Parvati Patil
Mystery Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 11/29/2003
Updated: 05/18/2005
Words: 120,925
Chapters: 28
Hits: 17,525

The Seers' Truth: A Broken Beginning

Lady Lestrange

Story Summary:
Harry’s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. When the Sorting Hat malfunctions, things go from bad to worse. Then things get downright creepy; in Ron’s words, “Snape smiling. That means trouble.” Prophecies are being fulfilled and the time has come when the Dark Mark may be seen above Hogwarts. Parvati is a true seer, and one of her first visions is rather important: “Upon this child rests the future of the wizarding world.” The quest for the truth is only beginning, as the child is not Harry Potter. The prediction and Old Magic hold the key, but will they figure it out in time?

The Seers' Truth 01

Harry’s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. When the Sorting Hat malfunctions, things go from bad to worse. Then things get downright creepy; in Ron’s words, “Snape smiling. That means trouble.” Prophecies are being fulfilled and the time has come when the Dark Mark may be seen above Hogwarts. Parvati is a true seer, and one of her first visions is rather important: “Upon this child rests the future of the wizarding world.” The quest for the truth is only beginning, as the child is not Harry Potter. The prediction and Old Magic hold the key, but will they figure it out in time?

Words: 6,433
Hits: 3,814
The Seers' Truth 02

Harry’s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. When the Sorting Hat malfunctions, things go from bad to worse. Then things get downright creepy; in Ron’s words, “Snape smiling. That means trouble.” Prophecies are being fulfilled and the time has come when the Dark Mark may be seen above Hogwarts. Parvati is a true seer, and one of her first visions is rather important: “Upon this child rests the future of the wizarding world.” The quest for the truth is only beginning, as the child is not Harry Potter. The prediction and Old Magic hold the key, but will they figure it out in time?

Words: 8,302
Hits: 775
The Seers' Truth 03

Harry’s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. When the Sorting Hat malfunctions, things go from bad to worse. Then things get downright creepy; in Ron’s words, “Snape smiling. That means trouble.” Prophecies are being fulfilled and the time has come when the Dark Mark may be seen above Hogwarts. Parvati is a true seer, and one of her first visions is rather important: “Upon this child rests the future of the wizarding world.” The quest for the truth is only beginning, as the child is not Harry Potter. The prediction and Old Magic hold the key, but will they figure it out in time?

Words: 6,369
Hits: 618
The Seers' Truth 04

Harry’s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. In Chapter 4, a second prophecy is revealed, and it seems that Ginny's problems have just begun. And what does

Words: 5,414
Hits: 631
The Seers' Truth 05

Harry’s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. Chapter 5 opens with the year's first DADA class which begins in the third floor corridor. Class in a corridor? Is this a portent of DADA classes to come? And has Dumbledore managed to hire yet

Words: 3,262
Hits: 569
The Seers' Truth 06

Harry´s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. Chapter 6 finds us in Potions class - with Mrs. Figg? And is she really trying to brighten-up the dungeons? The class also proves, once and for all, that Ron doesn´t know when to keep his mouth shut. Is there such a thing as a shy Slytherin?

Words: 2,649
Hits: 554
The Seers' Truth 07

Harry's fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. Chapter 7,

Words: 2,594
Hits: 565
The Seers' Truth 08

Harry´s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. In chapter 8, it is on to dinner. What is bugging the Slytherins? And just what did Hermione do with Rita Skeeter?

Words: 1,860
Hits: 703
The Seers' Truth 09

Harry’s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. Chapter 9 starts out with Charm lessons in the common room. Harry continues to develop “issues” and a headache to boot. And why is Samara seeing things? Of course, what night would be complete without sneaking out after hours? Or, at least, trying to; McGonagall could prove to be a problem though.

Words: 3,349
Hits: 545
The Seers' Truth 10

Harry´s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. In Chapter 10, Trelawney’s prediction is being tackled. What does this prophecy from the Grindelwald era mean for Voldemort’s second reign of terror? And Hermione believing something that came out of Trelawney’s mouth, has the world ended? The Gryffindors seem to be making headway on what exactly happened to the Sorting Hat—and it has something to do with electricity?

Words: 4,712
Hits: 604
The Seers' Truth 11

Harry´s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. In Chapter 11, Snape is hosting a Slumber Party for the Gryffindors. DADA is just starting to get interesting. To top it off, the Gryffs are also preparing for Quidditch tryouts.

Words: 3,217
Hits: 482
The Seers' Truth 12

Harry´s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. Chapter 12 starts out with Quidditch tryouts. Mealtime has become perilous to the Gryffindors as it is the Slytherins' turn for retaliation. What will the Snakes do next? And why exactly are the Gryffs discussing Current Achievements in Modern Dark Magic? Mix in ways to clear up acne and thus ends another day in the new school year.

