Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley Viktor Krum
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 12/12/2002
Updated: 12/12/2002
Words: 1,526
Chapters: 1
Hits: 2,455

Love Unannounced

Lady Malfoy

Story Summary:
Hermione\'s complete and humorous 4th year diary. Seen through the eyes of a girl who believes herself in love with her two best friends, but may find love in someone she never thought she could. This fic was written under the influence of Knocked Out By My Nunga-Nungas, the third book about Georgia Nicolson. Beware the humor.

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
Hermione's complete and humorous 4th year diary. Seen through the eyes of a girl who believes herself in love with her two best friends, but may find love in someone she never thought she could. This fic was written under the influence of Knocked Out By My Nunga-Nungas, the third book about Georgia Nicolson. Beware the humor.

July 30, 3 pm

Well, this has reached an all-time low. My parents, being the *wonderful* people that they are, decided that their only daughter would be happier with a diary. Thanks, Mum and Dad, thanks. They said that since I seem to like to write so much, why don’t I have a diary. That way I can write ALL the time and no one ever seems to know. But I know what the real reason is: They just don’t want to have to listen to me ramble.

I don’t ramble. I discuss. I mean, honestly. If your parents ask you how your school year was, shouldn’t you tell them everything that happened? And not skip a detail? And then go on and on about your best friends? Or how your hexed your potions teacher? How you helped save your best friend’s godfather who everyone thought wanted to kill your best friend but in fact wanted to kill your other best friend’s rat? I mean, honestly. Shouldn’t you be able to without them saying “All right, that’s enough, Hermione”?

But obviously my mum doesn’t want to here about how brave Harry is, or how funny Ron is. She probably thinks me a player. A flirt or something. I’m not! Honest! Okay, I do get this little tingle of adrenaline when I’m with Harry or Ron, or both. But that’s not what I think it is. That’s just excitement because I’m with my friends..No, that’s just friendship love for my friends. Yeah....

I like my friends. Not *that* way. At least I don’t think it’s that way. Of course not! I am in complete control.

3:10 pm

I’m not in control!! Eek!! I just looked at a picture of Harry, Ron, and I standing together and I just noticed something. I’m in the middle. Well, I already knew that. But I saw the, correct me if I’m wrong, I saw Harry’s arm around me. And, let’s just say that his arm could’ve been up higher than it actually was...I’ll just pretend that that was a mistake. Nothing done on purpose. But then I realized what if I did want it to be on purpose? That would mean that possibly Harry liked me, which is prepostrous. But still. I’m a girl. Deal with it.

Now I’m not sure if Harry likes me..Argh. This is what I get for using a diary! I won’t, no, I REFUSE to use it again. Hmph.

August 4, 4:00 pm

All right, I lied. But my mum told me to go write in this diary and to stop running around and making noise because it’s giving her a head ache. I’m hurt.

I just got a letter from Ron. His dad got prime tickets to the Quidditch World Cup. Can you believe it? Amazing. Sure, Quidditch isn’t that great, but it’ll get me a little closer to the guys....*smacks self* Stop thinking like that!

I must go, dear diary. Did I just say that? Oh well, I have to go look for something to wear!

4:30 pm

After trying all the clothes I have, I have decided on the hip hugger jeans with the threads on the bottom and my tank top which says ‘Sexy’ on it. I doubt Mrs. Weasley will like it, but I guess she’ll just have to deal with it.

I normally don’t wear tank tops because I fear that they don’t look good on my small breasts. But, I’ve changed my mind when this morning I realized that my bras were too small. I’m moving on to greener pastures! Onto the B Cup!!

4:31 pm

That was lame.

4:32 pm

So? I don’t care. I’m going to see my best friends earling! Woo!

August 5, 5pm

They’re coming! Today is the day! I get away from my parents a little early. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I love them. It’s just that they don’t want to here about Hogwarts very much because they don’t understand. I guess I could see where they are coming from, but still. I think they should be at least a little bit concerned about what kind of people their daughter’s friends are. What if she was hanging out with the wrong sort? What if I want a boyfriend? Could I get a boyfriend? I am 14. I should be able to. Wait, I think the questions is am I allowed to have one if I can get one?

