectly acceptable girl's offer.

"I don't like her that way." Harry shrugged, "She's Ron's sister... It'd be too weird."

"Just like Ron stealing your girlfriend away from you?" Draco questioned. "I see now."

"They make a better couple than Hermione and I ever did." Harry admitted, "Much more love in the relationship, although they fight constantly. It's quite humorous, really."

"I'm sure it is." Draco grinned, surveying the room once more. "Want a drink? I'm about to die of thirst."

"Sure." The two boys got up and made their way to the dining room, where there was a considerably more amount of people. Piles of food were crammed on to the table, courtesy of the house elves that were frantically running around cleaning up various spills and messes the children and some adults were making.

"So, how does it feel?" Draco asked, "Being a big brother and all."

"Half big brother." Harry corrected, "Although I'm sure it doesn't matter."

"Half big brother, then." Draco said quietly.

"It's... nice, I guess. Sometimes I simply adore them... Others, I wish they were -- err, -"

"Dead?" Draco supplied.

"Dead's a bit strong." Harry admitted, "Although in Ethan's case, I truly wouldn't mind."

"Why Ethan?" Draco asked, setting down his drink.

"He's a total...."

"Idiot?" Draco supplied once more, "Prat? Insult to humanity?"

"Yes, those." Harry laughed. "He seems to think that since I don't have Snape blood running through my veins, I don't belong in the family."

"Bugger if there ever was one." Draco shook his head, "I was raised to believe in strong blood lines. However, in your case, it truly doesn't matter. Professor Snape thinks of you as his son -- you can tell -- and I'm sure you think of him as your father."

"I didn't know until my first year." Harry admitted. "Nasty shock, if you ask me."

"I can imagine." Draco smiled once more. "Listen... I'm sorry for everything I've done --"

"Like humiliate me in front of the whole school?" Harry asked, a smirk on his lips.

"The humiliation went both ways on that one." Draco admitted, "But... Yes, for everything. I'm sorry. I'd really like it if... you know, we could at least be friends."

Harry thought about this for a moment, then nodded. He had rarely seen Draco in the company of anyone that seemed as if they were friends. Crabbe and Goyle were bodyguards, more than anything. Feeling almost sorry for the boy, he stuck out his hand.


Draco eyed his hand for a split second, then his face broke out into a grin as he took the other boy's hand.