Words: 7,937
Hits: 489
The Seers' Truth 13

Harry´s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. In Chapter 13, Harry and Ron are off to the Restricted Section to find the original Sorting Hat Spell. But they are not the only people sneaking around that night. While trying to keep themselves hidden from prying eyes and cannibalistic books, they overhear some very interesting things, such as who the next generation of Death Eaters are shaping up to be.

Words: 4,336
Hits: 434
The Seers' Truth 14

Harry´s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. Chapter 14 has a Bunny for Breakfast, time turners and choosing Advanced classes. Some students, like Ron, are hoping that there is advanced study hall. And why did Samara disappear so early in the morning?

Words: 2,472
Hits: 480
The Seers' Truth 15

Harry´s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. Chapter 15 is when we hear interpretations of Parvati’s vision: some striving for accurate interpretations and some striving simply for a good grade in Divination. The trio continues on their hunt for the Sorting Hat spells and the Gryffindors finally get a look at Samara’s “Dark Book.” Once he has, will Harry wish he hadn’t?

Words: 3,606
Hits: 460
The Seers' Truth 16

Harry´s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. Chapter 16 is Ginny's first Advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Snape and she is excited. Will she remember what she learned in class? Will she even remember

Words: 2,803
Hits: 441
The Seers' Truth 17

Harry´s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. In chapter 17, the DADA class is having problems with the Patronus Pensieve. Along with their Patroni, the first years are planning visits to the other houses. But is it prudent for Muggleborns to be venturing into the Slytherin dungeon?

Words: 2,710
Hits: 447
The Seers' Truth 18

Harry´s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. Chapter 18 we see into Neville's memory through the Pensieve. Baby Neville sees a lot evidently. The fifth years also get their first class in Apparition. Neville is the only witness to the Longbottoms's torture and the only one who knows why. But someone doesn't want Neville to remember.

Words: 6,990
Hits: 433
The Seers' Truth 19

Harry´s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. Chapter 19 starts the visits to the other houses. Beatrice and Samara are visiting Hufflepuff and play a small game like Where’s Waldo, except it is Where’s Helga? How they find her is the surprise. And then there is a small matter of the money missing from Gringotts.

Words: 2,075
Hits: 549
The Seers' Truth 20

Harry´s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. Samara and Beatrice venture into Slytherin House in Chapter 20. Samara wants to spend time with Draco and apologize for cursing him before. Will he accept the apology or will Samara want to repeat the curse. Later, in a secret Room filled with Old Magic, Samara feels drawn to the magic and has an undeniable urge to dance in the music, so she does.

Words: 3,600
Hits: 514
The Seers' Truth 21

Harry´s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. Chapter 21 returns to the Gryffindors. As Samara and Beatrice venture into Slytherin House, the Gryffs set about looking at a copy of that book of Samara’s. When they look at the pages that were damaged in Samara’s book, they find a gruesome recipe for destruction. The ingredients individually seem extremely hard to find and together impossible. Why does Ginny know what exactly you can buy in Knockturn Alley? The pages also raise the question: is the Chamber of Secrets really empty? Was the basilisk the only secret or are there more?

Words: 6,051
Hits: 471
The Seers' Truth 22

Harry´s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. Chapter 22 is a Ghastly Ghostly Dinner. Everyone is back from visiting the other houses, especially Samara and Beatrice from Slytherin. But what do the Gryffindors have to say about the house that the two girls just visited? How the girls react is even more important. And why, exactly, is Ron drinking his soup from his bowl?

Words: 2,669
Hits: 537
The Seers' Truth 23

Harry´s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. Chapter 23 shows us the real “Dangerous Draco Malfoy. . .and Friends” and what they do in their free time. Beatrice and Samara revisit Hufflepuff which leads to another visit to Slytherin. Sneaking into Slytherin isn’t the problem; it is getting out in one piece that is the tricky part.

Words: 6,813
Hits: 416
The Seers' Truth 24

Harry´s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. In Chapter 23, things get a little out of hand, and Samara learns more about Slytherin than she ever wanted to know. Now the Gryffindors are mad at her. In Chapter 24, Samara wants to make up and be friends with them, but is it possible to befriend both Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy? How far will she go to make up, or will she just find some valuable information to store away for future use?

Words: 2,087
Hits: 422
The Seers' Truth 25

Harry´s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery. Chapter 25 opens with Parvati dreaming about Harry asking her to the Yule Ball. But, before long, the dream becomes something more with Parvati dancing with—Snape? The Gryffindors are still talking about Samara and the ferret. After a run in with Myrtle and a new ghost she is trying to evict from her bathroom, it is back to class where Ron and Harry actually learn something: Slytherins and Aunt Marge’s dogs seem to have a lot in common.

Words: 5,049
Hits: 433
The Seers' Truth 26

Harry´s fifth year starts out with a bang, literally, when the Hogwarts Express crashes. The Dark Mark left hanging over the crash sets the tone for the year and is only the beginning of the mystery.

Words: 4,975
Hits: 441
The Seers' Truth 27 Corrupt

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Hits: 413
The Seers' Truth 28 Corrupt

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Hits: 283