I went downstairs to find this very important information out. “Mum?”

“Yes, dear?”

“Can I have a boyfriend? If the guy wants to go out with me?”

Mum sighs. “Harry or Ron?”

I nod.

“All right.” But I know deep down she doesn’t care because she probably figures that the dating rules of the magic world are completely different than that of the muggle world. Besides, she said yes.! I’m happy!

10:00 pm

They were late, but I’m still here! Anyway, Harry isn’t coming until tomorrow. Darn all. I want to see him the most. Or is it Ron? I think I like Harry better because he and I never seem to fight and he always seems to be there for me. Ron is too, but I have a better feeling with Harry. I also have a better chance. I think I’ll focus on Harry for the time being, unless Ron does something that makes me like him more.

My paresnts freaked when they saw the way Mr. Weasley came to pick me up. It was hilarious. My mum screamed then fainted. My dad held my mum up and chatted with Mr. Weasley, who tried to pretend nothing was wrong. They came by Floo Powder, just to let you know. Hehe...

August 6, 10:00 pm

I walked in just as Mr. Weasley was yelling at Fred and George for doing something to Dudley, Harry’s pudgy cousin, though I’ve never seen him. Anyway, there he was. Ginny and I smiled at him and he grinned back, causing Ginny to blush. Luckily, Harry is deaf to her feelings.

“Tell me what, Arthur?” Mrs. Weasley repeated, quite scary looking.

“It’s nothing, Molly,” Mr. Weasley mumbled, “Fred and George just--but I’ve had words with them.”

Gasp, gasp, horror, horror. Fear the words!!

“What have they done this time?” said Mrs. Weasley. “If it’s got anything to do with Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes--”

“Why don’t you show Harry where he’s sleeping, Ron?” I said, standing at the doorway.

“He knows where he’s sleeping,” said Ron, “in my room, he slept there last--”

I swear that boy can be so thick. That’s why I like Harry better. At least I think I do.

“We can all go,” said I. I love that ‘said I.’ It’s so funny.

“Oh,” said Ron, getting the point. “Right.”

“Yeah, we’ll come too,” said George.

To save writing all this down and hoping that would I’m putting is correct let’s just say that Mrs. Weasley yelled at Fred and George, though we weren’t there for most of it.

“What are Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes?” Harry asked while we were climbing up the stairs.

Ron and Ginny laughed. I don’t understand why. This is hardly a funny matter. I will never understand the Weasley’s for as long as I live. To make a long story short, WWW, as I am calling it from now on, is some joke shop. They have order forms and such. Fake wands, trick sweets, and some other stuff that they had apparently invented. But it’s all dangerous stuff so I don’t understand why they were messing with it. They didn’t do very good on their O.W.L.S. Not good, I say. They should’ve studied harder, if you asked me. But you would never ask me about such things.

Percy complained about us “thundering.” He has to work on his report about thinning cauldron bottoms for the Ministry where he’s working. I would say that even that’s a little too boring for me.

Anyway, we ate outside today. It was beautiful under the stars. The food was wonderful! I had to keep disciplining myself. I would’ve had 2 helpings of everything if I hadn’t of stopped myself! Of course, that’s too little if you’re a boy, but if you’re a girl that may be too much. I don’t worry about appearance, but I still like to be thin. I’ve got boys to impress, you know.

I couldn’t help listening into the conversation about the Quidditch World Cup since talk of cauldron bottoms was boring me.

“It’s got to be Ireland,” said Charlie. “they flattened Peru in the semifinals.”

“Bulgaria has got Viktor Krum, though,” said Fred.

“Krum’s one decent player, Ireland has got seven,” said Charlie. “I wish England had got through. That was embarrassing, that was.”

Harry asked what had happened and Charlie explained what happened, but I wasn’t listening. I was wondering who this Viktor Krum might be. They seemed to think he was a good player. Never heard Ron mention him before. He must be new. Look who I’m turning it to! Talking about Quidditch! Honestly!

Tomorrow we go to the World Cup. Maybe Ron will be able to point out Krum.


What did you think? I know it may not seem very Hermione-ish, but give me a break. I'm reading Knocked Out By My Nunga-Nungas so I deserve a break. Review and let me know what you think!!!